8th EDITION: How to Play Warhammer 40,000

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hey guys JT here with play on tabletop and I'm here today to teach Richard how to play 40k we're gonna go over the basics we're gonna go through a couple of turns and we're gonna show you guys and Richard how to play [Music] [Music] I have some relatives that play as well as some friends that play and it's something that's always been there that interests me I love the the idea of it the the strategy and and to be honest your videos cool blushing so as far as factions go though are you an ultramarine fan or is there another faction that really kind of debts just mechanicus just mechanicus oh yeah ooh the Cylons of Mars very cool is there a specific crime I got a specific what is it crap what is Mars forum forge world oh geez I'm the guy is there a specific forge world that you're you're really grooving on Mars because it's it's red and it's dead I'm a heavy-duty mechanic so to me they're a little steampunk they're a little coal roller the the perfect blend between flesh and machines I love building models they're great it's it's small it's time-consuming and it allows me to be somewhere quiet you know in is that that solitary part of it that is a lot of fun and then you you just opposed that with sitting in a room full of your buddies throwing dice having a few laughs and just literally trying to shoot the but what sets out of each other with little toy soldiers it's kind of fun in it [Music] in order to play a full game of Warhammer 40,000 you need some very basic equipment you need dice warmers played with six-sided dice your standard d6 as they're called you gotta you need to roll it to plus you have to roll over to it's it's pretty straightforward stuff the sets come with dice you can buy extra dice people have superstitions about dice some of us throw dice in the ocean when they don't behave these things do occur dice are fickle but dice are an integral part of the game and then the tape measure the mighty tape measure so that's another key thing that you need something to measure with something to roll with so the really cool thing about dark Imperium is that it comes with all the rules to play with those units that are in it however if you want to expand your army and add Cal gar and typhus like we have you're gonna need to get yourself a codex this is the DEF guard codex we've got the Imperial or the ultramarine codex as well this has got all the rules for all the special abilities of your arm today I'm gonna be playing def guard against ultramarines and I'm bringing mr. typhus himself it's one of my favorite models and one of the favorite characters in the Warhammer 40k universe so I bring a typhus I'm bringing Gaul the four acts who is a lord of contagion these are my two leader characters I'm bringing a fetid glow drone to speed up the table to shoot some stuff seven plague Marines because seven is the magic number of Nergal and then twenty pox walkers which are basically 40k zombies Richard's ultramarines on the other hand have a few more HQ choices and not as many troops he's got the big man himself Marnie is Khal gar he's got captain Asher on he's got a lieutenant over there as well with a power sword he's got eight intercessors so he's gonna shoot the heck out of me with those he's got hell blasters to do some heavy plasma firepower and he's got three in scepters fast and shoot er those guys and boy do they scare the heck out of me I've got to H queues to troops and a fast attack of my own what you've got is 3 H queues Caldari captain Asha ran and your lieutenant with power sword you've got one troop in your intercessors you've got a heavy support choice in your hel blasters and you've got I believe it's a fast attack choice in your in centers similar build outs in what we have but completely different capabilities my feted bloke drone for example has some plagues bitters and stuff on it and it's a vehicle and it can move of the board and do some work whereas these guys are you fast-attack but they're infantry but they have in common though is they both move quickly both have fly and both are able to move very fast so typically your FAFSA tax are exactly that fast something to keep in mind - and we've gone we've gone to the next level with paint jobs and don't feel intimidated by it because this Blow drone it's the same base it's the same model it's the same size it still plays the same intercessors they still play the same they look cool when they're painted and sure maybe dice might favor painted bottles but this is perfectly acceptable you don't have to paint it to this level put paint on it great don't put paint on that's fine the whole point of the game is played the way you want to play it and have fun and that's what we're here to do today is to play the game to have fun to show off some cool stuff and enjoy ourselves [Music] Richard and I are going to be playing on a 4x4 battlefield today because the size of armies are fairly small so we don't need to go to a full six by four and slog across the table when designing a table and building it to play on you need stuff to block line-of-sight like big tall ruins stuff that gives some cover like some barricades or even some cool big pieces like the sky shield landing pad a good mix of terrain is gonna make an interesting game and make terrain really important and part of the whole strategic and tactical play we're gonna be playing the relic classic mission hold the objective in the middle that's what our goal is but we're gonna be playing open play now Games Workshop has open play they have the narrative play and they have a match play match plays what most people are familiar with and usually what we have on our channel because it allows you to really balance the armies by a point level on every unit has points it's much more granular it's much more strategic but in this case we just want to learn the game we want to throw some dice we want to have some fun so we brought some cool units from the dark Imperium box set plus we threw in a few more so how are you feeling right now are you feeling prepped you feeling prime do you feeling overwhelmed are you feeling shook up how you feel right overwhelmed that's that's the simplest way to put it is overwhelmed there's a there's a lot of models and a small board that's very true and a lot of stuffs painted pretty cool and it can be overwhelming but our goal our job here is to take that away and to make you understand and make you play the game and have some fun and and not be overwhelmed by the end of it there's six different types of appointment three of them are start 24 inches away and three of them start 18 inches away and it's all depending on how they break up the table so what we're gonna do now is roll to see who gets to roll for the deployment zone and whoever gets to choose that deployment zone the other player gets to deploy first and go first so roll the dice and let's see what we get I get a six you get a two I get to roll for deployment type so roll the five five is frontline assault [Music] Richard I won the role to choose tableside and I'm going to choose this side give you a little bit more room behind but also give me the openness to run up the table I want that relic [Music] you have the option to make first employment so you get to drop your very first unit in the table [Music] you have any questions about what the units do so I'm guessing the guys with the jet plaques they fly they fly they're the fastest guys you dare army they can actually move 10 inches and their weapons are assault and they shoot 18 times in a unit they're a little scary awesome song in for them up front so when deploying a unit just make sure the entire unit is behind your deployment line if you take a look you see that little clear piece of plastic that we put there that's what that's for yeah that's what that's for so it kind of runs to the corner you've got six inches up and then nine inches back from the middle those guys are toughness five so they're hard to hard to wound they've got three wounds each and then of course space brains to tip three up armor I have an answer for them hahaha my feted blow drone so he's going to go right on the point of my deployment so that is 15 inches up the table which is gonna put me 18 inches away from you that's a long charge but I got I got to stop those guys to skip the heck out of me so I'm gonna drop him down first so your next appointment sir so is it best to put down your HQ and put your infantry around them so yes you can drop your characters down now because your leaders Cal Gaara and ashran both give rerolls to one within six inches so if you place them down now you can measure that six inches out and make sure that your units are within so as long as the unit is within six which means basically one of those models is within six I want to take my lord of contagion and I'm gonna put him in teleport strike so was an ability on his data sheet that allows him to deploy outside of nine inches of one of your units on the end of any of my movement phases now because we're playing open play I can actually do that on the first turn and a match played only Mabel to a second term he's only got a movement of like four inches so it's probably best to get them where I want them as soon as possible so I'm gonna put them in teleport strike that means it's your next point we're gonna build a ring around this guy here what you want to watch out for is a couple of things make sure that each of your models is within two inches of another model in the unit that's called unit coherency also as long as each of those models is touching that crater back there they're gonna benefit from a cover safe I think it's the posh walkers are going to come out I got 20 of these dudes to drop out and I'm put them right up the middle they rely solely on the Deaf guard disgusting resilience ability and what that does is any damage they take for every wound on a fiber better I ignore it so even though some of these guys are touching covers some aren't that basically means that they are not gonna gain the benefit of a cover safe they do have a seven Plus which means if they had cover I could get to a six but honestly it's not gonna make much of a difference so I'm just gonna drop those guys right there and I'm gonna say it's your turn to deploy sir I'm gonna take my heavies who the hell blasters I'm gonna hide them right in behind here now keep in mind I can see through those windows but you will get cover as long as you're within we like to call the footprint of the ruin I'm gonna put down typhus my big bad guy now he gives a buff to all my neural units within six inches so he's gonna stay sort of in the center kind of like you're your office at a counter I'm gonna put him here I actually wouldn't put your captain there there's a couple of reasons he's a little bit too far forward he's actually outside of his deployment zone so that would be an illegal deployment however more importantly characters cannot be targeted unless they are the closest model to the enemy that is targeting so that means if I want to shoot him all I've got to do is go to my left and I'll be able to shoot your captain and remove one of your key linchpins he gives you reroll ones to hit so characters are blocked by other models as you can see here I've got the PAC's walkers in front of typhus you can't actually target typhus because he's a character so I would actually put the captain maybe a little bit farther back maybe even next to your he'll blasters so giving them a rear ol one so he can kind of keep up a little cuz he doesn't move that fast he only moves five the hell blasters move six and he only lose five so he needs to kind of be nearby them so that leaves me with my plague Marines now these guys are dead slow as well so I'm gonna have to run them up the board to get near you and I'm gonna drop them sort of in the middle here interspersed with all these other guys should mention as well that typhus is a seikar which means during this psychic phase I'm going to be able to shoot you with mine bullets and do some other cool stuff that's actually me completely dropped out I don't have any more units to deploy I still have one to go so you can deploy your last unit ah the lieutenant gives a reroll aura of anybody within six we roll ones to wound so he's kind of another key unit to keep hidden I'm gonna put him in so that means I deployed all my units before you did I'm actually gonna +1 on the roll to go first so now now that we're deployed that's why we gotta do roll to see who goes first all right I get a 5 for +1 for going first is a 5 and you get a 4 that means I get first turn you can attempt to seize the initiative though even though you've lost the rule to go first if you roll that dice and you get a 6 you are actually gonna seize the initiative and go first instead of me if you want to is there any penalty to doing that absolutely no penalty other than you get to shoot me first your attempt to seize roll is you didn't seize best of luck mate here we go first phase is movement all right basically everything's on the data sheets yours is real simple all your stuff moves six except captain moves five and you're flying dudes move 10 movement is very simple and straightforward I go from the front of my base to the other base and I'm gonna move right to there which is just past that objective and I am not picking the objective up so you can choose to pick it up or not pick it up I don't have to pick it up right now I control it but I can choose to pick it up and the reason that I'm not picking it up is I have plans for what he's gonna do next so because we are deployed 18 inches across and I've moved forward 10 I know that I need an 8 inch charge and I want to try to get in and my goal and I'll tell you this now I need to try to stop those guys I'm gonna move my pots walkers now and like I said they're really slow they have a base movement of 4 which I'm never getting to you otherwise so I'm actually gonna advance them I roll a 3 for my advance so I take 3 plus my moving a 4 and they get to move forward 7 so 7 inches forward so one of the things you can do is measure from the back dudes and the front dudes and then kind of fill in [Music] then I'm gonna look at my plague marine so these guys can only move I think they only moved five inches so they're really really slow but I've got one plasma gun and I've got some bolsters in there so hopefully I can get close enough to start shooting you my weapons are rapid-fire weapons which means that I cannot advance and shoot them like your assault weapons on your in scepters now I gotta move typhus typhus to only moves four inches doesn't he I don't think I'm gonna get up to you to cast any of my psychic powers on you all right so Anna my moon face at the end of my moon phase I have a unit in deep strike which is my lord of contagion now normally if we were playing with all the rules we would add warlord traits and I would usually make him my warlord and for those who playing at home he would have the arch contaminator typically because he makes the stuff better but I don't need that we don't want to add that level of complexity it's just gonna make this too difficult let's stick to the basics and angeas roll some dice he's gonna deep strike in I'm gonna deep strike in here 9 inches from the center of that he's gonna deep strike in there and he is gonna grab that relic that takes us to the psychic phase so I have typhus is my only seikar you don't have any psyches in your army because you know I mean we're heretics and we're chaos typhus has access to casting two powers per turn one of which can be smite which is literally shooting you with his mind bullets and as you can see I'm definitely out of range there's no way I can reach you however he does have two other powers and his other powers help his units around him he has gift of contagion which is actually to hurt your units to make you either weaker or less attacks but also has a range of 18 so again I'm out of range but he has miasma pestilence just actually make one of mine unit it's harder to shoot at I think I'm actually gonna put it on my posh walkers because they're pretty weak even though typhus and the lord of contagion give them a buff type is especially gives them +1 strength and toughness so they go to a toughness of four so it's harder for you to hurt me but if I can make them minus one to be hit it's gonna keep him on the table longer so I'm gonna cast miasma of pestilence so miasma pestilence I roll in 11 it goes off so that means my pasta lockers now are minus 1 to be targeted so that's the end of my psychic phase and now we go to the shooting face plague John has a range of 9 which puts those guys in front he has to play spinners place bitters are pretty cool in that they are an assault weapon but they automatically hit they're a flamer I'm literally spewing toxic goo etching so pleasant so the plague drone is gonna target those in scepters and I'm gonna shoot you with my two plates bitters so I get to d6 shots I shoot you 9 times and the best part about this is they auto hit now this is at my strength which is strength 6 versus your toughness of 5 winning on freeze it's a plague weapon so I reroll once 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 at 8 P 1 which means you have a three of armor safe you need to make 4 up saving throws against it because it worsens your armor by one so you got wounded 9 times I need to make 9 safe 9 saving for old man that could actually kill the unit outright so on 4 is a better you save the wounds come on four so two fails that's it that saves seven saving throws so they have three balloons each that means one model has taken two wounds it's down to one wound so the easiest way to keep track of wounds is with a die using a numerical die like a d-10 d6 d4 d8 whatever it is is easier because you tend not to pick it up an accidental roll it so that guy's got one wound left now that he's wounded he's the guy who has to keep taking whoops oh okay don't get to take nice person within your unit exactly typhus only has a pistol it's just my Marines that are left to shoot so I think I'm actually gonna target those guys with my plague Marines so I've got a range of 24 where a pad fire 124 which means if I'm in half range I can shoot twice I am definitely not within half range with any of my guys because I have six Boulter's and one plasma I could use a different colored dice for the plasma that way we know what it is I hit you on threes so those are gonna be misses so that's gonna be one two three four hits including the plasma it supplies with 83 so that'll hurt you a little bit if it was rolling to wound your toughness five though the plasma is strength 7 so 7 vs. 5 I'm not double so I wound you on threes it fails to wound the Boulter's our strength 4 so 4 vs. 5 is your toughness I fail to wound again but I wound once so that's one no ap save so it's your full armor value say that would mean a 3/5 it's your plus so I have to roll through it you need to roll a 3 plus and we're good he loves it you get shot and it bounces off that mark 10 gravis armor gotta love it now we go into the charge phase it's the small phase right before the assault thing so now is where you declare charges and the way it works you declare every unit you're gonna charge one at a time so I'm gonna declare this unit a fetid blow drone to get an eight-inch charge because we already know we measured that earlier to charge your in scepters so can my in scepters do anything while they're being charged absolutely they can shoot the heck out of me as I come in it's a special attack called overwatch you can basically shoot all the weapons you have at the incoming target you get to overwatch me on a six and it's just on a six there's no bonuses to hit or penalties to hit however Cal gar lets you reroll all your misses so you're gonna roll 18 shots because each of them has an assault three weapon two of them but six 12 18 shots hitting me on sixes re rolling any misses and your lieutenant will let you reroll ones to wound if you wound me so roll 18 dice sir there's a couple of ones in there the ones that you don't matter because Cal gar is a full chapter master Yury roll all misses all misses but take out the ones that hit which are the two sixes the two sixes there and then really handles when you roll all of those so you've got two more hits two more hits that brings me a total of four strength five on your guns mic toughness is seven so because my toughness is higher oh then I would have to hit on a four up five up five oh five up you bet so needing fives so the AP is one my armor save is three up that means I need force to save the wounds I make one fail one now I take a disgustingly resilient role so on a 5 or better I actually ignore that wound okay it's good to be a devotee of nerville and I fail so I take a wound he is now down to nine wounds remaining now I need to make a charge so I'm gonna roll to d6 and try to charge into unit that's how far you charge everything in the game all charges the same distance to d6 inches and that's how far you me and that's all you get that's all you get I need to get within an inch of you in order to reach that charge we know that we're already eight inches apart I need a seven or better to reach and I get an eight that puts me base to base with your guys I don't have any other charges declare I'm not gonna be able to reach with anybody else because that's my only charge we now go into the fight face and now I get to chop up some Marines hopefully so hand-to-hand combat and to hand hand to feted bloat drone goopy combat so I only get three attacks they are at a p2 and it's a plague weapon so I'm gonna re-roll ones to wound I am at strength six so I'm gonna be winning one threes but my weapon skill is a four so I need for a better day a three attacks three attacks I hit you three times and I'm at strength 6re rolling ones versus toughness five I need three two one G re rolling the ones I will do three times so this is an AP two weapon so you've got a three up armor save so three up four up five up so two steps AP two is two steps away from your armor set these do d three damage each though ouch so potentially could kill the entire unit o three saving throws all at ap 2 so 3 minus 2 is 5 it's 5 come on fives you made one safe failed to I do D 3 damage each so the one guys automatically dead because no matter where he's gonna take one and because he's already wounded he has to take the first damage damage then carry over to the other the model it cannot that's a great question the only wounds that carry through a unit are what are called mortal wounds and we haven't run into those yet so he's off the table and then the other guy takes two so that's a d3 which is just a d6 cut in half takes two wounds he's left with one so as it sits right now I finished my fight we only had one charge only had one unit to fight with it's now your turn fight back these guys can both fight me from where they are if you want to this model here can move closer to me a maximum of 3 inches as long as he finishes closer to me that's called a Pilon it's not necessary in this case simply because this guy is with an inch of this guy and as long as you were within an inch of a model that is with an inch of another model that you're fighting that model gets to attack so because I've charged you and you're a Space Marine you have this cool rule called Angels of Death basically you get extra attacks so you have a sergeant and you have a regular guy now normally your sergeant has three attacks and then your trooper has to but because I charged you you get an extra attack each of them so you actually get 5 plus 2 so you get seven attacks back against my fetid vulture let's do it your weapon skill is a three plus now keep this in mind you're within six inches of Cal gar your rear o lling awesome yes awesome for you so you hit me on threes and because Cal gar is within six inches of the unit you reroll this to one or these three ones two more hits so the two still misses and you can tree roll the re-roll that's like the cardinal rule so you have six hits total strength of your models is for my toughness is seven so that's one you need to make a three up armor save and a Jamaica which I make it that's the end of the fight face you can consolidate if you wanted to with that back model but here's the cool thing because your models fly you can fly away from me with no penalty and still be able to shoot me you just won't be able to charge even if I'm in base contact with even if you're in base contact because your model has the fly cause it has a fly I needed to stop you're super fast dudes I didn't this could be trouble so you can move him up and as long as you stay an inch away from the bloke drone your illegal movement the reason is it's the only way to get within an inch of the model is to charge is to charge to charge okay or something called it heroically intervening which we'll worry about one way if we get to it I'm gonna get these guys out of here yes because they can fly they can fall back and still be able to shoot with no penalty but I want to keep them within six inches gotcha and so because these guys now have line of sight on the guy holding the the relic I'll be able to shoot at them if you manage to kill the blow Trump [Music] so you've done your movement I think I'm done my movement the hell blasters nice into into your your bloated guy so if you can see him you can shoot them do they all have to be able to see him or just one they all need to be able to see him so you have two choices with hell blasters you can overcharge see you shoot at a higher strength and you do more damage at the risk of killing a model or you shoot a regular strength and regular damage the difference you go from strength seven to strength eight strength eight wounds me on freeze whereas strength seven only wounds me on force and you do two damage as opposed to one this guy scares me I mean I'm gonna overpower you're gonna overcharge when you overcharge plasma you can actually kill the model the gun can explode so anyone to hit will actually kill the model so you actually have to roll them individually so you reroll the one whoa you hit me ten times this is not a good thing so you will meet eight times Wow eight wounds so I'm just gonna roll these dice and it's AP for my armors three up so I go to my invulnerable safe so I'm only getting a 5 up saving throw against these guys and I only make 2 2 saves so that's gonna be potentially 12 wounds because each one of those is too damaged so 2 4 6 8 10 12 so I need to make disgusting resilience rolls and what's the resilience rule yeah so discussing resilience is my special death Gardnerville ability on a 5 up after taking damage I actually ignore that wound oh my I only saved 1 7 8 9 10 that's enough now the play the feted blow drone will actually explode on a 4 a 4 better my model is gonna explode and actually do mortal wounds to you oh so it explodes and every unit within 7 inches of the base takes a mortal wound no mortal human yours even mejia lord of contagion there that's gonna kill your in scepter so he's gonna die cuz he's only got one moon lattice he's only got one moon left so lieutenant I believe it's down to 4 ones or more marnya scaliger is gonna take a wound he's down to 7 he's down to 7 hey good gravy so your captain takes a wound and then one of your hell blasters takes a woman fortunately they have two wounds each and then one of your intercessors takes a wound as well and I need to roll a discussing resilience for my arch Lord of contagion and I make it so he actually doesn't take the mortal wound he kind of likes it that's unfortunate and then my model is removed from the table Wow so that was a pretty good first shooting but here's a key thing that just happened because you fired your hel blasters first you're in scepter is now out of reroll range for marnya scale guard you can shoot him next or you can shoot your intercessors next up to you I'm no longer this guy okay so he gets six shots and who are you gonna target I want that relic you want the relic so you're gonna target my lord of contagion and I hit you on a three and better three your betters you hit me so that's six even strength and toughness so you wouldn't be unfortunately so that is four wounds so my lord contagion has a to up armor safe but year eighty-one but gives me to a 3 up armor safe so on fries are better so I fail to but he also has disgusting resilience so I only take one wound let's hit it with the intercessors so are all the intercessors gonna target my lord of contagion cuz you can actually split fire if you chose to yeah I'm a jekt objective hungry I'm going after you're gonna go after you get two shots per model and you've got eight models see hit me on three threes up and again on threes with the reroll because of chapter master so out of all of that I miss once Oh hit me 15 times in times guys I'm toughness 5 so you're wounding me on strength for toughness 5 on 5 on 5 1 less and so the one that's a 5 so we got 2 4 6 8 10 12 alright save on threes so 1 2 3 4 fails and then disgusting resilience I make 3 of those I take 1 whoo make one wound no I feel a little bit better so now all you have left are you lieutenant and Marnie is kalgard you lieutenant has a pistol I believe so he's got a bolt pistol which has a range of 12 I think you should be within 12 inches believe I am you are so the lieutenant can shoot me with this bolt pistol let's do that on Three's and that's just one shot just one shot with a bolt pistol it hits and I'm toughness 5 so you wound me on a 5 and that's a wound unfortunately for me I get my two up this time and I make my savings realistic now you've got Martius cal gar and the gauntlets of ultra var rapid-fire 224 all right so at 24 inches you're within 12 yes that means you're in half distance and it's a rapid-fire 2 weapon which means 4 shots inside half range so you hit me on twos he's inside his own aura so here e rules once so that's four shot or shots on twos so you get to re-roll both the ones I did strength for it I'm toughest five now keep in mind you do tense within six so you'll reroll anyone's to wound you get to reroll that one come on yeah there's one he won so that takes my two up-armored two three up I fail and I get a disgusting resilience roll which and you make it I'm not kidding you I want to run away and hide so the end of our first turn I'm firmly in controlled the relic however you've chewed through my fetid bloat drone my plague Marines are all at the back typhus is way at the back and my pox walkers are standing there ready to be shot by so many intercessors it's actually kind of frightening we're gonna plan a couple more turns and see where this goes and then cut back to the end of it so you guys can see where we're at and what Richard has done to the rest of my army so that's gonna put me on - my turn - let's do it here we go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] one plagued marine is holding up cow gar and the captain Cal guards not really that hurt but the captain's only on one wound so hopefully he can hold them up he'll blasters have moved up on the flank to try to get some shots on the arch lord of contagion who still holds a relic and the PAC's walker zombie horde has basically rendered that unit completely useless at this point but where the fight really is is right back here cal gar and a11 captain coming after a four wound floored of contagion wow this is tough so here we are going into turn five stuff has died so Richard what do you think you have to do at this point to win the game these guys are stuck they're not going anywhere if anything all I can hope is that they're gonna keep you stuck for you know of the the foreseeable future he's got to get this guy out of here because as soon as he's gone I could make the Hail Mary with my hel blasters and and hopefully get that objective it's my turn so it's gonna be my first movement follow him back at a combat and just hope that you can't reach that long bomb charge and that you're not gonna be able to kill him with these guys before the hell blasters get to fire and then in the end of turn five hopefully game ends and I win by holding the relic what do you guys think out there what do you think in YouTube land do you guys think Richard can pull this off do you think JT's death guard can run away how do you guys think we're gonna do this post up in the comments below what you guys think Richard needs to do to win and what I have to do to win we'd love to hear what you guys have to say in the meantime Richard and I have an appointment in the far-flung future of a grim dark universe are you ready let's do this hiya [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Play On Tabletop
Views: 136,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tPMIw14gJPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 7sec (2107 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 04 2020
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