SPECIAL Warhammer 40k Battle Report: Can anything stop 120 Orks Boyz?!

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120 orc boy it's a seriously scary Prospect especially in the context of the all new green tide Detachment in the Orcs codex which gives those boys a five up in vulnerable save and rolling ones to their savings throw if they're in a unit of 10 or more it's pretty gnarly and it's got us all thinking here what can actually stop 120 boys can anything stop 120 or boys so we're going to do something slightly different today and do a little experiment my self chaos Lord beard and Jinx are all going to try and break through 120 boys we've all got a different style of list to see if we can actually break them apart beard is going to be taking the iron Warriors KY is going to be taking the tyranids and I am going to be taking the indomitable Guardsman this is a bit of an experiment so we are giving some favorable conditions for the combatants and we will be starting quite close together the idea is we can have a round of shooting and a round of combat if we choose and then whatever's left of the Orcs or then just Crump us into the dust it's going to be really interesting and it begs the question of if we can't stop it what can is there any hope for the Galaxy all this endless green tide of crumping Maniacs destroy everything before us run the [Music] simulation prepare thyself I have AR raid my forces it's basically all the guns that I can fit into roughly a th000 points um ignore the backline Of Orcs everybody that's just so it looks cool um I I have to face you s you big orc I've got two units of Reaper chain Cannon havocs um I've got a unit of two obliterators I've got three rapia batteries with quad heavy bolters and I've got a leviathan dreadnut with twin storm cannons uh and also a wsmith to boost one of those up so I've taken as many bullets as I possibly could because I feel like I'm going to get crumped in combat otherwise all I'm hearing is lots of stuff the Mexican love to loot it goes bang bang bang bang bang bangang right first unit of Reaper chain Cannons all of these everything is Mark of nurgle for sustained on fives with my dark packs here we go all right it's okay we're looking good we got lots of hits and we got lots of sustain so I've got two four 6 8 10 12 14 sustained my goodness I'm going to need some more dice what have I done to I do need more dice hang on we'll be right back I've done the hitting time to wound you now hya right this is a oh no this is a bit harder with your thick skin okay so you got two four 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 wounds wound the Precision is unfathomable we got some ones to roll here some cheap ones of our new ability we have uh saved it's probably easier to count this way around we've saved five so that is 15 kill first okay my comi weapon for my sergeant killed another two that's why he's the sergeant devastating yeah my obliterators are going to try next I've got 17 shots with their um malicious volleys into the next Squad I don't I'm don't going to try and finish off those three they're dead to me right here we go literally 2 6 are spiking sir I am look at me go what a spiky boy 6 okay right and then it will be fours again cuz these are strength five for ah it's not it's not but it's so oh it's not great oh no your true colors have come back out my colors 2 4 6 seven seven oh obliterators go away not that obliterated need more chain C oh I've got some on oh that's translated so just four Dy that's not as good didn't go quite so so well that time we're showing the two sides of but don't worry the obliterator got his little remote control for his rapia batteries now going to fire off so first into that same Squad somewhere in his Gauntlet he has a little trigger switch oh the sustain doing quite well that's lucky for you 1 2 three four it's one more than a full house yay rebal I should have taken more strength six stuff I feel okay okay okay that is another uh 2 4 six another seven seven might need another one of those raber batteries WP Smith and roll the two ones R rolling stuff I've saved four three oh no I've saved five two die two two we go on to the next one then I guess oh no that's not good oh no that's the worst roll I've ever done no it's not two wounds two two wounds two wounds oh two more death it's all going horribly wrong the last one from from two so far that one needs to go back to the the for the forge uh three more three more with the sustained right I need about 20 wounds from this it's not 20 everybody uh 3 six eight wounds one more I see a problem here oh oh okay that's eight dead eight dead ah there's still so many buys yes well it's not going well so far I also just realized I've not checked the stats on the Leviathan for quite some time the old storm cannons aren't up to much so what we're going to do thematically of course the W Smith calls into reinforcements out the way please get out of the way Grandad it's a forge feiend everyone uh there's lot of blast on the exop plasma cannon so we have about 16 shots I believe 18 shots I need about 18 pieces of sustained going into a fresh unit I hitting on two will be a big thing I'm hitting on twos cuz of the the warp Smith the five ones haven't helped uh one 2 3 4 five sustained it's a full house it's a full house it's going to be tools to wound yes this is very important chos to wound I'm seeing a couple of ones but 16 wounds nice 16 oh and some of them are hazardous one two three so four four not hazardous uh devastating yes so four four just dead four are dead okay take out four of those don't care about those all the five ups and then roll the ones we've done okay with some fives to start us off many left H we don't pick up anymore so we do lose nine n plus the four 13 in total I don't hazardous for what it's worth right I've got one unit of havocs left we need to destroy three units of boys there's so many left we need a bigger trench right last unit of of of of havocs come on the havocs do me proud that was your inner Imperial fist player coming out we need a bigger trench 1 two 3 4 excuse me we're the trench Masters four 5 6 7 8 you're suppos be good at assaulting them not being like assaulted by them we love trenches 2 4 6 8 9 okay right here we go prepare to die all three squads will be dead yeah yep yeah all three squads ready it's not b 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 18 19 19 if you can fail all of these no we are the ones yeah oh there's quite a few ones right so we've already saved four no five we've say five and we've picked up another two so five uh 12 12 I Ked 12 you killed 12 well more than half the warp Smith's Plasma Pistol overcharging he h he hits you he does wound you will make all the difference yes I'll be fine now desperate times desate measures I've charged in my obliterators they're currently wading through the green tide uh right I have eight attacks into that weakened unit I want to sustained but I missed you three times oh uh I'll be wounding you on three don't roll any twos I rolled a two I'm pretty sure I'm winning on threes uh that is four wounds four wounds yep oh one one boy drowning in the green tide help me well that was the attempt I've yet to kill a unit it i' I've whittled them down a bit there was a Whittle there was a Whittle yeah um so I guess you're going to charge me now well yeah it's a it's a water don't you know so um we've got at least 40 boys going to come and say hello to some havocs I with him so it's a water turn so everybody made their charges and uh advancing charge and all that good stuff and now they have 80 attacks per unit of 20 so that's all of this [Laughter] it's this many hits let's see how many wounds 24 saves 24 saves and that's very under average it have to say AP1 1 2 3 4 five there's more than one of them are day I've run out of bullets you have I've run out of men you poor men all the havocs are dead pieces uh my obliterators are sort of stuck you've you cut one down to two wounds remaining and you have then Consolidated into my gun line yes which is now a not so fun line not so fun line yes no so that is a great big one for the Orcs great big zero for the rest of the Galaxy bring on the next Contender well apparently we needed big guns so I got Co in with my hoorde of Min guns you call that a hoorde I tried my best on unfortunately I don't actually own 120 terms otherwise that is exactly what you would be facing um I figured if it works for Kitman it would work for me yeah so this work for Kitman it definitely worked for Kitman so what I have bought is a mama Turon to provide a nice bubble of lethal hits to all of my termagant of which I have 90 four units of 20 and a unit of 10 I'm using the invasion Fleet so I will have sustained on all of my sixes so sustained and lethal for them and then as a nice little treat I I bring a brood Lord and 10 Jean Stealers so I do have some opportunity to chop you up in combat nice I'm feeling mildly confident here we go got the brand new unit of gauns and I'm already dropping my dice into your boys hitting on four winning on fours but sustained and lethal okay it's already off to a pretty decent start because that is six lethal that I'm going to take out and then I will just take one two three four five six dice remove the Mist for my sustained it is going to be F to I'm five okay the ter are eager for blood um so that is 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 15 no AP though but doesn't matter so oh okay and we got one okay so uh you have killed 1 2 3 4 five 6 7 with the first Salvo okay okay I do still have the cheeky unit of 10 so I'm going to see if I can really really Spike and just take out as many of those boys in that same unit as I can it is possible I believe in myself so that is already two lethals um and they're sustain so I essentially heat all of the times and then it's going to be forced to wound you come on gauns of feeling it today 2 4 six seven seven more wounds through on the old voice and we one you roll to me one stick is stressing me out oh only so that is six died six died yeah yeah yeah I'm quite happy with that i' been trying to reduce the potency of the squad so between two units of termagants 40 termagants I've just killed another eight boys this is not going well but I have belief in this last little Squad at the back I feel very stressed right now why is this so stressful I just want to I just want to win just having a good time so that's three lethals and three stained already do you know what they're really swingy today little bit tired okay so that is 2 4 six seven only seven more wounds going through but then I do have the turbon oh okay so that is uh five more died okay getting there I think and after all of her gauns mama's going to give it her best go into the next Squad along she does hit on threes and she gets sustained but no lethals at this time it doesn't matter doesn't matter cuz I'm just going to roll one six I think there's one yeah I added one in don't you worry uh she already gets the three but that's fine she is a combat machine uh well she's killed three on the way three well hopefully she could do the same thing in combat and going to move her in and also the BR J steers in a blind effort to try and save her children from being absolutely murdered by the ORS I'm going to try and wipe this one unit so I can at least say that I did one yeah I mean that be better than sweep okay okay so she hits you all of the time plus one cuz her sustained ter it's going to be threes to Wi you five she's not going to kill the unit poor Terry and I've only picked up one so four are dead okay so I got them down to uh ooh three left I tripped my best you did but it is jeer time now yeah we're going down to the genan Steelers and I'm doing my best to hold on to all of these attacks so they currently have sustained going off on Sixers cuz your infantry the broodal gives them devastating wounds they natively roll ones to hit and they have four attacks each and it's you out of 10 so 40 attacks hitting on and a mount I'm going to see what all that means well all in all with all the rules I have 11 devastating wounds so you're it's just 11 dead and then that is six normal noral wounds six normal wounds and uh at this time we have killed four more so that's 15 de got five left yes for my five brood Lord attacks yes can he do it Go the je TW rerolling ones no sustained which is really really nerve-wracking wound least he that little oh oh there's no devastating how devastating for you he is Twin link though Twi link I might roll the whole thing Gambit it's a Gambit it came out I mean swing down or roundabouts I missed you once before either way so that is one more devastating set is one more just dead and then three Set uh and this happens simultanous I still get re that oh so he does kill kills two okay so I killed 17 17 three left s the boys in the knob on that side taking a couple of wounds off Terry killed one je stealer so hey the je might not have killed you but they can withstand you they can withand this for now so I was quite lucky on my Advance rolls and was able to get this relatively Big Unit around the back of the Jean Steelers I manag to get one right up into those gaunt's faces over there another pushed forward in the center engages those gauns and Terry is well and truly surrounded by boys be fine she'll just keep birthing more yes let's see if she can do that or if she's dying so the boys have done their thing they picked up 10 Jean Steelers only putting a single wood on The Brood Lord sadly but you know little scratch on him um and then oh the carpet did fall apart a little bit because they have removed horse waves wiped through my my termic you wash them away died 40 of those and then manag to pile into the other two units of 20 you've got a unit of 10 back there that can do whatever they want the only thing I have currently on the board that isn't engaged in combat with boys yeah Terry's down to 10 wounds damage she is a tough tough old lady she did very well so good on her um I did an amount yes uh what I say though is I have more biomass for the pool you've got more sustenance to grow your green tide we just keep fighting each other until no one wins and we both win because it's just a good scrap well yeah therefore Orcs win and [Music] tyranids what can men do against such Reckless hate tanks is the answer obvious lots of Tanks um this is my theory all right I'm taking as much armor as possible we've seen what the other combatants have been capable of and it seems quite a hard nut to crack therefore the Imperial Guard have been called the list is very straightforward I do have a tank commander with a plasma execution Cannon and two plasma sponsons cuz they have last then three lemon Ras executioners with plasma and sponson so they have blast then two H hounds because fire yes and dead Orcs if in doubt fire yes indeed and plasma and plasma it's all fiery death y now I'm going to eliminate all of the Orcs And you're just going to get a big dust ban of brush and they're all going to be swept off the board baby right Roger a good start the blast is helping get plus four shots with basically every gun on the tank except the heavy Bolter so this tank commander I think yeah this is the guy has ordered this guy to take Aim and he is going to shoot at this unit of or boys the plasma execution cannon on top has got many shots oh he's done very well oh oh look at him go that is that is six lethals misses to wound you okay okay I say it's come watch that still eight wounds on your invulnerable save my good sir we uh so that is six Dead from the ex okay well after a good start the plasma sponsons again getting blast which is very nice indeed there's three lethals in there marvelous couple of Misses come on come on Imperial Guard you got this that is oh lots of wounds there so that is four five six two four six eight wounds again on your eight wound again and so we've saved two so far and pick so that is five that have died 11 that have died so far the heavy Bater oh no the heavy bter oh no okay tank commander himself is now going to shoot at one of the middle squads thinning The Horde thinning The Horde he's not benefiting from his orders cuz he can't cuz he's very silly you see um he does get two it's all going horribly wrong okay that's not bad two wounds he was focused on getting his mate to help he's like he's got it oh okay so he has killed five okay okay the plasma sponsons oh you silly sausage oh two more Leal missed you a lot of times oh no oh no just the two uh we that's two more oh the heavy vter oh no he killed three he killed three look I've I've done the other two rths and it's it's been ning and this guy killed five this guy killed nine this is a lot of Orcs on the table we're now moving to a hell hounds cuz if you can't kill it with plasma you kill it with fire he's rolled very hot on his 2d6 so that is going into the fresh Squad I'm trying to thin your ranks here okay okay oh there's a there's a ones get out of here six seven eight wounds eight wounds there minus one you don't care you're an OP oh it's a good roll you killed four the heavy flavor from the hell hound oh okay that that's okay that it's four four more four more uh that is three more okay okay the hell Hound's done okay The Hound's done okay right the other Hound on the other side oh it's quite hot again it's quite hot again come on hell hounds bring it home bring it home hellhounds for Jim and for Glory oh it's okay it's it's it's tepid that is tepid B that is six wounds half uh I don't know how much that that's parkour uh but that's okay cuz you've killed three three the heavy flamer a [Laughter] right it does wound one more wound with the heavy flamer uh kills another one okay you killed four okay right Desperate Times Desperate Measures 600 killer missiles they firing at the same time one at each Squad right the five hitting on fours excellent the one hitting on threes excellent he does hit that's that's good there's one lethal there right oh my goodness that's two H you're not toughness six are you toughness five that is three wounds with the hunter Killers three more dead it's not going not going ideal really if I'm completely honest but um we're going to do a charge now dead I think it is at this point fine let's not talk about that now um CO3 is going to charge into the or boys I'm using tank shock cuz I'm allowing it um any more wounds oh it's it's four four more it's four more dead hwk voice I guess I'll Attack you oh yeah he's he's hit you well he ran as over to be fair he he he's potentially maybe maybe run one over that is dead Lov if he say he's just holding up look okay things could have gone better yes I appreciate I'm running on Fall 50/50 don't don't tell me the stats never tell me the odds um you are going now press towards me I presume yes I am yeah um you've been very kind and you allow me to OverWatch because also Fire's fun so we want to we want to show that um this big Squad is going to move this way I will try and barbecue you with my hellish Hound oh oh dear oh dear oh J oh jam it's three wo [Laughter] you killed two the flamer a ah it's just steam steam is coming off the tank you killed three well yeah I tried you you did I'll move your Ro in well this has gone poorly I have killed 51 Orcs yes which means you're not bottom but you have shut down my entire tank line and needless to say it was not successful yeah I feel I don't know what could be Orcs at this stage I feel like the great philosopher Batman once said to destroy fear you must become fear itself [Music] a [Music] wait did it wait Did it but that will't cost that will cost that will cost well we answer the question what can defeat 120 or boys thousands and thousands of points of ORS thousands of points and and Blood Sweat anded how how are you doing Mr Sig I'm fine fair enough um well that concludes our experiment for today I've been James Jordan aka the bud I've been joined by ktie Jinx C little bid we didn't do very well experiments failed dig I won see you on the next one guys bye bye [Music]
Channel: Tabletop Tactics
Views: 132,096
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, warhammer 40k, games workshop, warhammer tv, wh40k, batrep, battle report, warhammer 40000, 40k, list analysis, tactics, age of sigmar, AoS
Id: pszl7VK7vHY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 51sec (1611 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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