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welcome to the vlog guys hope you are having an awesome day I just got a bunch of off-camera crap done that just honestly you wouldn't want to be any part of it pretty laid-back day so far honestly uh just a bunch of things I want to get done off camera and you know with the Christmas time coming up blogs are tough because if I've loved certain things and certain family members know what they're getting for Christmas they're gonna be very secretive with that I also want to say again and again thank you so much we hit 10 million yesterday on the old dusty Frank Channel channel I haven't touched for probably eight months you guys absolutely smashed the channel blowing all the dust off and making me get back into it so I promised you that when I hit ten million I would do a new prank so that is kinda what I'm working on what's that print gonna be what am I going to do I plan on doing something fun very clean something fun for the family maybe out in the streets and just you know back to the roots prank that all being said I don't know if it's true or not but I got word that I may be the first person to ever receive two diamond play buttons in the United States all of America I could be now I don't know this is true or not I just got a little birdie told me that this is a I'm not gonna say until it's true and I'm not gonna get my hopes up because honestly if I am the first person in all the United States received to Don and lay buttons that's quite the honor that is quite the honor to me guys and whether I am or not thank you for being here thanks for being a part of it thank you for making it happen I obviously wanted to have any of it without you so let's get the vlog started it is a laid-back day it's great it's uh you know this is what it is tomorrow's the shooting contest and I am talking way too much let's change camera angles let's get home knock knock daddy's home hey Zeus hey flash hey Brit hey Kane what does that mean I wanted to silly-string you but we couldn't find oh that's because I hid it so good he gave me oh I really wanted to just plow you a silly-string today Oh too bad so sad how's my baby yeah little great hmm kind of rushing around today and as promised we have new products to release and that means photos and when you think of like a company or like it headers how are you happy favorite yeah what do you think of like a company or like a website you expect like a big photo shoot and all this crazy stuff but it's really just me and my family and we set up we set up a white backdrop and couple tripods and like one light and we literally take the photos on this camera if my cousin Ashley isn't here to take photos so it's super mom-and-pop shop right here and he'll remembers when this used to be in our old house who remembers when we had a few boxes not much bigger than this with a few t-shirts in it like who remembers those days we're getting a couple orders a week like it's crazy now we got all these shelves and employees and family members working for us who could have ever predicted Animal Planet Animal Planet's such a huge company would come to our little home and build a friggin fish tank for our company man anyways let's keep going wait on Britt she has to do actually some girls products for you guys are coming and one other thing I want to tell you guys something I want to tell you something that I learned um if you're trying to start a company like especially take it from me like I meet a lot of people and they're like oh once I get this and once I get that once all these people are chip in and once I get all their help I'm gonna start this thing I'll be honest with you guys you can do it yourself like you really can like you'd be so surprised how much you can do on your own you don't know how many companies how many fulfillment centers how many much larger businesses contact us every single week to handle everything that we do and we still to this day do it all ourselves we do everything right here at our home man you would just be so surprised how much you can do how much you are capable you can actually do it on your own man businesses are so different than they used to be you can do it in your house now I mean that's where I started Brittany and I started handwriting orders with a freaking bin I still there's probably vlogs of Brittany handwriting orders and use that as motivation you can do don't expect success overnight like smile Moore wasn't successful when I started it takes a lot of time it takes takes a lot of time just like the YouTube channels I'm so many years deep into YouTube channels like it looks like it happened overnight but this is years in years of our life and dedication for what we love to do it doesn't even feel like work it's it's passion and like I always say money is the byproduct of doing what you love do what you love first watch what happens I promise you watch what happens I don't want to bore you guys today but these are things we got to get done part of our business part of our company and I'm really bringing you along usually I would skip this or just show you a quick clip like hey we're doing photos but it's a laid-back day so this is what we're doing and I hope you can still enjoy it get something from it take something from it man I don't want you guys to watch these vlogs just for entertainment purposes I want you to take something from them I want you to learn something I want you to better yourself so I want you to become better versions who you are right now and it's extremely important to me that's one of the reasons I vlog to this day not just for my memories to lift you guys up and know I have learned a lot through all this and I want to pass it along to you man we have to all work together imagine if we were all helping each other who yes you got to do things yourself yeah you got to set your own tripods up in your own photo areas yeah you got to do it yourself but that's what's fun about it man when you put your hands on it your love and your passion nobody will love what you do more than yourself and you have to do it yourself that's what makes it so genuine makes it that's what makes it and a lot of people don't understand that they want it they want to tell this person to do that job but that person doesn't really love that job so they're not going to do it the way you would want it done you got to get your hands or you got to work on things yourself sometimes now there is times where you do run out I mean we've hired so many people now that work for us and you do have to do that and finding people that genuinely want to help you like family is key however for my entrepreneurs out there you you do got it you got to do it yourself man at least get it going and then maybe you can you know divide that time out with other people but even after all that we've done man you can't believe what we do ourselves it's fun I love it let the paper draw oh it's dirty find something you love guys I said all the time find something you love and just attack it go after it just pursue it with all you have man the only person that can stop you is yourself is your mind your mind can trick you can be your best friend it can be your biggest enemy you have to tell your brain what you want you have to go get it our first model is mommy damn damn damn damn Britney with the new pink uh it's like uh it's got like a faded look it's like a comfy look it's like a pajama look what is it I don't know whoo all right guys so this is one of our newest hoodies and these are uh just female hoodies I guess guys could wear em but I think the girls are gonna love them I don't know how to explain it it's like something you almost like watch a movie in it's like something you cuddle up on the couch with when you're sick you know I mean it sort of reminds me of anyway let's knock out some pictures and yeah yeah this is weird because I'm doing photos on this camera which means I have to stop recording to take the pictures like that next up we got the purple hoodie why am I talking like that maybe I I do enjoy the purple - it's a unique purple is it's like got this like it's so I think this is what I'm wearing to bed can we just call them pyjamas nut I swear that's what it reminds me of it's like it's an actually it is I do want to let everyone know um it'll sound website but they do run a little small so what size is that this is a small okay that looks good that looks nice but like they do run a hair small hair small hair small if you order a small no those do you want to try one on boy mom oh he's asleep II all the time that's not true at all actually has so much energy it's ridiculous and he's just crashing from his crazy ball chasing my hair like crazy no I mean not crazier than you normally look your armpit hairs coming out oh these are just new grain black classics right here and I love these though the girls are different because they have the lower neck right yeah yeah the guys version which you'll see in a minute is more like a gym shirt like you go to the gym or you just you know run around get some things done we have I use two so we're gonna have to take pictures of both the boys tomorrow on Thanksgiving just leave this up come out and take a quick picture yeah I will I check these out you could see me pumping iron in the gym right with these just shock-jock duh wait you pumping iron no I don't know I love I can see the shirt in the gym is like my new favorite it really is I don't know what it is it's just so comfy yeah any company's the word right now I have to take your picture oh man yo you'll get me you got to be fast you just gonna do screenshots you got to be ready for this hell yeah they're gonna this is like what are you doing your day would mean juice they laugh at my expense every day but you don't this is you want to take photos today he does he just has to be by me at all times you should have this in the picture you want stuff on the vapor with me okay ready Zeus sit oh I know I think it's a little too wide you that's some old flashy getting jealous are you jealous boy look what else we got today you don't know what that is oh they do do is this just from today all these buckets all these boxes if you are ordered small more merch for Christmas you can get that kind of a sense of how many orders are going out each day all these tubs are full boxes the movement is real guys small more is a movement you guys are reppin it it's unbelievable warning you if you're ordering for Christmas overseas takes a month yeah it's tough you got order right now domestic you I would do two weeks before Christmas I wasn't recording hahaha you just say it again I thought you were recording I know it was a joke she want this like okay I got a poop like thinking that I was recording but I wasn't anyway your gross house is getting there guys Thanksgiving is tomorrow here at the house yeah I'm hairy nothing ski without table Roman what do you mean I'll craft one tonight made out of these trees out bad maybe I'll stay up all night let the coats hit the phone at the coats hit the book wait we can't match tonight we can't match all oh oh my gosh sometimes I blog these dogs and I think like can I even put that in the vlog like they get they get crazy like they never hurt each other but they are crazy they play rough dude like like full-on wrestle match rough back to my point um tomorrow Thanksgiving we are kind of just settling in and kind of a slow day we've got a lot done the way we've gotten worked on things we have to get done just as family and as business owners as things that just need done around the around the house so we're gonna bounce over to Dale's don't know what we're do there but yeah thanks for sticking around guys I freaking love you I always say this some days are exciting some days aren't some days or business some days are fun and thanks for being here for all those days man i friggin love you guys looks like we got a little guys only night no girls allowed you're gonna be on the trampoline all done these two seem a little more excited than you man I should have wore jammies you guys look comfy and ready to just relax on the holidays I didn't get the jammy message dude how you doing 20 and oh oh let's see six and six that's you know what let's get started three seconds ago three seconds ago what are you playing Kane you're a dinosaur go eating leftover from last night wings macaroni and check this out Conrad you ever done this it's gonna be our cheesiest idea ever had Cheetos and macaroni not right it's a great idea you want to try it game Cheetos come here come here dude this is gonna be awesome like crunchy cheesy macaroni you wouldn't put Doritos in your corn would you would you not even remotely close Cheetos mac and cheese mac and cheetos bro cheeto cheese is gonna taste like nothing tastes right up this is how it was always supposed to make you didn't even have a cheeto an ice cube I watched you only camera back about this oh this yeah everybody sees it yeah cheeto mac and cheese oh mac and cheeto oh it fell off right at the end you need one you are missing out a my hundred what do you think did you try it come on get your song come on let uncle Roman get you some mac and cheese probably but it tastes like one grunion toilets you know part of what I do is just move a bit in it is really bad right cameras are really good sure like really good good alright we finally got our own server on battlefield and it is hilarious its posh it isn't flying it's packed full of all our viewers it's actually amazing to be playing with these guys they're all 10 times better than we are and it's it's just hilarious what's really cool is that like a lot of medics run around with me so every time I die they just medic me there is here's your moment to shine what there's a tank coming dude get him nice Rhys ball Rhys balls you're done working back home tomorrow Thanksgiving and this is so disgusting I even hired doing that right now she's cleaning off the turkey which why did they leave that stuff in there ectomy and they put it in the other end yeah I'm so sensitive it comes to this I don't know how you're doing that while you're praying it to aren't you like extra sensitive extras left what that is a big honking turkey now put it on your head put on me come here chasing Fidel oh you dropped that this is like drop it drop it I dare ya Tristan here get ready for Thanksgiving I see more or less brittany has been getting ready her and Jeff's went out and got tablecloths and decorations and we are hosting at our house and we have the gun shoot tomorrow morning which I have to get up super early so I don't know how well the fact that I've said the fact that I have to edit all this and then get up early is tough it's gonna make Thanksgiving I want to be like welcome to the natural sleepy needed oh that's right but you got me a ham I did getting into I'm gonna have to in the vlog just to get on track for tomorrow so thank you guys for being here I know today was it like anything exciting but it was our day in our life and uh thanks for being here we are gonna pluck all them feathers out huh this is like do what you've got to do look how big that dog is we love you guys of course by the time you're watching this happy Thanksgiving to you um we love you so much man thanks for being here what are you thankful for I told you days ago don't wait for today to realize how thankful you are for everything realize every day now thankful you are it's it's amazing but still it's a good day to be reminded about it tell me in the comments what you're thankful for I love you you are beautiful you're one of a kind small you
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 3,629,143
Rating: 4.9518504 out of 5
Keywords: vlogger, pranks, roman soldiers, merch, noah atwood, kane atwood, ohio, best pranks, Roman Atwood, vlogs, shirts, girlfriend, atwood vlogs, Atwood, pets, pictures, kids, roman atwoods, family, parents, kid friendly, kane, britt, roman vlogs, family-friendly, roman atwood vlogs, noah, curt, dogs, Natural Born Pranksters, family fun, family friendly, family vlogs, photoshoot, kid-friendly, everyday, sue, daily vlogs 2016, daily, smile more, Roman, brittney, vlog, youtube pranks
Id: EZpyZSTPg6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 13sec (1033 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 24 2016
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