Cops Came to Investigate Veteran's Farm! Heartbreaking disbelief

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this is my land and it ain't anybody else's you m myed I tell what you can kiss hey there folks this is Josh Stony Ridge farmer welcome back to another gorgeous day here on the Stony Ridge Farm you see the cows back here behind me and you saw the thumbnail to this video and I wanted to really talk to you guys about what happened Freedom tools and trucks right so that's kind of our motto here on the Stony Ridge Farm Channel however I felt my freedom threatened just the other day and this is what happened I'll tell you guys exactly what happened you see the picture of law enforcement in the driveway that law enforcement officer was not here for a problem with someone else that law enforcement officer was here to see me to see if I had done something wrong because I got reported to the county I want to tell you guys all about this I it it was super concerning to me and more so hurtful than it was angering at first my initial reaction was to be angry about this but it really just simply hurt my feelings I'm a veteran of the United States Air Force I try to do everything right I try to be smart I try to be sharp and I had the cops called on me thanks so much for joining me here today on the Stony Ridge Farm Channel typically I'm wearing my sunglasses but I'm off the sunglasses today to have a serious talk with you guys so that you understand what the heck has G on so the other day uh first of all this in no way is a slight upon the wonderful people that work for my County it's in no way a slight against law enforcement I'm a former member of law enforcement I'm also a former member of the United States Air Force I'm a farm owner this is a first generation farm that we're building from scratch here in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains in North Carolina but I am here as a representative of of freedom to you guys and I want to discuss Freedom with you and and I want to discuss doing the right thing and I also want to discuss what happened and why this happened so in case you guys don't know we just put up a 50 by 112 ft shop we call it the mega shop it's potentially going to be a barndominium home we are not going to move into that barndominium home for a long time whether we move into it or not whether we use it for a cabin or recreational spot that should be our business I want you guys to post comments on this I want you to please tell me what you think so about a week ago I went out to my local County and you're watching this on Thanksgiving Day so thank you guys Happy Thanksgiving by the way Thanksgiving 2023 about a week ago I went to my local County office because I needed a septic tank for my Farm building for my farm shop building and that septic tank was to service a Farm office and potentially a barn dominium home at some point now I do have the right and I do have the freedom to build the inside out in my shop building to have a finished area where I could sleep where I can occupy and I also have the right currently as an agricultural building to have an agricultural Farm office in there and to have a bathroom and a mop closet and stuff like that so that all being said the building was inspected we have power in the building currently everything's good to go everything's lined up appropriately once this building went up and that building went up in June of last year the first thing that I did was contact my local tax office I reached out to them I said here's what I got I just put up a 50 by 112 I need to send you photos of it inside and out I need to send you all the information about this building what I paid for it every single thing full transparency not hiding anything just wanted to do the right thing and be honest and pay my taxes like a good citizen so I sent all that paperwork in and then I got my tax tax bill a little bit later on this year and the way it works is you're taxed in North Carolina for your land and for your buildings and for your Automobiles and for basically anything like a trailer or anything like that I understand this I live here in North Carolina and I'm happy to pay my fair share totally happy okay I'm also happy to go follow the law and I went over to the county building first of all to get a permit for my septic system and I told them I wanted this septic system sized appropriately for a four-bedroom home now why would I do that let's think about this I think I just told you guys why I would do that so this is going to potentially have a barn dominium home in it so part shop and part home or Recreation Area or place where we do Christmas with the family I'm not sure exactly what the heck we're going to do with it but I wanted it sized appropriately and I do have the right and the freedom to do that so that seemed to confuse the permitting office and I spoke with some people in the permitting office office while I was there I went on over to the tax office because I wanted to talk to them because I did not see this 50 by12 building on my tax bill so I went in there and I rung the bell and I talked to the tax people and again this is in no way a slight upon these guys they were all super friendly they were all super nice and they're just doing their job however just doing their job still I felt that my Liberty was infringed upon and I'll talk to you about that as we go on so please stick around to the end here so I went in and I talked to the tax person uh whoever was at the desk they sent someone up from the back I said guys I sent you an email about this building because we're gated here they can't come in and out without an appointment you can't come in and out of my house without a warrant period Point Blank I believe in Freedom and I believe in privacy and I believe in the freedom to do what I want to do with my land within reason as long as it doesn't infringe upon the rights of anyone else and as long as it is within the bounds of the law right that's what every responsible citizen does so I went in and I told him hey something's wrong with my tax bill it my building that I sent you guys information on is not on the tax bill so they went back and they dug through my file and they found the pictures that I sent and they found the email that I sent and the person that was there that received that email was no longer at the county and they put the building in I think as a uh 15t wide by 112t long building which makes no sense they had all the figures they had all the paperwork I get it and mistakes do happen and that's why I was there so that I could hopefully correct this mistake so that I got build properly so I didn't get a fine next year or so that I didn't get build for back taxes I wanted to make sure that everything is right because I'm a law-abiding citizen and I'm of the opinion that if you do something wrong or if you're cheating at something or if you're trying to get away with something you will eventually always be caught that is my opinion that's my opinion of the world if you're a bad person if you're doing bad things you will eventually reap what you sew okay so I went up to the county and I I talked to them and I gave them the right specs on the building they said oh cool do you have electricity in that building yes yes I have electricity in that building they came and inspected it I can't get the power turned on without an inspection and I think you guys have to call the power company to turn it on okay that's good that's cool so the next thing you know uh I get a phone call the next morning from the zoning and planning person and I explained exactly what I was trying to do nicest people you'd ever meet in your life I actually went over to the county building and I sat and I talked with these people because they were super nice they were great and I wanted to put names to faces because I think we're so impersonal nowadays in the world and I I just wanted to go in Shake Hands meet them let them know I'm a real person that I care and that I'm going to do the right thing I'm going to be smart I'm going to be sharp and I'm going to do a bang up job and and I'm going to do it right and I'm not going to infringe upon anybody else's right now I'm going to pay my fair share so following that conversation I think that conversation was at 9:00 a.m. in the morning on the phone about 2: p.m. I arrived back to my farm I went to the gym I go to the gym every day I try to anyway try to keep my body in good shape went to the gym came back about two 2:30 p.m. I see a sheriff's deputy car at my gate down there and I know this car this is a Code Enforcement car okay so the code enforcement officer nicest guy you'd ever meet huge fan of the channel great dude why am I doing everything right because I'm going to get caught if I don't because the code enforcement folks follow the channel okay I got to do it right I have to do it right or I'm going to get caught so all I did was try and do the right thing the best possible thing so I buzzed him in the gate and he came up here and he said hey Josh how you doing doing I said I'm doing great man it's good to see you um uh what's going on what why you here he's like well I got a call I got a complaint you got a call you got a complaint and I the steam started radiating from my ears I will tell you that I said this to the zoning and planning officer and this is why the steam was rolling out of my ears this is before I met him in person I said respectfully sir I will do everything within the bounds of the law but I do have the right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness this is my land and it ain't anybody else's this is my place and I reserve the right to do what I want to do within the bounds of the law on my property and he agreed okay he kind of chuckled a little bit but that's what I that's what I served for I serve for freedom and that's what I believe in and I believe in freedom freedom tools and trucks like the shirt says okay so I'm talking to the code enforcement officer he said yep you got called in because of the electrical permit I said the electrical permit well how would I have power in this building if I didn't have an electrical permit he said I don't know I said well what are we going to do do you want to go up there and take a look at it now didn't didn't need to go take a look at it he just said I have to investigate everything that I get called in and I understand this so let's talk about duties of the county and what I really understand and this again that's why I'm saying this is no way light upon the hardworking people that work for my county and I want to pay my fair share and I want to do what's right so it's the duty of your local tax department to report anything that they see that's been done that potentially was not inspected appropriately it is their duty if you have a shed out here that's above a certain size then you have to get a permit to put that shed in whether it's a carport building whether it's a garage or whatever it is as an agricultural operation here that permit process is null and void so in other words I can build an agricultural building to whatever spec that I want that agricultural building to be I just simply have to get an electrical permit and if I do a septic system I have to get a septic permit all that being said the code enforcement officer showed up here A simple phone call could have stopped all this it seems like to me and I was really hurt first steam came out of my ears I can't believe that I did the right thing I tried to do the right thing and I got punished for it I just don't understand that so here's my my Spiel to you guys here's what I want you to leave a comment about to please share with me has anything like this ever happened to you all this went by the wayside I spoke to the code enforcement officer officer told him of course I had a permit of course I'm doing everything right he said I know you I know you Josh and I know you're going to do everything right I know the kind of man that you are and I know you're going to do everything like you're supposed to like you're going to do it right that being said I know it was the duty of the tax person to call it in because they suspected there could have been some wrongdoing I know it was their Duty and I respect them for calling that in I know it was the code enforcement officer's duty to show up here and investigate I know it was zoning and planning's duty to call me and to try and figure out what it was that I was trying to do so that we are zoned appropriately and so that I'm doing things within the bounds of the law but what I don't understand is why is it anybody else's business if I'm not harming someone else and I want your guys's opinion on this I'm really worried that we're becoming overregulation as a c as a county I don't know I don't think so I live in a very very wonderful place and I don't think that we're being over regulated until something like this happens and it really opens my eyes and I want you guys to share whether your county or whether your state has these same requirements okay I can't build a house from Lumber that I Mill off anyone else's place other than mine so if I want to build my own home with my Sawmill the state law in North Carolina requires that every stick of lumber that rough cut Lumber that I build my home with has to come off of the property that it's on in order for me to live there why is that I think this is Guided by the insurance companies I think this is Guided by liability issues and I think it's Guided by people have who have done the wrong thing for decades and decades if not centuries and I'll tell you we live in moonshine country okay so living in moonshine country the law in in a lot of cases isn't very respected I respect the law I respect the law enforcement officers I respect anyone and everyone that respects me that deserves respect sometimes you can try your very best to do everything right and it still falls back in your lap that you have to prove that you're right and that just doesn't seem like it just it just blows my mind I guess that that's I want you guys again to share your thoughts what does your county do do you think it's anybody else's business whether you put a septic tank in or not is it anybody else's business um whether you build something on your own property as long as it doesn't infringe on someone else and maybe I'm overly sensitive I don't know you guys can tell me but tell me in your county in your state I know folks like up in Connecticut there are no laws governing this they can build with whatever they want to uh in places like Wyoming and Colorado and different counties various counties uh there's no permitting process for any of this so let me know let me know how it goes in your neck of the woods and let me know if you think things are becoming completely overregulation to the point of ludicrousy to make things absolutely unaffordable for the common man I understand everyone did their duty but I also understand that that I was like my feelings were hurt that that someone that just didn't know me uh called that in without without just trusting me you know we live in a world of distrust and that's that's a horrible thing live in a world of cheating lying and distrust and that's that's just wrong it's just wrong thank you guys we'll see you next time on Stony Ridge we come on down to the Stony Bridge bring your wife and bring your kids for living life here sweet that's the way it's supposed to be Stony red
Channel: Stoney Ridge Farmer
Views: 2,098,119
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chickens, homesteading, farming, tractor, stoney ridge farm, farming channels, cattle, how to, outdoors, farmhouse, modern homesteading, sustainable living, sustainable, cows, how to farm
Id: hHuPzf_k9GY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 5sec (965 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 22 2023
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