Prepositions of PLACE: IN, ON, AT. Common English Grammar mistakes

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hey guys welcome to lingua marina as you might have noticed i've just came back for my vacation so i feel really energized ready to create more content for you ready to share what i know about english with you and share how english is improving my life every single day because remember english is your instrument that helps you achieve your goals english is not your end goal it's just something that empowers you to see the world to explore the world and to bring your expertise to people from different places across the world and by the way i was traveling i went to guatemala i went to honduras i went to panama i went to mexico and i went to belize and everywhere i came i got dms from you guys saying oh marina you're in my country and this is the most exciting thing and every time i get a dm like that i thank my english language for that because my english is actually helping me connect with you guys if you're watching from one of those countries let me know in comments down below i fell in love with every single country i really liked panama just because i didn't expect it to be so like wow all the high rise it was it was really beautiful i've already mentioned some countries where i've been to i've been too honduras and you're wondering maybe why i didn't say at why i didn't say in so today we're going to talk about those prepositions i'm going to share some rules that people use to determine which preposition to use so if you're ready let's start let's do it today we're going to talk about the most common prepositions at in and on so let's do a quick quiz he lives 13 long street and you have to select either in on or at i'm visiting my grandma on and at a hospital i like traveling to in at a train now you're gonna get the right answers at the end of this video but make sure you write your answers down so you can check yourself later now let's talk about some rules the first rule is when we use at at is used with a very exact place think small building like something that is small you would always use at at the door at the hospital at school at the university at the table at the door so something specific would always be at but when you're thinking about big things like i don't know panama or guatemala or saint petersburg or london you would never say at because at only applies to smaller things and london panama guatemala those huge geographical locations so you can't be at london you're in london in london yeah but i'm at the desk i'm at home i'm at my studio i am at the bus stop etc at this university at the door that's cool we use on with streets and avenues i live on park avenue on north avenue i live on green street so on is always with the street but please remember there are always exceptions like if you're talking about university and you're talking about campus you say i live on campus on campus campus is this location where you have your dorms you have your classes you have your restaurants cafeterias etc so on campus would be an exception but normally on is only used with streets now when we're talking about the street there is another thing to remember when we have a number then we use at i live at 13 green street at 45 dunstan street but when we don't have a number like i'm asking you where are you right now and you're answering i'm a market street you don't give me a number and then use on on green street so at is used when we give the full address street number etc on is when we just mentioned the stream and when we talk about something bigger than the street we use the preposition in so for example you have different parts of town we are having lunch in chinatown or we are having lunch in nob hill this is like a district here in san francisco with cities as i already mentioned i live in london i live in london i live in new york you live in new york we have been in new york for two weeks we are in los altos hills with states i live in california live in california with parts of countries my friends spent vacation in the south of india with countries i used to live in russia in russia with continents my sister is in africa i love being in africa so to sum things up we use at with specific locations on with less specific locations like streets and in with bigger locations like cities towns countries parts of countries if you're already feeling overwhelmed with what's going on and we haven't yet started the most interesting part of the video where i'm gonna explain more things about prepositions i would highly recommend a book called grammar is all you need it is produced by my company called linguatrip by certified teachers this is a handbook that covers all the necessary topics in english grammar and it has a chapter on prepositions it has chapter and 10 says chapter on grammar rules and it's not just rules we all get bored by those boring textbooks in this book just like in all of my videos we tried to come up with different life hacks so you could understand everything better and also it's not just you reading the material we have included a lot of exercises so you could practice things because with grammar it's like if you just watch this video and you switch it off and you don't practice it just goes away like well there is something in the back of your mind but it really goes away and because you're watching this video first of all you're getting 66 off of this workbook and second you get a free chapter on prepositions because i really want you to remember these prepositions that we learned so if you follow a link below you're going to be able to receive a free chapter and 66 percent off the grammar is all you need workbook this workbook has 16 chapters on the most important topics of the english grammar done by my company done by linguatrip with love with passion for you guys with passion for english again the link is in description below 66 percent off and free chapter on english prepositions something that we cover in this video so you could practice so you can print it out put it on your desk and never ever forget what's the right way to use prepositions in english the link is below now let's move a little further with our prepositions i gave you some basic rules but now we're gonna explore more examples in is also used when we are talking about an enclosed space something that has a roof something as walls in a car in a box in a building i am waiting for you in my car they're in a car can you please help me find a pen in this box in a box don't put your wallet in a pocket now listen carefully right now we're moving to on and we use on with a bus on a bus and you might ask marina but why in a car but on a bus wait a minute i'm gonna explain the other words that we use on with are words that represent surface like this table is a surface on a table your floor is a surface on the floor wall behind me is also surface on the wall we also use on when we talk about left and right on the left on the right oh vice versa depending on whatever you see i think it's on the left where you're on the right for for you next to or along the side of a river for example cambridge is on the river cam now interesting part why in a car but on a bus and it's used with means of transportation where you can't stand up oh my god english you're so complicated so you can't stand up in the car so you say in a car you can't stand up in a helicopter but you can't stand up on an airplane so on an airplane in a helicopter on a bus in a car on the bus in a car in a taxi because you can't send off in a taxi i know guys this is why i recommend having something like a grammar book so you can refer to things or at least uh have a script of this video in front of your eyes on a ship on a boat on a plane on a train we use on with a means of transport where we can stand up we can stand up on a plane we can stand up on a bus we can stand up on a boat and also maybe another hint we use on with a means of transportation where there is no roof on a horse on a boat boat doesn't have a roof normally you can have both but on a boat so normally you don't have a roof on top of you when you're on the upper deck on a bike you can't really stand up on a bike but it doesn't have a roof so it's on a bike on your bike on a boat another thing that can be super super super confusing for you guys sometimes you hear in a hospital and sometimes you hear at a hospital both of those are grammatically correct but guess what they have a different meaning so when you're saying i'm in a hospital that means you're a patient you're actually receiving treatment i don't remember the accident i just remember waking up in a hospital my uncle is in the hospital right now receiving treatment for his i don't know acne i don't know if you go to the hospital for that but he broke a leg he's in a hospital let's do that i'm giving birth in a hospital but you can also say i'm at the hospital but that would mean that you're just doing something there that you're not a patient i am visiting my uncle at the hospital because you're at the hospital not as a patient receiving treatment you're a guest visiting your uncle in college my brother volunteered at a local hospital again he wasn't a patient this is why we use at the hospital the same goes for school museum library or any other institution and we also use at with events i'm at this lady gaga concert okay guys i hope it wasn't super confusing for you again if you want to make sure you remember all the prepositions make sure to follow the link below and download the free chapter of the grammar book and if you feel like you are willing to invest in your education just a little sum of money using 66 of the grammar book will be even cheaper for you because you're watching this video and now let's check your test i guess you already know everything but let's do it anyways he lives at 13 long street because we give the full address we give the number and the street address i'm visiting my grandma at the hospital why because i'm not a patient she's a patient my grandma is in the hospital receiving treatment and i'm visiting her at the hospital because i am not a patient i like traveling on a train you can also say i love traveling by train but this is another topic for another video here because we remember that we can stand up on the train we use on i like to travel on a train thank you guys so much for watching this video the links are below and uh if you're not yet subscribed this channel please hit subscribe button and if your friends are learning english please share this video with them because i think it's super useful i'm very humble thank you guys so much and i'll see you very soon in my next videos bye
Channel: linguamarina
Views: 439,431
Rating: 4.9791007 out of 5
Keywords: english, english language, learn english, linguamarina, marina mogilko, linguatrip, english bro, english with linguatrip, prepositions of place, prepositions, english prepositions, on in at use in english, in on at place, at in on prepositions, on in at english grammar, preposition rules, easy grammar, how to use prepositions in english grammar, how to use prepositions, how to use prepositions in english, in vs at, in vs on, in vs on place, in vs on vs at place
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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