8 Items FEMA Will Confiscate in an Emergency

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eight items that FEMA will confiscate during an shtf emergency we're going to take a look at eight different items but we're also going to look at the basis for FEMA having the legal ability to be able to come in and confiscate there's been a number of executive orders there have been a number of laws that have been passed uh for National emergencies whether it's man-made whether it's a natural disaster or it's even an attack and obviously with the Cold War uh the nuclear threats that happened back in the 50s 60s up until the 70s there were a lot of laws that were in place to protect citizens and to make sure that our country continued U of course obviously with the civil defense program uh it really involved individuals citizens people the private sector uh there were volunteer groups there were funds that were allocated to help whether it was Geer counters or Fallout shelters and there was money to be uh to hand it out into different communities but it was administered mainly by citizens working together back in the really started in the 60s uh with JFK they started talking about Federal Emergency Management and so there were some executive orders that were put forward and it really changed the face of taking away from the local communities uh in the volunteer network to more of a federal agency uh it really took away individual rights for the collective rights and that's where a lot of the hoarding laws that are coming in uh and we're going to talk a little bit about that and then we're going to go through the list but I want to give you a background because I'm not just putting this list down because I think this could happen uh these are actually on the books you can do the research in fact I'll have some of the links down below or at least the executive order numbers and also the anti-h Harding law of course a lot of that had to do with covid Now 50 US code 4512 these are anti- hording laws and the section 4512 really spelled it out uh previous areas in this code talked about medical supplies but one of the things that really came to roost was 4512 that if you have certain designated supplies in exess of what's reasonable uh and that what you're going to consume whether it's home business or personal uh they can be confiscated uh obviously you know there's a lot of different facets to this but it's very open-ended so the problem is is you know we may have a natural disaster and everything's fine you may not have your supplies confiscated but if it gets into a real shtf where there is a national emergency and supplies are low uh it gives them the right to come in and confiscate and to seize uh excess that you have one of the things I want to mention here is FEMA actually recommends that you have at least two weeks of food at all times in your home home and also a certain list of supplies uh ready.gov is a great resource we've talked about it before but it's just for two weeks so most Preppers have well beyond a two-e period if you have a twoe supply of food you're typically you know just having some supplies put back in case of a power outage or a hurricane or something like that that's not really a prepper but somebody that really sees the writing on the wall and they want to put back a really good supply of food because there could be major disruptions in the future uh these could be deemed as being excessive and Beyond Reason now there's no uh criteria for what's unreasonable and so you know that would just remain to be seen but obviously if you have a year supply of food that's going to be a lot of food that you put back just for your family when there could be people out there who are unprepared that have nothing and so the logic here is to take that food and to spread it out again we're going away from the individ idual rights to the collective rights but this country was based on individual rights will it go against the law could be but by the time it got through the courts you wouldn't have the food and your family might not survive now executive order 10998 was an executive order by President Kennedy and it was based on food uh so it gave a list of different type foods that the government was able to keep control of in case of a National Emergency especially a foreign attack by an adversary again during the Cold War uh this listed animal fats it listed oils vegetables any kind of food whether it was whatever process it was in it could be raw materials all the way up to what they call vendable materials which could be canned foods boxed Foods things like that but it also includes cotton wool flax fibers hemp and any kind of natural commodity that could be used and so it really was a broad spectrum of pretty much all the different Commodities that we have and then executive order 10995 which covered Communications now this was based on you know public radio different type radio stations uh having an emergency broadcasting system I mean there was a lot that it entailed but it did open up room for confiscation of ham radios or personal radios whatever an emergency team needed and that was one of the things that this is a lot based on is at the whim of whoever is coming through to be ready to be able to confiscate anything they deem that's necessary and then we had executive order 10997 which was for electrical power uh it was for anything that generates power uh substations power plants uh dams hydroelectric dams of course obviously nuclear power plants but it can also be brought down to your generator uh to solar panels to different things that can be utilized in an emergency situation and used by government agencies but again these are designed to restrict individuals and more toward the whole and while that can seem like a really noble cause it goes against everything our country was founded on so number one is your food stores if you have food in different forms whether it's you know raw materials uh whether it's canned food boxed food processed food all of that is susceptible to being seized fertilizers uh if you have any kind of tractors any kind of farm equipment in fact one of the things about this executive order is that it would take the farming industry from beginning to end uh even uh production facilities of course obviously equipment and make sure that it was at least functioning but it could be taken by the government to be able to continue food production uh we saw a little bit about this in during covid when baby formula began to be purchased by the US government and then hand it out to illegal aliens and this really kind of upset a lot of people especially mothers that had babies when formula was hard to get so not only could they confiscate your food they could cut off production of essential items to give again to the whole water uh water has been managed by the federal government in fact any Waterway now is under Federal Protection it could be a small stream coming through your yard and so having access to water but if you have a lot of bottled water if you have water stored in 50 gallon drums uh and you have maybe rain catchment systems a different type systems that where you can store water these are vulnerable to seizures one thing that I find is funny is in a lot of States rain catchment systems are illegal especially in the more arid States this still takes away the independency from some people that live in those areas that want to protect and provide for their family number three is medical supplies and that really got attacked during the co epidemic iic uh any kind of supplies that you have whether it's hand sanitizers mask even you know protective gear uh these can be confiscated if they're needed now these laws and I'll just say all these laws are really based on an industry level but according to how bad the situation gets they can come down more to the personal level number four is power and this really refers to our electrical power grid but it can be brought down to personal generators um solar generators or just solar panels inverters that convert solar power uh that you can use in your home also batteries especially large batteries that'll store solar power and so anything that has to do with any type power is vulnerable to some of these executive orders and laws number five fuels whether it's gasoline uh propane natural gas is not very easy to store uh but anything that you have for fuel uh it could even get to a place where it could be the wood that you have stored up for the winter if it's cold enough and there are people that are in need they could be confiscated I think that may be a stretch but still all the different ways that you store different type fuels for energy are compromised and they can be vulnerable it even gets down to Coal uh which is also listed in a number of other solid fuels it may not be something that we use on a regular basis but all of those Industries are going to be under the thumb of the federal government number six is communication and obviously with radio stations and different modes of the internet uh different sources on the internet uh if we have power uh they're going to be susceptible to at least control of some sort uh and be utilized by the federal government in a major emergency but this can also come down to Ham radios that you have maybe you have antennas you have a hamshack you have a lot of different things uh also just standard radios gmrs or different kind that could be used by the federal government if there is a lack and if there is a need and so all of these can be compromised number seven is Firearms or weapons one of the things we saw during Katrina was when the mayor of New Orleans just decided to have martial law and then police and FEMA and a group of different type law enforcement went around door Todo collecting Firearms um NRA did a big expose on that I know that an elderly lady probably in her 70s had a revolver and she was refusing to give up that revolver because she said she needed it to protect her home and these big thugs went in and pretty much beat her to the ground and took the revolver away from her uh that was a really sad experience to watch but those kind of things can easily happen in an emergency boats that were going across leaving their home but getting to safety were intercepted on the waterways and Firearms were confiscated in Mass uh and it was door too it was crazy so don't think it can't happen again and if there's a national outcry or again if there's a major emergencies uh you know the logic is to take away the Firearms what's really great is a lot of states have enacted laws based on what happened in New Orleans to where even under martial law they can't take your Firearms but it's according to what State you're in what local municipality you're in as far as confiscation of firearms number eight is ammunition uh ammunition if it's stored up and they feel like that that's just too much they can come door too and take your ammunition they may even leave you some if they don't confiscate your weapons but ammunition definitely is vulnerable you know the sad thing is is there's many states that limit the amount of ammunition that you can purchase already which is a backward way for you not to be able to store up ammunition uh in time of Crisis so having ammunition stored back is one thing that a lot of people want to do even to use it for barter and trade but again it is susceptible to seizures now during the Civil War a lot of armies were moving through hostile territory could have even been moving through their own territory and a lot of these armies needed sustenance they needed to continue they had to have food they had foragers that went out to hunt but it wasn't enough to keep the armies moving so a lot of farms were completely stripped a lot of their equipment and their tools were taken uh and so a lot of people lost their way of living uh because of these armies coming through again it's not for the individual it's for the whole and so they they were Vindicated to come through and to take whatever they wanted to uh some of them even just destroyed crops but it this is not something that's unprecedented it's something that has happened in history before and then when you take Stalin Russia uh when he went into different areas of Russia uh and he just took all their food and then left them to die it's really plausible uh in a really serious emergency that all the things on this list are vulnerable to being confiscated or seized and again it's not for the individual but it's more for the whole and to be honest with you I think that we really should push to reinstate our civil defense program where it takes away the power from the federal government and puts it back to our respons responsibility and I think that that's really what preppers are all about is taking the responsibility for their safety and for the welfare of their family and they're preparing themselves and to think that FEMA could come through take all of your preps and then you end up standing in line to just get a handful of the preps that you put back it's a pretty sad situation so what are some solutions uh first off is to divide your preps uh if you have a lot of food stored back make sure that you put some in one area and have hidden areas where you can keep that food away I wouldn't necessarily think about moving it at this point but maybe if things start to ratchet up take some of that food leave it out in case you have a door-to-door search which you know could or couldn't happen but it is possible and in that way they get that food and then you have the majority of your food stored back and it goes with all of these different items is to have hidden cachets put back you don't have to bury it in the ground but you can just put it in other locations you have a nice amount sitting out and if they take it well it's better to lose some than to lose the whole and that goes with Firearms ammunition it goes with your fuel it goes with all the different things again that are on this list another thing is not to brag about what you have you know one of the things that can happen is people can rat out other people even on the code 4812 that's anti- hording laws there are phone numbers that they list at the top where people can call and report people if if that's you know they see that so we want to make sure that you kind of keep it on the down low the problem is with most of us we have an online footprint we've been watching videos we've been storing up food we may have receipts uh I would highly recommend maybe using cash more often to kind of keep you know prying eyes from looking a lot of times on the forums we've seen it before in other areas but sometimes federal agents are posing and watching and documenting different people that may be storing up and putting things back but guys to be honest these eight things are items that you have to have to survive you need these items and so you know putting back and dividing it up is a smart move but just being aware in case things start to go down uh that these items are going to be possibly wanted and so you want to make sure that you're prudent and you take care of what you need to take care of guys I'll have the list down below in the description I'll also have the executive orders and some of the laws and I'll have them at least named down at the bottom so if you want to do your own research you can guys when it comes to fire it is essential to survival and having a good fire kit and knowing how to use it is vital for survival situations and exotac makes the best fir starters on the market made in the USA down in Winder Georgia using really high-grade aluminum they machine some really beautiful handles a lot of different features replaceable Ferro rods and a number of other different Fire Starting tools you get 20% off using suits 20 with a link Down Below in the description and a big thank you to exotac for sponsoring today's video be strong be of good courage God Bless America long live the [Music] republic we have propane tanks with propane filled or we even have no no no very horrific incident was where an an elderly able to in case of especially a nuclear attack or some kind of uh you know Devastation or military Devastation okay military Devastation what do that what is that I don't know
Channel: SensiblePrepper
Views: 692,491
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sootch00, Sootch, Survival, SHTF, Emergency, Prepper
Id: pBr4aNJZQj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 23sec (1043 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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