How to speak English FAST and understand natives | EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW IN ONE VIDEO

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i know the video is called how to speak english fast but do you really need to speak english fast let me tell you something sometimes we think that native speakers speak fast and this is why they sound so natural in reality they don't speak fast they just connect all the words together and instead of splitting them up which sounds a little kind of slower they just put them all together as if one sentence is one big word they emit some syllables they add some new sounds and this is why they sound the way they sound and sometimes it's hard for us to understand them just because they don't split up words and we think that they're just speaking too fast in reality they're not today i'm gonna teach you this technique i'm gonna teach you how native speakers do it so you can do it to sound more native and so that you understand the mechanics behind kind of faster speaking so you can understand native speakers for example you see a phrase what do you for example in a sentence what do you do but americans would never say like this what do you do dude what do you do what do you do what do you do so the speed the pace is kind of the same it's just connecting everything what do you do and if you don't know the way they do it you're like what was that another phrase i am going to do some shopping what americans would say they would say i'm gonna do some shopping again not i'm going to i'm gonna do again they've connected something they actually paraphrase it a little i'm gonna get some water do you want some and some americans would even say i'mma do shopping this is like the very very contracted version of it so what americans do they take those smaller words and they pronounce them in a way that is easier for them in daily speech for example article the is pronounced like the what's the weather today so they don't say what's the weather today they say what's what they say what's the weather today so it's dot because it's easier oh what about the weather report you sometimes sounds like yeah do you want to go for a walk again do you want to go for a walk sounds as if you just started learning english do you want to go for walk sounds closer to being a native speaker and another thing that you might have noticed when we say what do so we have t at the end of the word what and we have d at the beginning of the word do we kind of invent a new sound here instead of saying what do you do we say what'd you do so there is a sound which appears in the middle again this is a way to make your speech smoother and this is what all native speakers do for example what you do for living what you do for living what you do to make this even clearer for you i'm gonna read a sentence out loud the first time i read it i'm gonna read it as a student the second time i read it i would try to read it as a native speaker let's do it i am going to go out to walmart do you need anything i'm gonna go to walmart do you need anything again i replaced i'm going to with i'm gonna go to walmart and i've connected walmart with do we have a word that ends with t and we have a word with that begins with d so i'm gonna go to walmart do you need anything and there is this chair that appeared in the middle the next word a little confusing i know especially when you hear this first in a native speaker speech something they say something i don't know why this appears it's just the way the language evolves when people speak it but can you give me something this is sometimes what native speakers say which is correct uh don't be confused it's just the same as something the next phrase let me give you something the americans would say let me give you something so they just omit the letter t and you get lemmy let me get you something let me give you something in american english if you have a letter t in the middle of a word sometimes you pronounce it as d letter letter letter because it's faster because it's smoother city you don't say it city city city it's like dnr city and it sounds a little british so in great britain they would say sylvita in american english there's a bitter bitter let me give you some more examples bottle bottle butter butter computer computer i can't even say it with the t computer computer computer daughter daughter 80 80 40 40. little little settle settle 30 30. you see this t converts to d all the time as you notice it's even unnatural for me to say little 30 just because i'm so used to you know in certain d instead of t this would come automatically automatically not automatically automatically to you guys uh when you practice this is first the way to speak faster second this is the way to speak more naturally and third this is an easier way to understand native speakers because you now know how the mechanics work hey guys welcome to my channel i just had an online meetup event where i had people from all over the world and we all spoke english and we were discussing online business in 2020 and what i've noticed is that people who are not english native speakers were using a language that is textbook so there were some people who are in the us and their language was completely different and when was listening to those people i started noting those differences and i decided to share my insights with you because with these insights you will be able to speak english as a native speaker and you wouldn't sound i would say a little old-fashioned because when you're using this textbook english you sound a little too academic or a little too old-fashioned with these tips by the end of this class your english will be more native will be more kind of american and modern so if you're interested continue watching this video you probably know it but not all of you are using it in your everyday speech and this thing is reduced forms let's look at some examples instead of want to you say wanna i wanna know i don't know why i wanna go to london i want to study in the us because when you say i want to study in the us it sounds a little weird it doesn't have this natural flow so with these reduced forms you're getting this natural flow to your language let's look at another example and please go ahead and try saying stuff together with me i'm going to wash the car but you're going to say i'm going to wash the car i'm gonna go wash up you see the difference you see it's a completely different attitude it's completely different mood of the sentence when somebody asks you what time is it you can say i don't know which is again a little strange you say i don't know i don't know and this d is actually replaced with r i don't know you're not saying d you don't say i don't know you're saying i don't know it's like i don't know yeah it's weird but this is how it works with the language i don't know try listen i don't know and i don't care yes and last but not the least got to versus god i gotta do my homework instead of i got to do my homework we gotta fix it by the way you can say i got to do my homework if you decide to speak british english and this is my tip number two you need to decide which accent you want to adopt because you can speak british english you can speak canadian english you can speak australian english you can speak american english [Music] and there is nothing wrong with either of those accents it's just you need to be consistent and i started learning english with the british version and i really liked it and i think i can still imitate my british accent i don't know i'm not using it at all maybe if i come to britain for a week i will get back to british accent but i like american accent and i would say american accent is the easiest to learn just because there are so many resources in american english i try to speak with an american accent there are a lot of youtubers out there if you take top 20 youtubers i think all of them will be from the us i'm going to be surprising my best friend shane canadian accent is supposed to be the easiest to understand so if you're struggling with understanding native speakers try and google canadian youtubers and watch their videos first and then once you start understanding them maybe you just stick with the canadian accent or you develop your ear and you move on to american youtubers or you decide that britain is your way to go and you adopt british accent but one thing here is just be consistent with whatever you choose by the way guys if you are looking for more ways to improve your english to speak like a native speaker i have created a workbook in english which has all of the rules that you can think of we have idioms there we have a list of movies that you can watch in american english we have a list of youtubers and instagram bloggers that you can follow who vlog in english so you can get a sense of what real english is we have a lot of visual examples of how to use different articles we have a lot of tasks and tests for you and i worked on this product for four months i really hope you enjoyed the link will be below it's really interactive it has a video from me where i explain you how to use it where i explain you tenses in english the most used tenses it's really useful for any english language learner and it doesn't matter which level you're at right now because it covers almost every topic in english and i think it's going to be really useful for you the link will be below we made it really affordable it's a very small check but it's a lot a lot of value and we've sold over 20 000 copies already and we've got amazing reviews from students from all over the world so the link will be below let me know what you think about my workbook now the next is learn to ignore fillers and also learn to use them let's take a look at a list of common fillers actually anyway basically by the way erm by the way with erm i have a very interesting story when i was reading a book and they had this arm there and i was like what does that mean and i started digging it up in the dictionary and i couldn't find it and then i started googling it and then i realized this is just the way to write the sound erm it took me some time and if you encounter one of those filler words don't try to translate them just ignore them and this is your way to understand native speakers at the same time if you need time to think during your speech please feel free to insert them to get some extra time to think what you're gonna say next let's look at some other examples of filler words i mean incidentally in fact obviously well you know let's look at the sentence with filler words by the way i saw mark yesterday and so obviously i said hello to him but he basically ignored me you see we have a lot of filler words here that don't really affect the meaning they just there for somebody who said the sentence to take some time to think about what's going to be next let's remove all the filler words and look at the sentence once again i saw mark yesterday i said hello to him but he ignored me 13 words instead of 20 words you see makes a lot of difference especially if you're struggling to understand things you just omit them and you go ahead you save your time you don't panic because you don't understand every single word the next important thing contractions contraction is also something to do with delivery but we're talking about contractions in the language i am instead of i am hungry you say i'm hungry and it's not even i'm hungry it's i'm hungry um like um funny i'm hungry this is the way to contract i am i'm hungry you say i'll instead of i will i'll do that i'll pick it up i'll be back but uh please don't use this contraction with names you can't say caitly will do that kate will do that the only way to say will with names is to say the whole thing kate will do that you cannot use contractions with names instead of do not you say don't i don't like it it's just the way to speed up your speech i don't like it try and say to yourself i don't like it i don't like it i've instead of i have i've got your back i've done this before i am i've got your back and i'd instead of i would i'd like to join you i'd like to stay home i'd like to know pay attention to stress in your speech what do you notice right now is that i've emphasized the word stress because i want your attention on this word pay attention to stress and this is what americans do a lot they either slow down when something important is going on or they make their voice louder louder when they want to emphasize a word or they just raise their intonation when something is really important you see how i highlight it really with my speech so that's also a hint for you to understand natives they would always highlight the most important word with their intonation or loudness of their voice next tip use slang and yes we've learned a lot of slang words with you but i just want to emphasize that people use those languages a lot because sometimes you learn them and you're in your country and you're like okay whatever but then you start interacting with native speakers and suddenly they're like do you want to hang out with me you want me to hang out with you and you're like what was that hang out is to spend time together oh we had a blast yesterday it was an amazing party we're gonna have a blast and you're like what does that mean to have a blast means to have fun so please re-watch my videos where i talk about slang words they're really awesome i love slang because it has a lot of culture in it rewatch them try to use them in your speech when you're speaking with native speakers and by the way disclaimer here if you're writing an academic essay please don't use any of the rules uh that i mentioned in this video because academic essays are all about being way too academic boring old-fashioned and not the way you are in your real life unfortunately but these are the rules and every cloud has a silver lining if you know what i mean then you've learned different idioms and proverbs and sayings and this is another important thing to do when you're learning a foreign language always always always learn the idioms because if somebody says i'm feeling under the weather and you're like what does that mean because you can't figure out from just reading this idiom what it means because to feel under the weather means to feel bad but how are you supposed to figure it out if it's sunny outside if the sun is shining and if the weather is amazing how can feeling under the weather be a bad thing but it is a little under the weather this morning let's play by ear what does that mean how can we play by ear the only way to understand it is to learn it to play by ear means to um look at circumstances look at what's going to happen and then decide based on those things uh let's play this one by ear so there are so many idioms and proverbs and sayings that i urge you to learn again i have a lot of videos on that and you can re-watch them hey guys welcome to lingua marina today we're going to talk about speaking english fast and understanding native speakers native speakers speak in a way that is easy for them american english for example is really relaxed so if you want to sound like an american person you really need to sit down and couch and you know just relax your jaw relax your mouth and relax your thoughts because americans like to emit words they just throw them away from the phrase they like to connect words together and if you learn the techniques that native speakers are using and they don't necessarily think of them as techniques this is just the way for them to simplify the language and to speak it faster so if you learn those techniques you would be able to first understand native speakers and second use those techniques in your speech to sound more natural today i'm going to talk about these techniques and if you want to sound more natural if you want to sound like a native speaker continue watching this video up to the very end and i know a lot of you would tell me marina but why should i sound like a native speaker people still understand me my accent is okay yes it is okay to maintain your accent it is okay to maintain the way you speak but in order to understand native speakers you need those techniques and if you want to build more trust for example if you're like me who wants to raise money in silicon valley and you're talking to silicon valley investors there are so many doubts about you like is your product gonna explode is your company good and then your accent and then there are so many things that make people doubt you and eliminating your accent is one of those things would really help you in whatever you're gonna do in english thing number one that american people do is they cut off words so for example you can say are you ready to go the shorter version would be are you ready but americans would just say you're ready and that's it they would just amid r yes it's grammatically incorrect and yes if you're writing an academic letter if you're writing a personal statement if you're taking a test you would never ever do that because you're gonna get a lower grade but if you are speaking to a friend if you are trying to integrate into american or whatever english-speaking country society you can totally do that and you can say you're ready or instead of saying are you going are you coming you can say you're coming and that's it dale you coming dale you coming instead of saying it was great talking to you you can just say great talking to you and that's it again it's grammatically incorrect but it's widely used the second thing that native speakers do is they shorten words i am a fan of baseball or if you want to be super formal the longer version for fan is fanatic i am a baseball fanatic but you you would never say that it would say i am a fan of baseball americans would say amma instead of i am they would say amma then they would say fan and they would connect fan with the next phrase fen nov baseball amma fender baseball so we see two phenomenons here first they are emitting words uh they're just throwing them away they're contracting them and second they are connecting what's left i'm a fan of baseball and when they speak faster i'm a fan of baseball you see it was really fast and unless you're used to people doing this unless you understand that this is the technique that you're using you're gonna have trouble understanding another tip for you if you watch somebody's mouth it's a lot easier to understand what they're saying so if you're trying to understand a movie really watch the actor really watch what they're doing with their mouth if you want to understand uh a song i would switch on the music video and hope that the singer is actually singing lip singing in the video so you can follow their lips and this is why it's really hard for you to speak on the phone because you don't see the person and there is no like visual hint for you what kind of things they're saying but i promise you it's gonna come the more videos you watch in this channel and if you're not yet subscribed hit subscribe button uh the more videos you'll like on this channel the better your english gets and the easier it will be for you to understand native speakers some other examples of people contracting words saying congrats instead of congratulations congrats on your birthday instead of congratulations on your birthday congrats on your new apartment totes is a contraction of a word totally and the most widely used contraction is thanks instead of thank you thanks for your compassion the next thing you need to learn is to understand hints and this is kind of psychological even so imagine uh we're sitting in a room together and i tell you it's so cold the right reaction from your side would not be like oh yeah it's really cold but if you can do something like maybe you could close the window because i said it's cold maybe i'm visiting you at your place and i say it's really cold and maybe you know that the air conditioning is on and you would be like oh do you want me to switch off the air conditioning or do you want me to close the window or oh yeah i know it's really cold you want to use my sweater so really americans they don't really tell you directly what they want because they don't want to offend you they don't want to force you to do something but they're kind of giving you hints uh it's a little cold here you know i feel a little uncomfortable working with that person and they're not telling you directly that they don't want to work with that person they want you to take action they want you to make a decision or for example you know i don't really have time tomorrow to come and then you should offer something different so really look for those hints again americans would never tell you directly well they would some of them would but in a lot of formal situations they would kind of navigate you towards what they want next thing you need to learn is to detect sarcasm for example we're sitting in the same room we're in los angeles and it's a hundred degrees outside which is almost like 37 celsius and i tell you oh my god it's so cold it's so cold and in this situation you need to know that it's hot in here and you need to understand that it's sarcasm and there's no need to switch off the air conditioning offer me a sweater so you need to also learn what sarcasm and i know in different countries jokes can be different and the more movies you watch in english the more bloggers you follow the more interaction you have with native speakers you're going to learn it because when i first came to an english-speaking country i didn't understand sarcasm and when my host family's father tried to joke i would take everything seriously and i would be like really we were walking on bond street which is like one of the most expensive streets in london and they have like all of the louis vuittons chanel and stuff and he was telling me you know you need to sell a house in order to walk into the store and i'll be like well really you need to sell a house and he would go ahead and explain me that i am saying this sarcastically because you don't actually need to sell a house but you need to have a lot of money to shop at the store another thing that happened to me in america somebody told me we call whole foods whole paycheck whole foods is a store grocery store and it's a kind of high-end one kind of expensive and i would be like why do you call it whole paycheck and the person would tell me that you would spend everything that you got this month in order to get some groceries in whole foods and i thought like wow if they're getting like ten thousand dollars a month do they spend all of that but of course it was a joke yes it's expensive but you don't spend the whole thing so learn to understand sarcasm it's gonna take a while especially if you're like me i take people really seriously all the time but you're gonna learn it i promise the next thing that we've already touched upon in this class is you need to connect words and i'm going to give you some examples instead of saying could you join me you say could you join me so there is like this extra j sound g g sound could you join me again this is the way to connect these two words i'm glad you could join us i saw alice with an older man now it's your turn try to connect words i'll give you three seconds the way you say this phrase with connecting words i so well is with an older man so alice older man it sounds like one word the next step is very easy instead of saying yes all the time say yeah that's the thing americans say when you ask something like can i park my car here yeah of course well they say yes of course they say yes but yeah is more informal yeah is more casual and yeah is something that's more widely used than yes yes it's kinda well you know what's yes yeah sure sure yeah yeah the phrase is no problem instead of no problem you can say no problem or you can say no worries two phrases that americans use all the time really casual really nice phrases hey guys welcome to lingo marina a lot of you dm me on instagram and if you don't follow me on instagram it's lingua marina or a lot of you write comments here on youtube saying marina i've been learning english for several years when i read things i understand the text i understand the meaning but sometimes i listen to native speakers and i don't understand them at all i don't understand and i try to speak like them but i can't if this is something that you experience this video is for you today we're going to talk about a thing called connected speech and this is what native speakers do all the time when they talk because some words are pronounced one way when they pronounce separately but when they are in a context when they are surrounded by other words their pronunciation changes and today we're gonna dig into those rules we're gonna explore behind the scenes of american accent and we're gonna explore what native speakers do to sound the way they sound and how you can do the same to sound more like an american if that's your goal so if you're interested smash the like button and let's continue discussing this topic in american english people tend to avoid non-essential words by making them weak and by that i mean that there is no stress on those words when people talk let me give you some examples so for example fish and chips right three words but when we talk we say fish and chips in this way the word and is in a weak form and basically we only say and fish and chips that's it fish and chips please and this way maybe you know what fish and chips is but once people say fish and chips you're like oh what was that just because americans and native speakers in general speak faster they do things that are convenient for them and the convenient thing is to make prepositions auxiliary verbs different helping words make them weaker so that you don't spend your energy you don't waste your energy in emphasizing them they're still there they still affect the meaning but the way they're pronounced is different because they are made weak let me give you another example have you finished work so the emphasis is on work here and have is weak have you finished work compare this to the answer yes i have here have a strong vivid it is not weak at all you have a stress on it yes i have so compare this have you finished work yes i have this is a very clear example of weak word she can speak spanish better than i can so we have two cans in this sentence the first can is not even pronounced as can we say she can speak spanish it's that's it we even emit a and this is what native speakers do in weak forms she can speak spanish but the next can is strong she can speak spanish better than i can i can make him happier than she can so if you learn this and if you start using this you will sound more like a native speaker more like an american native speaker because in great britain what i notice is that people try to avoid weak forms they try to emphasize every single word the next thing that native speakers do is called linking this is when you kind of sing when i was learning my accent where i was trying to copy native speakers my teacher would say you know marina you're good at singing try to sing in english because when you sing a song you try to connect words and this is what native speakers do they are linking everything together because if i speak like this this doesn't sound natural but if i speak like this it sounds natural and one word evolves from the other word a very clear example cats or dogs a native speaker would say cats are dogs like sounds just like one word but it's actually three words oh cats or dogs uh dogs another great example is he busy which means is he busy but we actually emitted sound h and we have easy busy you see what's going on is he busy the next thing is called illusion and this is when one sound is substituted by another sound or completely disappears from a word again widely used in america in great britain you would say interview in america interview so t here just disappears interview that's it i would actually say it's substituted by another n because this n becomes a little longer innerview no t at all great interview same example center american for center so t is substituted with this longer n and you get center not center and santa is very british learning center want it instead of wanted butter instead of butter and this is another thing americans do when you have double tea it is substituted by d and it's again called illusion butter not butter but again if you want to sound more british butter is the pronunciation you would go for next door this is where we have both linking and illusion because next door is the way we would pronounce it if we were at school and the teacher told us pronounce everything but if we want to sound more american we'll say next door where the t disappears and two words get linked together oh next door and another great example most common just listen to what's happening here most common t disappears the words are linked together most common that's it again the way you practice it is that you just listen to people and you kind of have this in mind what you just learned when you have this in mind and you start noticing it it will become a lot easier for you to understand native speakers and once you start noticing those things the way native speakers use them you will start using them yourself and your speech would become even better assimilation i'm pretty sure a lot of you guys love american songs and uh you hear people saying don'tcha wancha and you're like what does that mean we didn't learn that at school let me explain this assimilation is when two sounds combine producing a new sound so instead of saying don't you americans say don'tcha again this is not like every american would do that but this is very common and you would hear that in pop culture you would hear teenagers do that you won't really hear a professor at stanford do that because they try to speak a more formal language what we're learning here is more you know common thing so don't you would be replaced by doncha won't you would be replaced by won cha the same with me too it was very nice to meet you it's very kind of british slash formal was great to meet ya this is an american version and very very i'd say california when you're talking to your friends you'll say it was great to meet you did you i can't even pronounce it the way i would pronounce it back when i was like at school did you people don't really say that they say did you again this new sound between the two words if you only think that people are emitting sounds they actually add new ones this is called intrusion let me give you a couple of examples do it is pronounced as do it so we kind of have this extra letter between the two words uh w and it's pronounced as you do it how did you do it do it he asked again you can say he asked but you would say he asked me to go out we're singing in a language to sound more natural so this he asked we have this extra y between these two words and this is why it sounds like he asked he asked and the last but not the least there are pairs of words that we use together very often like social life but we don't say social life we say social life because we just connect them and we make one word out of two words when we talk and this just helps us sound more natural social life what about your social life woke up let's just say you woke up pet turtle here we have two t's that are together we just connect them pet turtle that's it we got a new pet turtle yeah if you think that you need more tricks like these i highly recommend the course that a teacher who is not a native speaker but who sounds just like a native speaker and nobody can actually tell that he wasn't born in america he has put together this course for a lingo trip and i would highly recommend you to take this course it is called how to speak like a native speaker and this course is full of tricks like these and in this course you would learn them you would practice them and you would hear a lot more examples that i've given you today so if you are on track to speak like a native speaker and to understand uh natives then the link will be below it's gonna wait there for you please take this course and improve your speech thank you so much for watching this video up to the very end guys hit subscribe to subscribe this channel in order to not miss my next videos and i will see you very soon on this channel and on my instagram lingo marina thank you and bye
Channel: linguamarina
Views: 1,681,267
Rating: 4.9506874 out of 5
Keywords: english, english language, learn english, linguamarina, marina mogilko, linguatrip, english bro, english with linguatrip, speak english, speak fast english, how to speak english fast, american english, american english pronunciation, fast english, fast speech, english pronunciation, how to understand natives, how to understand english, how to speak fast english, speak english like a native, speak english like an american
Id: ATuiEVOsEis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 26sec (2186 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 09 2020
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