09.29.21 | Wednesday Service | Pursuit yth

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hey guys my name is alex if you're tuning in for the first time hey guys my name is alex if you're tuning in for the first time tonight i just want to say thank you so much for being a part of our online community man youth at pursuit looks crazy here's an example [Music] before we go any further make sure you hit the subscribe button like this video and hit the bell notification so you're notified every time that we do another live stream just like this one if you have any friends that aren't currently watching with you man make sure you hit the share button so you can invite them to be a part of what god's doing tonight it's nice service obviously if you live in the snohomish area we'd love for you to join us in person uh but if you're not here locally you can always tune in right here on wednesday nights to be a part of our community you know online is going to look a couple different ways number one make sure you follow us on instagram number two make sure you subscribe to our youtube channel number three make sure you're a part of our tick tock community that's just forming as of a couple weeks ago and tonight after worship we're gonna actually have digital family groups for you to get to plug in and meet some of our online community as well thanks again so much for being part of tonight's service and worship is about to start in just a couple minutes [Music] [Music] hey guys my name is alex if you're tuning in for the first time tonight i just want to say thank you so much for being a part of our online community okay you guys weren't hyped enough let's go [Music] is [Music] giving me [Music] me [Music] [Music] if [Music] it up [Music] [Music] me [Music] come on [Music] [Music] i don't care what they say cause [Music] cause [Music] me [Music] make some noise [Applause] come on if you came expecting tonight but just lift your hands god come and have your way jesus [Music] the goodness [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] god [Music] alone [Music] oh jesus [Music] is [Music] [Music] you're leading the way you're leading the worship so i want you to lean in i want you to lift your hands i want you to start to jump come on we're just pressing in tonight come on god's showing up in our midst come on we're hungry for all glory in our day and reformation come on who's hungry where are the hungry people at where are the hungry people are let's go [Music] so [Music] he's [Music] holy [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] come on if you got more than that come on let's give a shout out praise come on look at the shot of praise like you know who are worshiping like you know who we're standing before come on oh that's cool you don't get it yet you know in jewish culture there's this idea in prayer that they say know before whom you stand when you pray know before whom you stand when you pray recognize this friend the creator of the entire universe is here in our midst and we have his attention come on he leans in come on man begin to play come on man i don't care what you play it's just quiet but the entire you like the god of the universe leans in and begins to just take notice when his people worship him so come on friend we're not just singing songs we are entertaining the creator of everything that we see hear feel know and touch come on we are not just serving some small god know before whom you stand and so when i count to three i want you to lift up a shot of praise like you know who you're praising like you know that when you shout that even the just the gates of hell can't prevail against us come on i'm telling you that when we begin to shake when we begin to shout when we begin to jump come on there's something that shifts in the heavenlies so come on when i count to three i didn't hear everyone shout at this place one come on i'm telling you when we shout things we get to shake two come on i'm telling you we need to get a shirt up today three come on begin to shout [Music] oh oh [Music] come on [Music] me [Music] [Music] so [Music] it's time for the sleepers [Music] is [Music] is [Music] let the king [Music] glory [Music] i'm [Music] is [Music] uh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] on your feet [Music] [Music] and this song [Music] open is the windows [Music] come on we're making room for the king of glory [Music] open up the window [Music] windows [Music] [Applause] let the king [Music] that's the key [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] into something new we're pressing into something incredible come on we're going somewhere tonight so come on all over the room [Music] open it up [Music] open up the windows [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right [Music] uh [Applause] come on friend i don't know who you're trying to impress tonight i don't know who you're trying to win affection for because friend we serve a living god come on who's here in the room so come on i'll look undignified and even yet i'll get more indignified than this you think you see me go crazy you haven't seen anything yet come on i'm telling you friend i'm believing tonight that we're encountering outpouring like we've never experienced before i'm believing tonight that some of you guys are going to come under the weight in the mighty hand of god like you've never experienced before in your life and i'm telling you tonight friend if you're after your dignity you will miss revival because revival has a way of breaking people's dignity because friend pride can't stand in the presence of a mighty god and so friend i'm telling you does anybody in here not care if i look like an idiot not care if i look like a fool come on i'm just after one thing tonight i'm after just one thing tonight come on from the front to the back with your hands to heaven come on lift your hands to heaven say dear lord jesus take my pride take my dignity i lay it on the altar i'm not ashamed of your presence i'll become even more undignified in devil pride you haven't seen anything yet you haven't seen anything yet so i'm looking for people i'm looking for five people right now who aren't afraid to lose their dignity aren't afraid to make themselves look crazy come on i need somebody to dance like david dance i need somebody to jump begin to spin i'm telling you god's in the room tonight and he's after a crazy prey come on man let's take it up let's take it up [Music] come on crazy [Music] up the oh [Music] [Music] hey [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] what's he worthy of tonight friend what's he worthy of what's he worthy of come on come on come on what's rising from the students in the northwest there's a sound rising from the students of the northwest a sound that won't be silent the sound it won't stop come on [Music] see some of you guys you don't understand you don't understand you're like why are they getting so crazy you don't understand the heaviness has been weighing us down you don't understand the depression that's been plaguing us you don't understand the suicidal thoughts they've been running through the minds in this room so sorry i'm not sorry but don't mind me as i get a little crazy in the presence of the one who brought me my freedom see friend you can judge my worship but you can't judge my story come on i'm telling you tonight friend there is something that breaks off of you when you begin to step into the oil of praise when you begin to dance i'm telling you strongholds just begin to shake off i'm telling you heaviness can't stand in the presence where the people of god who are not intimidated by pride so i'm so sorry friend if you're like this isn't what are they doing they're getting sweaty during worship friend you haven't seen me get sweaty yet oh they're shouting too much it's too loud i don't understand friend you haven't heard me get crazy hit well i don't understand why they're jumping i don't understand why they're dancing so much friend you haven't seen me jump yet but i'm telling you if you are after a dignified worship and friend don't go to heaven because the angels day and night and night and day in every tribe every language every tongue cries out holy and friend it's a wild praise it's a wild praise from the front to the back every hand lifted right now come on all right if you're next to someone come on just grab the hands of the next person next to you come on keep your hands lifted keep your hands up just grab hands with the person next to you come on this is just a connecting point come on we're family tonight come on grab hands the next person next to you come on don't get distracted don't get distracted don't get distracted come on keep your hands up keep your hands up and right now lo we release this the oil of gladness lord right now all over the room come on come on from the front to the back where we release the oil of gladness the oil of gladness come on just take it just take it just take it come on some of you guys are gonna be in the laughs you guys gonna begin to cry i'm telling you the spirit of god hey is it moving in the house oh we just released the oil of gladness all over the room all over the room all over the room all over the room [Music] [Music] hey oh we just break off heaviness off this whole group right here in the front low we just break it off now in jesus name from the front to the back we break off the spirit of heaviness and lord right now we release the anointing oil of joy the oil of joy while we release it right now release it right now release it right now right now right now right now come on god's moving in the room we're going to sit here for a couple seconds come on if you have a prayer language just begin to pray that out right now come on all over the room if you don't have a prayer language just say jesus i love you fill me with your spirit say jesus i love you fill me with your spirit fill me with your spirit jesus fill me with your spirit come on the presence of god is being stirred all over the room all over the room all over the room all over the room all over the room all over the room thank you jesus thank you jesus [Music] you can let go of the hand next to you come on if you feel the presence of god in the room would you just wave your hand at me at me wow wow telling you friend there is something that shifts in the atmosphere when we just don't care about anything else other than him i'm telling you it's a key that unlocks the supernatural in our life because friend god says scripture says it says that god opposes or resists the proud isn't that crazy that if i have pride in my heart if i have pride in my heart meaning that i care more about what my neighbor thinks about me than what he thinks about me then it says in scripture that he resists us from giving you a warning tonight just so you can simply unlock something in your life so i'm telling you one more time just every hand lifted every hymn left you just say all pride go now in jesus name come on some of you guys you want that broken off you so bad you just feel so constricted by insecurity i'm speaking to you tonight right now i take authority over insecurity and fear right now in jesus name and god we just released freedom in the house lord i thank you that it says in scripture that it was for freedom that you came to set us free and script lord you said in scripture that you didn't just come to set us free but you came to set us free indeed so completely free so lord we just break off all pride in the room in jesus name in jesus name one more time would you look up a shot of praise come on [Music] what else you got what else you got what else you got what else you got what else he got what else he got what else he got [Music] see we get people a little too free they go a little wild some of y'all getting like you're like what's going on but friend you don't understand about damon's story damon can i share a little bit of your story damon lost his dad two years ago so friend don't mind damon for getting a little wild and worship when sadness and grief has been plaguing his family for two years friend don't judge my worship if you don't know my story so friend i'm telling you all over the room i'm telling you god is here and it says in this inscription he's close to the brokenhearted he's close to the christian spirit so come on friend i'm telling you god's in the room tonight wherever you and whatever you need from him tonight he's here he's just reach out just reach out if you need something from the lord right now just begin to reach your hands up to heaven come on well i thank you for peace coming for anxiety attacks god we thank you for joy coming to heaviness right now in jesus name god we just exchanged god lord the heavenly oppression god has been plaguing some of our friends god in this room and right now we just release joy peace lightness god we thank you lord for the light of heaven god coming and being released in the room right now in jesus name in jesus name in jesus name [Music] come on look at the person next to you i'm glad you came to youth tonight i love it you can make your way back to your seat thanks for joining us for pursuit we're about to break up into small groups or what we like to call family groups everybody say family groups i love it i love it come on who's glad they came to youth on a wednesday who's glad man i'm glad i'm glad i'm glad i'm glad all right so if this is your first time in a little bit or if this if you weren't here last week we have changed the way we do small groups just a little bit just a little bit and what all that means is you might be going to a different group our groups are split up a little more specifically so you can go to the same group every single week and really friend um if you're a student here i just want to let you know something uh the small group that you go to the leader that you have that's not going to change this year okay that's going to be your group leader for the year so i want to encourage you make friends with these people because they care about you what you might not recognize is this is that every adult in the room can i have all my adult leaders just wave their hand at me all my adult leaders rather hear me every adult okay adult leaders raise your hand if you're either in school full-time or if you work a full-time job wow okay you can put your hands down so so what does that mean for us here as students that means that these guys are spending time away from their family a lot of them come right from work to be here with you and the reason they come is because they love you and they want relationship with you so if you're like alex i like being able to go to whatever small group i want you know whatever i like having a different group every time i'm telling you you might like it back then i'm telling you invest in these leaders because they want to invest in you okay i'm telling you these people are here not because they just have nothing better to do on a wednesday because i'm telling you there's a lot of better things to do on a wednesday if you're an adult then come and hang out with a bunch of sweaty sixth graders okay i'm just telling you i'm just telling you there's something there's better things in the world but we do it because we love you because we want to see your life prosper because we believe that god has a plan for your life all right if you're a sixth grade or a seventh grade or an eighth grade leader uh go your back to the back sixth seventh eighth grade leaders if you're in sixth seventh or eighth grade you're gonna go back to the back and leaders just hold your signs up so everybody can know which group to go to sixth seventh eighth grade if you're in middle school go right to the back back here your group leaders gonna be waiting for you back there sixth seventh eighth grade group's gonna be broken up by gender by a topic i'm very excited about and i just believe that the lord is going to show up in a in a unique way tonight and so i'm giving a precursor tonight i'm giving a precursor uh if you feel like you might need to go to the bathroom i'm telling you go right now cause i'm not gonna let anybody move for the rest of the service okay okay so if you're like i might have to pee right now go right quick and no don't don't don't have all your friends join you just one person go very quickly brian just makes if i can have a girl leader go check just go stand in the girl bathroom real quick guy later go stay in the guy bathroom just very quickly guys quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly the whole room leaves and leaders if i can have everybody if i can have the leaders in the bathroom just tell them to speed it up very quickly very very quickly quickly quickly quickly i never do this i never do this the only reason i'm doing this because i just believe god's going to show up in a unique way i don't want any distraction so uh since i have you guys here uh so i got the half that don't need to pee uh man can you just uh raise your hands if you just just felt something break off your life in worship today like man god just is moving in the room i mean god's doing some really unique things i'm just really excited to be here tonight and i just am really excited that you are here tonight if you have your bible we can go ahead and open up our bibles uh to the book of isaiah isaiah chapter 6 isaiah chapter 6 is we're going to be reading out of today isaiah is in the old testament and the old testament is the first parts of the bible the new testament is the the latter parts of the bible i'm trying to like take a couple stall for a couple seconds just so we can let some people come back so anybody to miss anything but i'm telling you tonight if this is your first time at youth you've picked a good night to come to youth this is not your first time but you came tonight i'm just telling you picked a good night to come to youth is anybody expecting god to do something in their life tonight yeah yeah did you know that um in your life expectation unlocks the miraculous expectation unlocks the miraculous meaning this that there are things in your life that begin to become unlocked when you have a expectation that god's going to move in your life and so i just want to encourage you tonight stir your expectation i've been stirring myself all day i've been like god you're about to do something unique in my life you're about to do something unique in our students tonight god i'm just really expecting you to do something so my expectation is high anybody come with their expectations high tonight and they come ready to receive man i don't know about you but here's what i'm expecting here's what i'm expecting i'm just gonna kind of give you guys kind of a game plan kind of a a a a bird's-eye view if you will of where we're going to land tonight tonight we're going to be landing we're going to be talking about the glory of god ever say the glory of god and what we're going to land tonight i was going to actually do another set of worship our band's going to come back up at the end we're going to worship again but what i'm really feeling in my spirit is that the glory of god is going to rest on us in just a really supernatural way and what i mean by that i'll explain what that means but but but for just a moment i just want to give you kind of an insight is that the glory of god there's there's been certain moments in my life when the glory of god or the presence of god is coming to a room so strong that just kind of rests it almost feels like like a pressure has anybody ever felt that before like a pressure in the room you're just like i don't know what's happening but i feel like so heavy like ah you know that's the heavy weighty presence the glory of god and i'm believing that's going to come into the room in a unique way if you've never felt that before tony just get expecting because god's going to stir us up tonight really really exciting okay i think everybody's back from the bathroom or at least most of us or at least the important ones all right so we're gonna get we're gonna dive in [Laughter] hey they're taking too long what can i say all right don't get mad at me so we uh this is a part four of our supernatural series everybody say supernatural the supernatural is god super on top of your natural meaning this that the supernatural is god's presence his anointing his glory resting on top of your flesh and and the supernatural is actually one of the most normal most normative parts of the christian walk like as christians we should expect supernatural things to be happening all the time because we're in relationship not with the natural god but with the supernatural god i think sometimes we think that we serve a super normal god instead of recognizing we serve a supernatural god meaning this that god is not interested in doing something that we've seen before that we can wrap our minds around or even something that we can even understand but god wants to do something in our life that breaks the normality breaks the box that we put him in because if there's anything i know about god is that he loves to break the boxes that religious people like to put him in meaning this that if you're like well uh if god's god can only show up when i sing like the third or the fourth song in worship the first second third one those are just warm-ups you know and then at the last song then the power of god's gonna show up friend you put god in a box because i've seen god show up at note one and this everybody's just like like it's overcoming the presence of god just weeping you know jesus you know i'm telling you god loves to break boxes god loves to break the things that you have preconceived or or or thought that he's like god only moves this way or god only does this thing i'm telling you god breaks those boxes so tonight if you came in with the preconceived notion about how god's gonna move what he's gonna do in your life i'm telling you friend just get ready because he might just blow every box that you've placed him in because he likes to do that isaiah chapter six here's what it says in the year that king uzziah died i saw the lord sitting upon a throne high and lifted up and the train of his robe filled the whole temple above him stood the seraphim or the burning angels and each had six wings with two he covered his face and with two he covered his feet and with two he flew and one of the angels called to another and said holy holy holy is the lord of hosts the whole earth is full of his glory and the foundations of the thresholds of the doorway shook at the voice of the angel who called and the house was filled with smoke and i said woe is me for i am lost for i am a man of unclean lips and i dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips for my eyes have seen the king the lord of hosts then one of the seraphim these burning angels flew over to me having in his hands a burning coal that he had taken with tongs from the altar before the throne and he touched my mouth and he said behold this has touched your lips your guilt is taken away and your sin is atoned forth and i heard a voice of the lord saying whom shall i send and whom will go for us and then i said here am i send me tonight simple title of this sermon is just this supernatural glory supernatural glory i want to give a caveat or a warning tonight that if you've never experienced the glory of god that's okay but what i want you to kind of just be able to raise reason with me on this is just that number one we're here for the lord right like we're just here for him number two pride can't stand before in the presence of a holy god meaning this that no matter what happens when he shows up it's okay and so when the lord shows up he loves to break the boxes of what people have put him in and so some people will start laughing uncontrollably and a lot of us that have like this religious spirit it'll start to rub you the wrong way and you're gonna be like i don't know what the what or people might start crying or just trembling and shaking under the glory of god and you're like i don't know what this is why what are they doing i'm just giving you a warning just an agreement can we make can we make a deal tonight can make a deal right that whatever god wants to do in your life will you let him right like whatever god wants to do for you will you let him hey river whatever god wants to do in your life will you let him yeah yeah yeah awesome awesome see uh if you don't know me uh i'm married to brenda everybody give it up for brenda on the front row now here's the deal i don't know if any of you will ever get married and have that kind of response once when you say hey cheer on my wife you know i'm just talking that's a special moment for me like everybody loves you here we're just so excited uh if you love brenda come on one more time would you give up for brenda yeah we love it i love it and and honestly for i know this might sound really cliche but brynna is my best friend like and you're like oh i don't know why we all that though because like this should be like bare bones minimum like for getting married right like you should enjoy hanging out with the person you're going to be spending the rest of your life with like i'm hoping that when i die i'm still married to brenna right like this is the dream right so dear god hopefully she's my friend right like like like please right like this is bare bones minimum but for me uh and bruno we we love each other we're like best friends we love hanging out with each other and oftentimes because because brynn's my best friend and you might know this if you have a best friend uh that you don't even have to be doing anything right it's just like we're just chilling and you're just like this is the greatest you know like like like we're just watching the movie like like and you'll know if you like movies you'll know what i mean you turn on like a like just a b movie right like like just like the worst movie you know like no plot like the acting's terrible like worse than outer banks you know and like hey i'm dead but we're we put on a bad movie you know we put i'm just i just i just said that's a mess with you i'm just i'm sorry i'm sorry i knew that i'd offend you i'm sorry but but you know we put on like a bad movie but because we're like best friends you know i it's like awesome right it's like it's like even though we're not doing anything i still just like chilling with her you know and i think sometimes it drives her nuts because i'm like when i'm when i'm when i get home sometimes i'm just like i'm just like i just want to do nothing but just sit next to you and she and she's like i i have to clean i have to i have to do this i have to do that i have to organize my makeup counter or whatever you know like she got she's like all these things she i gotta i gotta sew you know her i don't know she has all these crafts that she does and i'm just like i'm but brandon brandon just come sit with me like like i just like when i'm like when you are married when you have a friend when you have like a best friend it doesn't matter what you're doing right she's like i'm just glad i'm just happy to be in the room right like i'm just happy to be here like for me you know um like if you don't like doing nothing with your person can i give you a clue they might not be the one if you're dating someone right now and you're like i have to be doing everything like we can't just be chilling doing nothing you might not be with the one or if the only thing you have to be doing is something physical then can i tell you they definitely ain't the one see friend when when you got well you got true love i don't gotta be doing nothing we just chill and i'm living the dream baby like we live in the dream i'm just giving you some insight see as long as i'm near her i know that i'll be all right like i want to make a connection for a moment that like the glory of god or the presence of god comes near to us in different moments and we like like scripture says the presence of god or the glory of god fills the whole earth meaning this that the that we have an opportunity to come into closeness with god no matter where we're at but you know this to be true there are certain moments when god just comes extra close you know what i mean like like if you went to youth camp you know like god just came a little extra close you know uh or or maybe uh maybe during worship like on like tonight you're like man god just come a little extra close you know like there's just moments like even though i can like i know god's everywhere there's sometimes when i just know that he's really somewhere right like and so like for me i know that i just want to be close like near to god right like like and for those of you who might feel like well alex god's not ever close to me let me read some scriptures just to let you know that he is because he is he's close to you psalm 24 145 18 says the lord is near to all who call on him to all who call on him in truth and psalm 34 18 says the lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the christian spirit philippians 4 verse 5 says the lord is at hand or the lord is is a foot or the lord is close do not be anxious about anything but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be known to god james chapter 4 verse 8 says draw near to god and he will draw near to you acts chapter 17 says that that they that should they should seek god in the hope that they might feel their way toward him and find him yet he is actually not far from each one of us psalms 139 says where should i go from your spirit or from your presence or where should i flee from your presence if i ascend to the heavens you are there if my if i make my bed in hell you are there if i take the wings of the morning and dwelt the uttermost parts of the sea even there your hands shall lead me and your right hand shall hold me friend he is closer than we think like in worship today i mentioned know before whom you stand because friend when we praise and we worship god we're not worshiping an idea we're worshiping a person who's standing before us like when you pray all heaven leans in and you're standing before a holy god you know one time i'll tell you the story one time i was in bed uh just sleeping and and oftentimes that's when i like to pray is like at two in the morning you know i don't know why it's just like uh that's just what i do like last night i didn't go to bed to about four am because i was just spending time with the lord uh and uh and that's not to brag or anything it's just like just kind of how the lord speaks to me um now if the lord came and said i want to meet you at 5am i would just stay up all night till 5am because i ain't waking up early all right that's just that's how it works but um the lord came uh the lord came close one time um it was about two in the morning and all of a sudden i just had this this feeling i can't explain it i'll just give you probably tmi i you know most guys we just sleep in our underwear you know it's just what we do okay so i'm just chilling in my undies you know in bed just you know and then the lord's like and i just had this thought i said this thought if god comes into the room right now do you want him to catch you in your underwear i was like i guess not you know what and then i and then i had that same thought repeat again and i was like okay and so i literally got up got fully dr i put shoes on y'all i got fully dressed and i went to my couch and i said lord i'm ready if you want to come in and i cannot explain it but all of a sudden the entire atmosphere shifted and it wasn't the lord that came in but it was an angel and the only reason i'm just gonna i'm blowing i'm gonna blow some of y'all mind some of y'all don't think i'm crazy but i'm just gonna i'm just gonna tell you a story uh an angel came in the room and i started seeing in the physical i started seeing sparks all over my living room and then i saw demons shadows running out of my house all of a sudden this angel comes in carrying with it this extreme authority and it was like the lord was warning me saying hey there's going to be something that comes into your room that carries authority that deserves honor know before whom you stand when you pray know before whom you stand when you worship now i don't mean like you can't like pray in like your pajamas you know you have to be like like fully ready like my teeth aren't brushed i can't pray i'm not saying that but i am saying this when we're encountering the presence of god like you gotta know that it's not some ethereal being that we're just like hopefully maybe he's here and he's in the room scripture says this where two or three are gathered in my name i am there in the midst of them that text could also be translated where there's two i'll be the third and be in the midst of them know before whom you stand when you pray because friend god is in there can you feel him you can just feel him like right now come on just put your hands out in front of you like you're about to receive a gift just all over the room just close your eyes just say this say holy spirit fill the room oh jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus goosebumps all over my body it's kind of how i know that i'm pressing into the presence of god my mentor back home pastor landon he would say that i get goosebumps on my arms because i'm walking through the torn veil into the holy of holies kim this is wild can you feel him come on right where you're at come on just say the lord more praying dangerous prayers tonight friend gloria god's coming in the room who know before whom you stand let's try and move on that's lord don't do that don't get me drunk lord i can read you can't uh if you need to make your life right with god come to the altar right now not waiting we're not going to the end right now come on who's that who am i talking to there's four people who need to make their own life right with the lord come on come to the altar run to the altar right now i'm telling you god's in the room come on there's one who else two come on who else three come on come on just get on your face come on come on if there's more of you come forward now now come on god's in the room god's in the room come on come on can i have the band come back up if i can have the band come back up come on right where you're at come on just begin to give your life back to jesus holy spirit we just invite you in god we just pray for forgiveness come on if you're up front so you're going to ask for forgiveness i just say god i give you back my life man [Music] you can't have a close relationship with god if you've never been close to him come on once if you're up front once you once you get your life right with god you make your way back to your seat i'm just telling you god's in the room let me speak to the people in the chairs now oh my goodness god's in the room got goosebumps all over my whole body god is moving [Music] i'm just telling you right now you can't have a close relationship with the god that you've never been close to when we talk about the glory or the presence of god that's what i mean a closeness god's closeness from you never experienced the presence of god i'm telling you number one he's here in the room number two i'm telling you that he longs to be close to his people oh father isaiah chapter six [Music] in the year that king uzziah died i saw the lord first thing i want to say tonight is this the glory makes any time the right time the glory makes any time the right time in the day that king uzziah died meaning this that in the day that our leader the day that the person that we put our hope in the day that our country or our people put our trust in when he died that's when i saw the lord from telling you that god's glory shows up even in the worst moments even in the times when you're like no god couldn't meet me here i'm telling you god's glory is no respect for a person but even less than he's a respecter of person he's even not a respecter of timing he shows up just when he wants to he just shows up right when he wants to see the turnover of the kingdom would be a season of uncertainty would be when everything was falling apart because the glory is no respecter of our timing isaiah chapter 40 says have you not known have you not heard that the lord is the everlasting god the creator of the ends of the earth he does not faint or grow weary his understanding is unsearchable he gives power to the faint and that him who has no might he increases their strength even youths shall faint and be weary and young men shall feel exhausted and then watch this but they who wait those who wait for the lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings like eagles they shall run and not be weary they shall walk and not faint see some of you guys you're saying alex when are you gonna stop singing when is the worship going to end we're just renewing our strength we're just waiting on the lord you're like why are we well what are they doing up front why haven't they left yet friend they're waiting on us to touch they're waiting on an afterglow they're waiting on an outpouring of god's spirit and so friend don't mind them i'm telling you god's spirit comes to those who waits for him see well alex why why is worship so long well maybe because we're mounting up with wings like eagles maybe it's because we're learning to run and not grow weary maybe it's because we're walking instead of fainting see friend don't don't judge someone else's weight because you don't know how long they've been waiting [Music] i believe there's a generation that's just hungry for the presence of god and just saying lord just five more minutes god don't let worship in just five more minutes i'll wait five minutes god i'll wait for you jesus i'm not i'm not leaving without my touch just five more minutes god just five more minutes said i saw the lord sitting on a throne high lifted up and the train of his robe filled the temple friend the glory fills wherever it's welcomed the glory fills wherever it's welcomed singer stop singing if you want if we want him to fill the temple we can't put him in a corner if we want the presence of god to fill the whole temple then friend we've got to stop sectioning him off to a part of our service if we want him to fill the whole temple then friend we've got to give him the whole room [Music] and friend we don't invite him in or we invite him in and we don't make room for him but we give him the whole room but we aren't just in a temple because scripture says that you are the temple see friend you can't there's no luxuries to just give him part of your house because he's hungry for the whole thing [Music] see uh the train or the hem of his robe fills the whole temple this is a say this is speaking of the the sheer size and scope of the lord saying god's so big that even his train fills the whole temple and friend it fills the whole temple because it needs the whole temple why is this important because you may be operating on half anointing because you're keeping out half of his hymn friend you may be operating on half anointing chase just take it just take it just take it just take it power god's gonna hit you five four three two one there take it more more [Music] see above him stood the seraphim or these burning angels and each had six wings and with two he covered his face with two he covered his feet with two he flew and with one he called to another and said holy holy holy is the lord of hosts the whole earth is full of his glory friend the glory carries the angelic everybody say the angelic i know this might be a weird word that means the glory carries angels well alex why do i need angels we got jesus i'm not saying we need angels i'm just letting you know that's just kind of what happens when we're at youth camp we're helping someone kind of get rid of some darkness that was on their life and all of a sudden these angels started coming in the room kim was there kim knows i i actually invited the one uh that came and cleared and cleaned my household kim do you remember that that thing came walking in holy cow just whole room just got lit on fire it's just like oh yeah i can't breathe you know like just wild but we don't worship angels but isn't it crazy how when angels begin to stir it gives us indication of just how glorious jesus really is that even the angels are in subject to him see john chapter 1 says and he said to him truly truly i say to you you will see heaven opened and the angels of god ascending and descending on the son of man meaning this that when jesus comes in the room he comes with angels falling onto him and flying off of him coming on to him and going off of him and so there is an angelic encounter that happens just when he walks into the room see the angelic is a sign of the presence of god and friend we don't worship angels but angels will appear when the glory shows up and frank can i help you tonight if you're like alex i don't believe that this kind of stuff can happen well friend if you believe in demons or fallen angels then by god we should believe in the angelic [Music] we should believe in angels coming in the room if you believe that demons can come into your room then frank can we believe that angels can also come into our room if we believe that the presence of an evil dark force can come into our room then can we believe that the spirit of god can come and fill our room can we believe that god's presence can come and just fill the whole place and then the foundations of the threshold shook at the voice of him who called and the house was filled with smoke see friend the glory begins to shake everything that can be shaken hebrews chapter 12 says shakes or it speaks of shake everything that can be shaken to reveal what cannot be shaken see friend there's a manifestation or or a physical expression when the god when the power of god shows up and you've probably seen this even here on wednesday nights where all of a sudden someone will i'll be praying for someone then all of a sudden they'll like fall backwards and you're like what the heck is that what's happening like why why they fall over like what did you blow on them they smell something stinky they pass out you know what happened no what happened was everything that can be shaken began to be shaken see the body becomes shaken under the power and the glory of god to the point where we're not able to stand anymore see there is a shaking that makes false foundations reveal their lack of integrity see this is why in worship you'll begin to feel convicted this is why in worship you'll start to lay things down on the altar this is why in worship you'll say god i'm giving up my addiction this is why in worship you'll begin to think give things over to god like your family your friends this is why in worship uh things begin you're like you're like i felt so sure of all these things all of a sudden i'm just feeling like everything's like getting put on the table what's happening the thresholds of the temple the thresholds of your temple are beginning to be shaken to the point that the foundations that you built your life upon are beginning to be shaken to the point where you're like i don't think these things can handle the glory of god because they're shaking everything that i put pressure on but waited all of a sudden doesn't have weight anymore i can't stand in the presence of god so all of a sudden my addictions got to go on the altar not necessarily even because i don't want them but just simply because they can't stand anymore because the power of god's shaking everything that can be shaken [Music] and i said woe is me for i am lost for i am a man of unclean lips and i dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips for my eyes have seen the king the lord of hosts and then one of the seraphim flew to me having in his hand a burning coal that he had taken with tonk from the altar and he touched my mouth and he said behold this has touched your lips so your guilt is taken away and your sin is atoned for friend the glory always stirs repentance notice the power of god shows up i give three commands i say if you need to come if you need to make your right life right with god come forward come forward now come forward and then we got the whole altar full why because the glory of god always stirs repentance you can't stand before a holy god and not want to make your life right before him it stirs something on the inside of us where i'm like all of a sudden i felt good but then god showed up and i'm like i need to get my life right with jesus see a move of god is always marked by radical repentance always always always you will never see a revival without radical repentance you never see revival without radical repentance friend i've heard stories of what happened in brownsville in the 90s where people would literally be driving in their cars by a church in revival and they would be driving past the church and the glory of god was so strong on just the property of the church that people will be driving by convicted by the presence of god turn into the parking lot say going running into the building saying i don't know who works here but i need to get my life right with jesus i don't know what i'm what even i don't even know what i'm feeling but all of a sudden i just know that i need to get my life right with jesus friend churches and revival as soon as people will step through the thresholds of the doorway will begin to fall in their face and cry out and say god please forgive me i need a relationship with you jesus because my life's not right fred i'm telling you when the glory of god shows up repentance is just that's just the next step because a person can't stand before a holy god unmoved where i just need i i got to make my life right with jesus see friend there is an altar before the throne but friend this altar was on fire and now recognize it's just coals he put a coal on my lip he put a coal on my lip because see friend the sacrifice has already been provided i love this this is in isaiah this is before jesus but friend god who's not bound by time has already burned the sacrifice of repentance back in the book of isaiah able to touch with repentance the coal of the coal of the altar that's already been consumed because of the presence of jesus has already been sacrificed and he picks up a coal of the pro after the sacrifice of jesus already been made and places the coal of forgiveness on the lips of isaiah friend notice repentance is a belief in an already finished work of jesus we're just being touched with the coals of an already completed work repentance always opens up the door for outpouring because the lord can't resist burning up what's been placed on his altar [Music] romans chapter 12 talks about a living sacrifice make yourselves holy and pleasing them to god a sacrifice holy and pleasing to him see friend jesus has made the sacrifice so that you and i get to become a sacrifice because friend jesus is the door repentance is choosing to walk through the door to the father the ver the scripture that we're reading today ends with this and i heard the voice of the lord saying whom shall i send whom will go for us then i said here i am send me friend the glory makes it easy to hear god [Music] the presence makes it easy to hear god because friend it's not difficult to hear god when you're right next to him in his presence think about it like a radio if i had a radio in my hand right now i could set it to a station but at that station is just static i have to choose to change the station of the radio to come into proper connection with the radio waves that are being sent my way in prayer what are we doing we're changing the radio stations saying god i want to hear your voice what is a little bit of this with this what i need to do change the radio stations between the radio station and then the other part about a radio is you can be on the right station but you're too far from the source and so then it's still static like have you ever been on a road trip for a really long time and the radio station is just playing it's like it's going great and then the fur and then like all of a sudden you get out of seattle and then it's like you get into the mountains it's like the radio station just slowly starts turning to static it's just not because the radio station is wrong it's because you're getting too far away from the source friend the glory or the presence of god is like being in the dj booth it's like i'm so close i'm so they're so clear there's so much clarity friend if you're like alex i want to hear the presence of i want to hear the voice of god i need to have clarity in my life i need to know what he's saying about my life good friend get in the dj booth get in the presents because friend it's easy to hear god when you're with him it's easy to hear the voice of god when you're in the presence of god and friend the glory is where we entertain the lord it says who will go for us here i am send me it's emblematic of this story that we find in the gospels where these blind men are begging they're saying son of david don't pass me by. and then the disciples try to shut them up and they're like no son of david don't pass me by straight no be quiet be quiet and they start screaming all the louder son of david don't pass me by because see friend when you're in the presence the lord begins to ask for obedience everybody say obedience see repentance invites him in obedience keeps him there repentance invites him in obedience keeps him here see we find this in one of our favorite songs to sing at youth is it a fragrance then i'll pour my oil out is it a life laid down here i get my crowns is it a song that i'll sing here's every melody what are we saying god i'm in your presence through my repentance but now that i'm here jesus don't leave me you know this revivalist junkie this guy who's just wild you might have heard of him before his name is benny hinn when he first knew the lord he was about eight years old and he didn't he wasn't in a church like this but all of a sudden jesus came and visited him in a vision in the presence of god like what we feel in worship comes and just rests on him and then he says he didn't feel the presence of god until he was 15 or 16 years old after that so he went eight years without feeling the presence of god that thing that we feel every single week we're like oh jesus you know we're just getting wrecked you know he felt that closeness and didn't feel it for eight years then all of a sudden was in a prayer meeting at his school and then all of a sudden the glory of god came close and then he said that he felt the same presence that he felt when he was eight years old and then the presence of god lifted like it does and he said his immediate cry was jesus don't leave me because his only gauge for the presence of god was once every eight years [Music] so when the presence of god began to lift like at the end of worship when we're going back to our seats he's like jesus don't leave me i'm hearing the presence just i can handle it don't leave me again you ever been in worship you're experiencing the glory of god and all of a sudden it begins to lift because the glory of god is kind of like a wave but it's not like the picture it's like an ocean it's like all says like this crashing wave of just heavy and then it just kind of pulls back you're like oh i can breathe again then you know but every time i feel the presence of god lift or kind of in that cycle when he pulls back i always say jesus i can handle more come on who in the room who's like jesus i can handle more jesus i can handle more come on right where you're at just say that i say jesus i can handle more going all over the room come on just your hands to heaven just say jesus i can handle more say holy spirit i can handle more see friend in the glory we're just become people who just want to entertain the lord and say jesus whatever you want i'll give if you need me on my face i'll lay on my face if you need me at the altar i'll go to the altar if you want me to stand i'll stand if you want me to sit i'll say if you'll need to kneel i'll kneel but whatever you want whatever moves your heart god in this moment i'll do it it's going what's the lord asking you right now come on what's the lord asking you right now come on be obedient be obedient well what's he asking of you right now because some of you guys are going to come to the front come some of you guys just going to lay flat in your face i'm just telling you god's in the room what's he asking of you right now just be obedient just to be obedient come on the glory's in the room just be obedient all we're doing is we're saying god i know you're here jesus don't leave me [Music] sure keep going if you're experiencing the lord just listen but keep doing what you do see friend there are things that keep my wife close to me i do things to keep her close right i do things that she likes because i like her being close to me i like her wanting to be close to me in the same way when jesus is in the room i say jesus i like you being close to me what do you want from me but isn't it cool how when you're in relationship with someone relationships aren't one-sided they're two-sided and so in the same way that i say brenda what do you want like like i know that she likes i know that she likes watching movies i know that she likes it when i when i when i clean things for her i know she likes it when i when i show up with gifts i know she likes when i do certain things for and i know i know that for my wife i know she loves quality time that's like if i need to spend quality time turn my phone off just sit and just focus on her i know that's like the best thing that i can do for her but friend in the same way when i do these things for brenda brenda begins to do these things back for me and says alex i want to do things for you because i love you too friend as we encounter and just engage the presence of god and we're saying jesus what do you want from me if you want me to stand i'll stand then friend what he does is he begins to say well what do you need from me do you need glory do you need a touch do you need heaviness to lift off unity the oil of joy and then all of a sudden the power of god shows up just because we're obedient to him becomes a dance and we're just doing what god what do you want from me what do you need from me and then he begins to pour spirit out and then all of a sudden and then all of a sudden he gives gifts to us and that's when we start seeing like like people will say things like people start to raise their hands right and when worship in worship is when we raise our hands is simply saying jesus i receive what you're giving to me or maybe it's maybe it's a sign of surrender saying god i'm sending my life over to you but friend there's this other aspect of raising my hands where i feel like i'm just like a three or a four-year-old saying jesus just hold me jesus just pick me up god i just want to be close to you again god just made me close to you god like have you ever seen a three or four year old run up to their parents and just stick their hands just what are they doing they're saying pick me up the same way when i'm worshipping god i'm just saying god i just want to be with you jesus just pick me up jesus just hold me and then friend when we kneel or we get on our face for number one it said it's a sign of honor before the lord because he is a king but then also it's this idea of placing my heart below my head well alex why would i need to do that why don't you put my heart below my head because fred is saying i'm not looking to know you with my head i'm looking to know you with my heart see some of us up here in the northwest we just want god to tickle our minds engage us intellect intellectually friend god's not looking for thinkers he's looking for lovers god's looking for people who know him with their heart know him with their whole heart but see friend like i said a relationship isn't healthy if it's one-sided so god isn't just looking for us to entertain him he then begins to entertain us that's like why some of you you feel the presence of god come close you just begin to cry like i don't know why i cry i'm a crier nothing else makes me cry in the presence of god i cry hard like snot bubbles the whole thing i just begin to cry it's really just because i'm becoming overwhelmed in my heart by the love the power and the closeness of god it just makes me cry then others when they experience the power of god they begin to laugh like uncontrollably laugh because it's the oil of gladness it's the joy of the lord others of us we will start moving our bodies in ways or start trembling or shaking and it's not anything that we're doing on our own it's just simply our body responding to the powerful supernatural god being close to us in the room so come on all over the room just stand up with me come on just stand up with me if you're down on the front you can stay on your knees or do whatever you need to do just be obedient to the lord [Music] come on if you need to come out of your seat and come to the front i'm telling you the lord's here in the room come on do what you need to do now we're just going to sing one more song we have a couple more minutes left before we have to go i'm just telling you if you want to worship the lord just come to the front right now if you're saying god i just want to meet with you tonight i just need the lord because i'm telling you anxiety falls off well it's like wax in the presence of god i'm telling you depression melts like wax in the presence of god i'm telling your friend things begin to shake and move and begin to become rearranged in the presence of god colossal we get to sing this song come on from telling you god be gonna move in your heart i'm telling you he's moving all over the room right now come on right where you're at just put your hands like you're going to receive a gift come on just say holy spirit fill the room say holy spirit fill my life friend in the back you're not going to mock me right in the back you're not going to mock us come on put your hands out say holy spirit fill my life holy spirit we just invite you in glory of god come in come on man sing it glory god come in right now no matter how much the cost i freely give it all to you jesus jesus [Music] sacrifice [Music] oh just [Music] no matter how much [Music] [Music] where the hungry people at [Music] come on some of your friends in the back i'm telling you to come we come forward [Music] jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus we welcome you holy spirit we welcome you holy spirit we welcome you holy spirit [Music] come on friend the glory of god is coming in come on we're making space for him come on [Music] is [Music] is [Music] no matter how much [Music] [Music] is [Music] is is [Music] is [Music] [Music] come on who's hungry who's hungry for the presence of god come on push your way forward push your way forward if that's you you're saying alex and i'm hungry for a touch from god come on just push your way forward come on i bet you you need to come out of your seat come out of your seat i'm telling you god's in the room the presence of god's in the room the presence of god's in the room [Music] that's you just look your hands to heaven say jesus come and touch me come and touch me presence of god's coming section right here come on just take it just take it just take it just take it just take it just take it just take it more more yeah that's it that's it right there right there yeah take it take it take it four four four four four four four four four four four four yeah yeah yeah take it take it take it four four four four four four four four four four more more right praying for you take it take it come on take it lord of the lord more of the lord fresh anointing outpouring mark him lord right now in jesus name outpouring now fresh flinders god begin to blow blow blow blow more four more more fresh out pouring fresh anointing god i thank you for a mighty man of god i call out the strong man of god on the inside of him right now and i speak it to come to life god thank you lord for reigniting god flames passion on the inside right now in jesus name more more more more more more more lord for lord for lord more [Music] right now suicide goes now out joy joy joy joy joy [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] push forward if you're hungry push forward i'm telling you to touch on the lord push forward push forward push forward say alex i need the lord push forward push forward [Music] holy spirit fill me say holy spirit touch me [Music] hey i'll give you three more minutes for those of you looking at your clock give me three more minutes thank you father thank you father thank you father [Music] [Music] charles is on the in the room if you can join me on stage charles awesome the lord's just here you feel him you ain't got goosebumps i got goosebumps just feel them see some of you guys like alex why are people falling over i'm just telling you god's just shaking things god's just shaking like stirring things up alex why are people crying i don't know maybe because god just likes to see people just come under his presence to just be overcome like you've ever been so happy you're just overwhelmed just begin to cry like i'm telling you that's what's happening right now but alex why are people laughing like why are people like having responses to the glory of god i'm just telling you that's just what happens when he shows up just things begin to shake things you get the things begin to happen things begin to happen well if you're hungry for a touch of god come on just push your way forward just push your way forward that's you come on if there's nobody in front of you i'm telling you push forward push forward get all the way up to the stage i'm back to you you're saying alex and i need i need a touch from god i'm hungry i want to touch i want to touch got two minutes i got two minutes yeah charles just needed to anoint people with oil hey brenna just begin to anoint people with oil alex why do we need to anoint people with oil because you're anointed for kingship you're anointed with authority come on an authority comes with anointing well if you're saying alex i need that anointing i need that authority come on lift your hands to heaven so we know who we're praying for right now lord fresh anointing fresh authority fresh authority now in jesus name in jesus name in jesus name fresh authority fresh authority now in jesus name in jesus name thank you father we pray we thank you for your spirit thank you father thank you father thank you father [Music] [Music] like you
Channel: Pursuit Yth
Views: 71
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: _DVkPFtcIt4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 131min 15sec (7875 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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