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Hello my wonderful friend! Today's video is  on 7 signs she likes you more than a friend   body language signs you shouldn't ignore.  Okay, so do you know this really gorgeous gal   and you're friends but you want to be more than  friends, right? But you don't know if she wants   to be more than friends. You don't know if she  likes you back. What do you do about it? How do   you know if she likes you too? If you are asking  these questions then you are in the right place   because that's exactly what we are going to be  talking about in this video. You're going to learn   7 signs she likes you more than a friend and  I'm going to be touching on what to do about   it. Because you obviously don't want to just stay  friends, right? You need to know how you can move   forward and become more than friends. So make sure  you watch to the end because each of these signs   is very very important. Each woman's a little  different so you need to know as many signs   as you can. Now before we dive in, if this is your  first time watching one of my videos, welcome! My   name is Melannie. I'm a Christian dating coach  for men. I teach you how to stop wasting your   time and energy on dead end relationships  and bad relationships by learning the skills   that get your dream girl. So make sure  you subscribe, ring the notification bell,   and give me a big thumbs up. Okay, one of the best  ways to know if a girl likes you and know if she's   interested in you is by reading her body  language. As humans, when we feel certain things   you can see it in our bodies. And if you know  what signs to look for you can tell if a girl is   attracted to you and if she likes you. Now here's  something that's really really important so pay   close attention: Women, this is just how it works,  this is how God made us, women are very very good   at reading body language. It comes naturally to  most women and it's very easy for most women.   This means she just kind of assumes that it's  easy for you too. And so if you don't pick up   on the signs that she's interested she takes  that as rejection. She is mortified, she is so   embarrassed, because she thinks it's  really obvious and to all the other girls   it is really obvious. So if you don't  know the signs that she's interested,   yeah, she takes that as rejection and she goes  and she finds somebody else who is interested   in her and who shows her that he's interested in  her. Does that make sense? This is why it's so   important that you do know these signs. Women need  to feel pursued in order to feel attracted to you   and safe in the relationship. And one important  part of pursuing is being able to read her signs   and knowing how to move forward. P.S. If you  haven't yet seen this video on pursuing you   need to watch it like right now. There's a  link in the description below. Bottom line,   you need to know the signs she likes you more than  a friend so you know how to move forward so that   you can become more than friends. With that let's  get started with our first sign she likes you   more than a friend. First up, she always  wants to look her best when she is around   you. If she sees you as just a friend she is  not going to feel as excited or as much pressure   to look super attractive for you. But if she  wants to be more than friends, if she likes you,   then she wants you to notice she's pretty  and she's going to do everything in her power   to help you notice that she's attractive and  she's pretty and someone you would want to be   more than friends with. So if you notice that she  puts in extra effort when she knows she's going to   see you or if you notice that she's often fixing  her hair and trying to look as nice as possible   when she does see you that's a really good sign  that it's because she wants you to notice her   and be attracted to her. Okay, our next sign  she likes you more than a friend is if she   can't maintain eye contact with you. Have you  ever looked into the eyes of someone really cute   and you got really nervous and you couldn't  think straight? She does that too. It is very   very normal when we're attracted to someone  to not be able to hold their gaze. This is   especially true with women when she looks down. If  she is attracted to you it's very very common for   her to look down and not be able to maintain eye  contact with you. She's feeling those butterflies,   she doesn't know what to say, she can't breathe,  she can't think, and so she can't maintain eye   contact with you. Now another really good sign is  if maybe she can't maintain eye contact with you,   but you notice she looks at you a lot when you're  not looking at her. Or even if your friends tell   you "dude, she's always looking at you." That's  for a reason and it's not because "oh, I'm   looking at my friend." No, it's because she is  attracted to you. So pay close attention. If   she can't keep eye contact with you it's a  sign that she's attracted to you. Our next   sign she likes you more than a friend is if she  really tries to make sure that you know that she's   single. That she lets you know that she's very  very single. If she's doing this it's for a reason   and it's because she's attracted to you. She wants  you to notice that she's single and available and   maybe you should change that sometime. Now of  course it's a totally different story if she's   a really needy woman. We're not getting into  that in this video. That's for another video.   But be aware of that and realize that as long as  she's not needy but if she mentions that she's   single it's for a reason. Now this brings up a  really important point so pay close attention.   Are you with me? In all of these scenarios as  you hear these signs what are you going to do   about it? Because the whole point here is you  don't want to just keep doing what you're doing.   Because if you keep doing what you're doing you're  just going to stay friends, right? And like I   mentioned earlier she'll move on and find someone  who is interested. That's how you end up in the   friend zone, stay in the friend zone, and never  get out. So what are you going to do about it?   how are you going to move forward? What you need  is a game plan. You need to know what to do next,   you need to know how to pursue her the right  way, you need to know how to talk to her, how to   increase that attraction, and how to take things  to the next level so you can start dating instead   of just being friends. You need a game plan. When  you have the right dating and relationship skills   they become your game plan. You don't have to  worry about being in the friend zone and being   rejected because you know what to do and you  have that game plan for how to move forward.   I have a free masterclass for you that's going  to teach you about this. Teach you about these   skills, how to avoid being rejected, how to avoid  being embarrassed, how to avoid the friend zone,   and being the nice guy nobody wants to date. There  is a link in the description below. If you don't   want to mess this up, if you want to make sure  that this goes well, make sure you watch that free   masterclass. There is a link in the description  below and I will also put a link in the pinned   comment. The secrets to getting the girl are  not difficult as long as you know what they   are and know how to use them. So do make sure you  watch that free masterclass. Okay, our next sign   she likes you more than a friend is that she tries  to find out if you are single. If you notice that   she brings it up from time to time and asks you  questions about it a lot that is for a reason.   For the most part, you don't just ask your friend  "hey, by the way are you single?" you know. It's   not really something you do much. So if you notice  she does this a lot that's a good sign. Especially   if she mentions she's single and she  tries to find out if you are single   it's because she's like "hey, we should not  be single together," right? She wants to be   more than friends. It's actually like a pretty big  hint if she's talking about her not being single   and you not being single. It's pretty big. Quick  question before we get to our next sign. Are these   signs helpful, and are you enjoying this  video? Would you like more videos on   signs she likes you more than a friend and  how to avoid the friend zone? If you would,   please comment "friends!" in the comments below  to let me know you want more videos like this one.   It helps me so so much. So if you're enjoying  this if you want more comment "friends!" Okay,   our next sign she likes you more than a  friend is if she talks about the two of you   as if you were a couple. This can be a little bit  hard to pick up until you're aware of it and then   it can be really really obvious. So if she says  things like "oh my goodness, we're such a good   team," or "we have so much in common," or "we're  so much alike," or "we're really good together,"   she doesn't mean as a friend, guys. It's because  she's thinking of you guys as more of a couple   and she's hoping you are thinking of you guys  as more than a couple and she's trying to see   how you feel about that. Pay close attention. If  this happens frequently it is for a reason. It   is not a coincidence. Okay our next sign might be  a little surprising to you. And it's if she maybe   acts a little bit more awkward around you. As I  mentioned earlier when you think someone's cute   you kind of lose your brain a little bit and  you can't think straight and you can't breathe.   So she may stutter around you, she may walk into  walls or or drop things or bump into things or   maybe talk a little flustered. That's really  really normal if she's attracted to you because   she's nervous, she's intimidated by you, and she  really wants you to notice her too. She really   wants you to be attracted to her too. So that's  a very very normal reaction. This is especially   true if you notice that this is something she kind  of only does around you. Maybe she's super relaxed   and chilled and everything with other friends  but when she's around you she forgets how to talk   or she walks into walls. Remember that one of the  most important things to notice when it comes to   reading someone's body language is that  exclusivity element. There are some really good   and important guidelines you need to know when  reading somebody's body language especially if   it's something you haven't done a lot. So do make  sure you watch this video on how to know if a girl   likes you and the biggest tips to avoid disaster.  You don't want disaster to happen, right? So do   make sure you watch that video to learn what those  rules are. There is a link in the description   below if you haven't seen that one yet. Okay,  our next sign she likes you more than a friend   is if she giggles a lot. You know that butterfly  feeling in the pit of your stomach that makes you   super excited and nervous all at the same time?  Well for girls that often causes them to giggle.   So if you notice she giggles a lot when she's  talking to you or maybe when she just looks at   you or whatever it is, if she giggles a lot, she's  bubbly and excited that can be a really good sign   that she likes you more than a friend and she's  attracted to you and you make her feel amazing.   Now as I mentioned at the beginning all women are  different. Not every woman is going to show all of   the signs. But for many many many women giggling  is a very very good sign. A giggle is different   than a laugh. So if you notice that she's like  giggly around you that can be a very good sign   that it's because she's attracted to you. Okay,  let's go over what you have learned so far   about the signs she likes you more than a friend.  First up, is that she wants to look her best when   she is around you. If you notice that she kind  of goes out of her way to look super nice when   she's around you, that she pays close attention  to what she looks like when she's around you,   it's for a reason. She wants you to notice her  and think she's attractive. Our next sign is if   she can't maintain eye contact with you. If she  gets nervous and looks away. And this is again   especially true if you notice or other people  notice that she looks at you a lot, but when your   eyes meet she like can't handle it and looks away.  Our next sign she likes you more than a friend   is if she really makes sure you know that she's  single and she really really points that out.   "hey! I'm single. You should help me change that."  That's basically what she's saying. Next up is   when she tries to know if you're single. "So like  are you seeing anyone? Are you like available?   Maybe we should, you know, maybe we should not  be single together, at the same time, with each   other." Next up is if she talks about the two  of you kind of like you're already a couple   "oh, we make such a good team. Oh, we have so much  in common." It's because she'd like you to be a   couple. Now maybe the funniest sign she likes you  more than a friend is if she kind of acts awkward   around you. She forgets how to talk, she's a  little bit clumsy, she drops things. She's nervous   and when she's around you she's really nervous  and so she sometimes acts a little awkward. And   our next sign is if she giggles a lot when she's  around you. This is a very very common thing women   do when they're around someone who makes them  feel giddy and happy and excited and attracted.   One last word of warning, you guys. These signs  do you absolutely no good if you don't have a game   plan for how you're going to move forward and  what you are going to do next. Because if you   keep doing what you're already doing you're going  to stay friends and she's going to move on. She's   going to find somebody else because she thinks you  are not interested. So having a game plan is so   important. Make sure you watch my free masterclass  to learn how to avoid rejection and how to stay   out of the friend zone. There is a link in the  description below. I will also put a link in the   pinned comment. Make sure you watch that so you  can get the girl instead of get rejected. Thank   you so much for watching my amazing friend! If you  have not yet subscribed be sure to do that now and   ring the notification bell. And if you learned  something new be sure to give me a big thumbs   up. I want to hear from you guys in the comments.  Would you like more videos like this? If you would   be sure to comment "friends!" And if you have any  questions or comments make sure you leave those   in the comments as well. I'm always open to new  video ideas so leave any suggestions there. Do you   have a friend who's really crushing on someone and  can't tell how she feels about him? Please share   this with him. It's going to help him so much.  And if we're not your friends on social media,   we really need to be. A little bit of a spoiler,  I share some exclusive content in my Instagram   stories. There are things that I don't share  anywhere else so do make sure you at least follow   me on Instagram. There are links to all my social  media in the description below. Thank you so much   again for watching my amazing friend and have an  amazing day! [blooper beep] Take two. Here we go.   Yes, I already started a video, got eight minutes  in, and had to restart. So that's okay. [laughter]   It's fine. I'm not bitter. Mostly. You know.  [chuckle] So if you notice that she gets really   dressed up and if she does her hair like-  [messed up and making random noises] [laughter]   How do you do that? How do you do your hair  like that? I'd like to know. Now this brings up   a really important- Let's see. I'm trying to use  my hands but there's a thing in the way and it's   annoying. [laughter] Okay, let's go over  what you have- [messed up] Yeah! Our next   sign is if she can't maintain eye can't on-  [laughter] I don't even know what that was.
Channel: Coach Melannie
Views: 68,947
Rating: 4.893589 out of 5
Keywords: signs she likes you more than a friend, signs she likes you more than a friend body language, signs she likes you more than a friend body language signs you shouldn’t ignore, subtle signs she likes you more than a friend, how to know if a girl likes you more than a friend, signs she likes you more than a friend but is scared, how to tell if a girl likes you, how to know if a girl likes you, signs she likes you, secret signs she likes you, signs she secretly likes you, Coach Melannie
Id: Y8-5FZ5X7PE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 05 2021
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