Lords of the Fallen [2023] Any% Speedrun in 1:30:51 [WORLD FIRST 90 MINUTES RUN]

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like nice okay sorry I was just checking to see if anything was interesting okay so let's do a run hopefully get our uh our Lord skip situation well not Lord skip but you know we got a juice I have to remember to go um immediately after the tutorial I have to remember otherwise it throws off the timing of everything I mean it's better to have too much time on my hands than too little but obviously obviously there's a flow of things and we disrupt that flow and all of a sudden we're standing around for 30 seconds is waiting for the reaper to spawn just got to remember that the hardest part of the Run is pretty much over if we can just get the man Skip and the Boss Rush it's literally the hardest this run is not that hard after you get that down and honestly I feel like even then it's not even the full Boss Rush that's difficult it's just Hess that fight is annoying and I feel like if we don't get if we don't get that we don't get it you know it's it's not the end of the world if we don't get the you know the levels on that particular boss [Music] but SP wasn't too ruined with the patch uh yeah kind of ruined it a little bit but we were able to we were able to find something that works oh no [ __ ] stupid dude why did I do [Music] that Christ I went un and it didn't give me my health back that's weird all right umbrell immediately good this is the fix right here chat this is how we overcome dog [ __ ] patch early umbrell pretty much solves us well early umbrell and killing the Scarlet Reaper but killing the Scarlet Reaper is free so I think grabbing the grass just to have it I mean I don't know if we'll actually even use it but I think if we grab it since we're kind of killing time anyway what's crazy about this whole thing is it literally makes everything from the time you umbrell here until you kill the Scarlet Reaper it literally makes it auto scroller which it doesn't feel like it right because you know you would think oh well like you can still be optimal with picking this stuff up well the reality is that none of that matters because if you're there early if you're there early you have to wait anyway you have to wait until the Scarlet Reaper spawn so like all of this is just autoc scroller none of it matters really how fast you do it because you have to wait for the reaper anyway so 4 minutes of this run just doesn't matter does not matter at all take your time you know what since you mentioned it guess what free vestage seed it's free chat I saw the eye shut there but I think I think that might have just been because I was in the dialogue maybe maybe the dialogue makes it not fore I don't know [Music] yeah a that'll do it brothers and sisters you honor us and all who came before you with your sacrifices while I I mean this stuff right here matters because it's time that is spent when you're not actively accruing umbrell and to think when all to deliver forgive I'm so I am contained within should bring them to the beac and a deep [Music] fellow soon as we get out towards this ladder the eye opens back up mean it might be worth like grabbing items like this though to sell and get more money because the more ammo we have the more levels we have the better off we are and if we're just going to sit there with our dick in our hand for [ __ ] 30 seconds or whatever then we may as well make it worth our while right if it's going to be autoscroller let's make the most of the autoc scroller and get as much money as we can that's the way I see it the other option is we could get the other pendant early but we wouldn't be able to fast travel that's the thing the more often makes as you know I know don't there but yeah like right here I'm only a quarter I'm literally only a quarter through the [ __ ] umbrell here and we're almost there which to me is just crazy well I mean I guess it's a little more than a quarter but you [Music] know and there's no doubt about it there's going to be downtime hoping we could kill that guy but looked like it wasn't in the cards oh no well at least it gives us time to sort all this out like we're only hanging out here for a little bit one [ __ ] spot I need her to come over here [Applause] there it is get out of my way [Applause] right got that you go away the range on the [ __ ] soul FL is embarrassing I think they need to increase the range of it to be honest just it's just so underwhelming like there's no range on it at all that's pretty bad then again it took me a minute to set that up and I [ __ ] up pretty bad our holy fellow Sanctified vessel May or's Divine given that and yet now he hold on so I need to I need to level up first so that I know how much I can spend I think a group of begins to be made of whatever the cost that her as are you and then we're going to sell stuff and then we're going to obviously buy the key and then I think honestly we'll probably just buy all of the life Stones now cuz we don't need we don't need the pouch like we we're way ahead on pouches we'll just buy the rest uh when the time is right you know that way we don't have to buy any life stones at all [Music] and I have to exaggerate the movement there to get around him without getting stuck h really [Applause] dude listen Chief don't be toxic you all right first try skip maybe good setup initially it's good nice first try baby let's go let's go oh dude I need to need to time something here need to see how long this actually takes so it takes 16 seconds seems like that's about right 16 seconds roughly I feel like the elevator ride is probably longer than that but it takes 16 seconds to get to where the elevator is if you don't use the butterfly all right we need to crush the skull probably should heal too so butchers of AD restoring [ __ ] names D it Adas cut them down dude it [ __ ] canceled me out of the thing all right not bad [Music] good this is a terrible line that I'm taking but it's cool good w oh [ __ ] don't have those [Music] pouches no I'm stuck get out of the way dude jeez that's fine this is going to be a dog [ __ ] fight but right well I guess we're [Music] [Music] [Applause] why am I only hitting for [Music] 650 have the have the thing on oh my buff were off that's [Music] why that's why I lost so much time on that fight that was terrible at least we didn't die but yeah my buff War off that would make sense in radi our IM bring Redemption okay why is my [ __ ] thing just randomly not working small yeah so keep the regular sized ones in Radiance judgement and then we can buy 125 worth of pouches so we're we're not going to have a pouches is at all ammo will never be a problem in this route anymore even with having to kill the reaper we actually end up like we probably could if I like if it was really if it if it's like all right come on this is obnoxious how much ammo we have which honestly is probably the case we can probably prioritize just like throwing quickly over just trying to but we also don't have to like sell the garbage either like we could just opt not to sell that stuff but like we have the Vigor and it's right there so I don't know why we wouldn't takes no time at all to do that stuff dude I did that again where I forgot to [ __ ] forgot to [ __ ] move the thing and then do that get ready ready to grab the butterfly this section in umbrell is quite a bit more toxic than I don't know that this saves more than like maybe 2 seconds because it cheeses a load but honestly I don't know so now we go umbrell drop pick this [ __ ] guy boom I'm going to pop one of these actually cuz I think this could be better than I would prefer to not use a heal here cuz we are only going to have four heals for the whole thing we're probably going to have to use one after the skip but I think this is probably a situation where you just got to do what you got to do so and like we have plenty of these healing Stones so it really is not an issue at all to just crunch these this is the only part the game where we even really care about these that much funny cuz when you really look at the routing for this this kind of routes a lot more like bloodborne than it does a Dark Souls game because of the way blood vials and stuff are in that game all right so then we're going to go boom boom this just avoids a crossbowman going this way makes it a little safer honestly it's slower though let's just see what we can come up with here and I think what we'll probably do is like probably won't even worry that much about trying to get head shot here because it would be better to really don't want that Reaper to aggro right we need to let the reaper go oh he [ __ ] aggro dude you Kidd me I want to see something real quick I wonder if Reapers because they are umbrel enemies I wonder if they deagro on a quid out hold on let me see something let me track putting out like right here instead I I don't know if he will but it might be worth a quit out I think he does diagra oh makes this like way more free Now where's the is this the crossbowman here yeah all right we have time to kill anyway so this like we're really not in a rush here we are not in a rush at all to get through this section we have to wait for the reaper anyway so good we're going to throw that we're going to switch use a Mana Stone buff [Music] up yeah good grab Chief come on where you going where you going just grab please would really likely you to play ball thank you you're the homie you're the homie dude I'm going to grab these holy words for [Music] later all right that should deagro the enemies and at this point we we should be good to go ahead and set up our heal situation so we'll pop one heal one Brio Stone here we go put on rage [Music] sh [Music] [ __ ] [Music] good good start [Applause] want to test something real quick here cuz I know I know if you run up these stairs it'll well hopefully despawn the enemy or deagro the enemies I kind of wanted to okay that's not going to work I kind of wanted to see if I could kind of wanted to see if I could do anything about potentially getting a uh little action on this rage there's no need to to be greedy in this section at [Music] [Music] all [Music] [Music] oh uh she's going to probably teleport [Music] yep should take care of it right [Music] here good a little slow but it happens so we're so far ahead on ammo that I'm like tempted to just not even [ __ ] bother with this ammo Satchel here halfway tempted to just not even bother with it no sense in agroing extra [ __ ] you know I did not mean to use that good all right so we're going what is it 25 13 oh we have actually more room than that 216 is it 17 236 256 good I would say we should use a manastone cluster here as well like that's probably important [Applause] he yeah I don't even think we need to grab that either to be honest not that I even think it's remotely risky [Applause] but [Applause] I want to just see see what we're looking at here good very good I think I'm still going to I'm still going to put this here as a backup I'm going to quit out to just to hopefully increase the chances that we don't get just compl completely bodied by this boss you [Applause] know [Music] [Music] [ __ ] [Music] dude I'm not paying attention to this [ __ ] at [Music] all [Music] [Applause] [Music] [ __ ] [Music] [Applause] [Music] nice honestly it might not be a bad idea to just rest and get rid of the Scarlet Reaper like early here might not be a bad idea I don't know buying those Health Stones is actually kind of [Applause] op that was too close pretty sure that that Reaper died I potentially missed an opportunity there but it's not a big deal all right this technically we would just go to skyrest now right I'm going to obviously level up before iron werer but maybe I should upgrade there I don't know I'm just worried that I'm going to die [Music] 301 298 302 all right 29 21 okay good I don't think we get any more full satchels to oh we do we have three [Music] okay something like that I'll still grab the stuff here hopefully iron Wayfair just gets [ __ ] staggered out of his mind I'm going to throw this down right here just in case I die I think this is is a really nice spot to uh be able to recover from that killed me okay okay since when does that kill you whatever whatever I don't even care I'm just going to take the ladder because whatever wonder if you land on those corpses there if that's better maybe it gives you a little bit better height I don't know wait did I not dude it's a wonder I've been hitting for piss [ __ ] Slinger ring wasn't even equipped man this jump is so [ __ ] frustrating man Christ and grabbing this I I feel like grabbing this axe because it's just too [ __ ] easy to get wrecked here all right and then this way I can get all my Buffs and stuff going without having to worry about getting wrecked on the way in I'm going to go ahead and throw one of these Stones up too I won't make the same mist stake [Music] again [Music] o nice that was [ __ ] clean holy [ __ ] God damn get out of the way get out of the way this [ __ ] is [ __ ] toxic right here dude hopefully actually I can probably just throw hardiness on real quick that would probably help a bit in this section I want a health stone too kind of a Cheesy way to do it but makes it a lot more safe that should at least get us to the checkpoint oh God that was [ __ ] scary holy [ __ ] I think I'm just going to I know I don't need to but I want to get my charges back so I'm just going to go ahead and rest here remember when I actually planned on splitting this [ __ ] so going to try to I don't know if I can yo the the thing over here early but I kind of want to try I don't know if I can yon it from like the side can I climb up here oh nice that's sick I don't know if I can then proceed to go around that way but these guys just they [ __ ] ruin health bars man so I figured it would probably be better if I could just well that's no good have to quit out I don't think that's stable ground anyway [Music] [Applause] so perfect [ __ ] yeed dude no no no no oh almost [ __ ] slipped off the side dude God damn that was scary no don't do this dude they're putting so many enemies in front of me what the [ __ ] oh thank God thank God I got to be careful of this dude I kind of forgot that he did that I'm not going to lie all right at least he should be be forced to do that and then I should be out of there before that's a problem good go ahead and rest come on rest stop tabbing me out of the game for no reason all right this one I I kind of found a better setup for after you get up onto this pillar ooh that was close instead of like trying to do this jump you can just like roll off which seemed to be quite a bit more more free so to speak I should have I should have leveled up I'm going to lose these I'm going to lose this vigor kind of sucks it's only two levels though should be fine I should have leveled up there right here at this thing my fault my fault I'm actually going to pop rage right here hardtin right here so that I can switch to my weapon up here get the job done [Music] get [ __ ] shoot dude Jesus Christ my God H was that let's get these guys off of me here dude I keep forgetting to to do the follow-up jump come on there we go no no Jesus Christ man I'm going to take my chest piece off so I can see a little bit better here no damn it I don't want to do this in umbrell so let me just reset how was that not close enough man dude I was way out there [ __ ] dude come on seriously why [ __ ] [ __ ] dude actual [ __ ] garbage now I'm losing like minutes to this [ __ ] [ __ ] up my run [Music] thank you jeez stupid man actually [ __ ] stupid that was [ __ ] dumb man that is highly unfortunate that that even had to happen but whatever last like 2 minutes it's okay the lamp only then I don't know if this is actually faster as opposed to running back I feel like it might save like a couple seconds since you're cheesing a load but honestly not sure [Music] sh go Hur [Music] [Music] TR [Music] a that was kind of [Music] expected no no no no no no no no no no no [ __ ] man God damn [Music] it I I shouldn't have greeted that [ __ ] role man I I need to rebuff in that fight I have to there's the the whole first part of that fight is completely [ __ ] free because of how quickly you regen your Stam and how much damage you do I I need to rebuff at least the damage if nothing else really those literally didn't even reach [Music] him [Music] God damn it man I'm getting so sick of that [Applause] [ __ ] dude Jesus [Music] Christ this is perfect right here cuz I got a kite anyway [Music] dude that's such a [ __ ] cheap skill man [Music] m you can't even [ __ ] Dodge that [Applause] man all right it's going to go [ __ ] on roll and hopefully I won't get my ass kicked right here you should give up here in a second yeah he gave up [ __ ] me [Applause] dude all right there should be CU I'm going to need a spot to spend my stuff I think it's about here yeah it's right here [Music] perfect 31 335 338 all right 3223 right at least we did it right that's the important thing um I think they're still working on Eden but I think it's better I think they're still working on some improvements who would open and you human welcome for your their own see what they believe but of pro and all include but through my blessing the W is made greater still all right so we're going to the [Music] fen feel like I probably don't need a thing before hush Saint because that fight is just stupidly free but maybe I'm wrong I don't know all right what's going on you know I don't care okay never mind we got it is this where it is yeah guess we can put one up just in case but I really think we need honestly well I guess if that happens it would be great to have one right I mean that would to be fair though that wouldn't have happened at all if it hadn't been for the [ __ ] for me putting that up in the first place I I honestly I'll be honest I don't think we really need this to be completely honest with you it'd be better to put one up after the fight and then just use that one [Laughter] yep that's hush Saint chat where is the thing okay I don't know I mean it's like it's 9200 which I don't know I just feel like it's just not even worth like it's an amount that to me is just almost not even worth putting it in it's literally one level uh strength and Agy is what it scales off of yeah I I just don't even know if it's worth it you get one level we have to throw off the rest of the Vigor anyway I don't well that wasn't a good jump there we go nice all right so we going to go umbr right here y oo I don't like that oh that was so close that was way closer than I would have liked to have been on that nice beautiful beautiful [Applause] I'm going to want Catalyst up now all right and then I'm going to heal we going to buff what the [ __ ] what was that oh no no come on man don't do this to [Music] me this is a [ __ ] [ __ ] show holy [ __ ] no thank God too [ __ ] close no get me out dude let me out Jesus Christ he's trying to kill me wow that's [ __ ] hit dude there needs to be a max range on that [ __ ] there's a max range on my soul FL so why the [ __ ] is there a max range on that [ __ ] you know all right let's rest just to make this a little easier on ourselves just a little bit you know all right you know this run hasn't been that bad chat it hasn't been that bad we lost like 2 minutes on the castle Skip and then probably another two and a half or so on the King fight so I feel like you know there's there's 5 minutes or so at least to save I mean honestly more than that but and that remains to be seen on the rest of the room too probably would be good to use the stamina buff here wow this is fine let me just go umbrell hopefully [ __ ] off honestly scripting an umbrell setup right there might actually be the play no so close almost first try I'm not very good at this Skip it's just it it's almost frame perfect you have to like do the throw and the roll going to waste 5 minutes trying to do this skip there we go like to have full HP here these guys control sometimes they choose to do the explosion thing right off the rip and it sucks come on let me up jeez I'm going to [ __ ] lose a run one of these days because of that I lost a little time on that we didn't get Fe skip first try so think I got it first trying my PB I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure all right now we're going to the ABY it's so much more chill I don't think you can jump off of that which kind of sucks so much more chill coming through here when uh there's not a Scarlet Reaper following me a chat I've practiced this one pretty well but there are some memes in the tower that can happen every once in a while so we not going to need that Mana Stone cluster at this point so I'm going to throw the holy Ward on and we'll grab the the stamina berries as well just in case we royally [ __ ] it up rich [Music] no oh we did it nice sick I thought we were dead for sure that was a lot of fall damage that I really shouldn't have had to deal with good me rest dude let me rest come on man Jesus [ __ ] is so toxic all right this is the way down yeah all right so we're going to eat we're going to have to make sure that we have the grenades equipped for the start of this [Applause] fight [Applause] all right reapply no damn it that was stupid why did I do that [ __ ] all right he's poison got to be careful [Music] here God damn it man I forgot how to [ __ ] deal with this [ __ ] stop dude come on man stop you're wasting my heels Chief dude I can't I don't have the stamina for this dude yeah [Music] dead maybe not yet very close to dead please die thank you Jesus Christ scared the hell out of me [Music] I had to retry this fight on my PV so well not technically my PV but on my splits all right here we go 376 I'm just going to rest anyway cuz why not there's no point not to it's a green fog do it poisons I'm feeling pretty good about the rest of this room long as we don't for some random reason just get completely bodied in krath don't you even dare think about getting on my elevator yeah it's right back up he does do it sometimes he does get on the elevator but usually he just like doesn't really know what to do when he gets on the elevator so it ends up being pretty pretty casual and if we rest before and we're not in umbrell then it's not a b deal anyway so going to Sky rest going to do call wrath Beacon we're almost done chat and we you as long as we don't royally [ __ ] up judge cleric which is a pretty chill fight as long as we don't [ __ ] it up we win okay I okay we we have to deal with the avises too I honestly just for like safety sake I might just say [ __ ] it and just not even not even bother with the avises I'm also not going to make a check point over here even though I probably should I think a skip is free so I'm I am going to slide down the ladder though cuz I still don't trust it I don't know what I did wrong there but something's messed up with my all right so we're going to buff up right here I'm not going to risk it because I don't really feel like running back if this doesn't work I think you're supposed to fall onto the corpses over there and you won't die pretty sure that's what you're supposed to do he didn't aggro that's good no let me up is it pushing me oh no I fell [ __ ] I shouldn't have spam rolled it put me in the queue there we go nice much better beautiful going to imperion next yeah we had to reroute too cuz they made the key expensive as all hell at the beginning spicy they made the key hella expensive yeah they made it 18K all right here's what I think I should do we should be tanky enough to survive this hope hopefully I don't know how long the holy word lasts but that's still kills with double defense buff bro that is actually [ __ ] cringe that is cringe man so many levels of stupid dude all right am I close enough to be able to Target her and kill from here come on I Need You Dead [ __ ] man that's so stupid so scummy man Christ please don't going to heal up here I don't trust it what all right whatever doesn't matter I believe these two are free not sure about these ones yeah sure that [Music] works probably would be better [Music] to man I'm not going to sub 130 but sucks if I hadn't died there I think I might have been able to clutch up a sub 130 it ain't going to happen though I don't think there's a lot of fight still left here sub 130 is definitely doable though no doubt all right we're going to rest oh [ __ ] [Music] okay come on now you should go here [Music] good [Music] yeah come on die nice [ __ ] insane this this run was still [ __ ] insane despite the fact that we lost probably 10 minutes total like I I think sub 120 might even be possible for this route [Music] honestly G [Music] you so close to if I hadn't died to that abis it would have been sub 130 I'm actually kind of mad about it but it was a [ __ ] insane run holy [ __ ] PB by 20 minutes I'll take it that's that's even that's even with that's even with the new route where we had to go slow at the beginning because of the new Scarlet Reaper setup rise my Roga the Lord this run was pretty juicy this run was pretty juicy the only boss death that I had was on King I think I might want to try to see if I might if I could maybe grind like a 127 or something I feel like that would be a time I'd be really happy with what an insane run though holy [ __ ] so much went wrong too we'll get the sub 130 chat we'll get the sub 130 and I don't have to run against some of best now I actually have like decent [Music] splits we got to go for world first sub 90 though we got to be world first chat pretty insane let's see yeah so let's let's kind of come through the run real quick chat and we can sort of figure out what figure out what happened you know honestly I I wouldn't really change much about the beginning of the run I I lost time bell boy for [Music] sure I lost time at Bell booy for [Music] sure [Music] I think I'm going to kill that abbis from now on just so I don't have to deal with [Music] [ __ ] these splits are actually pretty nice [Music] though just King King [ __ ] me up really bad dude dude thing [ __ ] up real [Music] bad I probably could have had that in that split was it took n almost 9 minutes to do that split I want to go back and see I want to look back on the VOD and see how much time I lost cuz I had him at like 5% health too it was so [ __ ] I definitely need to rebuff in that fight [Music] though I'm guessing it was like 3 minutes at least maybe four mean honestly like I every every part of this run could be faster I mean look my auto split was 12 seconds off just to give you an idea like you know my my early game was not exactly on point so to speak normally I'm at like okay so normally I'm at like 15 minutes getting to the lump hammer and starting to skip but because of the reaper thing like it's it's become a little bit slower now because we have to get the extra stuff but I mean I'm a [ __ ] minute behind already with that so going actually shift this over a little bit can see the names and [Music] stuff most of these early game splits didn't gold but everything the end game [Music] did and we got the Boss Rush chat we actually got it and it wasn't complete garbage and we got it despite the fact that I forgot to equip the [ __ ] Slinger dude I just spent a minute getting the ring completely just didn't equip it I'm so bad about doing the equips I'm so bad about it world record um when the leader boards inevitably go live yeah it would be I mean but then again it's like basically just me running this right now everybody well okay a got a PB I would say a is probably sub two he's probably got like an hour 55 [Music] LRT man that's a [ __ ] juicer though this run is hard and honestly the hardest part of the run is mans after mans I do feel like the Run gets to be quite a bit more chill but yeah I mean just just a quick Peak at where I think I lost the most time I can definitely clean up where I do Scarlet Reaper and I can probably save 30 seconds on that in total [ __ ] maybe even closer to a [Music] minute I got this skip pretty fast so I'm not worried too much about that I lost 30 seconds on the Bell gu that was a really bad Fight Man skip he gave me the [ __ ] runaround for who [ __ ] knows how long but honestly I probably need to delete my gold on man skip because I don't even know when I was splitting that to be completely honest I'm probably going to delete my gold cuz I I feel like I got it pretty quick and obviously there is no such thing as like doing it too fast because you're on auto scroller for that period anyway so I feel like that gold is probably not correct I can definitely save time on the Rune of a deer uh that fight was probably 30 seconds slower than it should have been [ __ ] all these fights are 30 seconds slower than they should have been but I'm going to just take say 30 seconds total I lost 2 minutes on [Music] Castle yo Gengar what's up beef Beacon I lost about [Music] 20 and I easily lost 30 I would say on dying to that [ __ ] abbis so that in total is about let's see one two three hold on let me just quit out here and just not that it matters anyway but it's going to be higher RTA cuz I watched the credits but yeah IGT doesn't matter anyway you can't even see it because the [ __ ] timer there you go here there you go
Channel: Hazeblade
Views: 61,412
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hazeblade, LordsoftheFallen, speedrun, world record, world first, any%, lotf, lotf 2023, lotf 2023 speedrun, lotf 2023 any% speedrun, Lords of the Fallen 2023, Lords of the Fallen 2023 speedrun, Lords of the Fallen 2023 any% speedrun
Id: YYyRzi_eFPo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 53sec (6533 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 25 2023
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