8 Weirdest Kitchen Gadgets put to the Test

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what's up everybody welcome back to Malibu to over 60 is number purging today we're going to put to the test Tim kitchen gadgets let's see what I got today also I'm so excited to announce that this video is sponsored by one of my favorite game world of warships a few weeks ago they reached out to me if safer would wanna try this game little did they know I have been playing this game for years way before I become YouTube when they came out with World of Tanks that's like my best game ever like I love this game I bent so much guess what they have came out not too long ago with world of warships and this game is awesome as well so let's check it out what the warship is a completely free to play game it is a perfect balance between action and strategy I love that this game is very historically accurate as you play you unlock new ships including the Russians my favorite there are over 200 ships available from 8 different nations the bottles are very detailed and realistic accuracy and skill plays a huge part and other factors such as whether each week there is new expansions new missions updates and events I'm so happy I was able to share one of my favorite games with you if you are not already one of the over seven million people playing click the link below and collect the special bonus starter pack to receive two hundred the blooms 1 million credits HMS Campbeltown premium ship what boat slot and did a premium time she caught my sponsor by clicking the link below and for the next gadget have you ever seen elected pizza cutter that's crazy let's see how it works boom pop it open there you go there's instructions and stuff I think we can figure it out it sucks in if you wanna pull it out just press this red button ok let's plug it in and see what happens oh my goodness check this out that's great that way you don't even have to push it Wow can you believe it and this thing spins this is might be the best invention on my favorite anyways so I got here might beeps up and let's see how well it's going to cut Wow easy no way can you believe this [Applause] boom one slice and it cut all the way incredible boom that's insane there's no way I usually can cut pizza all the way without a hole in it many many times okay another time let's go one time let's see what happened boom Sly Stone instantly unbelievable Wow I don't know why this gadget is not sold everywhere because this is genius one [Applause] see it feels so good on my arm it take massage boom and guess what every little slice is chopped up all the way Wow ha ha who would have thought I bought this gadget as a joke but why does a great job and look how amazing that is all you have to do is press this take it out and wash it this is the most advanced robotic dishwashing brush how crazy is that so let's say you need to wash the layer plate like this you stick it in here and then purge this and then it holds the blade out here and then all you have to do just first it and guess what it spins how cool is that can you can turn it off or illicit a different one very easily [Applause] then if you wanna wash a bowl all you have to do is stick it like this hold it and then if you wanna watch a bigger plate no big deal just stick it in you see how it scrubs it then purse it on and then it spins and washing the plate you just run it over this thing I don't want to show you how it's actually doing bigger dish because it doesn't look appealing this plate looks like a little bit too big for the arms but nevertheless let's see how it works can I still spin it but it's going to miss this part so keep it in mind it probably will not work with the big plates what about the bowl speaking it all the way it's kind of holding it the arms not wanna not to go up it over this sides of the bowl but it still works look it's picking up everything in the middle - boom love it I don't know about you but every time I use honey and as much as I tried to keep away look it's going too deep all over the cup and also on the side of the jar and that honey is going too deep down on the bottom of the jar and I don't care how careful you are it's going to happen and after about a week the whole java sticky it's get so annoying this is why I want to put to the test this honey gadget they go this is how it works when you press it it opens up the plug idea and the honey supposed to lick and then when you stop it's supposed to stop and then it's harassed inside here so if it does dips a little bit it catches all inside here so let's see if it actually works okay I'm going to attempt it to fill it up without spilling any so it put right here a finger all right so that way it's not spilling out and let's try to put some honey into there that's actually pretty easy and now just join it so it will stop blinking and here you see that's why I don't like filling up with the jar because it just always goes over ok now I'll put this back in all I have to do is purse at I'm here as go pour this is thick honey right here look at that pour as much honey as I want and boom look not even add up and then I can add to my tea coffee whatever you think your honey wanna add some more pull a bit boom close it let everything deep out wow that's amazing now it's a mess free honey for you I love this gadget this is amazing mess free honey dispenser from now are definitely going to use every day for this gadget we got here a pie spatula we got here play and look at that it's a perfect size of the pie pan so let's take off the gloopy's boom if you love pies you probably will have to get one of these that's hopefully the middle and I'll cut it like that look it's actually like a measuring spoon - I mean it's measuring out the perfect slice as well boom and then all you have to do is put it in and take it out and look you have a perfect slice without losing the font that's awesome so once again you can measure it out how much you want go like that and cut it with this much life and it has this perfect slide boom look at that perfect slice every time I love that it's a simple gadget but works really really well let's see if it can go up a bigger slice no problem and a pie slice does not fall apart you know the font always gets fall off if you love pie I'd recommend this gadget for the next two gadgets I got here two different type smalls makers you can make s'mores in the oven or Negril Wow actually very very simple already fully assembled and instruction so let you on the box I will just need for s'mores kind of makes a little bit of a mess boom and then you put it on the side that here and then we stick it in the grill but at the same time you'll put test this gadget as well and see which one is better I usually just put two pieces of chuckles how many do you usually put you know what this one seems like a little bit less messy because when you puncture a marshmallow to look how sticky that is okay it's kind of holding actually easy okay let's see if we're going to be able to close it the adjustments final ones and look at that almost perfect this one is a little bit on the side right here boom close it all the way and then we can pop the s'mores into the oven like this unless is so far this one's I like a little bit better than this ones cuz it's a little tighter Anita this one looks like done all the chocolate is liquid and marshmallow sabato come off so go up something like oven means because this hotel might be hot and take it off looks like a duffel and of course it's gonna go chocolate down but anyways this is how it works marshmallows looks well done as well look up soft dia Wow and then you can just put it over you got yourself a small check this out this most looks like ready to be taken out the marshmallow is puffed up a lot and chocolate is melt in a way well so far I really like the dark so all you have to do is go out like that with oven mints and you're good to go now let's open it up this most perfect oh did you see that so puffy amazing this is must be the best ass most cuca look at this marshmallow oh yeah that chocolate is runny and it's mass free this is what I like about this s'mores cooker look at this Marshman was so hot beautiful for the next gadget I've got here popcorn pop let's see what this thing is all about this thing looks like a teapot boom so you get your popcorn and don't do it like this and put it inside of this pot and then all you have to do it happens if you like and microwave it for two and a half minutes sounds like it working really good I can hear it popping one minute left I can see so much moisture now but let's open it up oh yeah that looks good actually this one is pretty awesome and works well but guess what this thing is pretty recent came out and it has so many reviews it's probably the bursar rated pop one cooker boom you got yourself a bowl like that and looks like you just up up onto the line out here just like that then you put this inside and then put in the mic over it for a couple minutes alright doing I have minutes later let's see what happens whoa I might have put a little bit too much popcorn and now ooh it's hot almost did not spill any but yes you can see it works early good and got here floppy delicious popcorn and once you're done using it all you have to do is pop it in like that and put it in a storage so it this way it does not take up that much space and if you want to use it again pop it out boom love it for this gadget this is a microwave potato cooker you know what this potato might be a bit too big songa cut it in half so that way it will be easier to cut it and then I'd hear these two goofs you slide it like that boom okay and then push it down it's actually not as easy as commercial would say but let's see if we can get it done the whole thing fell off somehow looks like when we put the blade in it actually lines up with those plastic pieces set here like little shelves for the potato so let's try this one time this time I won't put the potato like that it's definitely a lot harder than they say because I know I can't even go all the way to okay now it's all the way in check this out kind of fit in too much in one area should have been spread out a little bit more like this into some of this layer some of this layers so that way it cooks a little bit better let's do two minutes see what happens okay let's open it up see what it looks like whoo you know what it looks silly steamie right now well guys I don't know what I have done on it but to me it does not work it makes pretty soggy french fries it's edible but it's like eating mashed potatoes for the next gadget I got here melon mate melon perp - let's see how it works seems like a really simple design I wonder if we can actually cut a watermelon in half with this little thing yeah oh yeah easy so you don't even need a knife just cut in half first of all I guess I'm gonna do one like that and the other one the other way very easy to take the seeds out check this out if you like to cut your melon like this no problem okay now the cool part what you're gonna do is use this blade to chop up this kernel up or slice it whatever and that way we're going to make some cubes like for the salad or something and a little bit like this and then same way like that now the whole idea is to slide it in oh man it come up from this side and you can just take off the pieces they go they go I got a hang of it it's actually pretty cool what do you guys think actually works pretty good and you got yourself a little cubes well guys thats pretty much it let me know in comments below which gadget was your favorite don't forget to thumbs up this video subscribe
Channel: CrazyRussianHacker
Views: 2,927,353
Rating: 4.7797046 out of 5
Keywords: Kitchen Gadgets, Gadgets, Gadgets put to the Test, 8 Weirdest Kitchen Gadgets, cool products, electric pizza cutter, popcorn ma, food, handheld dishwasher, 8 Weirdest Kitchen Gadgets put to the Test
Id: DqYgQ_-ymXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 39sec (999 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 26 2018
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