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hey guys welcome to my channel today we're going to talk about learning english fast and i know a lot of you guys are struggling to move from intermediate to advanced to upper intermediate and this has been my problem as well and i'm going to talk about the things that really helped me move from you know i learn english i read in english but i can't really speak good i don't really understand native speakers sometimes i'm kind of in the middle i kind of know english but i can't really use it so i will try to take you today lift you up from your intermediate and show you ways of where to go if you want to become advanced very soon so if you're interested in speaking english like a native speaker continue watching this video and make sure to watch it up to the very end and make sure to smash the like button right now if you think that the topic is useful i'm waiting for you to smash the like button good this video is brought to you by skillshare so first of all make sure you have a very clear goal and a target so before i was 14 years old i was like english is amazing my parents tell me to learn english great i'm gonna do that but at the age of 14 i went to the uk and i saw a completely different life i saw people chasing various goals i tried british food i saw the culture and i was like i want to be a part of that world i want to be a part of this western world because i was born and raised in russia it all seemed completely different from where i came from and i knew that the only way for me to become a part of that world was first to learn english and to speak it like a native speaker and second succeed in my studies because english is just a way to integrate into society english is just an instrument that will get you somewhere and apart from english you also need something else right because you don't want to end up just being a great english speaker you want to end up being a great english speaker talking about a topic of your expertise and this is when i realized okay so this is where i move from just learning english like grammar vocabulary this is where i moved to learning about something in english and because i was 14 my dream was to go and study in great britain so i started researching universities in the uk i started researching scholarships and i started to use my intermediate english for it i started to read articles and this way i was able to improve my vocabulary and because i was so passionate about this topic it wasn't really a struggle for me i wanted to do that i waited for that one hour in the evening that i had to do my research so this is something i would advise you to do find a topic that interests you the most set a goal for example complete a course on photography or completed course and productivity in english and then go towards it move towards it and always check back with yourself am i enjoying what i do am i enjoying my goal because this is the most important thing the next advice might be a little counterintuitive but people keep telling you read a lot read a lot read a lot doesn't really work with english because you know what i noticed happened to me when i started reading a lot especially when i started reading a lot on a topic that is professional there were so many words that are specific to that topic like medicine or whatever i couldn't pronounce them i kind of read them i understood what they meant but would you ever check like ob gyn how to pronounce it i was like ob gyn or whatever and that was the wrong way to pronounce it so it is really important that you not only read but you mostly focus on listening to things in english on your topic so this way you are learning how to pronounce words because that's really important because again the problem that i had i knew a lot of specific words related to pregnancy for example because i was first time pregnant here in the us so i read a lot but then i came to my doctor and i tried to say something and she didn't get me because i was pronouncing these words incorrectly and this is when i realized i should have listened more instead of just reading the next advice don't translate word for word sometimes you're like oh my god she just used this word that i didn't understand let's just go back to this and let me translate the whole phrase no this way you're going to lose interest so if you're reading a book and you know every paragraph you may be meeting like two or three words that you haven't seen before that's totally fine if you still understand the context if you still understand the topic of the book you still understand what's going on then just let them pass by let those words stay there in the book no need to translate everything just make sure you understand the general idea and this advice is by the way really useful if you're just about to take an english language test because in english language tests they use the strategy a lot they use a lot of difficult words that you don't really need to understand they're doing this to confuse you to make you scared but the questions that they ask they don't really relate to those words then they relate to general idea because i just recently took toefl i can tell you that there were so many words that i didn't understand and i've lived in the u.s since 2016. and they just want you to feel overwhelmed with this academic vocabulary but then they ask you questions to answer which you don't really need to understand those complicated words if you're learning english to live in a foreign country then forget about writing again this might sound a little counter-intuitive but what you need to analyze right now is why do you need english if you're going to stay in your country and all you gonna do is write academic papers then yes but you need to kind of allocate those percentages to different areas of english that you're gonna use so for example i live in the us eighty percent of my time i speak english because i record videos i talk to people this means that i need to dedicate 80 of my time to speaking and listening and only 20 of my time to reading and writing because i want to work on the skills that i need the most so if you're planning on staying in your country and write academic papers in english then yes 80 of your time dedicated to english should be uh focusing on reading and writing because this is the way you hone this skill and you don't really need to care about speaking and listening but if you plan on moving somewhere if you plan on working in an english-speaking environment then you totally need to focus on speaking and listening the next advice is to take an online course and we've already touched upon this a little early in this video but you really need to ask yourself what am i interested in apart from english what am i interested in so for example i am interested in becoming more productive because i have a baby i have three youtube channels i have my instagram tick tock companies so many things going on in my life how do i stay productive how do i allocate my time depending on what goals i have and by the way there is an amazing course on skillshare that can help you with that the course and productivity that i really like on skillshare is called productivity today managing attention in the digital age i know all of us are learning english digitally and you have so many things going on in your laptop i have all of my messengers i have my email i have people calling me all the time so i think it's really important to have dedicated time slots when you're doing something to have dedicated time slots during the week so for example one day you're focusing on your listening another day you're focusing on your speaking um so you know just planning things ahead and staying productive and staying on top of your routine is really really important and this is why i recommend this course on skillshare skillshare is an online learning community when millions come together to take the next step in their creative journey with thousands of inspiring classes for creative and curious people on topics including illustration design photography video freelancing and productivity skillshare is created specifically for learning meaning there are no ads and you're getting access to classes for less than ten dollars a month with an annual subscription the first 1000 followers who hit a link below will get a free premium membership on skillshare for two months so you can totally explore the course that i'm talking about for free the next advice forget about perfect grammar because whenever you try to be perfect in anything in a language that slows you down because your brain is like okay i need to say this phrase in english oh and i also want to make sure i sound perfect and this is just too much for your brain because there's so much going on you need to think about your ideas you need to think about how to say them in english and then you want to sound perfect maybe you want to use this past perfect continuous tense don't do it you can try to use it later i still refrain from using it because that's too much for my brain i just want to sound simpler and easier so yeah don't over complicate and don't try to sound perfect it's totally okay to make mistakes and this is what i'm here for you know i'm telling you about the right ways to say different things about different ways to say things but please don't be perfect you're gonna start saying something in a wrong way but then you would hear people answering you you would hear back from people and you would understand oh that didn't sound right but you started a conversation and that's the most important thing you will correct yourself later but please please start the next advice is try to listen to everything remember i was telling you about like reading stuff and then knowing how to pronounce it so try to listen to audiobooks try to listen to online courses try to listen to videos to surround yourself with listening to things in english and that will really really help you hone your listening skills and your speaking skills as well and the last but not the least practice english every day that's the key to success maybe it's 15 minutes maybe it's 20 minutes maybe it means just watching my videos daily maybe you're you've downloaded an audiobook and you listen to a chapter per day or you started a course on skillshare and you listen to a lecture a day this is really important to be consistent and to do something every single day thank you so much guys for watching this video up to the very end i hope it helps you become more enthusiastic about learning english and uh i hope it helped you to create a plan in your head on how you're going to go from intermediate to advanced and i hope i gave you some directions don't forget to subscribe to this channel and smash the like button if you enjoyed this content and follow me on instagram linguamarina if you want to practice english daily because i make stories daily about english there and lingering on tech talk see you soon bye bye
Channel: linguamarina
Views: 466,371
Rating: 4.9732981 out of 5
Keywords: english, english language, learn english, linguamarina, marina mogilko, linguatrip, english bro, english with linguatrip, speak english, secrets to learn english, secrets to learn english fast, tips, how to learn English quickly, how to learn english fast, how to learn english faster, tips for learning english, tips for learning english fast, tips for learning english faster, start speaking english, english grammar
Id: _cAfSxeu_nY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2020
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