10 Kitchen Gadgets put to the Test Part 4

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What's up everybody where safety is my number one priority and today im going to put to the test 10 kitchen gadgets lets check this out for this gadget we have got a lemon slicer lets open this up boom just like that there's a slicer these blades are sharp load the lemon probably peel the sticker off Okay let's load the lemon and now we're just going to slice it like this (slicing) Wow! This is awesome Check this out Wow This is perfect gadget for the restaraunts because a lot of restaraunts have to slice up lemons but look at these perfect slices of lemon insane How cool is this Now you can put it in your water sweet, tea, whatever you like your lemons with two pieces..easy to wash it throw it in a dishwasher machine and it's ready to go Also you can do the same thing with a tomato Let's try this out Stick this kind of tomato in... ...and then slice it up. Now slice it! Boom! Look at that. Wooow! Look at this, perfect slices of the tomato. So there is quite a few purposes, you can slice different things. For the first gadget we got your tomato slicer. Put your tomato right in here, and then slice it up. Let's see if it works. (It's hard to make captioning whilst your mouth is watering.) Kind of thick slices. And then it didn't slice all the way. Well I guess it did slice all the way but still kind of thick slices. Nevertheless pretty cool idea let's try this one more time. Let's try a different tomato like this. Let's see what happens. Tomatoes aren't usually hard to slice because they're so watery. They fall apart while slicing them. Some of you probably know how it feels to slice tomatoes. Well that's a pretty cool idea for the gadget... ..but.. ...I think these slices are kinda a little bit too thick. Doesn't even slice all the way, but I guess you could just break it up. I don't know, I like my tomatoes a lot thinner but you'll be the judge. but this gadget we've got your owner squeezer let you got what it's all about so lift up right here pieces wait but no more macy fence ok cool this is what it looks like live this up looks like there's a sustainer so simple we got here to open can of tuna we're going to put it inside here and they're not play and then we're going to squeeze it and put it this way nice wow look at this are some so simple and it's all going to now without any liquid awesome definitely works so well and I'm not dropping any tuna so not wasting they need to know either let's try this one more time stick with 29 side like that close it squeeze it pull it out wow this is awesome boom all the liquid is out of tuna definitely comes up for me this is a one-piece gadgets so easy with torna dishwasher Glen energy to go again this gadget we got here onion chopped what it's all about you go one they'll sleep like that they said here that will go in each hole and simply takes apart i guess to put in dishwasher so we got put on this way and then close it or some let's see what happened wow wow I never chopping audience again Luke on that this isn't saying look at chopped up into little pieces wall this is so you swallow I chopped onions all the time and this is the easiest and the bus way love it look at that amazing and if you got too much onions just keep it in here and toured in their favor generator it's still the way it will last longer and you don't need to use another zip lock bag i think everybody knows slice and so audience is annoying because it hurts your stuff so now the fastest way the dark any plane it's never going to help my ice anymore looks like if you're going to let that one in this way it's going to make this long good pieces so make sure to put an onion down this way so it will make the little pieces unless you want the One God faces and don't hold it like that you'll squish your fingers boom let's look Wow look a little bit chopped-up amazing 450 cubic perfect hornyon cubes I love it now i'm just gonna put this onion in the refrigerator do I need it next time love it honestly this gadget is the best this is my favorite gadgets so far along its all the time and I chop them this way never chattering audience again here I got another sip those slices you can slice lemon lime oranges you see it big so even great food properly would fit easily simpli-stik the 11th look there's a whole stick it the lemon in here and it stems and a likely our carpets are with the compliments line it up and let's slice it Wow look at that flip it over take it off then slice all the way it go just push it over here little bit but the idea for the lemons to stay in their cup like that awesome i like discussion let's start to slice something else like this tomato and then line it up and then slice boom flip it over take it off look your tomatoes sliced up in the cup how cool was . i like that gadget a lot and its way because this one so you can slice great food oranges this one that's mostly for months and limes I like them both though they were so well right here i got another kitchen gadget it's against Terry now let's open this up i got your two different sizes of against let's try this out you see there's little lips would see if it actually going to work and clicking he go it fits boom now what we're going to do is just hold it like that and state and it out wow this is works actually well look i don't even have to hold it this plastic thing it'sit's on that well look I can't even shake it up and it does not fall off some thumbs up from Tripoli using this gadget all the time ok now let's start this with this one pop it in that's it now let's see hard stance easy Wow look at this this is beans here i got different size of candidates if it's actually going to work wow it fits perfectly once again look all the liquid is bottom good idea to go out boom shake it up all the liquid is out open it cut Titus no more liquid idea was any of that awesome this gadget we've got aluminum foil folder let's see if it's actually better than actual box let's take out the whole art of here and inside here it fits that's good now let's start to roll out well nope it does not work let's put it this way this way there . cuts 24 literally easily but what about olender for Los impossible it just falls off no way it just Falls art will you be the judge but this gadget we got your photog 04 foodsaver going to open this top one to the four pieces different-sized pretty much our by thing right here and let's say we got here half an apple ID half I don't want to eat the other half and then happen onion let's say only used half of it and they need to use the other half looks like lemon will fit into here wow this actually cogs and put your well airport probably will go on this one awesome it's going on with sizes but it definitely works look at this for some of them if it's perfect fit it works but some probably will work with this one but you only get one size each so that's cool i like it and now we're going to drop it then let's see what happens oh wow did you see that they're awesome so this is why they give us is
Channel: CrazyRussianHacker
Views: 6,701,338
Rating: 4.7800345 out of 5
Keywords: 10 Kitchen Gadgets Put to the Test, 10 Butter Gadgets Put to the TEST, 10 Kitchen Gadgets Test, Gadgets, Kitchen Gadgets, 10 Egg Gadgets put to the Test, 8 Hot Dog Gadgets put to the Test, lemon slicer, slicer, tuna strainer, crazy russian hacker, taras kul, 5 Simple Science Experiments, 10 Camping Gadgets, Bluetooth Smart Lock Fire Test, 10 Easy Bobby Pin Life Hacks, Giant Orbeez in Liquid Nitrogen
Id: tET22-LV0T4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 11 2016
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