8-25-17 Touch Me Again Lord - Mark Stroud

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[Music] there are times in Misa life waiting fear is so heavy and bird way in your mind you are we no strings can you find but just hold on helps right on time my Jesus is always on time and though they see yeah [Music] he sees the mountain you obese we you know you can see are the tears falling down I'm so glad he sees what we don't I've seen his children walk through the darkest of meat nights I've witnessed faithful to the taste have watched as the storms blew and weighed the Thunder but in each trial who knows what's best I am so glad he knows was best [Music] they see Valley [Music] he sees the melting yo be standing we know you can see are the tears falling down I'm so glad he sees what we don't he knows he ever Nabiki he looks ahead kasa hurt and to a place where the peace passes all understand [Music] and though you may see your Valley he sees the melting you'll be sand [Music] you know you can't see are the tears falling down I'm so glad he sees what we don't and down so [Music] standing feet just submitted to life you would I was last night on their way home from Salem and I we got a message from West Virginia lady that just to come down visit family some time for the most part she's in West Virginia watching our broadcast she's watching I'm sure tonight the live broadcast here and she's battling cancer really really bad battling cancer she had failed and mother Marcus she said that another night service here got it through another day they have to do it just to better look in and get that encouragement I was thinking about mr. Carroll here miss Kay puts hand up she's right there miss Carroll's I've been her pastor long as I've been here of course they were pulled out of this Carroll several years ago what 10 years ago now and 13 years ago now so I'd been passed there two years it's diagnosed terrible bout of cancer three girls and be honest with you didn't look both Stacy real good start with Miss Carol's I gave her testimony I preached across South East about how they she started going through treatments losing her high or finally how to get that wig on there forget what time I came by enough just trying to encourage her she kept on singing the choir kept on waving her hand kept himself and I said miss count that wig looks pretty good oh she did my Norton she had it she said well I always wanted to try this color figure I trust this guy cancer but God reach down [Music] decided to just take care of that cancer letter let's keep going on I'll be honest we she's one of the sweetest be on how the world states they ever got her but she's wanting to sweetest little ladies you never meet but I was thinking that right now we got another lady that church miss Angie let's go she's going through some treatment right now for some cancer and God was good little catch it early but I thought about sometimes when you think that families is for you mr. Kerem I thought that Valley was just for her but then why miss Angela coming down praying she had a lady that's been through that battle I can't look at a brother down said I know how you feel you can't look at Roma said you know how the mascara could say I know what that's like you know what I bet I'm I'm glad the same god man I so say this team and I go back to see one more versus Friday night boy it's been so good this week but I don't get a heaven Lord maybe you're here tonight you're going through some type of a battle some type of the time in your life and listen I'm not of sensationalism preacher I I don't try to work surfaces up brother more could tell you I'm more interested in a balanced Church than I am high highs and low lows probably church ought to be balanced with its music with its preaching with everything but I want to say this to you also I'm not gonna get in God's Way and maybe you come here tonight and maybe you just need the Lord to help you maybe got so lonely hard maybe you got a burden on your heart may be burnt for somebody else or maybe you got a burden for yourself [Music] comic didn't have to miss Church last night and I come from Charlotte I guess Charlotte they let her out earlier to sneak snuck out one and got away so she comes singing tonight brother James our music director faithfulness a me back on the p.m. the same he's been through been through some real hard bounce matter of fact there's a whole lot of people went through something suddenly see me went through they thrown in the towel but she's got a little m year old girl plays at Vienna sings now like she's about 25 and because she stuck it out your honor see God honor see a man you just don't know I'm a pastor see I look at how I know a lot of what people go through I know the battles because sometimes they're in my office and your tears are dripping on my desk oh they're reaching for that Kleenex are they going out another day or they call it takes and say preacher just really need prayer I'm glad I can help us I don't know you know you can be a fish to remember doesn't matter but if you just need to pray to knife you so you know what it's Friday night I just need prayer that's more to help me this plea around this altar hold its back wall down the sides it don't matter if you just need to talk to the warden tonight wherever you are wherever you're from whoever you are you just uh feel free you got Liberty tonight to pray and I believe God can help you tonight Savage if you just need to pray tonight brought a good sweet time to come talk to Jesus he's here tonight he's here tonight [Music] I've seen his children walk through Yorkist of me nice I Witness faith could to that test I have watched as the storms blew and with the Thunder but in each trial he knows a No [Music] mazie [Music] he's a mountain you'll be standing we know you can't see are the tears falling dead [Music] I'm so glad he sees what we don't [Music] he knows the end from the beginning he lives ahead has a hurt and [Music] to a place where there Pete Patsy's all understanding he sees the Sun through there [Music] and Oh UAC your Valley he sees the melt in you'll be standing on [Music] when all you can see are the tears falling down I'm so glad he sees what we don't and I am so glad sees what this one makes a missive Anna would y'all come and sing one song for me tonight you know the kind of service you're in us with the Lord puts on your heart right on time I told brother mark today I love the ministry I love God letting us help people no place in this world I'd rather be than right here on White's Mill Road and God's house I just love it alright you go ahead and be seated if you want to we're standing in the preacher does come he'll come here in a minute but I don't know if the Lord's quite done right yet so we'll get the girls to sing one song for us and you just mind the Lord tonight whatever God may done they touch your heart about you just mind the Lord tonight if you just want to sit down and soak it in and enjoy one young lady here on the altar young lady had already told need to prepare for hospice for diseases she's got and yet God intervened it instead of going to hospital she's been coming to church until we serve a big God tonight don't you believe he can't cuz he can he's still on the throne when the her koozie birth in the deepest place your heart is ever known when you're sitting in your darkest trial and it seems you're standing all along when the tears fall down like bitter rain and you're wondering if this I will smile again [Music] in the midst of disappointment look you'll find a safe [Music] my dog is very shy formerly the way he picks me up and held me when I thought I could not face another day horn assumptive singing and my mama's if we're searching for city I can tell you by experience I found a faithful free [Music] Jesus is over she's closer any brother ever can when the ones that you have trusted proven true on him you can tip me he will never fail or let you down and his love will help your broken cord to me so pick up the broken pieces return the favor my dog is belly shining line above the Libra yes picks me up and held me when I thought I could not face another day my hardest optic singing I was simply searching for free I can't tell you by experience [Music] I found a favor over what a friend we [Music] our sins and griefs [Music] Hornets all day singing 34 fini I can't tell you my experience I found a PHA for free all right let's stand together tonight if you would please bow I appreciate those two good songs tonight both of them are right on target and I appreciate the Lord helping us and looking forward tonight to God's man preaching tonight for us it's been a joy to have pastor marks to marks to listening brother mark Stremme pastor of wahoo Baptist Church down in what part of Georgia would that be preacher Murray Phil Georgia all right it's Georgia have him back tonight he's my friend I love him reaches young people all across this country youth conferences camps preaches in just about every week of his life it's been a real honor to have him with us a man so you pray for him tonight see preaches force all right if you've got your Bible open at women in Matthew chapter number 11 Matthew chapter number 11 appreciate the tenderness of the Holy Ghost tonight man I thought about I believe second Corinthians 1 6 it talks about war said Corinthians 1 4 1-3 it says that he's the God of all comfort and I thought why the preacher was talking about our sister that had gone through some treatment praying with another one going through treatment my let me just me just turn over there and read that I think it bear bear said Corinthians 1 4 verse 3 said blessed be God even the father of our Lord Jesus Christ the father of mercies and the God of all comfort who comforted us in all our tribulation I think he's all saying last night that he's in the middle of it all I got King James Bible on that who comforted us in all our tribulation that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted by God seeing you got some comfort and now you're comforting them with the comfort that he covered can I say we're trying to take shortcuts in this day said it the other night brother Lane geez the devil took Jesus up on those high places Matthew 4 took him up twice trying to cast him down that's what the devil do he'll take you up in order to take you down a man but when the Lord deals with somebody he's gonna take them down to take him up he'll a base shoe so one day he will exalt you a man you go back to the temptation where he told him to come down and to cast himself down off that mountain well the Old Testament said that Old Testament said that he would come like lightning into his temple the reason the devil wanted to come down because if he said just cast yourself down he said the Angels would take charge of thee and and I'll just remind you in that Matthew 4 the son of God did not defeat the devil as the son of God he defeated him as the son of man he defeated him not as in a miraculous way all he did was quote the Word of God to him you say why did he want him to cast yourself because the devil was a winner either way because if the Lord had cast himself down and the Angels didn't bear him up he'd have died but if he didn't if he did cast himself down and the Angels bore him up then the nation of Israel looked on him in that miraculous way and received him as the Messiah but the problem was the devil was trying to get him take a shortcut around Caffrey and I'm afraid and our day David said it was good that I was afflicted that I'm learned thy statutes with able to used to say when I was a young man and the young printer I've heard him say it many times and brother will repeat it said the blessing of that Old Testament is prosperity he said with the blessing of that New Testament is suffering he said where God puts his power is when suffering comes I'm afraid in our day we like that shortcut we want to skip the affliction we want to skip the suffering we want to skip the lame before God we want to skip the three and a half years of the drought and pray that the fire of God will fall in response to a 63 word prayer but we don't want to have that suffered and affliction and listen to we're living in a day if I'm not if we're not careful we'll let this Pentecostal in this charismatic mentality creep in then once you get saved man if you go if you're right with God everything's gonna be fine but you ain't ever found that in the King James Bible are you listening somebody please find that in the life of Paul shipwreck beaten I mean a man last time I checked the night 16 what he was praising God he wasn't he wasn't in the king's palace he was in a jail cell with his back bleeding shackled hands shackled feet Hey and I'm sure don't you know Paul said now Lord I'll serve you I'll sell out as long as you let me get shipwrecked as long as you let me get cashed out in the deep as long as you let them beat me for preaching the gospel that's exactly what I want to do and I'll be honest with you I told you before earlier in the week I don't think we're going through one moment of the tribulation but you better hear me it may get dark before we get out of here you realize that we're one of the only nations in the world where they're not killing Christians for what they believe hello and just hold on if the Liberals have their way they'll be trying to shut this little place right here now I told you before they like free speech as long as it agrees with them I mean they're already wanting to cut Romans 1 out of our Bible a man a man and some just think about you this way this young lady in that brother plug yet they were singing he doesn't he can't he sees what we don't do you think about Abraham Abraham standing over there at the door of his tent the angels have left to go down to Sodom and all of a sudden he looks down there at Sodom zone fire but what Abraham can't see he can't see on the other side of the smoke he doesn't know if lot is saved or not but God does see we're standing in time looking in time he just steps back in eternity he sees the front he sees the end and everything in between can I say something he's the Alpha and the Omega that's the first and the end you realize in that's he's the Alpha know me that's the that's the first and the last letter of that Greek alphabet and he's every letter in between you realize this we got 26 letters in the English language alphabet do you know everything that we know about God is made up of some combination of 26 letters could that not be saying when he said he's the Alpha the Omega he's the whole alphabet and anything we know about God we see in him he is the Express image of the invisible God Amen everybody okay there is a faithful friend but we wouldn't know he's a faithful friend if we didn't have series like that a little miss Miller you're standing here and there's a lot of unanswered questions about your health when you get that news sweetheart Monday Monday just come down here with me this is brother Jay and well Joel sister tell them what news you got on Monday how old are you 24 24 and a tumor c'mere sister can we just have Church for a few minutes all right won't you just get down right there won't show young ladies won't y'all just go back to piano for a minute I want you young girls Elena Christiana Ethan Hollander y'all all y'all young ladies right there all you teenage girls the pocket all you girls right here you know what she needs to know she needs to know what she knows that there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother everybody okay she's about to find out in a way she's never known whether and I wish to goodness I could tell her that there wasn't gonna it was gonna be okay but I have no idea about that can I tell you no matter the outcome God's good amen amen god help us can you imagine 24 years old I can't imagine that at 44 much less 24 how about it brother Lane what if that was Elena what if that was Danielle Danielle 24 she's right there at attention what about it what if that was Danielle what if that was robbed well if that was Carter there's a faithful friend I tell you what if I was 24 if I was 24 the doctor just told me this week I had a brain tumor I wish somebody loves Jesus enough just to stop what we were doing and say would you please ask God to touch me they helped me it helped me how about some of your mother's have got daughters that around that age y'all just sit down for a minute well some of your mama's just come and you never know what might happen right here God might just hear our prayer right here and touch her you say I don't believe that well one of my young ladies had endometriosis so bad the doctor looked at her and told her she'd never have children well back in January she had four at the same time naturally conceived they brought him to church just last week near revival but one of them had a heart issue preacher they got time to take it back to the cardiologist and the mother was sick so the mother-in-law took the little baby they mean for the time was born it was going to have heart surgery the mother-in-law took the little one into the cardiologist and they did all the tests and the x-rays of the daughter looked at that mother-in-law said my grandmother did you bring the right baby she said well yes sir I did bring the right baby what do you mean by that she said well that cardiologist said well if you brought the right baby you won't have to bring her again because there's nothing wrong and man hey man you said I'll just I don't know if God can do that will you just go ahead and keep your little G little o little D God and I'll keep my big G big old Big D Big L Big O big R Big D if he can stop the Sun he can touch a lug lady if he could all the University is 6,000 years ago he could put the laws of nature if it aint mother or it ain't mother earth it's not mother nature its father God hey man if he could part the Red Sea to where a million Jews can walk along hey they didn't have Crocs they didn't have chicken boobs they'd have rubber boots so they might as well rode a bicycle across there hey man just hit a little bit of that middle of it all [Music] god help us he said on the whale John forward till somebody came to see him he might be sitting on the whale waiting for you she came to get a pitcher pitcher of water she went home with a whale she came just to get a picture couldn't even come when the other ladies came so she had to come in the middle of the day but when she left she took the [Music] in this Hampel appreciate I just felt the Holy Ghost at play for that hey I guarantee if it's rather Carter I'd want somebody to play for my boys [Music] there was Jesus Genesis one in the beginning God in little that temple tabernacle there was a lion [Music] cool with [Music] and gaudy CDs I can do in the middle [Music] you know what these youngins need to learn that some of us silver-haired flow it doesn't matter how small or how big just to you just wanna tell you you'll take the little take the big ones they'll take it whether its financial he'll take us family he'll take it whether it's a career he'll take it whether it's our he'll there's nothing you can't bring there [Music] and a bit Oh [Music] there was Jesus [Music] yeah that's why we could come [Music] three days way up Missy my boy Oh and the great [Music] there was easy so no matter what your face no matter where you bid more tubs or Ingerson keep your eyes on him even in the heat of battle Belgian streams he'll be right there in the middle that's where he's always being a chase [Music] these are [Music] there is easy [Music] Jesus there is Jesus stay right there turn your Bible in Matthew 11 I'm trying my best to mind God Matthew 11 say a word brother nun [Music] god bless [Music] yeah god bless you God something like a little bit of in everything didn't I said a little bit like in everything hey first for you to hear first Thessalonians 5:18 said in everything give things for that since the will of God tried to use paternity visas 526 giving thanks always for all things that's either in or forward I don't it might be for an Mia Matthew chapter 11 you can look at it Matthew chapter 11 let's see can't say something I'm glad I've got an honest Bible if we didn't have an artist five or bath.you chapter 11 would not be in your Bible you say why I am because in Matthew chapter number 11 God lets us see one of the greatest of the greats in the history of the Word of God at his weakest moment I mean we're seeing one of the greats at his weakest moment the Bible said verse one it came to pass when Jesus had made an end of commanding his twelve disciples he departed thence to teach him preach in their cities now with John had heard in the where prison where I mean John's in the perfect John's not in prison for the Dermott because he compromised John's not in prison because he's not in the will of God John's in prison because he had a Bach backbone about three miles wide and he looked at their head and said hey Hoss he said that woman you're living with it's not sure it's not your wife it's your brother's wife hey man he didn't get his head cut off for compromising he didn't get his head cut off for being some lily-livered sodomite ain't bad young listen contemporary preacher in this day hey man everybody okay don't get nervous hey man I wouldn't explain I won't hear and I will old steam and all them others have been proved false it's preaching that heresy I woke them to explain to me why John the Baptist is in the is in prison I'm going somewhere just hold on he was in prison the Bible said he heard in prison the works of Christ he said to disciples notice what verse 3 said he said art thou he that should come or do we look for another look your first father jesus answered and said unto them go and show John again those things which you do here at sea he said to of his plea look at something noise what do you think it would be if he walked up to you tonight after service say boys I'm just in a bad spot to tell you what I need y'all to do I need y'all to run down there to where Christ is now I know I'm the one that was the forerunner I'm the one that has an L since the coming of the war listen that John the badness was not a Sunday school boy they say John the Baptist is not a first time bus rider amen I mean this is the one that the Lord said man this is the forerunner he's caught before him you can look at it like this hey no John no Jesus the ones that were going to reject John we're going to reject Jesus no repentance no salvation everybody okay happy brother ma this is the one that was hand-picked this is the one that God had picked to be the forerunner of the Son of God this is the one for the pocket that made the statement behold the lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world he realized he's only called the lamb twice in the Old Testament twice in the Gospels once in acts once in the epistles you know what book of the Bible he's called the lamb the most 28 times in the revelation he's called the lay the great brother lay the great question of the Old Testament was supposed by a little boy that his daddy had put the wood on his back and was taking him up a mountain and I said looked at his daddy and said where is the lamb and oh Abraham had a pretty good response he said well God shall provide himself a lamb that's a good response but 4,000 years later there was a New Testament answer and it was with John the Baptist this woman's imprisoned said behold the lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world how many baptizes have you had since you've been preaching since you started pastoring your early 20s a bunch you ever had a baptizing where you felt like the Trinity came I mean John the badness has got the son of God in his hands God the Father speaks from heaven and said this is my beloved son it is I'm well pleased and at that moment what the Holy Ghost in the foot of a dove descended had lit upon the shoulder of the Son of God I'm telling you listen to me John the Baptist heard God the Father held God the Son and beheld the Holy Ghost [Music] I've been somebody good baptizes but I don't know if I've ever been to one the Trinity showed up so what I'm trying to say is this is the forerunner this is the forerunner telling his disciples go ask him come here boys help me preacher what do you think it would do to you what do you what do you think it would do to y'all to your faith if he looked actually said boys I know I've been preaching all these years thirty years but I don't know now if he's the feast will of the Lord did you just go ask [Music] just go ask him art thou he or do we look for another how long a trip do you think that was from the prison to Jesus we're not careful sometimes we'll be our worst Oh our own worst enemy can I say something in job the badness is the one that was the forerunner of Christ can get in such a place where he has doubt it is old hard and he gets this slow what do you think what can happen to us where do you think we could get to see the problem was John the Baptist was in a place that was breaking him what would you have done bill Elaine right before brother kiver died if he had called you over to the house and said hey son I know I've been the prince of man all these years but could you go ask him right before I leave to make sure it really was everything I said it was huh god help us and we wonder why we need to have revival jar the badness could get that low well we don't like to we all like to put our religious robes on and it's got our little Kevlar I don't kevlar vests on there it seems like we never struggle and we never get hit and our hearts never break and we never have down in our life I don't know what I don't know how you put your britches on but I've never put mine on that way amen he was at a place it was breaking him when did he hear but the Clarks where did the Bible say heard in the prison he was in a dungeon underneath mattresses prison he was in a dungeon that was overwhelming here dark dank no light let me just say a word to you sweetheart it's dark right now and you ain't got to be running around lapping the place for you to be spiritual in this moment if John the badness can get to the place where he's wandering he he walked with Christ he beheld him with his eye but can I tell you just because it's dark now does not mean it's gonna be dark forever when we came into church tonight the Sun was in the sky but when we go back outside of church tonight it's not gonna be in the sky but just because we don't see it birdie when we get out there do we do not think that the sun's going out of business matter of fact you might feel right now like your world has been turned upside down well if you walk outside that's literally what's happening outside the reason the Sun is not in the sky it's because the world is upside down but if you'll give God about 12 hours he don't turn the right side back up at the Sun that's not sad and right now I'll be shattered in the sky at the morning and can I tell you just because it's dark now but does not mean it's always gonna be dark I've led God even when a dungeons overwhelming you a God has got the ability shine some light in the darkness you say why you still got her playing that piano because sick of kings three said bring me a minstrel and that Bible said when the Mitchell began to play it said hey the spare little order came on me good music the drive away some Devils is trying to find us hey man everybody okay see there's a dungeon that's overwhelming him hey man but then there's some doubts that are over taking it driving through Greenville one night about 12:30 and brother Rudy Smith Joel you and James some of y'all know he's you know brother Rudy he's been to camp I turned did I dirty be honest I was going through Greenville about that time oh brother Rudy he's like a Church of God woman how many men he gets his hair just right before church as you've ever seen him old church that God willing where they'd shout they'd shout the bobby pins out there I tell him I said no one you've got hooked up he preached your hair down and I could just see him I could just see him preach it when I turn that radio on I mean I'm talking about way up in the night he said don't doubt in the dark God showed you in the light you don't need to doubt she beliefs and you don't need to believe your doubts cuz there's some youth you're not going to understand everything about God and you don't have to somebody else Albert Einstein's wife said can you explain the theory of relativity she said no but I know mr. Einstein she said no and I can't explain the theory but I know mr. Einstein he's the one that founded the theory I can't explain everything about God but I do know it hey man some other you need to get somebody they're trying to get you arms around you down won't you quit trying to get your arms around sit down and get your arms around what you believe and quit struggling with questions since you never have answers to and shout the victory all truth that you just can't get scared praise God he said art thou II thank god there's some things I'll never be able to explain but brother Lane I don't care what liberal professor in college there was some things that I couldn't escape things I couldn't get away from I thought you couldn't shake me if you had a pistol put in my mouth hotel he I mean I'm so by the very the very herald of the arrival of the Messiah is now asking art thou he look at verse one it's not just doubts in a row hey listen to me John's purely thinking now Lord if you're the Messiah if you're the king and you're doing all these great works you're doing all these works but you ain't done one to get me out of prison here's the kicker look at verse one preacher Matthew 11:1 Jesus left tail here it is for the lane john the baptists is in jail about to have his head cut off for serving God serving Jesus and Jesus just left town without a jail visit there's not just a doubt that's overwhelming it or a dungeon it's overwhelming and doubt that's overtaking him there's a distance that's over bearing you you think if one of them Moyes was in jail for standing for Christ do you think even go preach a meeting and leave without going to check on him boys it ain't happening but the Lord said I gotta go over here and be about my business you know what some of us struggle with it we're right in the middle of something where we feel like the rivets are coming out in our life and the struggle with us is it seems like the Lord is in the distance it's been a while since he's been there you know what I'm afraid of today brother Lane is when it gets in the distance most folks just really don't care most folks ain't got enough discernment to know he's in the distance cuz they just put on for so long that he's right next to them that they just sort of just accepted the fact that he's just always gonna be in the distance I don't want to live like that I don't want to serve God like that I know there's times when her brother Chris he'll step back and we'll have to walk my favorite praise God after a while he's gonna walk in the middle of a situation I wonder if I had the little Wonder Woman roping could make you tell the truth I wonder how long it's been since it's been close to you not close to your husband not close to your wife not close to your preacher not closely a sunday-school teacher you're just about your hearts about to break and you want to have revival and you wish you could get happy like you see some of the other people get happy but the truth is you're in jail you're wondering if God really is who he said he was and it seems like it's been a long time since this walked by your house I mean you wish you could get happy you want him to be me here but it's just been a while since he's been by see he was in a place that was breaking it but see there next in that text there's some proof that'll bless you some proof I'm I'm cutting the meat off the ball I'm just getting right down to the point John was not content to stay in doubt you know why we as churches don't have revival because we're content where we are and we don't press and we don't see and we don't look for Christ when's the last time you were so hungry for it and you were planning like to look like the heart after the WaterBrook he wasn't content to stay there in that jail cell 100 and he really was the one he wanted to know [Music] what's you you just shat that on your laurels because you got continued instead of rejoicing about what God's already done we lament about what we've not he could have answered nine out of ten prayers and we won't rejoice on the nine that he has done will will will cry over the one that he hadn't done see he realized there was he realized there was a person to see look at verse 5 there's some proof to review now you look at those two verses and you can go to Isaiah 35 and Isaiah 61 that is prophetic proof I'd say a thirty five and verse five and six and isaiah 61:1 and you better believe by the way John the Baptist knew his Old Testament he knew those two verses I like what they said here now I was about to get the cart before the horse John would have known those two verses and know that those two verses proved he was who he said it was that was prophetic proof brother puck yet you graduated from school graduate from college so you've got you've got your masters just your four-year degree you've got your bachelor's okay so you qualify you're smart stand up let's look down there at verse number five let's look at that verse we don't underline some things you let look at verse five you there tell me what it says see their sight and the lame walk the lepers are cleansed and the Deaf hear the dead are raised up and the poor have the gospel preached all right let's call it here and let's identify the verbs the blind the lame the lepers are cleansed the Deaf the dead and the poor help me what tents are those verbs in the present glory it ain't just about what he's done he didn't say go tell John what I've done he didn't say go get a book off the bookshelf and read about what he's done you know what he's saying the Calvary Baptist Church on White's Mill Road in August 2017 it's not about what I've done it's what I'm doing it's what I do and it's not just prophetic proof honey it's passive proof I'm glad everything I know about God's not in the past tense it's not what somebody told me but it's what God that the Holy Ghost is doing it me I'm glad it ain't always got a D on the end it's what he's wont to do right now I'm about broke the Pope what about it brother Clark if he was all in the past tense what kind of Hope would you have for your children what can opens you after your grandchildren what kind of Hope would you have if everything you knew about him is what he had done but he said go show John again again what about hallelujah by the way glory you buried see preacher man just a few months ago hey man but when you took him to the graveyard you didn't bury his God they tried that 2,000 years ago and it did not work what about the fact you know what Prince was what God did for brother Keever and what God did for the men of God aren't you glad when we read Matthew chapter number 11 and they just going like we wanted to it to church are you and I can know there's some present of there's some present I've said praise God right now sir present proof under God is still doing it in this hour [Music] [Music] there is a proof to bless us you go look at the Luke account of this Luke 721 and the Bible said it's okay blurs the Bible said in that same hour while the two were there he cured many infirmities plagues evil spirits and in the middie that were blind he gave sight now there's one little word in that four that really helps me hey but lame look at that verse it says go show John again here's the kicker he didn't even go tell them but show John some new truth he said just go remind him about what he already knows and oh so right I wrote that so years ago said I know enough I may not know much but I know enough to get home could it not be if you and I would just take a look around Matt mark I like that mark four or five and six mark fours a storm mark six is a storm but between those 92 verses that separate those two storms there's four miracles if we're not careful we're walking around with a food slip dragging our Irian and dragging our attitude around thinking it's always storm it's always difficulty but could I testify in the Christian life it's been more blessing than it's been burdened hey man after he doesn't dealt with that demoniac and after he dealt with that lady with a disease and after him dealt with Jairus his daughter he went over and fed 5,000 with five loaves and two fishes uh-huh and it listen they didn't put no portion out there either Oh Philip comes from sin Lord he got with 200 pity worth or talking about that to other people then took five loaves and two fishes and they ate a quart of the Word of God as much as they would wonder what's left for the plane last time I checked they took twelve baskets of fragments up I wonder why twelve because about ten verses five verses after that you know what he's about to load up twelve disciples put him in a boat and send him across sea he so he took up twelve baskets hello put them put those put those disciples in the back in the boat baskets in the boat at their feet get out there in the midst of the storm too far to go the shore was too far to get to that was in front of them and it was too far to go back they were in the middle of that sea and they're out there thinking they're going down why would they think they were going down the Lord told him to go the other side they had the Lord's word about where they were going do you think he's gonna let him sink in the middle of the will of God I don't believe so so they're out there in the middle of a storm sea in mark Thor he rebuked him for being fearful in mark six when he got in the boat he rebuked him for being forgetful I wonder why he rebuked him for being forgetful I wonder that while they're sitting in their fear in that storm all 12 of them had a basket of the provision and the promise of God sitting between their feet go show John again every one of us have got a basket tonight maybe we just sort of crack our basket say man we took care of that why need to see that again why forgot how I paid that bill oh I forgot how he part of that see glory boy that bread smells good blight smells about as good as it did when he broke it the first time hey man hey man don't go get something new you don't need something new all you need to be done is stirred up your pyramind by way of remembrance every one of us have got a basket full of the proof of what God's already done good night in the morning I wonder what he'd show you come sit down here with me in the boat come here miss Whitney I need a little bigger basket for them oh hello I got the longest ride home y'all don't need to be nervous [Music] knocking on the door 16 years Wow what about the fact you started here the same year and I started there why don't we just plan on finishing this thing a man you just finished this the patch to the kiss Calvary Baptist Church and I'll just finish this the preacher below by the church preacher told me years ago when I went to the first thing yalda buys a tombstone just plan on dying there I wonder I wonder what all's in your basket not just in the last 16 but in the last 33 years when you get to thinking Lord all right are you really the one or do we look for another and then that unnamed serve of the Holy Ghost just says said there's your bread there's a little fish let me just remind you that even though you got questions now let me remind you of some answers to questions you used to have let me just show you again and again and let me show you again I mean there's a whole lot of agains in 33 years there's a whole lot of memorials along the way some of us have drug in here tonight you feel like you're locked in a prison feel like God's a thousand miles away everybody else has got happy this week but you don't you look between your feet and let him show you again how I got again that means I've seen it before no rather God here's my last thought I want to get to y'all just stay right there hold your breath hold out again now look here look at what he said them to left this is what Jesus said about John verse 11 verily I say unto you among them that are born of women there has not risen a greater than John the Baptist now here it is where the Dermott John the Baptist has just got through sin go ask him if he's the one or do we seek another hey preacher look at here Jesus just said about John there's none greater here's the kicker when John was saying the worst about Jesus Jesus was saying the best about him so there's not just proved to bless us and a place to break us but there's a perspective to build us he sees what we don't [Music] goodnight what John couldn't even see in his self Jesus said there's none greater that John Baptist how glad it's a John the methods John the Presbyterian he said John the Baptist praise God that's why I'm gonna have Baptists on our side until I die I'm not ashamed about what we are hey man I'm worried about somebody that is a shame if you're ashamed for the team you're playing on your switch teams hey man praise God I wonder it is what he's seeing in you that you can't even see in yourself I wonder what he's seeing in your situation that you may never see Jobe the book of Job closed and Jobe had no answers to any of his questions 35 chapters they ask questions and they talk and finally when man shut up God began to talk and when God began to talk he did not answer one question that any of those men had in 35 chapters matter of fact he started asking some questions everybody okay so you may be in a place to break you could it be that that place to break you if you try to get away from that you'll take a shortcut and you'll Rob yourself of some of those blessing and all that God's trying to do in your life I'll say again by the lane the ministry is not a ladder to climb it's a cross to bear and that came from our friend brother Kenny Kuykendall that said dad I'd give him the credit but that's the honest-to-god truth we look at it today there's a lot of fellas they're trying to climb I meant a ladder of success it's not a ladder it's a cross help me brother pocket go show John what word was that next again again [Music] come here approach me come here help me come here sister [Music] you just go sit by Miss wind you go sit by your preacher [Music] God sent you out for a little while you found out everybody don't want it quite like they say they do and that breaks your heart because you love them people because God put some people don't believe you went over and took care God not protecting your heart but you can't make them and you get a little discouraged and think man but he'll come back over here you know the kicker y'all y'all got a basket together and y'all got a basket of some time that the Lord puts you in a boat together said ones just going over [Music] and just cause everybody else don't want nothing don't mean say some point they'd still do and see y'all could sit down together and say hey bridge there's her basket did do you remember that time you remember that time preacher when God did that you remember that time you remember when see it's in again it's again it's not something new he's reminded him of something he already knew and y'all could sit around and get happy off the proof that's in the basket and then you know what could happen come on down here by the Dermott where's brother Dermott's wife come on brother mom's wife sister Crabtree hey you come sit on this side hello and now before you know it all three of y'all can be getting happy out of the basket of again man I may keep that Bible that feels pretty good praise God and while they're over here getting happy on the basket y'all free get happy where's Mia Deacon or two we're at come on Deacon where's another Deacon come on D we're at where's the 50 year old they can come on right there hallelujah he's got a real big basket come on get him a chair will you young man grab him a chair where's your wives at boss hey why'd you come over here see of the preacher's wife right there D 50 years as a deacon they ain't a man out there don't need a mighty man hallelujah you know what for wrong a good basket full will draw a crowd they ain't nothing like getting happy by yourself without having somebody else to get happy with you know what I've learned about drunks they don't like to get drunk by their self they like to drink with their friends you know what I've learned about Christians we like to get happy together a man and I tell you what after a while you would get happy if they'd y'all together and then you three and then you all and them all of them I wonder what God can do and we just clock the top off the basket and let God show us again just what he's already done [Music] where's my Sunday School teachers come on down where's my bus workers [Music] oh my youth pastor my choir leader my Spanish church pastor the price ain't right but the water is praise God oh I wish I could shout I came in shout no more where's them little twin boys that got saved the other day they had to go home well they were here I mean y'all ain't even got to open your basket it sits on a Pew I wonder here's the leaders how what if the leaders got out of I just say this Johnny didn't get out of prison he got his again in prison I wonder if this crowd got it again I wonder what happened to that crowd it might not just be me taking a lap brother none some of y'all might get in on one what y'all got to thinking about the agains what about this than just the 16 years of against not to mention the 50 years I see three buildings one over there one right there here's the third building land right over there debt free bus is running missionaries being supported people get borned again the gospel being preached soul-winning going on doors fear not young people singing young people playing people worshiping God people getting saved on the computer people getting saved in the altar people get happy in the Lord somebody please somebody ought to say man for it again praise God and what just started with one with a basket you say boy think about this what about it brother model brother mark looking there say preacher hey you remember we you do you remember weird stir up your mind by way of remembrance the Lord rebuke them for being forgetful [Music] what you run a bus teach a Sunday School class see you'll have one them Sundays or don't nobody get home and have the ones that promise you they're coming don't get on and you know what you'll need you'll need and again and then you'll look at that again and think yep I'll go knock on that door next week and they can lie to me next week and I'll be there the next week and if they don't come the next week I'll go back the next week because I've he showed me again [Music] nothing new not a new rider he showed him an older [Music] go show John again receive half walk not what he did but it again and what he's doing it's just really harmony correct I preached however long with a piano player playing and now we'll give him a title I've been preaching all this thought touch me again you know what every once in a while I just need him to come by touch me again you may be in a place that's breaking you why don't you look for some proof that's blessing you and just trust a perspective that's building you what grace mercy that when one of the greatest is saying the worst the greatest is saying the best good y'all ready to sing again praise I look I didn't get the priests of this side of the altar [Music] carry your basket around cuz you might just need it again and you may never hear and say see John didn't hear what Jesus said but Jesus still said it oh won't you just hit a little bit of that he did say hit that one real quick and we're just going to stand on a Friday night a me you may be in a place it's breaking a dungeon it's overwhelming doubts over this it's overtaking you might just want to get down say I needed him I did it again don't show John again don't keep nobody to see it or just get on the altar and pray y'all a mind God some of us are just come I wonder what and again would do for you somebody forbid say 15 70 years they got 70 years of again [Music] [Music] hey man thank God despoiling to style ambition cause you know I made a promise that ing Nicky my grace will be sufficient in every time of need my love will be the anchor that you can hold on to [Music] those were [Music] [Music] it a deal my ways coverage and I want to bring your basket say Lord I mean I didn't say you never change not looking for a new friend I have to walk the Bible is the story of an old dears but I did say I'd be waiting right on the other side and I did say I'll Drive we cheer you cry you know I made a promise a little pro prepare a plan someday sooner than you think you'll see me face to face you're singing with all the Angels countless multitude this is the promise this is the promise I made to sitting on the promises of Christ Mikey just keep just keep on dog you're gonna make it through there's the promise this is the from a two standing on the promises that's what chalk was thank you just keep you're gonna make it through all the promises part again I like it the promise I made standing on the promises of Christ my king just keep bad hell can separate us the promise this is the promise just sing the stand all the promises part singing acapella just sing [Music] on the promises of Christ Mikey [Music] so just keep on walking don't turn to the left all right Oh be sad I think oh my gosh the promise this is the promise just say it one more time you play this time blow at a god Sooni wanna run by is a Christ Mikey just keep on walking don't turn to the left or right and in the minutes of darkness welcome the promise made I think we ought to do it one more time sing it one more time some of them finally got their Bible up praise God I'm not going on right and in the mists of darkness let this be your light what racial separators and you're gonna make it through forget one more time it's helping me thank God just keep on walking and in the mists of darkness don't you slow be your lives that hell can't separate us I wanna make it this is the promise that it is that's the promise made to me the promise 66 books a promise hey man my promise it's my love letter it's his autobiography it's an accident that your novel praise God it's a love story it's a math book it's a history book thank God have a look I've been in a lot of meetings I've never heard anybody stand up and say preacher how can I say a word I've never heard anybody stand up say preacher I want to thank God for my chemistry book I will thank God that when I figured out all of the things that made up that alcohol when I figured out what the chemical makeup with that alcohol was I just quit drinking I quit spending my paycheck on that liquor I quit beating my wife I quit acting like a hell you never have heard that but I can't tell how many times I've heard say preacher can I say a word I want to thank God for that Bible because of that matter God preached that night about that Bible he said he told me about a man that can change my life and I poured the lick around hey I'm not go down to the bar anymore I'm not being to the liquor store anymore I planned thank God he made a pot ass so I think I'll just stand on that promise and when the moon turns to blood and the Melton's turn to ashes and the stars fall out of the heaven it'll still be a promise one more time standing on the promises standing on the promises of Christ Mikey [Music] this is the promise is the promise walk on hallelu I told him that's what he's been doing for 30 for a year absolutely why would we change now why would we change now [Music] [Music] [Music] standing on the promises of Christ my king just keep on walking don't turn to the left or right and in the mid sutorius lettuce be your light the hell can't separate us and you're gonna make it through this is the promise this is the promise I made to father we thank you tonight she allowed us one more time to get in your presence we thank you for the sweetness the goodness Lord we thank you for helping us [Music] God you knew what we needed before we ever got here tonight lord I thank him for the songs of the week the faithful to see you people I thank you for the sweet man of God my friend thank you for the anointing on his life but God I want to be sure tonight that I don't give him the glory not this church not any singing not these young ladies behind me because God there's anything accomplished this week to God be the glory [Music] Lord I don't want to have to keep on reading books the way it used to be god I'd like to add some chapters now the way it is God don't want to live in the past tense god I believe you're a very prescient help I thank you for what you did for us tonight well you met with us ain't no ball game around us no program on a television no place to sit and eat a meal do I see any more good and what you did tonight Lord there might be somebody in this room that don't understand it because the Bible says the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God neither can he know them for they are spiritually discerned lord I pray there's somebody in this room it's never trusted you their Saviour God you'd so deal with their heart [Music] the take get a hold of somebody before they get off his property and say tell me about Jesus thank you for encouraging all of us but especially as a pastor thank you for encouraging the people that attend Calvary Baptist Church God we needed this week we got a lot of work to do we just need to encouragement we gave you the glory for the hall we love you Jesus how about I don't add nothing that's all right preacher what are you gonna do I'm just 9 dad nothing thank you for coming appreciate what the Lord has done this week everybody looks at you weird and I think boy I've got moving like this we gonna do with it I'm do what I normally do I'll come back and preach keep on serving God go soul-winning keep on seeing God for revival keep on asking God to help us hey man God will never never never move if we ever forgive me in glory but he sure will move if we give Him glory hey man and I appreciate so much what God's done sir preacher thank you those you at night I know you love brother Mark several of you want to say this to you I think a lot of guys RT this man can let you down in fundamental circles so we're not careful sometimes we talk more about the man they will do about the God the man serves now I'm not saying we're doing that but be careful because the whole thing is brother Chris Hayslip another mark and no one else couldn't get you out of here only Jesus so I say to God be the glory hey man if you enjoy searching a man I'll be honest if you didn't enjoy this your blesser is plumb broke some I don't unplugged it you'd your battery's dead or you ain't never had one right don't be in too big re blow Martin out talking today I preached in some churches soon as I say hey man so much cutting the lights off that's terrible this is the greatest family you got in Missouri tell somebody love them shake their hand be careful leaving you are in an interesting part of Statesville make sure you make the right turn or that you know Jesus somebody walks up to your car they're probably not giving you a track
Channel: Calvary Baptist
Views: 3,364
Rating: 4.8823528 out of 5
Keywords: calvary baptist church, gospel, revival, Mark Stroud
Id: MWrYb7I4MnI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 31sec (6031 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 29 2017
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