Matthew McConaughey SHUTS UP Joy Behar After She Asked This One Question...She was'nt ready

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what's going on everybody welcome back to the channel hope B's good wherever you are in this video we're going to watch The Muppets of the view try to bait Matthew mccon into saying that he is anti-un the view is by far the most garbage TV you can watch because the ladies up there are absolutely useless but let's get into video and I'll catch you guys on the back end I saw you not in person but on TV was at the men's final at the US Open CU you were in jovic's box and you were the first he gave when he came up you guys go way back what's the connection there uh he he's first friends with my wife oh Cam right there look at her yeah she's look how happy she is um and then I got to know him through her we've had a couple dinners along the way and I'm a big fan yes I mean what a surgeon and a warrior and the resilience of what he's done it's it's amazing so anyway yeah I was happy to be in his box got to sit behind his parents which was really awesome to see them when brings them up anxer I believe anti way to bring it down you were in think he just won and ran towards you like I feel like that's what I would do like that's Matthew mccon I think I was sitting in just the right seat he was coming down the stairs I was on the back right up top so there I was you you and Camila have three kids Levi who's 15 Vita 13 and Livingston 10 what kind of dad are you that's a probably loaded Dad I'm a good dad we got 20 minutes for this answer I'm working on it um look being a dad was the only thing that I ever knew I wanted to be oh I knew that at 8 years old I remember shaking hands with my my my Dad's friend who he would introduce me to and he was a big S and man's man and I noticed that everyone I would say yes sir to over the years when I was eight like oh the one thing that's common is they're all fathers maybe that's why I'm calling them sir and I was like that's my aspiration that's when you become a sir as a man and my and that was my idea when I was eight and I I still believe it in a lot of ways so look as you all know who those of you who have children you find out that DNA means a lot more than you thought it did after you have a kid they come out who they are are they like you uh in a lot of ways and they're all but they're all very particular and different as well so we Shepherd them along as parents with an environment does matter a lot but Bo they are who they are the same things I was writing about their peculiarities when they were two M they match with who they are what today let me uh I want to applaud you for being so outspoken against violence and gun violence in particular in particular um and you're Texan and you spoke so passionately at the White House last year in the wake of that shooting at robot Elementary in your hometown of of that's why we're wearing these little pens right yeah your wife held up one of the victim's green Converse uh her name was M Rodriguez her mother uh Anna Rodriguez sent these to us and to learn more about it you can you can uh check our website later but I remember that you and um your wife um uh were very involved there and now you have launched the green lights Grant initiative to help make schools safer yes please tell us about that thank you for the opportunity to so what we found out after after what happened at Rob Elementary and many other schools um first bill was passed in 30 years to make schools safer Byars and safer communties act billions of dollars to Safe in schools what I find out uh months after the Bill's been passed is that very few applications are going in from the school districts and for those that are applying very few are getting granted and awarded so the money is still there and we're like wait where's the Gap well we found out that these superintendents they have to fill out these grants to the government a lot of them are driving the school bus and they're the PE teacher and this grant process is 50 pages and it's intimidating and I don't know about y'all but I have trouble making it through filling a custom card out without having to scratch stuff out it is intimidating so they don't have the expertise at the time um the government wants these grants to be filed they want to spend the money it's use it or lose it money and if we don't spend that money that the government has by 2026 it could be reallocated in 2021 you consider a run for governor of the state of Texas do you think political offices in your future can you see that if it's where I would deem myself to be most useful yeah yes you think you get elected in Texas being anti-gun do I think I get elected in Texas being an anti-gun one thing about if me in politics is to give you a direct statement right there is playing a game that I'm not interested in playing give you a direct statement right now the idiot that is Joy bayart tried to pigeon hole Matthew mccon right she tried to bait him into saying he wasn't pro gun and he wasn't having any of it now he is a moderate he's conservative but maybe not as conservative as as as you guys are as I am but he's a moderate and he's not anti-gun now here is a speech that he did at the White House this was after a school shooting in 2022 and you will see he's a moderate he's I think what a lot of people on the right are let's listen to it and I'll catch you guys right after the clip we need responsible gun ownership responsible gun ownership we need background checks we need to raise the minimum age to purchase an AR-15 rifle to 21 we need a waiting period for those rifles we need need red flag laws and consequences for those who abuse them these are reasonable practical tactical regulations to our nation states communities schools and homes responsible gun owners are fed up with the second amendment being abused and hijacked by some deranged individuals these regulations are not a step back they're a step forward for a civil society and and the Second Amendment one thing we have to remember is most of the Hollywood type set most of them are uh are Libs now Matthew MCC I read his book green light excellent book he is not a leftist he's not full-on conservative like probably most of you that watch this Channel or like my but he's a moderate and he's got some good points his book green light is excellent like I mentioned if you've not read it if you're somebody who is you know maybe religious I recommend it I saw his interview with Jordan Peterson and then I went and got the book after that he was on Jordan Peterson's podcast excellent book excellent read and look listen he's done a lot of work like he mentioned here with his green lights Grant initiative and he puts in a lot of time and he does a lot of good work but he didn't want to be baited by these Muppets on The View into going fullon political these ladies are the most outof touch people that you'll ever see on television I watched the interview with Coleman new recently he was on The View and they were trying to bait him into other stuff saying he was a a puppet for the conservatives and he said nah listen I I voted Democrat the only two times I was able to vote in my life especially that Sunny hoston who found out that her her ancestors were actually had owned slaves and then she started to retract everything she was saying listen these women are ridiculous now here's another clip of Matthew mccon this was after a school shooting in 2022 he actually is pro fire but what he's saying is more of a moderate stance and I think it's a stance that a lot of people have is like listen you should be able to own firearms you should be able to protect yourself but I think we should have some gun control involved here to what extent I don't know but at the same time I think this is a point of view that a lot of people that are maybe less conserved than I am have and it's not a bad point of view depending how you went about it I'm happy that he went on that show and just shut it down and said like I'm not going to play that game with you I'm not here to give you a clickbait thumbnail I'm not here to give you a sound bite you're not going to bait me into it you know cuz a stance on gun control is would be a very polarizing Topic in this country and I don't know if he's actually willing to go for run for office at some point or not but at the same time you don't want to explain your whole point of view on a stupid show like the view in a 30 second sound bite it's just not going to happen you have to draw that out right you have to break that down for people um hope you enjoyed this video if you did as usual please smash that Thumbs Up Button consider sub subcribe to the channel help it grow and I'll catch you all in the next video peace out everybody
Channel: The Based Conservative
Views: 1,494,744
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Id: jlQDHrDTyi4
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Length: 8min 43sec (523 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2024
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