8 Things you may want to stock up on Now to get prepped up for the coming shortages...

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[Music] hello youtubers alaska prepper here so on this video i'm going to show you a few things that i believe you should stock up now in quantity before they run out again because ladies and gentlemen let me tell you this whether this thing is real whether it's not real it doesn't matter i know there's two sides of this argument what matters is this what will the outcome be to our delivery systems what will the outcome be to our production systems what will the outcome be to the availability of goods because of whatever this thing brings all right this health crisis has caused a lot of havoc and it's still causing a lot of havoc i know that some people say it's just the hoax it's not it doesn't matter whether it is or not what matters is this will you be able to get these items this coming fall this coming winter that's what you want to be thinking about and if you think that you may not be able to get them then stay tuned and let me show you what i think we're going to need to stock up on in quantity before they're not available or very hard to acquire the first thing ladies and gentlemen of course is going to be food but what types of food do you want to stock up on the amount of food that you want to stock is really up to you ladies and gentlemen if you take a page from what has happened in the last few months i would feel safe with stating that everyone in these united states of america should have at least a three-month supply of food at least however that is a decision that only you can make for yourselves but what types of food do you want to stock up on just in case food in general becomes unavailable canned foods is a great place to start however only those canned foods that you eat and your family eats you don't want to be buying stuff that you don't eat just because they're on sale or just because they're in a can canned foods will last a very long time past their best buy dates usually one can is equivalent to one meal you have your canned meats your canned tunas your canned soups and canned vegetables all right ladies and gentlemen these are the types of things that you want to be stocking up on right now in addition to that think about maybe stocking up on things that may not be available not due to the crisis that we're going through but due to the harvest season that we had last year for example remember last year we lost about 45 percent of our sugar beet season about 45 percent of our sugar beets last year were tilled under because of frost sugar may become a little more difficult to get in our near future and or a lot more expensive to acquire as well so think about those things a great thing to have in addition to canned goods get yourself some peanut butter who doesn't like peanut butter except for people that are allergic to peanuts i would assume but get yourself some peanut butter get some flour get some yeast now that it's available get some jellies if you don't know how to preserve your own just go buy some at the store everything right now ladies and gentlemen with as expensive as you may think it is is relatively cheap to how much it's going to be in our near future because what we just went through in the last few months is getting ready to be done over again and who knows how long this time will last and who longs how long into who knows how long into the winter it will take us all right so prep on things that you know you eat that will store for a long time as long as you store them in a nice cool dry place away from sunlight all right and uh things that you think may become unavailable in your area or as a whole ladies and gentlemen before i get into this one right here remember always of course we need to have some water stored away as well all right okay now ladies and gentlemen this may be a little controversial okay a lot of people don't want to wear these a lot of people say that these are not needed a lot of people say that these are needed we've gotten mixed messages from the government and from the media on whether these are good or not good this is why i have some of these on hand i patronage a couple of businesses here in fairbanks that are privately owned businesses and they have made it their policy that if i want to patronage them that i have to wear one of these so whether i think it's real whether i think it's not real whether i think it's necessary or not if i want to enter that business to buy something i have to wear one of these without getting kicked so that i won't get kicked out of the store so if for any reason you store some of these away store them because you will at least need to use them to be able to go and purchase things that you need at one business or another that may require its customers to wear them so i would recommend that you stock up on a few of these guess what ladies and gentlemen they're available now you can buy them now without panic buying without paying twenty dollars a mass for them all right so go ahead and stock up on some masks and uh just keep them on reserve you never know worst case scenario two years from now you'll be doing a drywall project in your house and you'll need a dust cover and there you go wear a dust mask and there you go you've got one do we really have to talk about this ladies and gentlemen just get whatever you think you may need for the next six months to a year it's really not a lot in my family here let me tell you what i bought a box of 80 of these from amazon i don't know close to six months ago and we still have some of that box left if you don't want to buy these because they take up too much room buy some baby wipes they work just as well as long as you don't flush them down the toilet so that it won't create a clog but make sure you're sucked up on these do you really want to see yourselves fighting with someone else over a box of tissue ridiculous isn't it ladies and gentlemen all right so stock up on some tissue or some of those number two items that you prefer to use stock up on some dishwashing soap ladies and gentlemen more people are cooking from home nowadays because of what's been going on so i'm assuming that more people are using more dishwashing soap or dishwasher soaps i would rather stock up on dishwashing soap just in case you don't have the availability of your dishwasher and you have to do it by hand so stock up on dishwashing soap i'm not sure if many of you have heard but our trade relationship with china is kind of going south and i know that a lot of items that we use and i'm not sure if dishwashing soap comes from china as well but a lot of items that we are used to purchasing easily in the stores may not become available so think of that as well so stock up on some dishwashing soap in addition to that stock up on extra sponges and or rags that you will be able to use you know as a scrubber when you wash your dishes ladies and gentlemen i'm not sure if many of you have seen the video where i show you how to make your own laundry detergent but this right here is this big jug is 225 ounces of laundry detergent that i made myself and it is very easy to make it what i'll do is i will leave that video in the right hand corner of this video you'll see a little car pop out so you can learn how to make your own ladies and gentlemen there's about 200 loads in this in this container i can do about 200 loads on my washer with this container this probably cost me less than 25 cents to make believe it or not if you go watch my video you'll know exactly how to make it it's only a few minutes long and i'm sure you'll get a lot out of it this here is one of the soaps that we can use to make laundry detergent however you can really use any hard soap all you have to do is scrape it you know and use it to make it like i said it's in the video alright so stock up if you don't want to stock up on laundry detergent that's really expensive learn how to make your own and then stock up on the ingredients that's needed to make that laundry detergent in addition to this the only three other ingredients you're going to need is water is borax borax powder and wash soda okay those three ingredients in addition to this soap or any bar soap that you may have will make you laundry detergent on the extreme cheap stock up on hygiene items ladies and gentlemen stock up on soap soap shampoo things that you know you may run out of and that you may need in order to keep yourselves clean right during lots of crises where there's resource issues a lot of the problems come from hygiene so make sure that you do your hygiene inventory and make sure that you top them off so that you will have enough to last you at least through this year just in case ladies and gentlemen and shop sales ladies and gentlemen i want to show you something this is a brick of 18 bars of soap that my wife found on sale and i want to show it to you that way you won't think i'm lying two dollars and 80 cents for this brick of 18 bars of soap can't beat that right but if you can't find them on sale stock up on the soaps that you need anyways and ladies and gentlemen let me go ahead and plug this company in really quick i'm not being paid by them or anything like that but i just think this great product go check out the hero soap company i do have a link for their site in the description of the videos that i put up i am affiliated with them however every penny that i make from them goes directly to the buy me a coffee account that goes to charity the reason i'm plugging these guys is because they are a small company here in the u.s run and worked by a veteran who hires veterans who makes everything here in the u.s and it's a small business who also supports his local community via the law enforcement and first responders by donating to them a portion of what they take in from these soap sales and also donate to veterans organizations so go check them out if you guys want to use some really awesome soap now this is a little pricey i think for one bar of soap is like five dollars and change or so but it's an outstanding product and by doing so you are supporting a small business here in the united states of america the last couple of things ladies and gentlemen that you should stock up on because they are available now go ahead and get yourself some hand sanitizer just in case ladies and gentlemen it doesn't cost a lot and it's available right now if you can't afford to go buy a jug of hand sanitizer there are plenty of recipes on the internet where you can make your own for less than what it costs to buy them at the store all right so do one or the other but at the very minimum buy your soap right just keeping your hands clean can keep a lot of germs and or any kind of other substances out of your face and out of your mouth eyes nose etc in addition to that the last thing i'll cover make sure that you buy yourselves some disinfecting wipes and or sprays or even just a jug of bleach that you can make your own disinfectant with or hydra hydrogen peroxide or hydrogen peroxide right vinegar things that you can make your own defectives with if you cannot afford to go buy these if you can afford to go buy these by all means add some of these to your stockpile ladies and gentlemen this is all about having things that you know you're gonna use i know i'm going to use these how long will it take me to use this probably a while but i know that i'm going to use this eventually so i'm not wasting my money by getting it i know i'm going to use this eventually everything here i know i'm going to use eventually so i know i'm not wasting my money ladies and gentlemen go out and stock up now before it's too late ladies and gentlemen you do not want to be one of those people that are panic shopping at the last minute oh i almost forgot something ladies and gentlemen this is the most important thing you can get and stock up on and i recommend that you really stock up on this because if you don't you're going to have a very very bland existence the more adobos you can get the more successful you'll be during the apocalypse all right ladies and gentlemen obviously that was a very dry joke but food fatigue is real so get your spices thank you very much for joining in ladies and gentlemen i truly appreciate it listen i really want to thank you guys i was so excited this morning when i woke up and i went to happy preppers channel and he now has i believe over 1500 subscribers hopefully it'll be 2 000 by the time that this video post i want to thank every single one of you that went over to happy prepper's channel and subscribed to him i think he's an outstanding young man and i just love that he is spreading the word and his age and that he has the support of his family that is outstanding thank you very much i'm going to go ahead and leave a link to his video on a card here in the upper right hand corner in case you guys haven't gone over there go check him out support him by subscribing and support him because he is spreading the word a a teenager is spreading the word that we need to prepare and i just love that all right ladies and gentlemen so i hope you guys have a great weekend there was pebbles over there i hope you have a great weekend have a great day be safe thank you very much for joining in remember to be good to each other when good people do good things good things happen remember to reach one teach one and repeat if we all did this the world would be a better place and you know that it will be a better place many blessings to loving your families this alaska prepper i'm out
Channel: Alaska Prepper
Views: 101,001
Rating: 4.9468813 out of 5
Keywords: thingstostockupon, eightthingstostockup, shortages, prepper
Id: Cir7hDu51Mg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 11 2020
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