8.4.21 | Wednesday Service | Pursuit Yth

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[Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] do [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] who already misses summer camp yeah man camp was a blast we had a blast if you missed camp you definitely missed out and everybody say everybody say 2022. yeah youth camp 2022 is right around the corner we're already planning we're already getting excited but before that happens we're actually going to be having a winter conference and i'm excited i'm already excited i just can't wait i'm already excited i'm already juiced uh but yeah so this summer is gonna be a blast uh the the this winter is gonna be a blast it's just a blast all we do here is have the greatest events of all time and so i hope you came ready to have a good night tonight's gonna be a blast anybody ready for the after party tonight everybody ready have some fun good me too me too i have a couple announcements uh just to tell you guys about who in wow i'm so shook this is the weirdest sound sound like a toy story character uh but um uh that was your real voice i'm sorry and if it was a boy i'm even sorrier but uh uh but um i'm really excited uh this uh we have in just a few weeks on does anybody know the date what's the date um it's the fourth it's it's august the fourth someone said may the fourth but i love it uh everybody say september 1st so that is in four more wednesdays so not next week not next week not next week but that week all right the fourth wednesday from now we are having our annual back-to-school bash lock-in and so what does that mean alex that means on when that wednesday september 1st doors will open at six and then we'll have our service and then when the after party starts we lock our doors and we don't leave until nine a.m the next day what what so all i'm saying is we're gonna have food all night we're gonna party all night we're gonna have games all night does anybody who was here at our last lock-in who was here to the last lock-in who turned up with the last lock-in all right good all right i want to see i just want to see for my own personal for my own personal uh fun who has never been to one of our lock-ins who has never been whoa okay okay so that's most of the room you know what that tells me you're in for a treat i'm telling you our lock-ins go so hard they're the most fun ever last last year we did dodgeball for like four hours in the middle of the night uh our neighbors get so mad every single year because we're blasting music until like four in the morning uh i think last year we also did like a i think we did a like a late night worship set and i think we did it like 2 a.m it's just nuts we just have fun uh and so if you uh i cannot wait for that wednesday it's gonna be the last wednesday of the summer and then the next wednesday you guys start school boo on september 8th uh but then the next the next wednesday on september 15th we are starting back up our year-round internship all right internship is really one of the best ways for people to get plugged in here at the pursuit you get to serve in all different areas of our church uh like if you're wondering like hey how do people learn how to do the cameras internship uh if you're wondering like well well how like like what are people like how do people get to volunteer in like kids classes on sundays internship so uh internship is really how we get everybody plugged in around here an internship is open throughout the school year from sophomore year through senior year so you're going into your sophomore year junior year or senior year i'm telling you you need to sign up for internship and then also if you got saved or like had a radical transformation at youth camp i'm telling you your next step is going to be joining internship it's going to be a blast uh but then for this year i have a big surprise a big announcement never say a big announcement i have a big announcement this year we're doing something brand new we've never done this before we are opening up our internship program to those going into their freshman year as well and so if you're going into your freshman year if you're in eighth grade right now you're going into your freshman year next year you can join our year-round internship we've never done this before so i'm telling you get in on the ground because it's gonna be a great great time you have your bible let's open up to judges chapter six judges chapter six this is in the old testament my bible says it's page 296. i don't think that'll correlate quite to you uh we'll get you in the ballpark um and so judges chapter six really excited tonight really really excited to talk to you guys tonight we're gonna we're continuing our series on back to the basics and tonight we're gonna be talking about the idea of worship every say worship worship uh if you want to write a title down tonight it's just simply this in the same place in the same place in the same place judges chapter six this is a great story in the old testament uh judges chapter six is about this man named gideon everybody say gideon gideon he comes from uh the smallest tribe in israel he comes from the weakest people and he comes from the lowest people uh and so if you're like hey everybody looks over me nobody thinks i'm anything special nobody thinks that everything will good come from my life uh nobody when people look at me or look in my future they just they just kind of laugh like nobody thinks i'm gonna amount to anything nobody thinks i'm worth anything i'm telling you tonight you are a gideon and gideon does incredible things and so can i just say this before we go any further no matter what the world or what um even some of your family members may say about your future god has got a future and a destiny and a calling on your life that is better and greater than you may ever realize i'm telling you tonight no matter what people may say to you or about you don't believe it because unless it's unless it's a promise of god then it's a lie of the enemy and so frank can i tell you tonight god's got great things in store for your life and can i tell you this you are you do have the potential and the possibility to be successful you've got the potential to be an incredible mom an incredible dad you've gotten you've got the potential to raise a strong family i'm telling you guys you've got you got future in your fam and you're in your line you got future in your future uh and i just want to tell you guys tonight that no matter what the world may say to you you've got something good on on the other end uh does anybody like going to the movies anybody love going to the movies i love i love the movies uh who okay who has gone and seen the new fast and furious movie who saw it okay please stop doing that because they're making more all right so stop just don't go all right stop going all right you're you're part of the problem all right but it's for family you know i hear you i i'm dead i'm dead but a pet peeve of mine when going to the movies when people start talking during the movies oh it's the worst or or if i'm watching like a good netflix show uh like have anybody been watching outer banks anybody watching out of banks okay john b you know honestly jumby's wild all right he's crazy i say no go on john b but uh but um i've been watching out our banks and and uh me and brenda will watch and brenda does this thing where she'll be on her phone and uh brenda's my wife by the way if you don't know who brenda is uh and and we'll be we'll be watching a movie or a tv show and she'll just be on her phone just scrolling through pinterest you know just just scrolling for days or going through instagram and then she'll do this thing and if you have a boyfriend or girlfriend or a family member like this you'll know exactly what i mean um she'll say alex alex look look at this look at this look at this alex look look look at this look look and i'm like i'm like i'm like okay and i pause the show i'm gonna say what and she's like look how cute this baby is i'm like i passed my show for the okay it's super cute can i watch my show now she's like yeah yeah i watch my show and then then a few minutes later a few minutes later then she'll shoot alex look look look look you see this you see this and i'm like i'm like what and then she's like look it's this dog this is like come on i'm watching my show i'm i'm deeply invested in who's going to get the treasure in in this movie where's the cross at you know all these things you know i'm very invested into outer banks by the way if i just spoil something i'm sorry i don't think i did but uh but anyways i'm just i'm always invested in my shows i love my tv shows and the worst thing is i'm really invested and i have to pause i have to stop so that bryna or or someone else one of my friends can like say something to me and oftentimes i have to pause the show i feel like some of you guys like you pause it like that's rude alex how could you you know you pause it like like because that's what i do i pause it and i say i say yes you know i'm like huh losing my mind you know i'm like okay yes awesome i love it very cute thank you and like can i watch my show now you know uh but i have to pause it because because i have to give her my full attention you know i can't be i can't be a bad husband i can't just like be sitting on the show like on the tv show like yeah yeah okay yeah yeah cool looks good i wouldn't at least try and give her my full attention even though most of the time it's like half-hearted but but i'm trying you know i'm pausing you know and can i tell you tonight some of you guys might need to pause some things because because the voice of god is calling out to you and you think it's an interruption but it's actually him calling you higher and he's saying something to you and you're like you're like yeah i got i get it i got i get it i get i'm in the middle of something and god's trying to speak something to you but if we're not careful and we don't have the courage or have the boldness or really even have the sensitivity to the spirit to pause our life and say god i'm listening to what you're saying in this moment because i want to hear from you does anybody want to hear from god like who wants to hear from god okay if you want to hear from god can i give you a challenge can i encourage you if you want to hear from god then it's time to turn down the world because some of us we can't hear anything because we're so convoluted with everything else going around us and i'm telling you friend god wants to speak to you he wants to encourage you he wants to speak life into you but friend sometimes it means pausing a season can i challenge you some of you guys need to pause the relationship some of you guys need a pause in addiction so you guys need to pause a friend group and have the courage to say god in this season i know that it's not for my best good to be in this environment and i want to be able to hear what you're saying let's open up our bibles to judge chapter six starting in verse 25. so it says that night the lord said to him take your father's bull and the second bull seven years old and pull down the altar of baal that your father has so let's posture for a second he's saying that your dad has built this altar to a false god named baal i'm asking you the lord is saying i'm asking you to tear down this altar that your father has and it says and cut down the asherah that is beside it another idol tear down this other idol that is beside it and here with or and build an altar to the lord your god on the top ever say on the top come on say it like you mean it say on the top come on say it like you're happy to be here on a wednesday night stay on the top all right on the top of the stronghold build an altar to your god on the top of the stronghold here with stones laid into order then take the second bull and offer it as a burnt sacrifice with the wood of the asherah or using the supplies from the other idol so use the other idol to make a burnt offering that you shall cut down so gideon took ten men of his servants and did as the lord had told him but because he was too afraid of his family and the men of that town to do it by day he did it by night let's pray tonight god i thank you from our friends god thank you for what you're speaking to us tonight and holy spirit we just give you permission to speak and we just say speak lord your servants are listening and god we're just so excited to be here on a wednesday night and god we're just so excited what you're gonna say to us in jesus name everybody said amen did you know there's a difference between praise and worship the difference there's a difference between praise and worship and i know what you're saying you're saying alex i know one is where i jump and the other is where i go on my knees you know these are the fast songs versus the slow songs i'm singing a praise song this one this one where i dance i don't need anything else yeah or there's just one thing one thing okay that was lame let's try again because there's just one thing okay you got it you got it okay yeah so some of you guys like those are the fast songs those are the praise songs this is what praise means it means i'm singing a fast song and then in worship what worship means is that i'm singing a slow song like like refiner or i'm singing a slow song like like open up the windows let the light in you know i was thinking the slow ones you know i'm saying the slow songs so the fast ones are the praise songs the slow ends of the worship song but but frank i tell can i challenge you for a moment praise and worship is more about an attitude of your heart than it is about the tempo of a song praise is saying thank you lord for what you've done worship is saying thank you for who you are see some of you guys are really good praisers but you're not very good at worshiping and it's not because of anything that you've done wrong it's just simply because you don't know who he is and so you're really good at saying thank you for what you've done but you're not very good at saying thank you for who you are friend this is why we read our scriptures this is why we spend time in the presence of god because in the time of presence with the presence of god when i spend time with the lord in worship and in in in in prayer and in just sitting in his presence i'm learning more about who he is and friend can i tell you tonight god is kinder than you think he is he's more full of mercy than you think he is he's more loving than you think he is and friend if you come tonight and you say well alex why would i worship god for who he is he's judgmental he's hateful he's out to get people he hates all these different types of people he's just mad at people friend can i challenge you tonight no wonder you don't worship him because you don't know who he is because you just don't know who he is because friend he is not that he's not the caricature of this god in heaven that the world has painted him out to be instead he is a loving father he is someone who sits with the he sits close to the brokenhearted says that he stands with a broken friend he is a strong tower to those who are in need friend the lord is someone who is close to us and he's not close to us in judgment and trying to beat us up but instead he is close to us with mercy rich in kindness and rich in goodness and love and patience friend this is god not that he was so not that we were so good that he wanted to come and be a part of our life but in the midst of our mess and in the midst of ours mistakes jesus came and decided that we were worth having relationship with friend this is jesus and so friend in worship i thank him for who he is because i know who he is see what a lot of us look like is we look like think about this on christmas eve or on christmas morning you come down stairs or you come out of your room and your christmas tree has all these presents underneath the christmas tree does anybody have a christmas tree on christmas anybody anybody celebrate christmas in the room wow me too this is so strange i didn't think i thought i was the only one but uh you come out of your room there's a christmas tree your presents are there you start unwrapping your presents right you unwrap your presents and then you're like and then you say thank you mom thank you dad for the presents these gifts are awesome and then but then you don't say but then you're like that's it that's like your whole relationship with your parents and then you don't actually talk to them again until they give you another present so you got to wait for your birthday and then you're like okay fine now and i'll talk to you again yeah yeah yeah thank you for this birthday gift thank you or then they show up randomly and they're like hey brought pizza home i love you i got you pizza you're like oh sick pizza thanks mom thanks dad love it love this pizza friend this is how a lot of our relationships with god work is we open up our gifts that he gives us and then we don't speak to him again until the next gift shows up because we don't know him personally we just know his gifts and we just think that god is a gift but not a giver and friend if we're not careful too often we'll glorify the gift and we'll actually miss the giver we'll glorify and this is why like it like it like in like in in in celebration and testimony like like i'll be like yeah yeah yeah someone got healed and it was awesome man but look at jesus this is who jesus is look at what jesus did what are we doing we're saying thank you for the gift but we're pulling our attention back onto who he is because friend if we're not careful we will make everything about the gift see friends some of you guys think that experiencing god is spending time with god but in reality you can spend time with god and never experience him because he's not an experience he's a person can i challenge you can i step on each other for a moment can i just go a little bit further see some of you guys get disappointed because you think that god's far from you because you come to worship and you didn't cry this week but you've minimized god into an experience instead of recognizing that he's a person and if i never get another thing from him he's still worthy of my affection see friend this is where the rubber meets the road is that in worship i'm thanking him for who he is not for what he's done and what i'm saying by that is i'm saying god even if i never got another gift from you even if i never got healed again even if the things i've been praying for don't work out even if even if my life is marked by turmoil and depression and heaviness and i don't get what i've been praying for even if none of that happens god you're still worthy of my affection see friend god is worthy of your affection it says this about the lord uh in the book of revelation it says that that all around his throne are elders and angels and then it says like these living creatures which are so weird and bizarre that we can't even really fully understand what they look like we just know that one has a face like a guy one has a face like an ox one has a face like a lamb and one has a face like a goat and we just we're like okay or like a lion and so we're like okay i get it i think you know but it says also like covered in eyes you know this is like this weird bizarre wild exp experience in heaven but it says that all these things that they're crying out day and night holy holy holy is the lord god almighty who was and who is and who is to come and i i remember my dad talking about the scene in heaven and he would he would talk about it like like god is like a diamond and you say that god is like like ever so slightly turning and shifting and then you're seeing another reflection from him and then the angels and elders all again see a whole another perspective of who he is and they fall back on their knees and say holy holy holy is the lord god almighty who was and who is and who is to come and then he spins just a little bit or he shifts just a little bit returns or another refraction from him and they're like oh my gosh i see a whole another side of him and friend i've been serving the lord for 25 years and i've never not seen another side of god he's always got more things to show me he's got always got new things to reveal to me because he is the god of all of creation he's the god of the universe and friend he is more big more magnificent magnificent more spectacular than anything we could ever ask think or imagine and friend in worship i'm simply prop i'm simply properly assessing and properly setting my focus i'm saying jesus lord i'm setting my gaze on you i'm taking my eyes off of all of this other stuff i'm just simply setting my gaze on you you know if you're wondering why in worship some of you sometimes i'll say hey some of you guys need to move away from your friends what i'm saying is hey some of you guys are being distracted and your focus is being distracted from setting it on the thing that matters i'm trying to help you so that you can set your gaze on something that matters because see friend a lot of us we make church about a whole lot of other things instead of making about the one thing and friend jesus is the one thing he's the reason we're here he's the reason we've came if it's not jesus then friend we're wasting our time friend if we don't if we don't come to worship and magnify the lord then friend this is just a this is a health club this doesn't make any sense like like it's just a club this is a this is like a fraternity like this doesn't make any sense outside of the fact that we're here to glorify and magnify the name of jesus and friend if he is our sinner if he is the center of our affection and of our attention then friend it makes the whole night worth it but friend if you miss out on that then friend you're missing out on the main thing and some of you guys think well alex i'm not really a christian so you know i don't need to be listening about about worship or you know i'm just new to this faith thing i'll get around to worship i'll get around all this stuff i'm just i'm just kind of feeling out the waters you know whatever i'm not i don't really worship anything but friend there's no such thing as spiritual neutrality meaning this that you don't get to decide to not worship anything because you and i were created to worship and there's something on the inside of you that burns longs and desires to worship something outside of yourself and friend what you might not realize is that you're always worshiping say say this say i'm always worshiping see uh worship and some of you guys are worshiping your significant other some of you guys are worshiping the music that you listen to some of you guys are worshiping your friends some of you guys worship money influence substances you're like alex that's not true that's not true you're just spiritual man you're just too you're just too like old school man like whatever well friend here's how i know if you're worshiping something could you give it up could you quit what if the lord asked you to break up with that person could you do it if the answer is no it might be because it's the thing that truly owns your heart a lot of talking in the back corner if i can get some leaders just to help out just in this whole general section back three rows need some need some serious help see my question is can you give it up why not why couldn't i give it up see see some of you guys it might be something as simple as music like i knew someone uh i was like hey uh uh have you ever thought about going on a fast and he's like i don't know i don't know i was like i was like well why don't you just like fast like secular music he was like i could never fast that i could never fast my music this is how i escaped this is how i friend maybe if that's you maybe it's got a stronghold in your heart and it's okay to let it go for a season you know i think sometimes we make we want to make our walk with jesus so extreme like so black and so white like i'm only listening to this i'm only listening to that sometimes it's just seasons sometimes it's just seasons where i'm just like okay in this season i'm going to stop doing this and some of you guys it might be social media might be the whole thing that like your whole life revolves around like have you ever thought about this like what would happen if you couldn't just scroll for hours and you guys your anxiety just went like oh gosh dude not my instagram not my tick tocks before i'm just asking you tonight what owns your heart see what what's worse than being an incapable christian is being a distracted christian because a distracted christian is drowning in potential you could be something great you could do something incredible for the kingdom of god you just choose not to because you've given your affection to everything else and for i want to challenge you tonight what owns your heart what owns it what owns what owns your affection what owns your attention you know i think it's so funny that that like uh i i do this thing on tick tock where i'll say hey there's 24 hours in your day can you give jesus three minutes of your time and i'll just read the bible and just tell people hey this is what it means you know it's really simple i just think it's so crazy how most of us in this room can't give jesus one minute of our time or two or three or four or five or ten and i think it's always funny when we hear people like who are like way more spiritual than us and have all the thing and like and like uh walk in the authority that we wish we had and like like walk in the anointing that we wish we had and they're like yeah i spend like two hours with the lord every day and we're like well i guess that's not me and friend i'm not trying to say go spend two hours with the lord tomorrow i'm just saying can you give him a little bit of your time is he worthy of a little bit of your affection maybe not saying hey you need to only listen to christian music from here on out maybe i am saying though that for some of you guys that's like your main thing maybe just for tomorrow can you just only listen to worship music you know maybe if it's social media i'm not i'm not saying like like hey you need to like completely cut out social media and never get on social media ever against the worst it's the devil whatever i'm not i'm not doing any of that but i am saying though is if it owns your heart then then friend doesn't jesus deserve your heart like i think it's so funny we come at the altar we say lord come be lord of my life i give you my heart we have all these other things see in this in the story of judges chapter six it i think it's so interesting because the lord says to gideon he says tear down your father's altar to baal and build on top of it another altar to me tear down this altar and where that altar was build another altar to me and then he says tear down this other pole this other this asherah pull down this other thing and make that into an altar see i think what a lot of us like to do is we like to say hey god i'm giving you all the things that i don't want anymore do doing all my junk all the things that i'm ashamed of all my failure but i'm keeping a hold of all these things that i like and what we like to do is we like to keep our old altars from our old life still standing but we like to build a new altar to god in a different place but god's asking us tonight can you build an altar in the same place where your addiction once had you can you build an altar in the same place where your where your girlfriend or boyfriend once had your whole heart can you build an altar on top of the things that once kept you from me can you build an altar on top of the things that once were the thing that you worshipped at see friend you might say alex i don't have like an idol at my house i don't have like some weird like like like like thing where i go in my bow before but friend you've got altars all over your life we've got a generation that gives altars to everything else but jesus we make we make our politics into an altar we make our we make our same-sex attraction into an altar we makes our transgenderism into an altar we make all these different things into an altar and i'm challenging you tonight can you make the altar where you worship the lord on top of the same place where you once worshiped the world can you make them the same place where your altar was once going for everybody else can you make an altar for lord in that place in the same place see in the same place see friend my relationship with god took the place of my addiction my relationship with god took the place of my insecurity my my relationship with god took the place of of my of my hurt and of my insecurity to where i always felt like i had to be in a relationship or else i'm not whole my relationship with god took the place of of my new age practice and my horoscopes and and all these other things my relationship with god took everything everything i once held dear and i built my life upon the ruins of what once used to hold me so close because now i built a new altar to a new god on top of it the one god the jehovah god the jesus the christ the one who saved me the one who's redeemed me friend on top of all my old junk i've built a new altar in the same place in the same place see friend when when you come to the altar to say yes to jesus he asks for everything and friends some of you guys you think that in worship i'm just singing songs but friend in worship i'm building altars in worship i'm building altars and i'm saying you know what lord i messed up this week and i know i know i shouldn't have but god on top of my on the top of my dysfunction god i'm building an altar back to you and god on top of all my heartbreak and all my ridicule and all my insecurity and all the things that hurt me back in my my childhood into my early teenage years got all those things that i thought would never be okay got on top of all that hurt on top of all that insecurity where i once used to bow before god now i'm building a new altar and i'm building it to you frank can i challenge you tonight where are you bowing at and what has your heart how do i know it has your heart because how's your identity how's your functionality has every part of you revolving around it i'm just asking you tonight do you have the courage to build another altar do you have you have the courage say you know what jesus i i've laid this one on the altar before but you know what instead of instead of giving this one away i'm building on top of it i'm just going to build on top of it see friends what a lot of us like to do we like to come to jesus when we come to jesus we've got our got our altar of horoscopes we've got our altar of new age we've got our altar of of of our sexuality and our gender issues got our altar of all of our offenses got my alter my relationships got my alter my influence my popularity got all these altars all around me when we come to the altar we say yes to jesus but a lot of us what it looks like is we say cool i've got one more spot for jesus i'll build an altar for you here lord we fail to tear down everything else that we once worshipped friend he's not looking for another space in your heart he's looking for the whole thing jesus is not after a room in your heart it's after owning the whole thing because friend i've heard it like this if he's not lord of all he's not lord at all so friend this is what worship is just again and again and again saying jesus give this part of my life over to you give this part of my life over to you all over the room would you just buy your head close your eyes see guys some of you guys tonight it's time to pause the movie of your life it's time to give the lord your full attention actually for some of you guys it's not time to pause your life for some of you guys it's time to walk out of the theater because you know that your life is going nowhere but tonight i'm offering you life jesus doesn't come to make bad people good he comes to make dead men alive so tonight if you don't know jesus but you want to when i count to three would you shoot your hand right up in the air just so everybody so i can connect my faith with yours one jesus loves you so much two that's never the same three is anybody in here tonight you say yes to jesus one two three four five six seven awesome eight see you in the back nine see the back anybody else ten i see you love it all over the room loud enough so you can hear yourself say it say this say dear lord jesus i'm a sinner and i need a savior i believe you died on the cross i believe you rose from the dead i believe in you come be lord of my life give you my whole heart give you all of me for all of you in jesus name amen awesome can we give it up for the 11 people say yes to jesus all right i'ma correct you guys real quick i'm gonna correct you you you cool if i correct you okay are you sure okay in worship if some of you guys wonder in worship why when you're jumping around or pushing people or going wild at the front why you get a weird little dad stare from me like it's because in worship we don't get the attention he does what some of you guys don't recognize is that you're pulling attention onto yourself instead of putting attention onto jesus everybody good so when we when we cheer on people for saying yes to jesus it's not your opportunity to say hey look at me it's our opportunity to give glory to jesus so again i want to try again because some of you guys don't know how to honor the lord or honor what he's doing i'm going gonna give you another chance we're gonna applaud the lord for what he's done in this room because 11 people just said yes to jesus that's a big deal 11 people's eternity will be forever changed and they won't spend an eternity being persecuted and held but are now going to be seated or are not going to be seen in heavenly places with the lord for this is an it's an incredible moment to celebrate this isn't an opportunity to take the attention on to us this is an opportunity to say jesus thank you for dying on the cross thank you for rising from the dead thank you for giving us an opportunity to know you and have relationship with you thank you lord so again when i count to three give it up for every single person who said yes to jesus because their life is forever ever changed one two three come on the lord's good the lord's worthy he's faithful and friend tonight tonight friend tonight friend i don't know what you came in with i don't know what you came holding but tonight if you've got something if you've got an old altar that you need to build on top of when i count to three come out of your seat come into the altar some of you guys don't have the guts to that's okay but i'm asking for the courageous ones to come forward and i'm asking for the people who are with boldness they're saying alex there's nothing that's going to separate me from my walk with jesus nothing's going to hold me back anymore i want to have full-on relationship with god i'm giving everything my whole heart all my affection all my devotion my future my friends my relationships my my popularity everything every part of me gets laid on the altar tonight i'm building altars on top of my old ones if that's you tonight when i count to three just sprint up here get your get on your face one two three come on right now right now who is that who am i talking to who am i talking to come on build an altar build an altar friend build an altar come on tell the lord lord i'm building an altar on top of this come on there's just repentance that's coming in the room lord god i just rep i just released repentance god over this room but i just lose repentance and jesus right now god we just give permission god look for you to move so god right now on top of old altars come on some of you guys might be sports sports aren't bad but hey if they got the number one spot in your heart they're bad come on on top of those old altars begin to say lord i worship you on top of all my stuff i worship you instead of this i'm choosing you on top of this some of you guys might i might need to denounce some things that might be but what it takes for you to tear down that old altar or i'd announce new ageism i'd announce my old theology i would denounce my old my old practices come on some of you guys trust horoscopes more than you trust scripture i denounced that i denounced that in jesus name has no place here has no right here some of you guys it might be something that you've struggled with your whole life got it lord i'd announce i'd announce my confusion come on telling your friend build an altar and right now i'm in complete agreement with all my friends that are down down front and jesus right now god i just i just heal god the moment this moment right now in jesus name and god tonight lord i thank you lord in the place of their old dysfunction jesus we build a new altar we build a new altar and god in the place of all that junk god i thank you all your goodness and your mercy floods this place lord right now god we break off all shame guilt and condemnation now in jesus name and holy spirit we give you permission god to move god we thank you for tonight god thank you for my friends thank you for what you're doing in our in our midst jesus we love you jesus we love you jesus we love you love you lord love you lord love you jesus love you jesus just here for a couple more seconds come on if you didn't come to the front but you want to altar is open altar is still open thank you jesus thank you jesus see friend we believe the lie there's such thing as radical christianity it's not it's all in or it's all out or according to scripture it's all in or spit out love it i love it so proud of you guys down front proud of you guys god's doing the work it takes courage to come down front proud of you guys thank you lord thank you lord this guy right now i'm in complete agreement with all my friends down front lord right now we just build new altars god we repent or forgiving our hearts to other things but jesus tonight we set our focus back on you we set our gaze back on you in jesus name jesus name everybody said amen amen if you guys want do you start making your way back to your seat awesome awesome host yo that really convicted me that was tough got me crying no i think something i really need to do is like lay out the secular music for sure that's something i'm going to try to do yeah me too who else was touched by alex's message tonight because man i won't give it up higher i was fired yeah wow um so tonight's um event is summer olympics yeah we got summer olympics going tonight let's go i mean yeah summer olympics get excited usa come on you let us stay yeah you
Channel: Pursuit Yth
Views: 38
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: l6YpQ15_kW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 40sec (3400 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 05 2021
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