Hello, my wonderful friend! Today's video is
on 7 hidden signs that she's waiting for you to make a move. We're talking
huge signs that she likes you, she's interested in you, she
wants you to make a move. Is there a beautiful woman you know? Maybe you
work together, maybe she's a friend of a friend, maybe you pass each other on
the street. And you're thinking, "Wow, she's gorgeous, and I really
would like to get to know her better." You really want to make a move,
but you're not sure if you should. The last thing you want is to embarrass yourself
or to set yourself up for rejection, especially if that's happened in the past before,
right? You want to avoid that at all costs. With that being said, though, it would be totally
crushing for both of you if she was interested, if she did want you to make a move, but you didn't
know it, so then you didn't. That would be awful. So what can you do instead? What's a
simple way to make the approach easy and simple and help you know, hey, she wants
you to make the approach before you ever do. This, my friend, is where being
able to read female body language comes in so handy. Like, this
is something you need to know. As I just mentioned, I'm about to share with
you the 7 hidden signs she's waiting for you to make a move. These are fabulous signs
that she's interested and she's like, "Hey, that guy's hot. I want him to approach me." Now the craziest but actually the most
effective and dependable sign is at the end of this video. So make sure you stay with
me to the end, so you don't miss this one. Seriously, it's going to blow your mind and
make you chuckle a little bit. So stay with me. Before we dive in, if this
is your first time watching, make sure you subscribe and
ring that notification bell. My name is Melannie. I'm a
Christian dating coach for men and creator of Attracting Lasting Love Academy. I'm your go-to resource to learn how to
find, attract, and keep the love of your life all without mind games and drama. So make sure
you subscribe and ring that notification bell. Whenever you're trying to figure
out if a cute gal likes you, being able to read female body
language is going to help you so much. I'm going to mention two other
videos. Make sure you watch this video and this video, they will
both also help you with this. Like a ton. Being able to read women's body
language will transform your love life. It's something you can use throughout the
entire dating and relationship experience. For instance, in my Academy, I teach my clients
how to use it to, yes, make the approach so much easier, it's the first step to a successful
approach, but also it helps you know throughout the entire relationship if she's still interested
and helps you see if that attraction grows. So pay close attention as
we learn some of the best signs today. This leads us to our first
sign she's waiting for you to make a move. This sign is that she looks for similarities
between the two of you and she points them out. This is things like, "Oh my
goodness, we have so much in common. We totally think alike." "Oh
my goodness, we're so similar." If she's saying things like that, she's trying to
help you see that, "Hey, we're so similar. Maybe, you know, we would work really well together,
and, you know, maybe you should ask me out." This is especially true if you're talking
about a certain restaurant, type of cuisine, or type of activity that you could do together. "Oh my goodness, I love doing those things too.
Isn't it crazy that we have so much in common?" These are ways for her to be like,
"Hey, so you should ask me out to that restaurant," or, "Hey, I
would love to go to that activity." This is a very subtle way for her to let
you know she's interested while still giving you an out and not embarrassing
herself if for some reason you're not. So that's the reason it's subtle. She's trying to
just make sure that she saves face for everyone. Our next hidden sign she's waiting for
you to make a move, I'm not really sure how to explain it any other way than there's a
little bit of a catwalk going on when she walks. You know what it looks like. You
see models do it all the time, right? If she's swaying her hips a little
when she walks past you, this is something that women do without even realizing it. It's just
something she does when she thinks the guy is hot. And so if you notice that she does
this when she walks past you a lot, it can be a very good sign that, yeah, she
noticed you and she wants you to notice her too. And so naturally she wants you to make a move. Basically, any time she's
trying to get your attention, it's a pretty good sign that she's
waiting for you to make a move. Our next sign that she likes you or sign
that she's waiting for you to make a move is when there's prolonged eye contact. When we're having a conversation with someone,
there's a normal amount of eye contact, right? But when that eye contact lingers
on just a little bit longer, or maybe you're not even having a
conversation, maybe it's across the room instead of just, you know, politely
glancing away when your eyes meet, if that eye contact is prolonged, that's a really good
sign she's trying to say, "Hey, come talk to me." If she's interested in you, she's
going to be looking at you a lot, obviously. And interestingly,
eye contact plays a big role in us falling in love with each other. So
never underestimate the power of eye contact. There's a really good chance when she has an
opportunity to get that eye contact with you, that she'll linger a little bit hoping
that you'll keep talking or hoping that maybe you'll ask her out or hoping that maybe
you'll see she really wants you to approach her. So if you feel like that eye contact is a
little prolonged, that's a very good sign. Now, before we get to our next sign, I'm going to answer a question that I
already know is in the back of your mind. Let's say that you see these
signs in that cute gal. And you like, "Yes, she wants me to make a move!" At this point, one of two
things happens. Either one, a man will confidently make a move
and maybe even things will go great for a little while. And then all of a
sudden, the relationship just crumbles. Or he'll finally get excited, he'll
get up his courage, he'll walk over, he'll approach her, and it
does not go well at all. Have you ever had one or both
of these things happen to you? How can you prevent that? The last thing you
want is to see those signs, to make your move, and then just have things not go well long-term. Having it crumble right before your eyes
or in a couple of weeks or even months doesn't matter. Either way, it's painful
and it's something you need to avoid, right? As a coach, this is exactly
what I'm here to help you with. I created Attracting Lasting Love Academy to
teach you step-by-step exactly how to find, attract, and keep the love of your life.
And all without mind games or drama. So if you're tired of relationships that
just don't seem to go anywhere, if you're tired of wondering why you can try so hard and
still be alone, and you're ready to instead have that special, beautiful woman who knows
everything about you and absolutely adores you, if you're ready to know that you
get to come home to her every night and wake up next to her every single morning for
the rest of your life, then the secrets you'll learn in my academy are exactly what you're
looking for. Those are the secrets you need. So if you're ready to stop being the single one, stop being the one who always
has dead-end relationships, and finally be the one who's holding the love of
your life forever, my academy was made for you. To learn more about this, what it is, why it
works, how it works, how you can get started, watch my free masterclass. Just go to
coachmelannie.com/masterclass. I'll put a link in the description below
and the link in the pinned comment. The truth is if you feel like you're running
out of options, if you're sick of getting your hopes up only to have them crushed, you
owe it to yourself to at least check it out. Again, I'll put a link in the description below
and a link in the pinned comment. Or just go to coachmelannie.com/masterclass. It's time for you
to have the success in love that you deserve. Our next hidden sign she's waiting for you to
make a move is that she touches you frequently. Let's be real. When we're attracted to someone, we like to touch them. And often we
touch them without even realizing it. She may brush up against
you when she walks past you. Maybe if she hands you something your hands
touch. Or maybe she sits really close to you, if you ever get to sit next to her.
Maybe like a little playful push. Things like that, usually, she
has no idea she's even doing it. But if you notice that she's frequently touching
you, that can be a very good sign that, yes, she's interested and wants you to make a move. Okay, our next sign that she likes
you, sign she wants you to make a move, it sounds little, but it's actually one of
the most common signs a woman will show. And it's usually the first
sign that she will show. So don't discredit it. It's
a very, very powerful one. This sign is that she will catch
your eye and look away, usually down. And, you know, there might be a little smile,
there might be total panic. Either way, if she catches your eye and looks down, this is insane.
This is the way, again, this is an unconscious thing. She's not thinking, "Oh, I'm going to look
at him so many times until he approaches me." She's trying to catch your attention. She's
trying to say, "Whoa, do you think he noticed me? Oh my goodness, he noticed me. Um, is he gonna
make a move? I don't know if he'll make a move." These are the things that are
going through her head. However, here's the important part. Women usually will
only send this signal a max of about 5 times. If she catches your eye and looks
away, catches your eye and looks away, you know, within a period of time, and you
don't make a move, then she goes, "Wow, he must not think I'm cute. Holy cow,
I'm so embarrassed. Okay, I'm just done." And she will stop sending those signs and move
on because she literally took that as rejection. You saw her looking at you and you didn't
make a move. So you don't think she's cute, right? This is what she's thinking in her head. This is why it is so important to make sure
you understand the correct way to approach. And that is one of the many things
I will teach you how to become a pro at in my Academy. And you'll learn more about
that when you watch that free masterclass. So yes, this is an easy sign to miss, but start
looking for it because it's very, very powerful. Before we get to our next sign, I
want to hear from you in the comments. Which of these signs she's waiting for you
to make a move is the most surprising to you? I love to hear from you guys on this because I
know some of these things are crazy until you start practicing seeing them. So please tell me
which of these is the most surprising to you. And would you like more videos like this one on
the signs she's waiting for you to make a move? If you would, comment "make a
move" in the comments below. This lets me know that that's what you want.
Thank you so much for your feedback. It really helps. So again, if you want more,
comment "make a move" to let me know. Okay, this next sign is also
incredibly powerful but easy to miss. This sign is that she gives
all her attention to you. When she sees you walk in the
room, if she kind of stops doing things and just kind of focuses on you,
even if she's not talking to you, maybe she's looking at you, whatever, or if you're having
a conversation with her and she doesn't bother to check her phone or she doesn't talk to her
friends as much because she's focusing on you, these are all signs that everything else in her
world is not as important as talking to you. That's a pretty big deal, right? So if she leaves her friends to talk to you,
or even when she's talking to her friends, if she's looking at you, whatever it is, if you
have her attention, that's an incredibly good sign that, yes, she wants you to make a move
and she's definitely attracted and interested. And our next hidden sign she's waiting for you to
make a move is that her body is pointed at you. This is especially true of her feet. Yes, that sounds hysterical when you
say it out loud, but it is so true. As humans, whatever it is we want,
whatever it is we're thinking about, our bodies just kind of tend to
point towards it because we want it. So if she has an open body language towards
you, rather than a closed-off body language, it's a really good sign that she's
interested, she wants you to approach. Now with all that being said, sometimes
we're in a situation where we're trying to be polite or trying not to be too obvious
because we don't want to embarrass ourselves. And so we will have our bodies
pointed somewhere else entirely, maybe even if we're talking to another person. However, the thing we as humans have not really
learned how to notice as much is where our feet are pointing. And so whatever she's thinking
about, her feet are going to be pointing at. So notice, are her feet pointing at you? She could even be talking to another
guy, but if her feet are pointing at you, it's a really good sign that
she's thinking about you, she wants you to approach her. It's kind of
a funny sign, but it's insanely effective. Those are some pretty crazy signs, right? The last thing you need to remember
is what you do next is critical. What you do next has the power to really
nurture that attraction and really build that flame higher and higher, or
just kind of make it diminish. This is where so many men go wrong. They don't
prepare for the next step. They just look for the signs she's interested, make a move, and hope
it works. And that's really not a good strategy. You need to set yourself up for
success right from the start. That just sounds a whole lot easier, right? You deserve to go into this feeling
confident, attractive, and exceptional. And these are all things I teach you how to
do in my Academy that I mentioned earlier. You'll learn the correct way to pursue a woman,
flirt with a woman, and honestly so much more. So if you're serious about a loving, lifelong
relationship and you don't want to waste any more time trying to figure it out on
your own and having it not work out, then my Academy is where you need to go. Just go to coachmelannie.com/masterclass
to learn more. Thank you so much for joining
me, my amazing friend! If you learned something new and enjoyed what
you saw, make sure you give me a big thumbs up. And if you haven't yet
subscribed, be sure to do that as well. Do you have a friend who needs
to know these signs? If you do, please make sure you share it with him. And I want to hear from you in the comments. Which
of these signs surprises you the very most? And if you would like more videos like this
one, comment "make a move" to let me know. If you don't yet follow me on social media,
there are links in the description below. I do share exclusive content on Instagram,
so make sure you especially follow me there. Thank you so much again, my amazing
friend, and have an amazing day! [blooper beep] I have a problem. My feet are
already asleep, and I haven't even started yet. That's a problem. I need a different chair,
but I like this one, even though it squeaks. Man, I have so much static electricity. It's sticking to the mic like crazy. My
hair's like [sucking sound]. [laughter] Sorry, I shouldn't have done that in the mic. But
it was a little bit funny. Just a little bit. So if you're ready to stop being the single
one and ready to finally hold the love of your life forever... [laughter]
My brain just froze. Can you tell?