2017 WTM Bro John Dorsey "Keep The Door Closed"

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birds and the trials and the pains and whatever you're going through he knows love that old song said Jesus is right for whatever strum home in your lives doesn't matter what you're going through he's the answer so thankful for that tonight give us give snake order who is he yonder star whose feed the Shepherd's oh who is he who softly cries who created earth and skies yes the Lord Oh wondrous story yes the Lord the king of glory I'm his fee we humbly fall crown him cry [Music] who is he in deep distress is fasting in the wilderness who is he the people yes for his words of gentlemen yes yes the Lord Oh wondrous story yes the Lord the king of glory and his fee we humbly fall crown him crown him Lord of all neither is he praise and dark gets him [Music] who is he on Calvary dies and grief [Music] it's the Lord restore me it's the Lord the king of glory hide his feet we have me fall crown him crown him Lord of all who is he who left the grain by that power which now can say who is he who from his throne rules through all the worlds yes the Lord Oh angry story it's the Lord the king of glory hide his feet we humbly fall ground him crown him Lord of all it's hard story it's the Lord the king of glory hide his fee we humbly fall crown him crown him home Oh Oh [Music] [Music] the Kurdish Ponder's and Holy Ghost won't let me ask him so I'm just gonna listen to him that'd be alright with that and I was probably about 15 minutes late and so I don't know what she done the first 15 minutes but I know what the Lord wants me to do before I preach where's the piano player brother Kevin where's your wife yes I need you to play real solve for me I want to say something that we're all thinking and we all know that it is weird when the Shepherd's not here somebody help me out and worried two or three things I can't stand one of them is a line free church and the Holy Ghost put it in my heart if y'all done this before the service we're gonna have to do it again we're fixing together around these alders as a church we're gonna call on God and if y'all done it just go ahead and look real foolish I don't if you've done it we're gonna do it again I've never seen that you can pray too much I've seen singing out of order I've seen preaching out of order I've seen testifying out of order never seen pray in that order it's 757 I'm burning with Flip Ian's chapter three God's give me a heavy message but they told me if I wanted he was gonna pray for preached I'm just gonna take what I feel I'd do this all the time I know what brother Mark was just doing well ago can I listen I don't know how to say things but say things it's tight but gravely I am I wrong it's tighter than a banjo string no nobody get mad at me we're in an hour we're preachers are lying they're faking it I know how to do this ladies and gentlemen I do this whole time I do it with my eyes closed does it ought to be that honest I don't never want to learn how to preach I need you to hear me I'm glad the Lord's letting me preach I know how to preach I'm just telling you straight up and it's tight and ain't no need me being this tight [Music] is that okay or y'all if you want to catch from me if you have any book in your church and you'll cancel me let's go ahead 7:58 this is the most serious thing we've done update but ill beyond my 30 or 40 minutes sermon beyond our three meetings in two days beyond the singing beyond the shouting there's a soul that's going to spend eternity in hell if we grieve the Holy Ghost there's teenagers that are going to miss the mark they're going to marry their own spouse they're going to take the wrong job they're gonna live the wrong life if we rush it and that's what I do to not brother gravely I see I could preach and they'd probably nobody know I miss God but guess who would know it and I don't want to lose confidence and now what do you mean but we need to have an old-fashioned old-school Oh Tommy put our me that's what we need I'm 27 years in the ministry I was a 15 year old preacher boy at the Faith Baptist count on a morning meeting and brother Buster see [Music] and brother give me that preacher in Owensboro Kentucky not Milford Henley Milby brother Henley Milby I said I was 15 years old at that morning meeting it brother Sammy's and the only reason I know that it was brother Buster Seaton and brother Henley Mill Bay is because I got him to sign my Bible I didn't know who they was and I got down on the right hand side brother gravely that's a 15 year old preacher boy and I heard of those scrub scrapped I'm talking about old rough I'm talking about old rough mountain hiking when sucking bald-headed preacher to my right side and then a solid black haired part over the middle they wasn't a higher out of place that's brother Buster see if anybody don't like me talking about him I really don't care here's God's man he was anointed he had to pirate God dripping off everything and if you go I've heard him get up say well he gonna happen updo and you better be real careful talking about the man of God that said glory tonight they liable to be ashy buyer come out and concern you voice things over with oh yes if we werenít I'll go home and take up an offer and help pay for the meat but I'm gonna mine the Holy Ghost I know what he's telling me I don't know a lot of things but what I do know I know pretty well don't know a whole lot but what I do know I know pretty well and I know the Spirit of God told me what to do and it got down in between brother Hanley and brother buster and I go lie to y'all I didn't pray a bit how listen and can I tell you I learned how to pray I learned how to pray in probably 10 or 15 minutes because it had an old-fashioned prayer meeting and oh brother Buster said Lord [Music] some of y'all was waiting on what he said that's what he's saying he said Lord [Music] brother Tim and let me tell you it felt like eternity but I felt something that's a little pretty boy when he said Lord again he said brother he but he said it's not my father it's not my mother it's not my brother it's not my sister but it's me and let me tell you this something happened and I'd never hurt man brother Henley Milby it's a start I'll never forget it Oh God in Jesus name cleanse me forgive me is that by listening I'm talking about these of the man that's on the poster brother grab that's me and you nail I told them fellas it I come with I said I used some of these places inching the preaching and every would preach me now come these places hiding on the hide is everybody okay and I heard an old man of God beg for forgiveness and I heard brother Buster Satan get in the throne room I'm gonna tell you if we're gonna get to anything accomplished these next two days what gonna have to do now I don't want to kill it don't want to learn it brother gravely but I believe we need to have an old-fashioned old-timey prior me my church is depending on me and beyond my church depending on me my family's depending on me and they somebody in here that I don't know that you don't know you're depending on me but you're depending on hearing from Evan and if it's my lot of time to hear from heaven and give you some from Evan we were to be right that's right [Music] [Music] hallelujah thank you yes I'd literally lose my mind brother mark I'd probably literally fleshly physically losing my mind if everybody right now got up and walked out of here fine offended on that bad and probably lose him a mind but I'm a sincere what I'm about to say I'd rather offend ever one of you and you get up and leave here and me lose my mind then I had offend the Holy Ghost as sure as I'm standing here that's what he wanted Philippians chapter number three tonight God's put a thought heavy in me I've often thought about the pressures that we deal with just in recent days of so much heaviness of those that are not here that's a lot of pressure youth pastors pastors you wanted a group of your young people here they could have been a young person that that you wanted in this meeting and they chose not to come at the last minute they they backed out or they was four or five backed out and more that's hurtful and it's heavy and we that's pressure and so that we were post to be under that burden but I want to say to you in the leadership of the Spirit of God don't be so focused on those that are not here as God help us to focus on those that did make the journey with us I've taken our young people all over the country this year and we had had plans to come here but it just simply was just about impossible because of all of my workers and the time they had done sacrificed a vacation and and our children but the Lord knows all about that but I know what times would go off and we'd say boy they'll go they'll get help and then they not go and then we focus so much on them that that mist that wood forsook them that was in and so let's be real careful how we pray because they some it needs to get in a man and so thank God for all of the labor and the expense of you getting your young people here and I know it cost and I know we have a meeting it's it's it's a large expense but I'm telling you it's priceless it's priceless it's priceless Philippians chapter 3 I want you to bear with me I'm gonna do my best to preach exactly what the Lord wants then I'll get out of the way look in verse number one I'm interested in verse number 13 and verse number 14 but God wants us to read several verses and then we're gonna preach three thoughts and then get out of the way finally my brethren rejoice in the Lord to write the same things to you to me indeed it's not Grievous but for you it is safe well I want to say I'm glad Paul repeated itself I want to thank God for repeating preachers I'm going to thank God for repeating sermons hey man I say glory to God if a sermon is worth preached at one time it probably ought to be worth preaching a lifetime it'd be something if we could get us the sermon fellers that was so powerful that everywhere we went it was requested to be preached so everybody okay I've heared these preachers get them say well you hear John preach you've heard him preach a thousand times I think that's pretty good hey man didn't hear these preachers say boy I ain't gonna preach the same thing twice is everybody okay god help us to go get in the flow room and get us something from God they didn't go and that there'd be so much action on it in the pilot of God and beyond it that they'd be preachers say man if God will let you I wish you'd preach that certainly somebody okay we've got more educated in the pulpit than we've ever been but we've got more sick churches than we've ever had god help us to get a Rock holder and a prime ticket and the part of God that a help the people of God he made and so is to saying the same things because it is safe to them verse number 2 beware of dogs beware of evil workers beware of the concision now listen right here ladies and gentlemen part Paul see him his beware eyeball then you go study this format go preach it but you look it up and that is simply a dog but I want to say it's also a picture of a man of an impure mind a man of an impure man who stays from st. Strong's I study y'all study and that dogs is a man of a nun pimp your mind is that not where we are in today's world y'all look up at here at me Flipkens chapter chapter 1 2 & 3 I listen the book of Philippians chapter 4 it deals for the mind are we not in a sick age are we not in an hour to where the mind of man is corrupt they listen to me I'm a preacher and I love God and I'm trying to do right but I'm gonna tell y'all something I deal with a mind sometimes somebody said how in the world you deal with a man let me tell you something there's things that our subconscious is picking up there's things our eyes are seeing that we are not deliberately looking for but it is evident everywhere we look are y'all with me I want to thank God and I'm gonna probably lose some of you here I want to thank God that I had a daddy that governed the television I come from a church praise God they preach against them things and I know it's 2017 and I know I'm 42 and I'm in a different I in televisions is small compared to what we have in our hands now and so I would have thank God for my 86 year old preacher that praise God told us how to operate a TV I want to say hallelujah for a daddy that would not let all them ungodly channels come in I need more than for y'all to say Amen right there honey we got so many ungodly commercials and so much wickedness I'm talking about you can't even watch TV land no more without all the ungodly filthy of commercials is what y'all say man I somebody said Oh Dorsey Salinas I'm nowhere near illegal ass honey but our minds are being affected because of the in Pyramus of man's man I was sitting in a place with my father just the other day and I'm not trying to carry us down this road but this is just what he told me and I'm not gonna get too deep in this but we was watching Andy Griffin okay and they was a commercial come on and my daddy dropped his head and I said you all right he's 71 year old and he deals a smartie something what in the world daddy said son he said when I was a teenage boy he said the magazines that were ungodly to buy and unguarded to look at he said they had more clothes on than that commercial we just seen now I'm not trying to brother mark god help me if y'all out sit down I'm under your father right now I mean brother tom is the pastor here but I'm under your authority and I will obey you but I thought my god how bad how wicked are you okay and I want to say I've got a smartphone right here and there's things that pop up I've got all kind of guards on my phone there's things that pop up that my I see that's ungodly well nobody down but y'all so I look up in here I'm telling you Paul said beware of the dogs the impure these minds honey I'm telling you I Minds get the best of us sometimes and God help us if you'll turn you're young and loose with a smart phone in the bedroom without no limits and without no guidelines is everybody okay I'm gonna try to speak a whole sermon without saying some things just so I can't get tagged some more and then I might get the woman say it just so you will tag me hey but I'm telling you Paul said be why are the dogs now I want to say to every youth pastor I want to say to every pastor and every youth leader that's got your young uns here I would have thank God they still a burden in the heart of a handful of men across our great nation that we live him that still has a desire to get them down to a house of God where the people are real where the power is real where the presence of God is honey we are all under a satanic attack in the mind of every boy and girl and man and woman in our presence in this vast number of people we are under a caracal my mind Paul said to beware of them dogs what's Bad's we've got them in our puppy we got them we got them in our choir we got them in our offices of our churches if I begin to tell you everything that I'm dealing with as a pastor he'd shake you and scare you and if all you other men of God would stand up and testify of what we're dealing with in herb Independent Baptist Church ours it would absolutely say cause I thought made no way people can be that wicked and people can be that bad and people can be that ungodly but you better hear me and hear me well we are here and it is an attack on the mind because of the impure thoughts of man he said be beware of them dogs in them evil workers we got some evil workers they're after us brother gravity I start with 13 down to three ain't home that starting with y'all I'm talking about I'm talking about I believe oh I don't thank God for my pastor but I started with 13 in the Christian Scoob in the same church you know why they out because they operate out here you know why I'll be out if I start operating that here he said they're leaving workers they slip in slip in I just lost two hundred a week out of one man about six months ago the daughter came to me so don't sing his song I said let's hear it couldn't sang it brother gravely couldn't sing it couldn't we couldn't allow it okay words was wonderful words was wonderful but soundtrack contemporary y'all come on now it's sensual it's sexual and it's from Satan and he left and he took 200 with him y'all come on now y'all do the tithe on that got some church members right here been women for years and they've done our brother Alan Kirk's move down there I could call the name that know who I'm talking about and not didn't happen in the pulpit he didn't happen in the church it happened on our kids day in my office I'll never see that side evil workers they try to slip in a little at a time but it be wired hey man we're going somewhere better be wired up what about them them be wire them consistent you know what that is that's in the their cutters they like to cut ourselves that word mutilation is in that meaning of conceding mutilation boy we've got a lot of that going on in our churches we're out for number one we're out for sale y'all hear me don't say brother Curtis I don't know how many I don't know how many you got Weaver I saw your birth satire and I know you're getting about three miles a gallon and I know you just like everybody else here takes every dime we can get honey but I'm glad thank God we're in a safe place I'm glad we're in a safe place with some safe people and there is a safe presence here and thank god there's a safe power here and you better hear me I'm glad we're around safe it's not only a safe place safe people a safe presence a safe path it's a spiritual place it's a spiritual place there's a presence of spiritualness here we're around spiritual people huh hey so glad you around spiritual people hey man spiritual place spiritually not only that we're around a scriptural place a scriptural we're around scriptural people the presence is scriptural hey man kind of feels good having a room around here don't it y'all remember the old building notes here I mean I mean if I'd have been 15 minutes late another bill and I'd had to set out on a bus in the middle of the parking lot and I know we all shout on that brother Kevin wherever he's at but that don't help pay the mortgage somebody holler hey man how we still got to play the mortgage and God's gonna do that because this is his place we are his people and we are time in our dead level best to be scriptural hallelujah and so I'm glad thank God we have a warning here and I'm glad to say the warning is still being warned I'm glad the men of God still putting out the warning piles in heaven but I'm glad brother Mark me and you brother grabbed all of us men of God you know what we're doing we're telling them to be wire them dogs honey we're telling them to be wire them evil workers and to be wild those that are out to mutilate god help us for where the circumcision which worship government spirit I'm glad were separated and rejoice in Christ Jesus and have no confidence in the flesh we're set apart for my though I might also have confidence in the flesh if any other man think of thirty hath whereof he might trust in the flesh I'm more circumcised the eighth day of the stock of Israel I'm a Benjamin an Hebrew of the Hebrews buddy Paul was somebody I'm a-goin summers don't take me along with a good tire huh here's the Hebrew of Hebrews touching the law of a Pharisee concerning zeal persecuting the church touching the righteousness which is in the law blameless I'm talking about Paul was a bad man okay how wicked Joe I'm fixing to preach on the closing out of some things but then there's some opening of some new things if y'all bear with me here in just a minute verse number 7 but what things were gain to me though I counted lost Christ yay doubtless and I tell all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord I've suffered the loss of all things and do count them but um that I'm a weird Christ be found in him not having my own righteousness which is of the law but that which is through the faith of Christ boy we need some church people to get there the righteousness which is of God by faith that I may know him hallelujah that's why brother Tom's having this lead that's why he's having this sleep that's why the motels are full at night that's why that's why the church is full tonight is because there's the man of God wanting to get you to know him and the power of his resurrection and the Fellowship of his sufferings being made conformable unto his death and if thy means I might obtain I might attain unto the resurrection of the Dead not as though I had already attained either we're already perfect but I follow after it that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ these other words he said I've laid hold on it you know what we want some of y'all loose lay hold of it we want you to lay hold on it so you get a hold of it and it gets a hold of you I'm told max you need to get ahold of him somebody said he's good a strong holding they're troubling north him and trusting me man but I'm telling you they something you need to lay hold you need to lay hold on him verse number 13 brethren I cannot myself to have apprehended but that's one thing I do forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forth front of those things which are before I press towards the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ they say some things that God wants you to close down and close out in these meetings and if you will close some things down God is going to open some things up you have never seen the door that God opens until you in your flesh decide to close the door that you think you can't close their skeletons in the heart of ever believer can I have your imagination there's rooms in the heart of every believer that you have closed the door and the flesh is trying its best to get you to reopen that door I know what I'm preaching about I can't do it like a youth could do it brother gravity but I'm glad to still be doing it the best I can say is some doors in my heart and there's some rooms in my heart that I have closed the door and held God has opened some doors that would have never been open had I not closed some doors in my heart I need you to hear me I get to riding down the roads every now and then with the pressures of the ministry and the motive sound trying to be drove by and all of Hell will crawl on me in my mind all of hella Crono me in my heart and the devil and say you know what kind of opportunity you could have had this go open that door you might ought to be real careful opening a closed door that's you and God have said somebody said you're preaching ain't making no sense to me I promise you there's a handful but gods are ringing your bell and gods are saying you better hear the message and keep the door closed I don't know how to say things but say things had I'd have married the young lady that all the church thought I should have married I wouldn't be here had I took the job that everybody said I should have took brother Allen fresh out of school the power company North Georgia Electric now went and talked to my preacher about it it was an opportunity out of this world and I said preacher I'm bothered and I said and everybody's telling me how foolish I be if I don't take this job and the man of God looked at me and he said if you ain't got no piece to take it he said I don't care how good it is he said you keep doing what you're doing we better be careful teaching our young ones to seek a career god help us to get em to see I'm telling you I wish dasu printed one of my Sheldon sermons but I ain't got it tonight they sub doors that God has allowed you to close if you ain't careful you gonna open them up you're gonna be in a mess there's people leaving churches because of wrong choices and I may make a wrong show us tonight and reopen some doors that don't need to be opened let us therefore verse 15 as many as be perfect be less minded complete material that word perfect doughnut that word perfect bother you complete thank God we need some complete Christians we need some material Christians but thus minded anything anything you'd be otherwise minded God shall reveal even under you even under you under this under you I'm telling you the mind is a powerful thing ladies and gentlemen Paul dealt with a mind I will read this chapter read the book of Lipton's and just study the mind and look if it's gonna be amazing what God will show you Paul said man let me tell you I persecuted the church I killed them I killed them saints of God can you imagine brother Mark I'm telling you my mind get some him to anybody I'm telling you I ain't never slaughtered a Christian I've never killed a Christian but can I tell you brother gravely I'm guilty man guilty of mutilate them with this man said by the crimeans on thank you later said in his church they're shacked up very limited cm-1 the name of God thinks they come down here and the Holy Ghost got ahold of me and said y'all to be glad they're coming to church if you are not careful we will come neon the very crowd that God has see it our way while they're trying to close the door me and you will close the one God's trying to open on them number one you pass walk Paul had a past walk he had a walk it haunted him young people you got a past that's killing me mommies and daddies God wants you to live in victory you can't live in victory because of what happened yesterday yesteryear it's honing you I've got a paste brother what's trout ain't proud of gravity if he sets a spirit of aggregates on me I want you to tell me I've got this much so to speak of the past that I could brag about I'm favored I feel I'm the most favorite preacher God's ever had I could write a book he'll have God's blessing I mean I could just talk to you all day about the blessings of God and I'm not trying to sound you tell me but gravity I got that much of a paste nobody y'all look at me I was raised on set of steeple I'm 42 year old I couldn't take what alcohol tastes like I can't even tell you what a cigarette tastes like I've said some remarks across this country everybody thinks I'm so addicted Knight nothing but a big old back at you and huntin hide it say stuff to get y'all talkin that's right Heather you know that's a familiar a man praise God brother James I've got a past I can't write down I don't want you to know about you've got to hear me listen to me young uns it's killing me and they some of you in here whether gravely I'm telling you you set me down he's talked to me for spirit of aggregate see right here they some of you sitting in here you've got this much of a bad past and that much of a pack that you want to talk about this much you don't want to talk about you're gonna talk about this about I got real good news I got real good news that Fellowship Baptist Church he's a dump truck the size of heaven that you can't see that God's just waiting on you to say I'm so tired and for him to pull the relief valve on the little home the channels on the car oh I'm doing bad God's waiting on you to say I'm tired I'm we ready I mean grace I live therefore we're seeing about grace did much more abound and for your lota grace hey if you're just letting go ahead and bend it and he'd raise it up and you'd say wow you mean if I would have closed that door a decade ago this guess what I got you're gonna say something like this god is that really real oh yeah some of you old-timer sitting in here you may have gray in your hair you selling yourself short because you're living in your past walk of your flesh when your presence could be very fashionable Paul net with a pice walk of the flesh but he had a present walk that was very possible very possible you got paisley own brother gravity I love Paisley hissing here was freebie got that from a Jew somebody holler a man I step meeting they said nope I couldn't get all you won't hold them ties don't tell me my name is Jimmy I'll take anything you give me somebody holler a man are y'all with me that's a band Houston baby that's a $35 tie at the JC Penney's somebody hollering man oh yeah brother I said go back our pres I'm talking about they had duck trouble here you went to yeah and and I've lost some weight I'm gonna fit in some em britches next time I go a friend who's our heart rate man I mean you got to go the 10th factory where I used to be but now I can go to JC finishing my suit Alleluia Paisley was in style when me and he started she went out of style I kept worrying huh they some of you you can be very fashionable if you just go ahead and close that no we're very fashionable your your your hey right there's that little dude I didn't know yours either uh-oh don't you tell on me I want some more okay lord help I got to get back to preaching that's the little fellow that given to me somebody holler a man is dead e huh I've got to quit I'm quitting right here mix 8:42 I've been preaching about 30 minutes I'm not quit went out of fashion what verify some taste something walking with Christ it's always always the end I don't matter I got a daughter and I got ammo and I can raise ten boys to onenote or something you mean my daughter say Amen I'm talking about dad that's naughty and I said don't tell me it ain't me and it's in this house it's in your closet here in my house that's my closet and what's in my house and your college you go wire so it's in you she said daddy honey me in that town I said no it said walking with Jesus is always in and they some of you should close that door you ain't never seen the like of being fashionable and all of your life later Pais walk he debt where there's a present walk he deal but listen there's a plan walk they was a plan walk he did with he said imma look in verse number 14 he said I pressed towards the mark of the prize don't know they's a plan I'm about done they's a plan there's a plan that God has for you can I say it like this there's one plan God has for you the devil's got you a hundred plans the flesh has a hundred plans but ain't satisfied they not safe they not spiritual they not secure and there is no success in all them plans there's one plan God has for you and this weekend God wants to reveal himself I hate preaching the first sermon fellers I hate preaching the first and then the licen y'all know but it's what he said there's a plan and if you don't close the door of the past and allow God to open the door of the present your plan is gonna be exactly like your past and you're gonna die hone it and miserable so I'm gonna get on down to my level as a pastor and an evangelist doing what I do if I don't keep that door closed and stay out of that room my planned walk is gonna mess around and haunt me because it's going to be a lot like my past walk and instead of me being fashionable in my presence I'm gonna be flesh me foolish and filled with all kind of anxiety and problems because I was not willing to close out some things that the Holy Ghost wanted me to close out I'm fixing to quit I promise you there's a plan whomped it deals with your future what's yours looking like what's your plan what's your plans looking like young person the sweet Holy Spirit of God's whispered in your ear and told you what the clothes and what the quid I feel like we're probably gonna have some more preaching brother mark I really feel strong about an invitation said okay sister what's yours looking like according to the present moment of our walk will statistically fulfill our future walk unless we will accept a plan that have changed our present walk that soon shall be our pice walk we could leave here tonight with a whole new plan in our walk that would bring glory and honor to the king God told me to read they won't quote it but I've misquote the Holy Spirit give that to me to close my sermon I didn't get that out of notebook take some mother's can I say something real sad I don't want nobody to come to me I'm not gonna tell brother gravely there's three pastors today that have sought counsel from me that their home is insurance pastors not preachers and Curtis today I have dealt with three pastors on my phone [Music] somebody said are they bad pastors they gods man got to God all over them but they got a spouse that's reopening doors that don't need to be over and that could be some of you entertaining the thought in here I'm sorry to kill it like this ain't talking about preachers brother gravity I'm so filled with anxiety I can't even study hardly cuz I'm having to pray so much three pastors that I preached revivals far God don't intervene brother Stewart they come back preachers I'm talking about pastor that may come back no there's some of God's finest me somebody said do I know don't matter if you know God knows him by the way all these preachers and everybody know they taint happy that that happen take heaven take that happen it's better me and then I'll ever be that ought to be where I'm at I can't help what gods that happen to us and when we get to heaven I'm going to have to set out it's gonna be some little own country preachers in the hills and this connection that's had ten or twelve people but they've been faithful to God and God's gonna say here's some of my choice me we better find us a place in this our young people middle-aged people have older people and keep some doors closed [Music] with stayin [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Fellowship Baptist
Views: 6,691
Rating: 4.8222222 out of 5
Id: QkvxcKE02cU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 32sec (3272 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 29 2017
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