8 Egg Gadgets put to the Test - Part 5

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hello what's up everybody welcome back to my laboratory where safety is not priority and today I'm going to put to the test seven more egg gadgets let's see what I got for the first gadget I never seen that before I didn't even know that you can boil an egg inside of a microwave usually if you put just an egg in the microwave it just pops all over the microwave so I will look curious what will happen to this one okay we got here egg boiler open up see what's inside here boom well what is that okay here this would be supposed to do get the pizza hold it like that or something and then the large part of the end we're going to pierce a two all the way we want to pierce the yolk it's just whoops Oh appears that one too much fail but start another egg okay the large part of the egg okay all the way to as you can see I put it all the way to hopefully it's pure straight to the yoke oh yeah then we're gonna fill up the water here to the film line what does it feel like okay there is a feel line boom like that let me go place it in here and then place the egg inside of the water like that and it says very important the lid have to be scoot on very very tight because if it's not they might explode and damaged microwave sounds very dangerous gadget so we do not put it for day two five minutes but it also says do not microwave it for more than seven minutes also might explode I guess okay this thing is gonna be pretty hot yes actually very hard boom whoa look at that egg is steaming ahh the egg is super hard to so you know what I'm gonna put it in the cold water and cool it off real quick now let's see how this oh god you did oh you know what that egg isn't boiled yet they not have minutes was alone enough let's start to do this for five minutes at least okay this time five minutes let's see what happens okay it's been five minutes let's open it up oh wow this one exploded a little bit and it's super hot ah-ah-ah-ah you know what five minutes was better I was actually really excited about this gadget but as you can see it doesn't work that well but I'm gonna give it a chance one more time okay it's been five and a half minutes very very hot whoo yeah this time it worked okay let's start to peel it to see what happens you know I can already feel it it is soft boil egg and it says do not boil it for more than 7 minutes so I don't know maybe if I run it full a bit longer it would be harder boiled egg but check this out it is super super soft yolk I know I might have to pass on this gadget for the next gadget I got here microwave omelette makeup let's see if it's actually going to work really really well well it looks like a plate but then it folds up this also says if you would like to add vegetables you add vegetables first but for now I'm just gonna add eggs by itself actually I forgot you're supposed to spray a nonstick oil or something then you add an egg okay we'll do 3 X I think we'll be good add a little tiny bit of milk there you go let's see what happens oh my goodness what's going on in there maybe too much milk whoa but it's settled so maybe two minutes was enough so then you can add on cheese in here after you microwave it is few fish so and then you fold your egg boom then unfold it and you got yourself perfect omelet check this out and then I can put it into the plate okay let's open it up see what it looks like check this out perfect cheesy omelet I love it that looks delicious let me have a bite I'm not make a taste test Wow so good and it only took two minutes amazing that gadget definitely makes a awesome omelette and obvious you can add on some vegetables and it's gonna make it even better mmm so good and fluffy for this kitchen gadget I got here egg and bacon maker so for the muffin what would you call the French toast open this up boom I never seen that before to where it scoops bacon an egg at the same time and look you can take this out and clean it up yes okay I guess I take this out and put couple slices of bacon down here I got here pretty thick slicer but they look like they fit and microwave it 45 seconds oh yeah don't forget about the cover okay after the 45 seconds whoa what happened to that bacon you got a little small but yeah that's what usually happens to the bacon then you're going to put an egg in there then it says baby York a couple of times with the folks so I guess that way does not explode then put the cover back one and microwave it for two and a half minutes power level is right here it goes to ten so I'm gonna set it at five two minutes 30 seconds start see what happens no no that sounded like the egg exploded so maybe I should have poked it with the fork a little bit more but that's why there is a cower the cover just full off a little bit and make a little bit of a mess you see this is where the wine York exploded so I should have poked it everywhere okay this is how you remove the air boom Wow check this out it's perfect circle I like that and then to remove the bacon you got here bacon boom and obviously you can put it on English bird muffin or whatever and you're gonna have a little sandwich really quickly and just taming that's both awesome for the next egg gadget I got here eggomatic and it's a dinosaur shape egg let's see how it works check this out so you open this and then you stick boiled egg inside here and keep it enough for let's see how long it should be in the next action yeah we're gonna place it in the fridge once you put the egg inside here first of all I need to crack this egg I placed it in a cold water so that way it's easy to feel perfect egg stick it in here and then we close it kind of very very softly we don't wanna too hard to wear it's pops boom and then we're going to put it in the refrigerator for 15 minutes for the next gadget this is deviled egg maker let's see what it's all about this whole bunch of pieces side here very nice there's a simple instructions you're going to follow it and try to make deviled eggs a pill bunch of eggs now we just need to cut them in half cut another one in half got a little bit better knife make it a little sharper so that way it's a little bit easier then we're going to take this part of the gadget and take the yolks out you wanna take the yolk all the way out oops they got that one you're not much better okay once it's full what we're going to do it just go up this gadget and squeeze it in here look at that you see all that York goes to boom okay then you can add on a little bit of - a little bit of a yellow mustard maybe a little bit of relish and use this knife you want to make it look like a paste I guess I never done deviled eggs before so this is my first time I know it looks a bit messy but it's my first time using it then you push this in and then fill them all up back with that stuff Wow check this out this is beautiful what happened they all went to the side of well so maybe help it or don't as you can see not everything coming out it's kind of a really good idea but at the end over there doesn't it'll work that well it's really hard to squeeze out the rest of it I like this gadget a lot great idea but it still need to be improved it's been 15 minutes let's open it up boom whoa check this out it actually looks like a dinosaur can you believe it whoa this is my favorite now it's gonna be so much more delicious to eat an egg looking like that the never glove leg well at least the kids going to think this way I have another one microwave egg cooker let's see what this one is all about maybe this one even better so it opens like that and it pops like that out so easy way to remove the egg for the sandwich or whatever so let's do just that there is instructions on the inside here I'm Oscar about two eggs into here yeah - looks like it's not leaking so far so good and then it says two eggs between 45 to 2 minutes against defense of your microwave 2 minutes well guess what guys it sounded like it's exploded inside there it was so loud bits of eggs bits of eggs in here all over the microwave whoa maybe I should have done only one minute and thirty seconds that's it I didn't get it on camera but you can see what they it exploded in this lid fell off or came off anyways boom but this is the idea you pop this open and then oh it's hot you could easily put it on a sandwich they go boom that's actually pretty awesome except the exploding part was a pretty loud and scale let me try to do this again let's see if it's going to pop once again okay this time it didn't pop maybe it's not every time it pops use a spoon to open this up but check this out now it's so easy and fun to use this giant egg and it's only two eggs look at that perfect for the sandwich I don't know if you guys had ever tried quail eggs it's just this little tiny eggs and very very healthy for you but on top of it they are very very delicious but if you never tie them before you probably don't know that they are pretty hard to cut open and they get a little soft it's just impossible you see it just falls apart and most of the time you're going to ended up dropping the shell inside of the egg because it's just so soft so for this egg gadget I got here quail egg scissors check this out you remove this and there is almost no egg left in there and then you can dump out the egg boom how cool is that wait you gotta to the point apart simple the section 30 site is fine look on the inside that spool pretty amazing for the next gadget we got here egg poacher let's see what it's all about okay it's actually says to do it in a cup like that first along you dump it out and then we put it in a water after you close it there quick okay put it right in you know when it's closed it's not staying in as bad so let's put it in a hot water oh wait it's sunk I don't know if it's supposed to sunk but it is what it is looks like I lost a little bit of egg but there go let's open it up and find out what's inside oh wow look at that it looks like a perfect poached egg that's beautiful but why is it so small I don't know maybe I used the tone but it does look really nice let's open it oh yeah beautiful maybe could have been boiled a little bit longer but you know what thumbs up for me I like it well guys that's pretty much it let me know in comments below beach egg gadget was your favorite don't forget to thumbs up this video subscribe and I'll see you next time
Channel: CrazyRussianHacker
Views: 1,748,483
Rating: 4.8327565 out of 5
Keywords: 8 Egg Gadgets, Egg Gadgets, Gadgets, kitchen gadgets, kitchen gadgets amazon, kitchen gadgets test, Egg Gadgets put to the Test, Egg, eggs, food
Id: ruID0wW0a6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 16sec (856 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 29 2018
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