Sheltering in Place against Violence : Things to Consider

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talk about what's going on guys sensible prepper live prepper school 83236 yes we are on it it never ends but we try to give you guys a lot of information and uh today we're going to be talking about Sheltering in place with violent intentions in mind so um it's going to be pretty exciting we've had a lot of things that have happened lately that have led us to this uh in fact I have a really good friend of mine uh that actually said hey this is a great subject and we talked about it with our prepper group and so it was there was so much information we wanted to bring it to you guys we have Robbie Wheaton with us today and U as usual and from Wheaten arms also has the Robbie Wheaton YouTube channel just went over 10,000 subscribers check out Robbie Wheaten um gunsmith for over 20 years Marine just allaround good guy and make some of the best Glock aftermarket parts on the market does all the upgrades for PETA State armory's dagger yep guy 101 expert yes 101 expert 2020 Al also we appreciate Sarah Ma she is over on the computer monitoring comments questions uh and guys you can ask questions at any time she'll just go ahead and take notes so when we take a break she'll be ready for it so today's sponsor yes is say exotac the best fire starters on the market and um they're just great made down in wer Georgia uh they just are very Innovative and I have been using exotac for a number of years and so we really appreciate them for sponsoring today's episode and you get 20% off using su2 with the link Down Below in the description we appreciate it okay let's talk about it what is Sheltering in place well you know the first thing you think about it's the pandemic yeah wow and you know you know but but you know that's the that's one of the things uh that you know we've experienced personally all of us but it was like okay we got food water we're good we just stay at home you know it's boring but um you know there we are pretty was it really though for a lot of us I don't think life really changed all no like for us it didn't I don't go anywhere anyway so you know I stay right here but um you know it is it was it was just one of those things it took a toll on our country mentally and emotionally absolutely and we saw it afterwards uh but we're not gonna be talking about that and then you have your storms storms natural disasters things like that to where you need to shelter in place and you'll hear it on the news shelter in place you know when there's a tornado coming through or a hurricane coming through and so that's also a point but today we're going to be talking about violence more or less bugging in in a sense this will all apply to your bugging in bugging in and Sheltering in place and you know we just saw it you know just a week or so ago in uh with everything that happened in Maine uh they they shut down several cities and told the people to shelter in place kids stayed at home from school shelter in place parents stay at home work shelter in place stay inside where it's safe yeah and this is a guy that killed 22 people I think it was around 22 people with a with a with a rifle he was intent to kill and so there's three different elements though against violence there's three different elements and the first is is The Fugitive the guy that's on the run or you know he's he has a gun and or it's a prison break right someone that's armed and dangerous and it's just it's one person now they can be hellbent on doing violence they may just be trying to escape I know when the Boston MA the Boston Massacre the Boston um bomber uh you know he hid in the back of a boat with a cover you know but but they'd shut Boston down you know to find this guy and obviously you know they planted this bomb so they were murderers and um you know so you know there is an element of just this single person uh and and then we go well let me give you this I've got a couple of examples I'm gonna tell you I don't know if uh you know because people used to email me and say man you have crazy stuff that happens in your life but I really think it's God he just does these things he lets me experience these things so I can pass them along I mean I'm serious it's crazy but one time my wife and I we were in Gatlinburg Tennessee up there and I got a phone call from one of my buddies who is in a County Deputy here at law enforcement and he said hey Don there's somebody right now we're chasing and he ran right down your road and he's armed and I said well I'm not home so I called Sarah Mack and I said hey I said I'll let you know what's going on so she looked outside my parents live next door she called to him and said hey because my dad was out cutting grass she goes get inside lock your doors she got inside locked her door got the gun out got the dogs out there ready for them you know and just sheltered in place then my son and I grant were driving up the road and we're about to turn onto our road and there's about 40 police cars all on the road and I was like what the heck and I pull up and there's a couple standing out there in the road and I said what's going on and he goes um we have somebody that had a wreck up here that they were chasing and the guy jumped out with a gun and went running down your road I was like okay this is crazy and so uh we we got got home and everybody had their ARS out and everything else because I called them I said this is going on and honestly guys I would never have known either one of these instances if it hadn't been for law enforcement otherwise this stuff goes on and you don't even know it so you know it's fugitives you know are probably the most likely thing to happen and the thing is there were probably neither of those situations that ever even made the local news right right so if it wasn't right in your backyard and you didn't see it or know someone that called you and told you about it you wouldn't even know that it was occurring and these things happen all the time in our in our local neighborhoods and our communities that we have no idea it ever even occurs unless you know someone in law enforcement that calls you and gives you a heads up right right so you know guys that's just that's one of those things but you know the one thing about a fugitive is is if you have a little bit of a warning you know it's pretty much mono mono you know and you have the element of surprise because he doesn't know you're you're ready but you've got to be ready and we're going to give you a lot of different things we're going to look at as far as things to do to um to keep you as safe as possible uh and so then number two is mobs we saw the riots that went on in a lot of cities with BLM with antifa you know s looters in a storm situation people kind of in a mob kind of mentality just trying to take advantage of the situation you know that's that's not U you know Sheltering in place and justay staying out of the way you know is typical uh you can usually avoid that kind of stuff mainly if if you're out on the road you know that could cause some problem that's right uh one thing that's happened a lot in cities we were in Indianapolis this past year and we came out of a restaurant and they had a huge Riot going on and it was all high school kids and they were fighting and causing problems and the law enforcement was running back and forth it was the craziest thing they were shutting down businesses um you know so especially in the city you know you that's really one of those things where a flash mob can pop up or a bunch of kids just out causing having fun but causing a lot of trouble and uh but that's you know get yourself inside get yourself at home find out where your family is you don't want your family to get caught up in it but that's Sheltering in place just getting getting there and and locking down uh but what we're really and then we're going to also talk though and this is probably the most dangerous situation and we saw this this past week and honestly probably the least probable is a organized assault you know where you know you have people that are hellbent on destruction hellbent on taking whatever hell been on killing people and so then with the situation in Israel you know when when that happened initially on October 7th I mean it was a free-for-all and a lot of people lost their lives uh and it was a it's a very difficult thing to defend against uh now if you know the one thing that we have at least here in the US is we have the ability on the on the most part to defend ourselves and so it's a little bit more difficult to do something like that uh but oh yeah big butt and on the on the flip side of that you most of most of the time in most places and most cases we do have the ability to defend ourself unless you're in a a large area like sporting event or a concert where it is a gunfree Zone and you don't have the ability to be able to protect and defend yourself well you know one thing we saw with the main shooter is there was a u guns gunfree Zone at the bowling alley right and so there's all these people in the bowling alley and most of them I guess were you know just were law- abiding citizens there was even a cop there that was it was a retired cop and none of them were armed so when this guy comes in there is no defense against it uh guys first off I would say either avoid those situations or carry anyway and so you know I'm not telling you to break the law but just telling you you got to defend yourself and your family uh so you know there are situations and gunfree zones again are just like those people that were in Israel last in on October 7 that was just a big gunfree Zone yep and so they had to deal with the consequences and uh they were not able to put up any kind of resistance so being able to put up resistance is going to be key um but also having a lowkey okay so we're gonna do is we're gonna go through a few we're gonna stop we're gonna ask take some questions and then we're going to go we've got quite a list so we're going to try to try to make sure because this this is very important guys and it's not just for you know what happened in Israel what happened in Maine I mean this is something that could happen at any time and so a lot of the things you know you can have prepared ahead of time and again it also just follows right along with bugging in so uh first off you hear the order you know or whatever however you get your news or you know something's going on you feel like you need to shelter in place or you get an announcement is to get inside get inside lock your doors you know make sure that you know you close your windows get everything kind of locked down one thing I do want to mention here and guys you need to do this anyway is reinforce your doors when we had our Breakin few years ago the guy came through the window and when law enforcement got there to do the investigation they were like this is weird so it's very rare for burglars to go through the window right uh now if you have an open window some of them will take opportunities but he said it's unusual especially with the doors that we had and he said typically they'll come through the door the door's easier typically you don't have to you don't have to be in an awkward position to get inside you can just kick the door in and come in so first off is to reinforce your locks U you know and at night make sure you have your deadbolt but you still have this 2x4 door frame yeah and it's vulnerable to being kicked in uh you can have the biggest lock on the planet right there but all they've got to do is to break that wood and you'll see it you've I'm sure many of you have seen it where home Invaders come in and they just kick the door in uh and two I that's one thing I actually I don't think we actually mentioned but when it comes to Raiders that are organized home invasions a lot of these guys travel in teams and so you're facing the same kind of situation they're not as trained and they're probably not near as armed but they're still hellbent on subduing you at least maybe even worse so make sure that you lock your doors get inside um those reinforcement of the doors one thing that um that we've done in the and is and I've got this is a lock that actually fits in front of the door and it's funny because I haven't even installed it but it fits in front of the door and then you can bring up this plate at night and it keeps the door from being pushed through and there's another there's a number of different options but one thing that's really easy to do is to take the screws that are in your plate that hold your lock into place and replace them with 3inch screws just drill them in drill them deep and it gives you some added protection just that the little small screws that they have that you put in to install your door are very small it doesn't take a whole lot to bust through them you put the 3-in screws on there it gives you some reinforcement so having some kind of system U and guys Windows that's the next thing close your curtains close your Shades if you have blackout curtains which I think that's one of the things that's really a big a big option is to actually have curtains set aside that you can mount up to just black out everything and it keeps the light out that it keeps them from seeing in and that's one thing you've got somebody outside that can observe what you're doing well you know there's also 3M also makes some really good Shadow resistant film that goes on your windows it makes it very difficult to break a window out and be able to kick a window in and come in through a window so you know if your if your budget allows for it I would definitely look at some of the 3M 3M films that are available for your windows today yeah and if you have a two-story house just get the bottom taken care of friend of ours uh the other night was talking they said their front door is glass MH it's just a it's a double pain glass and that's all they have and um you know it's like that's going to be fairly simple uh you know one thing about 3M it's not bulletproof but if you took a brick and threw it it keeps the brick from going through that's right and it keeps people from putting a Molotov cocktail through your window so having 3M to me is a great option and something that it is a little pricey because they have to come and install it typically but again a great option of course A lot of times in urban areas people have bars put up uh and you know they bar up their windows and and if that's unsightly the 3M works really good and it makes it very difficult to break into and and doors and windows are more difficult to break into than they used to be they are but it's still you can you can get to them so um just kind of check to make sure I'm not missing something we have so much okay lights out lights out but you you want to make sure that at least you have flashlights uh have some kind of lighting and you want to kind of keep it dark um okay we're going to go to security you need to know what's going on outside one thing that we have is a driveway alarm we have a fairly long driveway so anytime that driveway alarm goes off the dogs know they know where it is the ring is back in our laundry room but the window to see our driveway is out front and are we a little pug and he will go straight to the window he knows exactly what's going on and he gives us a fair warning and then we have um cameras lights our standard alarm system and so having those gives you layers of security it gives you for warning and so you know having it and cameras are great you know because cameras really allow you to see outside and see what's going on outside without actually having to look outside through a window exposing yourself all right right so I'm I'm a huge fan of cameras that that allow you to be able to see outside you if if you're setting cameras up at your house make sure you look for blind spots and try and cover as many blind spots as possible with your cameras that way you don't have someone that can that can sneak up and and hide in between two cameras and you're not able to see them and they have night vision capability right almost all almost all of your cameras have night vision capability to now tell us your situation that happened with your ring camera at your mom's uh which one the one where the gons up to the door oh yeah so we had uh had a ring camera on uh my mom's house and she had she had moved out and we had moved her into a assisted living facility and she'd been gone for a couple of weeks and about 2 o'clock in the morning this guy just shows up and walks up on the the front porch and pulls the uh the screen door open which goes onto the the sun room and walks onto the porch and starts trying to get into the house and uh you pulled the camera up and I was like hey you know make sure you smile for the camera the police are already on the way and you know the guy he he's like stands there he kind of looks around a little bit and takes off next night same thing he comes back again and he's trying to get on the get in the the house and everything looking around on the porch for a key so he can get into the house and you know we've got great footage of him you the the ring camera was do a really good job of uh taking good good quality video and good quality pictures that you can download from it and uh you know same thing I pulled the camera up and and you nicely told him that he needed to leave and you know in the most Christian manner that I could possibly think at that moment being woke up at 2: a with someone trying to break into your mother's house and you I asked for forgiveness later for some of the things I said but that we were able to get the police there we were able to get photos and video of this guy off of the cameras and within a day he was in jail arrested so cameras are very important not only to see what's going on but also to document that's right and that was one of the things that was used really with the deal in Israel was there was a lot of security cameras it picked up a lot of information uh but having cameras having light now one thing I always say when we talk about flashlights is light is your number one security tool y and having motion detector lights having lights just to be able to see having your flashlights those kind of things now uh we're going to get to this one last one and then we're going to go straight to some questions but one thing that I I meant to put up right up front is when there is a situation going on make sure that you are armed if you're in your home put it on your belt whether you have a concealed carrier or not you can have the the gun in your home typically unless you live in some you know Tyrant State um secondly uh you know make sure that you have a more capable firearm at hand uh one thing that you know we have is AR-15s and you know it gives us a lot of Firepower one thing about it I would never want to go with my handgun against someone that has an AR and we've seen this a lot of times with police during police problems where they pull somebody over the cop sitting there and then the guy pulls out an AR or an AK and he's outgunned immediately so think that on the other side you got somebody messing around your place and trying to break in you have an AR you are going to be you know well you're GNA have some advantages there um so make sure that you do have your gun keep it on you a lot of people they keep your gun in the safe and you know and all that listen guys when I'm at home unless I unless you have really small kids and you can still secure them even without that make sure they're readily accessible and you keep it on you for me I keep my firearm on me until I go to bed at night yeah it I mean it it's on my hip and so that's just my lifestyle but the thing is is when you least expect it is when something can happen Okay let's go to some questions and um and then we'll continue because we still do we do have a lot of stuff okay grizzly T ask how long do you think it will take for the US government to tell people to stock up on food and water or will they uh well you know if you go to the FEMA website they do have a list of Provisions that you need to have at home and not only do they tell you the list but they also give you uh recommendations on what you need to have to leave if you need to leave your home they they they talk about describe it in fact I think I did a video a few years ago about it but all the items that you need to put in your car to get out of Dodge if you need to go so but as far as a a national excuse me as far as a a national wellit and even we had uh some some people some people's president this year yeah early in the year first quarter of this year second quarter of this year he has came out and said that there were going to be food shortages over the winter this year and you know that's something that you know I think really went over a lot of people's head they just they didn't they didn't catch it they didn't pick up on it but it's been said by the president of our country on several occasions this year that they were going to be food shortages through the winter this year and you know you look at countries like Ukraine which are you know in the middle of a of a conflict right now a lot of the world's wheat comes from Ukraine a lot of the food in the United States is imported from other countries a lot of it comes from Central and South America a lot of the world's wheat comes from uh EUR Europe a lot of your European countries produce the majority of the world's wheat our food production in the United States is way down compared to what we have produced in the past so and whether that's that's beef that's chicken that's pork or our vegetables and Grains uh so you know with food production being down worldwide yes absolutely there could be some food shortages through the winter this year definitely definitely and U and you know thing is is nobody listens to him anyway so I don't know one time I did that one time something stuck ai5 f K accidental extra says question how do you feel about keeping a bucket of Super Chief cheap Chinese knives for a barter or to equip someone else yeah I mean that's definitely of a good option you because typically they are inexpensive uh in the book it's funny I had to bring this up uh surviving the coming economic Collapse by for foul this book is just awesome it's about Argentina back in 2001 when they had their financial collapse one of the things he said was he had when all this when they had their collapse and it went nuts he said he had a Rambo survival knife it was one of those cheap Rambo survival knives he said I went through the whole ordeal with that knife he goes it held up he said it was cheap and the handle ended up breaking or whatever he says but that knife worked so you know the thing is is yes I I think that's a great option and it is barter and let me just say this I've never thought about that before I think that's a great one to add to the list um ad says what's a good amount of food supply to have during Sheltering well you know to me you should have three months of food minimum I you know you should have three months of food are you gonna need that much I mean in a rare instance but having that three months of food rotating it out I think is just smart and if something does happen it gives you three months to put a plan together and that's three months of what you would eat normally you can stretch that three months out to five or six months if you're rationing that food out or maybe longer but you know three months of you know three Square meals a day get you to your 2,000 calorie Mark you know minimum that you want to try and hit for the day um some of us require a little more than that but I wouldn't say require yeah definitely and one thing we do is now we have some long-term food storage to put back but one thing we do that we become more heavy on is standard caned food canned food will last most of it I mean I'm talking about Meats vegetables whatever will last for indefinitely pretty much because of the processes they use in the lining of the can so if you want to get some Denny more beef stew and have your rice and get your some corn and different things you can stock all that up and yes it's not not g to be a gourmet meal but it's definitely going to be some decent food that maybe it's something that you do eat on occasion so well and it's one of those things that you know for me is would be much more palatable than a lot of your a lot of your survival foods and there's there's nothing wrong with survival food there's nothing wrong with keeping some survival food on hand you know I think the majority of us probably keep some survival food on hand um but if it's something that I'm going to have to be eating daytoday I want it to be something that I already eat or something very similar to things that I already eat my body's accustomed to it I'm not going to have a big adjustment with my body trying to get used to new food so we try and keep things on hand that we're already used to eating but you know guys you know you may say three months that's a lot of food start out with just a week and then start out with two weeks and then try to build up you just build up as you can and that's the best way to do it when you go to the grocery store pick up some things if you take beans and rice it makes a complete protein and you can get dried beans and rice but you're not going to want to survive on just beans and rice but that's definitely a good start not unless you got a big bottle of salsa laso to go with it uh Chris Matthews says hey Don Robie and Sarah Mac do you believe ammo will go up with current conditions and what do y'all think about the checks acquisition of ammo manufacturing I'll take this one so what what I have already seen within the industry with as far as ammunition um 9 millimeter has almost doubled in the last three weeks 5.56 if you can even find it is 600 plus um so ammunition prices for your we'll say your standard NATO calibers which is is the most predominant calibers that you that we purchase uh especially in bulk has already doubled in price in the last two or three weeks um availability is it's already drying up um none of the Distributors none of my uh the Distributors that we use and we use all the the big Distributors at all of your your normal gun shops uh that they purchase their ammunition from have any type of bulk ammunition um and the stuff that they do have has went from has went up by at least five to8 doar per box for a box of 50 so yes I'm already seeing ammunition prices Skyrocket um if you can find it now like we've talked about in the last few weeks get it before the get it before everybody else realizes this and that way you have it yeah pay the extra money for it now if you can get it go ahead and pay because when you can't get it at all it's still going to be maybe even more expensive and yes about a month ago a big deal about that is get your ammunition same thing with all this guys we talk about it it's not something way out in the future something can happen like that and then everything goes nuts there there's some really interesting things going on right now with um with u all the the Remington what was the name of the group that were under Vista Vista being vist outdoors being purchased by uh the Czechoslovakian company um it's weird they they came out last week uh there was an executive order that ammunition and Firearms can't be exported for the next 90 days uh by new export companies so I don't know how that's going to work with this new Czechoslovakian company purchasing Vista if they're going to have to get a different export license but I think that could possibly prevent them from exporting arms and ammunition for the next 90 days uh but that is a that's a huge rabbit hole and and really an Entre video in and of itself just kind of digging into that and detailing that yeah I think one of the things about that banning exports is that it keeps it out of the hands of certain groups which we really want to keep it out of their hands so there is some advantage to that I don't think it's like this big conspiracy I think that that is really the motive right but they'll always use it forever they want to okay we got one more question we're gonna jump back in okay uh Ryan Matha ask does leaving my mags loaded all the time do the any harm I have some and I am I have ready to go at all times just in case thanks God bless so rifle mags I normally download by three rounds pistol pistol magazines I normally download by two rounds what what happens when you load a magazine completely full the spring is compressed all the way in the bottom of the magazine the spring can take a set uh or you can collapse the coils on the Magazine spring which will greatly reduce the service life of that magazine in Magazine spring um if you take a few rounds out of it you relieve some of the tension off of the coils on the Springs it gives a little free free length or free space in between the coils and it makes your magazine Springs last a lot longer now and two one thing that we do of course we just talked about ammo prices but one thing we do is is we try to rotate our Mags out so we keep some loaded and then we'll try to if we're going to the range or we're doing something we'll take and use those mags to keep it kind of in rotation and if you're out shooting and you find a magazine that you're having issues with Mark it and put that magazine to the side and you know either rebuild it or replace it yeah that's a good point okay now we were talking about um security so we're talking about alarms and cameras and lights one thing though that's low Tech it's still very effective excuse me is a perimeter alarm one thing we've done a number of different perimeter alarms some of them you put a little shotgun primer in it some of them you put a flare in it uh there's some different ways to do it but you can one thing I have on our steps is I have some eyelets and I just they're just there nobody even see them and so if I ever need to set up one I can take the trip wire put it through attach my perimeter alarm and then um I mean there's a ton of different ones that they make out there it's really pretty cool actually and then if anybody trips on that wire so let's say you have it out on your porch and somebody hits that wire it'll and it's loud and there's a lot of different ones you can do but uh I I do not not recommend having a live round to fire through it or something like that because some you know it could be a dog or whatever that can come and trip it but at least that gives you a low Tech option especially if the power's down and if you're prepper minded I think having perimeter alarms like that are vital so if you go into this sensible prepper Channel there's that um magnifying glass for the search just put perimeter alarms and there's some videos about that so it'll be good to check out okay another thing to do is immediately is if you know there's a situation is to call 911 you want to get law enforcement at least advised that there's something going on uh and then inform your neighbors inform your family uh of course I think family you know you want to make sure they're at least home or at least they can stay out of the area but make sure that you go ahead and start getting people informed uh you know if it's a organized situation or even you know a mob type situation U either go somewhere else or but if you're Sheltering in plac that's where you're going to be have your neighbors yall get together strengthen numbers that's right kind of put some people together well it strengthen numbers but it also gives it gives some of you a chance to rest it gives some of you a chance to to watch and make sure that that you're being protected U because sleep is still going to be something that you're going to have to do you're going to have to sleep you're going to have to rest you can't stay awake 24 hours a day you know for days and days and days on end without it having some adverse effects on your body so having the more people you have the more you're able to watch out for one another prot and protect each other now one thing that happened uh with some of the orders for staying in place is to turn off your AC and that would be more toward like a chemical or some kind of problem where the air intake pulls in these chemicals but that is one thing to consider also it could bring in Smoke and other things like that if it's close by so turning off your AC is one of those that's not necessarily toward a violent encounter but it could be now we're going to talk about safe rooms uh and and Robbie had a really good point on this a minute ago but safe rooms you know we have a safe room and if we need to get in there and we have it for our storms we have it for storm uh or you know if I want to we want to get into an area where we're hidden uh you know and there's a difference between concealment and cover concealment is means you're just hidden cover means that it's protected ballistically to where bullets won't go through one of the things that happened in Israel is they a lot of people had safe rooms you know mainly for rockets and attacks things like that the big problem was is when the uh the insurgents came through they went to the safe rooms and they got into them I mean they had the force and the capability to get into them uh one thing I want to mention specifically because I I've watched quite a bit of the the information over there is that there was one instance and it's happened a number of times actually but where there was this family in a safe room and they couldn't get into it they were trying to get into it they couldn't it was concrete reinforced but it had a window and the problem is they busted the window but they had bars so they still couldn't get in and what they ended up doing is they took rags and caught them on fire and just put them in there and it ran them out they couldn't breathe uh one of the things things that uh and this is the reason it for a fugitive even for mobs having a safe room you know you're you're probably it's probably going to be a good thing if people get into your house blutter even home Invaders a lot of times if you just lock yourself in a safe room you know it gives you an added safety it's a layer a layer of protection but um the problem is is with a with Raiders with an organized group safe rooms are going to be vulnerable they will be able to get into them typically and a lot of times they have the capability of having a fire extinguisher in there though would be one thing I would highly recommend fire extinguishers period because one of the things that could happen is you could get either smoked out or they could catch the house on fire right now one of the things one of the big things with with safe rooms safe rooms aren't designed to keep you safe indefinitely they're they're designed to be another layer of protection until law enforcement can get there to help neutralize the situation so don't ever think of a safe room as oh I'll go in my safe room we'll lock the door we'll we'll all be good until these people just get bored and decide to leave you a lot of times that's not the case they will find a way to get either in or a way to get you out so don't view a safe room as an indefinite U security area for you it is a temporary area uh to give you time or give law enforcement or military time to get there to be able to help you right and sometimes they could actually think there's valuables in there that they really want to get to so uh say Treasure Chest yeah if you've got the money to build a safe room you've probably got you've probably got Expendable income and which is one of the things that a lot of times the these people are looking for is Expendable income so they're going to put the extra effort in to trying to get into your safe room because of the potential valuables that you could have in there you know one thing that's funny when I would do I would go to yard sales used to really enjoy yard sales you never knew what you were going to find and where I would go were the richest neighborhoods in the area that's where I would go because that's who has the best stuff didn't go to the trailer parks didn't go to the old you know the the government subsidized housing I was going to where the money was it's the same mentality of your criminal your average criminal is he knows the good stuff's there so you may live in a really nice neighborhood we have a neighborhood just right behind us has multi-million dollar homes it's a ated Community it's really nice and one time they left the back gate open they had a home invasions they were having cars broken into they had all kind of stuff going on in there till they started closing the gate off and it did mitigate some uh so just because you live in a nicer area doesn't mean you're immune to this kind of situation in fact you may be more vulnerable that's right absolutely you're you definitely be more there larger potential of an attack or an invasion in your home in a nicer area than you would potentially see in in a not so nice area right right uh noise reduction keep your noise down you know and you know you can watch that movie where the the the aliens could hear the noise they couldn't see they hear the noise you know and so um but you know you want to make sure you keep your noise down okay cover versus concealment we talked a little bit about that but guys if you have a a a handgun can go right through sheep Rock no I mean hand gun ammunition you go right through sheetrock um you know maybe some of it would stop on a 2x4 maybe not but uh with rifle it'll zip through about anything in your house and so don't think that just because you're behind a wall but this is the funny thing I was watching the deal in in Israel and the guys that would shoot they would shoot through the windows yeah they're always shoot through the window so people tend to if they can't see you they're waiting to see you when they could just shoot through the wall and get you but they're not thinking that way but um you know a table you know like we've talked about this before in the movies you know they have a gunfight that's in a room and they knock the table over and they're shootting you know all they gotta do is shoot through that table it's not a big deal so um just know the difference between cover which means that you're you're behind something that's ballistically it'll stop the round to something that's just concealment both have advantages both can be used but just know the difference um and so let's you want to go let's go to some more questions sisis got it and you know to go along with cover and concealment a big thing that you need to be aware of as well are areas of fire you know where where are your rounds going to impact if you if you do have to engage someone you have to think about your neighbors that live around you you have to think about other members of your family that are in other parts of the house what are your areas of fire do you have your house set up to where it is defensible uh for different different doors different positions to where you're not endangering other members of your household really consider and and put a lot of thought into into your areas of fire you know where if you're going to engage someone would be the best place for you to engage them right because if they come through your front door and you're standing there with an AR and you're just like unloading on them there's maybe somebody across the road from you that's sitting there having dinner uh sit a spell says Don Robbie do you recommend patrolling your property while Sheltering in place uh it's according to the situation right but I would say unless you have a group uh you have backup you have people with you I I would think that you would make yourself vulnerable y to and that's one of the big areas where perimeter alarms cameras and different things like that will allow you to monitor what's going on uh outside especially outside the direct curtilage of your home um without actually having to go outside and expose yourself anytime in in a situation like this where you're Sheltering in place that you expose yourself you're exposing yourself to potential Danger I will say that um my natural tendency is to go outside if I know something's going on somewhere my natural tendency and you know we my next door neighbor actually was my brother-in-law one time called me one night I was sitting at home called me and he said there's somebody behind our house they're tapping on Windows and so I go over there and I have a shotgun and I walk over there and so these guys they have a gun but they were there was four men grown men I don't know they called me so I go over there and they're like freaking out and so I just go behind the house where this is supposed to be going on I have a flashlight I walk back there nobody followed me I'm looking around back there to see so my natural tendency is to do that and it was funny because I was doing it just like man you guys are wimps and I'm gonna go back here and then I thought I need to take this seriously so I get back there and I'm looking around there if there was somebody back there they'd already left uh but I did empty about three rounds into the ground just to freak those people out but you know the thing is is you know I did put myself in a vulnerable position especially since they didn't follow me back there uh so use Prudence use your use your common sense um you know when you're doing that but honestly especially if you have a family U is the in in the situation how it warrants it I think it's important to uh to really take the safe road because if if they take you out and just because you're being a man you're going to get out there and be you know whatever your your family's going to be vulnerable then so so think about them first uh Timothy vanab ask what's the best way to reinforce an apartment door on the second floor with only one door well if you have you know dead bolts definitely engage those any kind of lock interior lock you know sometimes you can put the Bold in man just take the screws out and put three-inch screws in there put you a plate down at the bottom yeah the kick plates that go at the bottom are I think one of the best things you can get for your door to help reinforce it because it it provides structuring support to the bottom of the door uh and even if someone's able to break the lock it's going to require a lot of force because they're not only trying to defeat the lock on the side but they're trying to defeat this Lock Plate at the bottom of the door so it takes a lot more force and a lot more energy to try and break a door down that has one of the kick plates at the bottom now sometimes you could you know your your deposit may not be returned if you're drilling into the floor you know but if it's carpet they'll never see the screw holes true and enough true enough so you know again use uh discernment but and a little wood putty and you can make anything a little bit of work you can make anything disappear yeah those those door plates are really uh topnotch and it does take a lot of force to be able to push through those and then there's also like your your hotels they have the the flip blcks the flip plates that you can mount to the outside edge of your door frame you can put a couple of them high a couple of them low that just flip open that provide another layer that you'll have to break through the thing is though is the hotels know and so they can do it a certain way and deactivate them they can a home Invader you're not going to be expecting something like last TR uh sailor man says should we set up booby traps around our house we bought 2,000 feet of razor wire to deploy around the house uh one thing about booby traps and I'm going to tell you this one they're indiscriminate uh I have a friend of mine her grandfather owned a a tackle bait shop near the lake and and he set up a booby trap you know and unfortunately it was a shotgun M so you know if you broke through the door this shotgun would fire which obviously I mean honestly if law enforcement was you know active that that's murder uh but unfortunately for him he left and forgot his key went back or forgot something went back in through the door forgot about the booby tribe killed him uh you know you could you could really injure somebody so you have to be careful and again if it's a let's say just a fugitive and law enforcement is around you're going to get charged with that so you need to be careful and booby traps are illegal in Most states yeah but perimeter alarms you know that's just making noise that's just causing some confusion they even have some that are like dragon's breath and putting razor wire and things like that out that provide a perimeter barricade but it's not a booby trap are perfectly legal no issues at all would putting anything like that out right uh dog gonet asks question question we have an ADT or we have ADT should we have the sign out or not yes definitely definitely have signs out uh my mother-in-law she her house is broken into twice and I mean in a fairly short period of time she and she didn't have an alarm system and so she got the alarm system and that was 14 years ago she never had another problem uh when we bought our house we had just it when we had our break in we did not have an alarm they were coming out and so we did not have an alarm system once we had our alarm system we haven't had any problems and part of that is the sign uh most thieves are going to look for places that are easier to break into as far as just regular breaking in yeah but um yeah having and even in a any of these situations having alarms people knowing that there are cameras around things like that one thing I will say about security though and it's something that I do is ring cameras like we have ring cameras I love them because I have an app and I can look on there and and I can see wherever and I've got a number of them but people they've gotten to where they can hijack them I mean there's certain situations where they can they can actually get into it and disable them and there's some things about it that they can do so I have another camera system this a backup so if they miss them with the one camera I got another camera that's catching them so and of course I'm really security-- minded being you know gun reviewer and all that kind of stuff I mean I have to have layers and layers of security which we do but you know there are some simple things you can do but ring cameras go a long way guys you know that's just the ones that we've uh We've really relied on but we do have other camera systems and our home camera system which is on a totally different link okay let's go to one more and then we're going to finish up on this uh R1 mechanic asks do either of you guys have legal protection in the event of self-defense shooting yes yes I've been a member M of uscca for I don't know a number of years now and I have the Platinum plus plus plus family package yeah and and all our family is uh I listen you really need to have some kind of protection uh and whether it's usca or law Shield or there's a number of different ones do your due diligence check them out there's a lot of great ones out there do some research on them see which one fits you and uh and what you're looking for the best and look at their packages and their plans and pick one because Robbie has been an expert uh witness for some situations where people had to use guns in self-defense and while they spent two years in jail and were then exonerated but they lost everything they had that's right so you really need to it's vital it's vital to have some kind of self-defense especially if you're a concealed carry holder okay I said one more di all right we may go to a few more if we finish up okay now this is one thing guys and this is huge especially if it's a situation uh to where it's like an organized group or even just you know if you have a home invasion you have three or four people coming in um is an Escape Route with an organized group it's going to be there's no other option so having a a way to escape now if you're family you're inside something's going on you know it you know they're heading your direction uh you need to have that planned out ahead of time one thing that happened in Israel was there were just no trees there was no nothing it was just there you are and it's just open land and so it really made them very vulnerable to escape but the ones that did U there were a number of them gun down but a lot of them got out of the area because they just ran uh and so having a means of Escape is going to be really vital and having a plan ahead of time so so go ahead and think it through get you an idea of what you're going to do and then you know just make sure you have a plan for escaping um so and that's really especially again with Marauders or Raiders or you know now if I have a bunch of thugs coming through my front door I'm gonna mow them down but you know I mean I guess I like saying that on on video but you know I mean you you can defend yourself because most of those guys aren't really trained they're just they're going to run a first resistance typic um but anyway skate plan very important one thing too is you don't uh if they get whoever it is if they get into your house it's a lot more difficult to defend than from them being on the outside of the house and so what I mean by that is not to like shoot through the window or anything like that because you know you could escord your state South Carolina were a little bit lenient on that but um if if they're on your property you want them to stay outside your house so all these security measures we were talking about especially with your doors and your locks once they get into the house it's going to be much more difficult to defend you and your family there's more places to hide there more places to get behind and so you want to make sure you keep them out of your house so do the things you need to do to keep them from doing that and the list that we just talked about yeah I couldn't agree more with that that's anytime you can keep you can keep anyone out of your home you're you're going to be in much better shape than you are once they get in side because it's it's difficult for one person or even a couple of people to go through and clear a house there there's just too many too many fatal funnels too many areas of fire where if somebody once they get into your house it's much easier for them to Ambush you so keep them out as long as you can right right and you yeah because we've done some of that training and you know it's it can happen just like this um okay and let's see okay this is this is an optional thing but this is something I had a dream years ago and in the dream there were people coming up to my house in the middle of the night I mean loads of people coming up and I couldn't really see them and I was like what is going on and it was this really weird dream and I woke up and I immediately went out and bought a pbs4 because I wanted to have something that I could see night vision wise now pvs14 is very expensive U but there are a ton of different options out there that are low grade but yet lowbudget options that'll give you some Advantage it may not be a crystal clear picture well and here's the thing there there's stuff out there that'll give you a really good picture but you know the effective range of it may only be 75 to 100 yards you know so you can see really well in you know especially with ir Illuminator a lot of your a lot of your lower budget night vision stuff works really well with an infrared Eliminator um and gives you the ability to be able to see in that 100 yard range which is more than enough that you need to be able to see around your home and inside your home when it's dark right and yeah and when we talk about IR illuminators it's typically just a flashlight that just does ir and you can get them fairly inexpensively there are some really nice ones expensive ones but you can you can get a good setup for just a couple $300 that's right and and you're in good shape held and weapon mounted right yep um instead of spending thousands of dollars and all that now obviously you get a a really good pvs14 and you mount it to a helmet and you know I mean you're going to have some advantages with that but that that's that's expensive and unless you're going to really do something with it um it's not really useful when even with whether you have the pvs14 or some of your lower budget stuff you still need to use it you still need to train with it you still need need to become familiar with how it works at night because things things look different through IR than it does just in your you know your regular daylight or even with a flashlight so you need to learn how to use it what things look like in the dark with ir and how to properly identify things using IR at night now a lot and some guys are Hunters you know and shoot at night and that that's great we did a um and I brought this up a few times with TV tnvc we did a night5 class and I'll tell you guys it is a whole another world training with that you know you have it you mess around with it but when you get out you start doing things it's it is what it is but Robie is spoton you need to make sure you're training with it now there's also thermal and I'll really like thermal because thermal is you can't hide from thermal or it's very difficult to hide from thermal with night vision if I get by somebody gets behind something I can't see them with thermal I can start picking up heat signatures so incredible but thermal is expensive but it has been coming down over the past few years so just a couple of options to have again having just a really good flashlight one of the things though about night vision or thermal is they can't see you when you activate it and uh so does give you you know a point and there are some things you can even get on your camera where you can fit it to your to your cell phone right that'll do thermal and night vision look into some things according to your budget but I highly recommend having some kind of Ni Vision capability because one of the things that in fact in this class they said having night vision is a superpower it nobody else has it unless they have it so gives you a lot of advantages especially to be able to see and not to be seen okay so let's um I think that'll that does it for the list we have time for a couple of more questions and you know one thing to consider if you're if you're going with a low budget night vision stuff look at putting some IR lights on the outside of your house that way you can be handsfree while still using your infrared your infrared camera that you've got so if you got IR lights on the outside of your home it's still dark when you if you go outside it's still dark so you're not giving away your position and showing where you are but you've got the ability to be able to see much better with hour lights outside your home you know one other thing uh I thought about this A buddy of mine was in Afghanistan and he said the one thing is if you have night vision you can see other people with night vision y you can pick up their IR uh and some of those guys of course most of the the Afghans did not have night vision but they used a standard camcorder turned on the night feature which it does ir and it does it's a night camera and they were using it to do stuff and the guys were able to spot them just because they were using that camera so that is another thing all right uh Stephen M ask what's your opinion on Ring versus Simply Safe um you know ring is just so easy but Simply Safe is put together a great package as well um I um I've got I've got some Simply Safe that I have not installed but I ended up going with ring uh just because Simply Safe was uh vocally anti Second Amendment so I didn't go with simply say simply because of that went with ring because ring has never made a public stance one way or the other whether they were uh anti- or Pro Second Amendment um so because they don't have a statement out there we ended up going with the ring over Simply Safe well I want to I do want to clarify that a little bit because I agree in fact um they pulled out of the NRA show and kind it was one of the shootings and they kind of pulled out and made kind of a little bit of a deal about it uh their their response though to it was you know we just uh they said oh we didn't have the funding we weren't we were going to pull it anyway but I had actually received a Simply Safe um pack and I wouldn't review it because of that but I think since then they have kind of come back around so take that as you will um I know some gun channels actually will vouch for them so that's good but that's one reason why I have not really done anything with it uh Bucky 1966 says what is the minimum amount of ammo I should have stocked back my my rule of thumb with that is with your defensive Firearms um 300 rounds minimum for each of your defensive firearms in different calibers um ideally a thousand rounds for each uh just for a long term uh but 300 for a minimum well and I'm going to go a step further I I agree with Robbie that you need to have that as a very very minimum but I think for let's say you have a a go-to firearm which would be like an AR-15 or something like that I would go heavy on that ammunition so if I went 300 with a pistol I would go a th000 with the rifle right so what the the the big thing is is get get your 300 all the way across and then start to build up your your rle ammunition and uh yeah th rounds each would to me but then I'd go 2,000 on the rifle yeah couldn't agree more yeah because that's that's your gun you know this personal defense handgun rifle is more big time uh hit squad says I totally agree I totally disagree with bartering ammunition thoughts it depends on how much you have um you know if you're if you're you know sitting on you know say 250,000 rounds of ammo you probably got a little bit extra that you can barter if you've only got a couple of thousand rounds of ammo I'd agree with you 100% I would set on my ammo and not and not get rid of it for anything but it really just depends on how much ammunition you have if you have enough of an excess that you can barter it then sure use it as a bartering tool because it could be extremely valuable um and useful to you as a bartering Tool uh so I would never discount using something as a bartering tool just because of a a lack of being able to get more uh if you have you know a good excess of it well we had somebody come out and tile our shower in and they they sealed it they did this big thing because we have this child shower and they came in and they sealed it and one they had to come back and do something extra that they wanted to do and the girl it was two girls and the girl said this was when the ammunition was dried up and she said we'll trade you for some 9 millimeter ammunition and I did it but and gave her a really good trade on it but that was in just normal noral times for me honestly I would be slow to barter ammunition unless again like Robbie said uh but one thing that happened in Argentina uh during their collapse was that the government stepped in and said you have to have a license to sell any ammunition so a lot of people had stored up ammunition to sell and trade and then they couldn't uh so you know but a black market is a black market but bartering is not selling right okay one o00 guys thanks for being here today we really appreciate great questions I hope this helps you but to think about it guys this is applicable all the way down the board U whether it's a single person trying to break in whether it's you know a mob that's going on in in your neighborhood uh or you know even an organized assault type thing and you know you have to weigh those out but this is really bugging in one of one it's getting your house secure because you need to have these things in place for a grid down type situation and so anyway I hope this helped we really appreciate Robbie Wheaten for being here as usual and check out Wheaten arms also the Robbie Wheaton YouTube channel and uh great content over there and so we also appreciate Sarah Ma for being over monitoring the questions and keeping us straight and also exot you get 20% off using Su 20 with a link Down Below in the description and by the way I've had a lot of people ask this book we have a link down below as well uh and so we really just you know if you want to check this book out it's an excellent book to check out be strong be of good courage God Bless America long live the republic
Channel: SensiblePrepper
Views: 101,959
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sootch00, Sootch, Survival, SHTF, Emergency, Prepper
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 49sec (3709 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 31 2023
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