4-15-21 What Do You Do in the Meantime - Mark Stroud

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[Music] we are the church the chosen bride of christ we have the imprint of his cross upon our lives the highest christ was made when the lamb of god was made the perfect and most holy sacrifice we have won missions one reason to remain to raise the cross of jesus and magnify his name we preach christ who was crucified and risen from the grave we preach christ the only one who has a strength to save the message we proclaim is [Music] [Music] the voice that cries the truth today and of this truth we will never be ashamed though many doubters rise and reject the claims of christ god's unchanging work will still remain we have this moment this hour to seek and save the laws to speak the name of jesus and point them to the cross we preach christ who is crucified and risen from the grave we preach christ the only one who has the strength to save the message we proclaim is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] christ [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] guys [Music] let's all stand together tonight if you feel like shaking somebody's saying you can if you think they might kill you you don't have to whatever you want to do don't breathe on nobody amen brother eric you come on your family get ready buddy so [Music] all right right before you're seated uh today is a special day for us here at calvary because one of the fellas that we could not do without is having a birthday today so i would like for our music director brother james parker to come and brother james we have a card for you it's for a happy meal at mcdonald's amen this young man is over all of the music here in this church and every year you come it gets a little better a little better and he does a great job with that and he and his wife are expecting their first child coming up here just really soon and so they're excited about that well you can go ahead and be seated to join tonight to have the eric ollis family with us brother eric is one of my dearest friends and i appreciate him and his family uh his son mikey of course peyton and miss lord and we're so glad they're with us they were just with brother mark here recently on easter and uh just glad that they beat us tonight they're gonna do a song that i wanted them to do tonight then after that i'm gonna do something special for brother mark stratt with the group here in the church that i think he'll kind of like he kind of likes going back a few years so they're going to go back a few years here in a minute but anyway you pray for the msa syndrome [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] my up and ears that there is like yesterday today he's the same there is still power [Music] is [Music] today he's the same his name his story is [Music] amen thank god for that i'm glad he's real tonight they'll be singing some more for us in the morning and we're looking forward to that brother mark i have something for you tonight right after i heard this i wouldn't got a haircut no it's got nothing to do with the standard all right but anyway these are some guys from our church a couple well one preacher in it and the rest of them just a bunch we picked up but uh they know i like this style so they work on it and i want you to enjoy this old song i told brother eric i said brother echo i wanted you to hear this and so i trust tonight that you'll enjoy [Music] oh magnify him glorify him praise his name [Music] wonderful grace of jesus greater than all my sin how shall my tongue describe it where shall its praise begin begin taking away my burden setting my spirit free for the wonderful grace of jesus reach [Music] deeper than the mighty rollins [Music] sin is foreign o magnify the precious name of jesus praise his name wonderful grace of jesus reaching to all the laws giving me liberty for the wonderful grace of jesus reaches me reaches me wonderful grace me wonderful grace of jesus reaching the most defiled bias purchasing peace and heaven for all eternity for the wonderful grace of jesus reaches me wonderful the match is [Music] [Applause] oh magnify the precious name of jesus praise his name o magnify o glorified praise the name of jesus wonderful grace of jesus praise his name i was going to join the group but i'm too busy he wasn't able to do that so hey man i appreciate these guys and they come here and heard them doing that one day and i thought i liked that amen well let's go ahead and stand tonight if you would this is jubilee 2021 here calvary we are glad to be back in church of course we've been in church for a long time but uh just a joy to be able to i told someone besides just the meeting itself just getting to see some of our friends we haven't seen in a long time and one of my dear friends is pastor mark stratton all the way down from georgia and uh i appreciate him being with us and you pray for him tonight god will use him and uh preacher you preach god bless you well if you've got your bible open it with me to the book of romans in chapter number eight you would think that with it being brother james's birthday he'd have took the night off and let me sing that bass part on that he should have rested on his birthday let me sing that trying to figure out which one it was singing it so i could figure out who i was black i need to break before the next time i came back and uh get to uh get to sing with those fellas that's an old i mean some of you old times these kids don't know who the cathedrals were but that's back when george allison and glenn payne were singing with the cathedrals many years ago and they'd sing that old song and and i like that i like that convention style singing it's a blessing to me romans chapter number eight what a blessing it is to be here i asked a preacher earlier today we were on telephone and i said man how's the week been going he said have been going great and man bro joe starts it off on monday night and then brother kaiken doll and then her brother last night and i thought man this is one of them weeks where you wish you got to preach in the first part of the week amen as a young preacher you always want to be the last preacher but the older i get was i'm wanting to be the first preacher amen i know one night we were at brother sammy allen's and he called he called all the way brother samuel could do it he said hey i want brother tony had brother bart to come to the platform i thought why both of us he got up there and he said hey boys i don't care which one preaches first but both of you are going to preach and man before i could get out of my mouth brother tony said i'm preaching first and man he got up there and saying glory to his name for about 25 minutes and they shouted and ran and then he preached and i looked at brother believe i said i ain't preaching next praise god i said i'm going home amen there wasn't no sins to be no preaching after that amen but it is a joy to be here i love you pastor and i appreciate the opportunity to be here in jubilee i thank god that we're getting to go back to church and have some meetings amen i think folks need some meetings they need to be encouraged and uh man what a blessing it is to be here appreciate brother matt coming what a shame that brother duncan had to come out we would leave within 30 minutes of each other and he got drove all the way up here to hear me preach about that's terrible i told him i said man if i'd known that you're gonna roll with me it wouldn't have cost you anything amen yeah but i appreciate brother duncan i'm so glad god helped him just in his health these last few weeks i love brother douglas he stood the test of time in our area and i appreciate that brother as uh i'm not the kid preacher anymore but i'm still not the old preacher and i appreciate men of god that have gone ahead of me that have marked the prayer that are still the way they were when they started and i bless the lord for that he was a friend to my pastor brother willard and i love brother duncan love his family appreciate brother man it's good to see brother davey amen amen i tried to find one of his outlines in his bible he wouldn't let me have his bible amen amen i love you brother chisholm good to see you romans chapter number eight we'll begin reading in verse number 14. the bible said for as many as are led by the spirit of god they are the sons of god for you have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear but you have received the spirit of adoption whereby we cry abba father the spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit that we are the children of god and at the children and if children then heirs of god and join heirs with christ if so be if so be that we suffer with him that we may be also glorified together he said for i reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us for the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of god for the creature was made subject to vanity not willing but by the reason of him who has subjected the same in hope because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of god for we know not that the whole cro for we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now not only they but ourselves also which have the first fruits of the spirit even we ourselves grown within ourselves waiting for the adoption to wit the redemption of our body for we are saved by hope but hope that is seen is not hope for what a man seeth why do they yet hope for but if we hope for that we see not then do we with patience wait for it likewise the spirit also helpeth our infirmities for we know not what we should pray for as we all but the spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered you cannot be seated i want to turn my attention back to verse number 23 and with the lord's help if you'll listen fast i'll do my best to preach fast but the bible said in verse number 23 and not only they but ourselves also which have the first fruits of the spirit even we ourselves grown within ourselves waiting for the adoption to win the redemption of our body with the help of the lord i want to take my text in verse number 23 tonight and i want to preach on what do you do in the meantime what do you do in the meantime as we go and make our way into romans chapter number eight you don't have to be much of a bible student to realize or when you walk in the verses of romans chapter number 8 you have walked into one of the great treasure chapters of the word of god and you would think man if we were treasure hunters tonight and we walked into a diamond mind or we walked into a gold mine or we uncovered some treasure chest our eyes would gleam up with the happiness that we had uncovered a treasure or that was beyond our comprehension and can i tell you as we walk into romans chapter number eight uh that's one of those kind of places of one writer said it this way or that romans eight has been called of the declaration of freedom for the child of god that what martin luther said it was the eighth it was the eighth romans eight was a masterpiece of the new testament romans 1 16 declared for i'm not ashamed of the gospel of christ for it is the power of god uh unto salvation are you just just saying it are we preach christ how can i tell you in our day i know it's 2021 but if gospel preach it it's not going to get the job done or we might as well lock the doors or we might as well disconnect the power or we might as well sell the buses or we might as well close the bank accounts can i tell you i'm as convinced as i've ever been under the gospel of the lord jesus christ has as much power in our day as it ever has amen i tell you what you need to do a man of god if you're discouraged if you're downtrodden in the way i'll find you a gospel text amen up in your ears back a mouth a pulpit and tell the good news of the gospel of the lord jesus christ again and can i tell you romans chapter number eight of that is the culmination of romans 1. i'm telling you we've come a long way since romans 1 and no longer are we under condemnation amen but thank god that condemnation has gone and now we've gone from accusation to justification we've gone from unrighteousness to righteousness all in seven chapters thank god for the truth in romans 8. amen i tell you listen as we come into romans chapter number 8 you walk in on the ground that there's no condemnation to destroy and when you exit romans chapter number eight you find that there's no separation that can divide hallelujah he said for there is now therefore no condemnation unto them which are in christ jesus and then as he closes romans 8 he said what he said what them can separate us from the love of god i'm glad there's nothing in heaven i'm glad there's nothing below the earth but there's nothing in the earth or that can separate us from the love of god i'm telling you there's no condemnation and there's no separation and right smack dab in the middle of that we find the verse that said all things all work together for good to them to love god and are called according to his purpose aren't you glad friend with all the hell that's going on in the world you and i have got a promise amen that we are not condemned anymore and there's nothing of the love of god is greater fire or the tugger pen can never tell if we within the ocean field it sits at the sky where a parchment made but can i tell you what with the love of god i'll benefit you and i if we can be separated from it humble can i tell you there'll never be another day or there'll never be another second or there'll never be another minute there'll never be another hour there'll never be another week there'll never be another month and can i tell you when time has come to an end i will be basking in the love of god we'll be basking in the love of god when you walk into romans 8 you find that there's a new law well look at what it said in verse 25 of chapter 7 he said so then with the mind i myself serve the law of god but with the flesh the law of sin i'm glad romans didn't end in chapter seven amen friend i'm glad rome was getting in in chapter seven boy one through seven he's been dealing with sin he's been dealing with self and he's been dealing with satan but thank god when you make your way into romans chapter number eight i listen in romans 7 you find words like i and me and my of a neighbor when you make your way into romans chapter number eight it's no longer about i it's no longer about me it's no longer about my but thank god he begins to tell us of the victory that we have through the spirit of god amen i'm not going to let a charismatic scare me away up from the fruits of the holy ghost i'm not going to let them scare me away from the power of the god the holy ghost brings to our meetings and can i tell you what paul does in romans 8 he snatches victory out of the jaws of defeat because he even said the things that i do he said man i have the things that i'm doing so once i don't want to be doing and what i want to be doing that's not what i'm doing but all of a sudden when he makes that change he said now i want you to know there's no a condemnation one of the greatest uh one of the greatest verses of hope in the word of god is there is now now listen you ought to put one foot on now and one foot oh no and decide you're going to serve god when you were going to hell how you were condemned and can i tell you when you believe not the bible said you were condemned already but i want to thank god for the glad hour as a 13 year old boy or when i bowed on the holy ghost conviction and i got off the most wanted list and i got in the family of god almighty and i'm rejoicing tonight but that there is no condemnation to them that which are in christ jesus one of paul's favorite phrases shows up at every one of his epistles you say what is in christ jesus well i think probably one of the greatest one of the greatest illustrations of what it means to be in christ jesus is found in the book of genesis amen amen we've got fellows today they don't want to read anything but the pauline epistles i wonder what verses they thought he was talking about when he said search the scriptures for they testify me i mean that was the son of god and he was saying search the scriptures what scriptures was he talking about the old testament amen neighbor amen friend all scripture is given it's said you say what does in christ jesus mean well fellas if you don't understand what that means we'd have to go back to noah and the ark amen hey he was already in the ark and he said y'all come on in here amen hey what about that the bible said god shut them in he noah's the one he could access that win and he wanted any time he wanted to but that door was controlled by the son of god amen friend i'm telling you what he said it was pitched within and without that's the same word as atonement that's where we got into christ amen what about the fact when noah got ready to take him and his family uh into that ark he didn't say drive eight stakes on the outside and you hold on the best you can until the flood's done he said you better hold on to your wife and they better hold on to their wives and bo no you better hold on to your sons and ain't what he said he said come in the ark thank god friend and when they got in there the door was shut and can i tell you that pitch that was within and without i was the only thing of that ark a picture of the son of god i tell you what was between noah and the judgment of god but there was an ark that had been pitched within and pitched without and can i tell you as a 13 year old boy when i got born again when i got saved by the good grace of god he said come into the ark and can i tell you why the wrath of god i will never get a lick at me how can i tell you why the condemnation of god i will never get a swing at me because as a 13 year old boy i got in him and he got in me and because he did there's no condemnation verse 2 said no control of sin verse 3 shouldn't continue in sin he said man there's a new law he walked into romans 8 and i can see the spirit of god and the holy ghost and god the son swinging that little revolver said there's a new sheriff in town praise god amen friend amen what about it standing at ruth chapter number rule chapter number four there's 10 of them 10 witnesses at the gate and we we say a whole lot about boaz and we ought to say very little about that near kinsman and near kinsman's a picture of the law that near kinsman he said he said i tell you what he said you go ahead and he said you go ahead and redeem her he said it's yours you're the near kings but he said oh no he said i would mar that's his words he said i would mar mine inheritance amen how could i tell you listen is the law seeing god for me he said i'd have not known sin had it not been for the law but all the law could do for you i was put you under conviction and draw you to the feet of the son of god but that was as far as it could go he couldn't go any further but he dropped you off on the doorstep of the grace of god all that law could have done was condemned you because listen if it had mercy on you or grace on you it would have marred his inheritance but thank god there was a kinsmen redeemer who dotted every eye and crossed every t and because he did there's a new law in town then he said there's a new lord in town amen the new lord verse 5 through 13. he's controlling our mind in verse 5 through 7. he's controlling our motives in verse 8 9. he's controlling our members in verse 10 through 13. then you get into verse 14 through verse number 39 and he begins to talk to us about a new life we're waiting for the redemption of the body amen i got up this morning that old song they used to sing years ago sister pacquiao they used to sing what a beautiful day for the lord to come again amen and man i walked out and the sun was shining this morning in the and the skies were blue and i thought my what a beautiful day for the lord to come again and i'll be a little disappointed when he closed out the night and he's not coming back but i promise you tomorrow morning i'm going to get up with the expectation in my heart that the son of god's coming back but what do we do in the meantime years ago in haiti the cape haitian in a cape haitian orphanage there was a little girl her name was caronette a little seven-year-old girl you'd have to look hard to find her because she looked just like all the other 57 orphans in in that little orphanage they you'd have looked at her she'd have been a small be a little child wearing a pink shirt and curly hair the long nose if you'd have looked at her you'd have thought she looked like all of the other orphans in that little orphanage she slept in the same aluminum bed she ate the same rice and beans she played on the same grassless playground she slept under the same metal roof that the other 56 little orphaned girls have slept under and when they said when it rained it would beat on that i'll beat on that ten roof so bad that it would almost keep them awake all night long but they said if you wouldn't you would have noticed it but said she was living in a different world than those other children they said she was living in what they called a world to be because she had been adopted if you'd have seen her she'd have been carrying a little a little packet of pictures because when her mom and dad to be a came and adopted her they brought her a few things they they brought her a little bear and they brought her some candies and granola bars and then they brought her this little book of pictures the first thing the little girl did was she took her little bear to the mistress of the orphan and said would you please i'll watch my bear so nobody takes it and that lady did that and the first thing caronette did after that she went and took her granola bars and she took the candies that are our parents to be brought her and she gave it to all her friends and he said if you'd have walked up to karennet i said you could have asked her if you could see her pictures and said if you stood there and looked at her long enough you wouldn't had to ask but because she would have taken she would have taken her little picture book and began to show you the pictures you say what was that well she gave her bear to the mistress and she gave her candies away about what that little picture book contained i was a picture of her daddy to be and a picture of her mother-to-be and a picture of her siblings to be and a picture of a home to be how can i tell you friend does that not sound like they said every time that gate would swing open carry that's a little hard to i would jump up in her bosom because she thought that was the gate opening up to when her daddy to be and her new mama was gonna come and carry her own can i tell you friend that does that not sound a little bit somebody unlike somebody you know or maybe yourself and maybe your family and maybe your preacher how can i tell you we're just like she was oh we've been adopted praise god he's already claimed and he's already claimed us he's just not yet come back to get us amen what can i tell you think about carinette i listen she couldn't have paid her way out and you and i couldn't have paid our way out but thanks be unto god when you come to your adoption you don't have to pay for it but you don't have to sign your name but thank god all you've got to do is accept it if you're here and you're not saved it'd be a good night to get adopted in the family amen amen what about it before karen had ever knew she needed to be adopted her dad had already filed the paperwork glory to god and can i tell you son how old are you how long ago jesus died two thousand years so he died before he was born pretty solid fact ain't it amen just a few years just 1986 years 84 years what about that long before you ever knew you needed to be adopted he filed the paperwork for your soul and i might as well back that up a little bit that didn't happen 2 000 years ago revelation said he was slain he's a lamb slain for the foundation of the world yeah amen friend amen brother david i'm talking about genesis 24 before rebecca ever knew there was abraham and before rebecca ever knew there was an eleazar and before rebecca ever knew there was an isaac what did abraham say he looked at elias or said go i'd go to my land and go to take a life i mean boy they were talking behind their back they didn't she didn't know they were coming but she didn't have no idea what was going on but listen before they ever did she ever knew them but they knew her thank god friend aren't you glad that before you needed to be adopted he already filed the paperwork on your behalf amen can i just say it this way there's no stepchildren in heaven now grandparents hold onto your seat they ain't no grandchildren in heaven either there's only children and we're heirs and joint heirs with him you know what it said about abraham in genesis 24 when oh eliaser was a bragging when eliaser was a bragging of rebecca she said my master he's rich he's got a lot of gold he's got a lot of silver he's got flocks and he's got herds and he said guess what he's got a boy he's got a son and everything that the father's had has been given into the hand of the son and can i tell you if everything our father has has been given into the hand of the son of that means we're an heir and a joint heir with him and whatever he gets we get what are you saying preacher i'm saying this she had been adopted just not transported she had a new family just not a new house she had a new daddy she just hadn't seen his face yet hallelujah so what was where was karen karinette living she was living between what is and what will be can i tell you tonight when you pulled up in the church parking lot you found yourself living between what is and what will be amen god help us if we're if we're in the shape we're in right now um what about it where we can't even protect an unborn child amen we had somebody gonna run for the attorney general in jordan she said i'm gonna fight for the ones i'm going to fight for the ones who have no power and she's been one of one of the most outspoken about protecting abortion rights i thought ma'am did you not read what you just wrote or read or said you're gonna who's who's got less ability to defend themselves than the unborn we're in a mess boys i got good news it's gonna get better it's gonna get a lot better and it's going to get better real fast when the son of god comes but can i tell you listen as much as i'm looking for the lord to come we've got to understand we're living in what is and we've got to get to what will be so what do we do in the meantime and can i tell you sometimes it's mean uh sometimes it's tough you have to deal with things like covet and chemotherapy and backbiters and backstabbers and pharisees and liberals and compromisers but can i tell you sometimes listen sometimes those kind of folks will make you think you bought a timeshare in afghanistan amen and you think dear god what am i going to do in the meantime i tell you god gives us a word in the meantime hey can i tell you one thing we may be pilgrims and strangers but we're not orphans we're not orphans praise god three things that i'm done number one how do we how do we live in the meantime look at your bible verse 14. i want to say if we're going to make it in the meantime we're going to have to live by the position that we have received from the father amen notice what he said for as many as are led by the spirit of god they are the sons of god in the old testament it was a pillar of fire by night and it was in a cloud by day but aren't you glad thank god that you got when you got born again of the third person of the godhead the holy ghost moved into you amen friend as medias are led by the spirit i've had them come up to the come up to me we had certain votes back many years ago and i had a husband and wife come up and told me uh what the husband voted her one way and the wife voted the other and she said well we both just tried to mind the lord i and i just couldn't keep my mouth shut y'all pray for me y'all couldn't pray i said now hold on i said y'all both doing what the holy ghost said i said do you really think god's going to tell you to do one thing and tell him to do another amen friend that's not the way it works i'm telling you that that fire at night was clear it was concise and it was conspicuous and can i tell you god i can still lead us that way you think about eliezer when he got rebecca y'all got to pray for that's on my mind i preached that last night on god leads his dear children alone i ain't got that all out of my system yet amen here he is he goes out there and let me just say this while i'm hitting it all that rebecca enjoyed and all that isaac enjoyed out of rebecca and all the blessings of god happened as a result of one specific prayer he didn't say lord send me the right one he said lord i want you to send me one out here is going to draw me some water and go draw my camel some water and said thereby i'll know she's the one you said would to god that some of us would get it through our mind other to quit pray in these general prayers and start asking god for some specific things a specific prayer produces specific results amen over at luke 11 he said lord teach us to pray he heard the lord pray he said teach us to pray as john did and what did he do he went over and he said man what if you had a friend that went to his neighbor's house and said give me three loaves he didn't say hey you got anything to eat he didn't say you got any bread he said i need three loafs when's the last time you went to god and said i need three loaves why don't you quit praying about the light bill and say lord i need 125 17. my light bill's never been that low amen we're saying my mom and dad passed away back in december we're selling their house and they paid ten thousand seven hundred fifty dollars for a 1400 square foot ranch home on an acre land 1969. mama told me one time before she died she said our our our power she said our house bill our house payment never got over 160 dollars i said mama i'd shout run around the yard if my power bill was 160 everybody okay is it the reason we ain't getting no prayers answered it's because we're praying in such general terms if god answered it he wouldn't get any glory amen amen he said three loaves i'm glad thank god you pray to the penny you can pray to the day you can pray exactly what you need and god can do it but every bit of that was a result of a specific prayer amen but what did all eliazer do you talk about a salesman preacher here comes elias or abraham picture god the father eliza liliazer a picture of the holy ghost isaac a picture of the son of god you say why is abraham a picture of the father he is the father of the promised son who had a miracle birth glory to god amen and amen and amen what did he do he walks up to a woman he's never seen convinces her to go with a man she's never seen to go marry another man she's never seen man i believe he could have sold ice to an eskimo can i get a witness right there amen i mean man listen he brought that part he didn't say anything about himself he didn't say look at what a good servant i am he said let me tell you about abraham let me tell you about isaac he said isaac is handsome isaac is rich abraham's rich aren't you glad for when the holy ghost comes to you and begins to testify the father how can i tell you why you love the son but because the spirit of god came to you and began to testify and began to brag he didn't just convince her a bloody comforter and he counseled her he took her to isaac he told her about isaac he told her about isaac aren't you glad the position that you've got in the lord it comes with a built-in leader how we gonna make it not just by being the leading of the spirit but what about the love of the father look at verse 15. he said for you have not received the spirit of bondage given fear but you've received the spirit of adoption whereby we cry abba father to understand verse 15 you need to understand a little bit about roman adoption roman adoption was a very difficult thing because they they had a it was a law called patria protestas which means with the father was the ian say he had all the power in the home matter of fact if you were a grown man you never became a grown man until your dad died and there were two parts to roman adoption the first one was called mancipatio and said what they would do the man that was going to be adopted would come and his father and then the father that they were going to be a part of that new family they'd come and a big scale would be set up on the desk and that father who would sell his son and and the other man would put the money up there and they would redeem it the first time and then they'd do it again and that father that was going to let him be adopted i redeemed it the second time but the third time he sold him the father didn't redeem him which meant that that power was broken and that other father could come and take him i'd take him to be a part of his family first place they went was to the courthouse and that's not it was called vindicatio that that new father would take his oral arguments and his legal argument to the judge and argue the case before the judge oh my that he wanted to adopt this other child um aren't you glad somebody argued your case that old song said mercy walked in amen if mercy walked in and can i tell you listen there were four things that that adoption meant that one well the first one was this the person who was adopted lost all his rights in the old family because he had a new family can i get a witness you know why you don't fit in with the drunks anymore you don't fit in with the people of the night the reason you don't feel it in a bar the reason you walk in somewhere and you hear them carrying on in a place of eating that feels like man that's strange to you can i tell you why because you've lost all rights in that whole family hey man had you got a new family it also meant that the adopted son had a new inheritance and he became an heir of the estate of his new father and can i tell you he was as much of an heir as the bloodball to other bloodburst sons there was nothing diminished about their part and nothing diminished about his part aren't you glad tonight you and i can live with a hope in our heart there is a better inheritance on its way what about the here's the one i like in roman law if you got adopted roman law said that your previous alive before you were adopted was erased it meant if you had any debts they were canceled if you had any wrongs they were erased sounds a little bit like the old song what sins are you talking about i don't remember them anymore from the book of life they've all been torn out i don't remember them anymore the fourth thing that it meant was in the wrong eyes of the roman court that person was absolutely the son of the new father amen i'm not waiting on to be a son of god boys you don't have to endure to be a son of god when you got saved can i just say this to you fellas maybe it'll help you the principle of justification is this you can't do anything to make him love you more and you can't do anything to make him love you less hallelujah because when he sees you he sees you as justified freely through the blood of the lord jesus christ but chris they said one thing they would do after that when this adoption was going on it would be it would be witnessed by ten witnesses and so that was just in case the folks that were involved in the adoption died there would be somebody who remembered that that boy had been adopted amen can i tell you brother edgar's gone brother willard's gold and a lot of them old men of god that used to preach to me when i was a boy when i got saved for the edgar was still our pastor and he's gone but can i tell you there was a witness there that day when i got born again he's not gone amen when brother willard died he did not leave about the very witness that witnessed it in my heart or that witnesses it tonight in my soul he's still alive and if we're going to make it in the meantime we're going to have to live in the position that has been given to us by the father number two quickly man i've been preaching too long number two not only what are you going to do in the meantime not only are you going to live by the position given to us by the father then look at verse 18 by the prospects that we've reckoned through the future i reckon that's an accounting term that means the books are balanced all the numbers are in my mom was an accountant my wife is an auditor ain't that a blessing you marry red-headed auditor and see how that goes for you praise god amen is this live stream fellas mute hit the mute button for a minute she sends me messages i'm glad i'm not on the internet because she'll send me a message and said i am listening i remember when i first got my first checkbook and i i liked this entry force balance that meant if i was out 25 cents i didn't feel like it was that important to go back and find it so i would make a deposit or a withdrawal adjustment and i would force my checkbook to balance and that was all well and good until mama got a hold of my checkbook and she said son you don't ever do your checkbook in pyeong you do it in pencil and she showed me why because we sat down for the next two and a half hours and we found that 25 cents amen are you listening we found that 25 cent but can i tell you paul was not doing a force adjustment paul knew what it meant to be shipwrecked paul knew what it meant to be beaten with rods paul knew what it meant about drown in the deep paul knew what it'd be what it was to have blood running down his back paul knew what the inside of a jail looked like paul knew what it was to be persecuted for preaching the gospel what about it friend how about all paul said it doesn't matter about the beatings and it doesn't matter about the shipwrecks and it does not matter about the drownings and it does not matter about the persecutions because when it's all said and done i'm telling you this present affliction it's not worthy to be compared unto the glory that shall be revealed in us uh what about the reckoning of the future it's going to get good before it gets over amen amen i want you to notice quickly look at your bible look at your bible look at verse 22 he talks about the groans of the creation when the lord got done in genesis he said it's good he said it's good but that good creation now neighbor is a groaning creation it's a girl you can look in romans 8 it talks about bondage and corruption and suffering and vanity all of those describe the plight of creation but can i tell you their pain the creation's pain is going to end when ours does praise god he's going to he's going there's going to be a new heaven and a new earth the elements are gonna melt with a fervent heat and praise god there's gonna be a new heaven and a new earth and that creation that's been grown and that creation has been grown and since genesis chapter number three it ain't gonna be rejoined anymore it's not going to be growing anymore but the trees are going to be clapping their hands and the birds are going to be singing and creation is going to be green and glory to god and can i tell you that's exactly like we are not only is there a groaning of a creation but there's the groaning of a christian amen and these next verses are growing of a christian i ain't telling nobody to take a lap yet ain't saw nobody just get full shout the house down you know why because some of us are grown [Music] some of our hearts are broken this last year some of us have been ado to those that we loved preachers said it before one of your own young men a teenage boy fighting cancer has groaning that's groaning that's heartbreak deacon going to have a biopsy of his pancreas can i tell you folks don't have biopsies that are pancreas unless somebody thinks something's wrong that's groaning let's grow on it some of you sit here and your kids are not in the will of god they're not even in church you know what you're doing you're growing you're growing just like the earth is growing for her redemption according to verse number 23 you and i are growing under that shame hey you say why just because just like the earth had a foretaste of the glory of god had creation there was no curse and man because of sin that curse came and can i tell you just like we we got adopted when you got born again just like the nation of ears we've got the first fruits of canaan when those spies brought the grapes of and the honey and the grapes of esco and they got a taste of that land they got the first fruits and when you and i got born again we got the foretaste oh we got a little bit of the a down payment of what it's going to be but listen we're not there yet and we're we're groaning in the meantime we're groaning in the meantime oh we've been adopted we've got let me ask you something we get so used to sleeping on them hard beds we get so used to eating the rice and beans of this world we get so used to playing on a grassless playground let me ask you something when's the last time you got so happy you wanted to show somebody your pictures when's the last time you were so overjoyed that this world is not our home that you said can i have a minute i'd like to show you my pictures amen i guarantee you go over there on brother douglas's phone if he's got a smartphone and you ain't gonna have to look far too you're gonna find some pictures of some grandbabies amen i'll tell you right here you ain't gonna have to go far on their phone until you see a picture of danielle now the son-in-law if he's here maybe not him but danielle there's gonna be one in there hey matter of fact when i was putting my towel i looked over there and there was a picture of the wedding you say why because that's outside of the lord it's the most precious thing to them in their life when's the last time you just got thinking about home got to thinking about the groaning you're in oh my neighbor i guarantee you heaven means more to me now than it did before december i thought heaven meant a lot but when i stood there that morning and i patted my dad on the chest with my left hand i rubbed his head on the right hand i looked down there and i said there's a land that is fairer and by faith we can see it afar for our father waits over the way to prepare us a dwelling place there and i rubbed his head he's dying i said in the sweet bye and bye i got done singing that and i got to sing in a country where no twilight shadows deepen unending day we're not we'll never be i've got to sing in that and i got to sing in beulah land you say why because my heart was groaning my heart was growing my dad my hero my hero didn't wear basketball shorts and have hula hoop earrings and a gold chain around his neck that looked like a log chain my hero wore green dark green uh uniform pants and a light green uniform shirt and had a patch with his name on and walked in with sweated a sweaty work boots and picked up an old ball glove and we went out in the backyard and my heart was groaning and can i tell you when miss pat made our way to heaven your heart was groaning but thank god one day uh brother duncan that groan is not going to be groaning but it's going to be glory and we're going to receive that adoption to win of the resurrection of the body amen what are you groaning about what are you groaning about what's got your heart tore up what's got your heart broken let me ask you something preacher when's the last time you enjoyed the ministry so well you wanted to show somebody your pictures i like what you wrote about sunday just one of them sundays at calvary just one of them sundays yeah you're getting them services you want to say you'll see my pictures you won't see my pictures matter of fact my pictures on my screen shot whatever the screen saver and it's not my 20 year old and my 18 year old it's them when they were four and two princess said i like to go back i wish i could go back just hit the pause button all you mamas of the daddy is these little kids that think it's rough just hold up you think it's hard now you wait till they're about to move out and go to college amen and you can't control the environment anymore we had one of them come to jesus meetings the other night i noticed mama didn't come downstairs and i got done i said some things i need to say to him that a daddy needed to say to a son my daddy told me years ago he said boy he said when you as a boy i whipped you like a boy he said you ever talk to me like that again i was 19 years old he said you're a man now and i whip you like a man let me just help you there son i never talked to my daddy like that again so we had some discussions the other night amen about if i found them in certain places that that would come true in their life y'all pray for me somebody said well they'll turn you in for child abuse they might have turned me in for a long time because if i ever get out it'll be bad hey man friend amen she said i said why didn't you come down there she said well i got to the bottom step and she said i thought you was doing a good job so i didn't come down there she said i was afraid you'd want me to but you know what my mom and dad moved out in december our boys will move out in in august what am i going to do in the meantime my heart's growing brother douglas i don't care how long it's been since miss pat went to heaven you go home to that empty house and i'm not trying to dredge up things you know i love you you'll never be the same because half of you went to heaven amen and you're groaning and you're groaning well what's it gonna be what's it gonna be oh my what will it be when we get over yonder and join the throng around the crystal sea we'll join our loved ones and praise christ forever all this is just what heaven means to me amen what if you get in the gates you hear miss pat getting happy won't be no groaning anymore it'll be glory what do you do number three and i'm done look at your bible verse 25. what do you do in the meantime anybody got any groaning tonight let me see your hand got any groanings in your heart i guarantee you if you're a pastor and you love your people you've got some growings amen number three and i'm done what about what about the person how you gonna live by the position given to us by the father by the by the prospects of our future verse 26 romans 8 we're done what about by the person who rescues us in our failures notice what it says like why is the spirit also help with our infirmities for we know not what we should pray as we all but the spirit itself make an intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered amen do you realize that you may pray sometimes and you don't have words don't work there's some of our prayers that would break the backs of words vocabulary amen there's some of our prayers that you can't pray with words but don't worry your intercessor will pick up that broken jargon no words just sweeping i remember brother buster said he used to lay down and put his head in his bible and some mornings he couldn't even he couldn't even pray and he said i just weep in my bible i wonder if that was some of the greatest praying he ever did are you listening let me give you things and i'll be done come on back to the piana sister wherever you went come on back now if y'all know me that don't mean a thing it just means she's gonna play sue my nerves a little bit amen can i tell you if most of us confessed in here tonight most of us feel helpless about our prayer life we feel like we either don't do it enough or we're not effective in it how do we pray effectively pray in the holy ghost when the spirit maketh intercession somebody said this way the only prayer that gets answered in heaven is the prayer that starts in heaven that means the holy ghost comes when you're praying it puts things in you to pray and you pray them and go right back pretty good way to argue a case that he brought to you to pray so he could go arguing for him before the father see there's divine enablement he helpeth our infirmities then there's divine enlightenment we know what we should pray for as we ought but here's the cur here's the kicker to me what about the divine encouragement the bible said the spirit maketh intercession for us first john 2 said this first john 2 1 said if any man sin we have an advocate with the father an advocate do you know boys that word advocate there is the same word that in john is translated comforter you say what's the big deal well if you need help here you've got a comforter if you need help up there you've got an advocate so it really don't matter where you need help you have help amen you need comfort in this world the world we're left in there's a comforter thank god brother douglas there's a comforter that'll come along and be your companion it'll help you and bear your burdens but then when you mess up on this world and it gets brought up in another world i'm glad that comforter is not just relegated unto operating in this place but thank god before the father there is an advocate on our behalf who is pleasantly can i say it this way our father owns both sides of the river and it don't matter which side you need help on he's there to help you we're living in the meantime aren't we yes sir we're like listen you know what those groanings you say preach how many more am i going to have well let me just say this whatever groaning that you're growing now that just means you're one plate of rice and beans closer to being home you're just one more time on a grassless playground and you're gonna be at home it's just one more night closer in an aluminum bed until you're sleeping in your bed in your new home it's just one night closer till it ain't gonna be a picture anymore but it's gonna be face to face i remember some old dutch sailors were sailing in from being on the ocean for many many weeks they pulled enough and said the captain got a whole you play when you get ready sis got the spy glass out and was looking he started calling names he said there's mary and there's julie and there he just started calling all the names and all the sailors when he was calling their names he were they recognizing the names of their wives he said the only one missing and he called the sailor's name as soon as they docked the ship those other sailors started grabbing their their wives and kissing them and hugging them after being gone for so long that one lone sailor got off the boat went directly up the street made his way up through the town made his way into this home and his wife was fixing supper he said honey i'm home she said man i've been i've been waiting on you he said yeah but honey said all the other wives they were they were looking she said he said all you've been doing is waiting but they've been down there looking let me ask you something how long has it been since you've grown for the throne how long has it been since your heart was moved people say well you can be so heavenly minded you're no earthly good let me just help you there that may sound good but you didn't get that out of the bible i thought it said let this mind be in you which is in christ jesus i mean have we heard that you've been sure so heavily minded now let me tell you when you get heavenly minded the things of god are on your mind and that's what's important to you and listen abraham's whole purpose in genesis 24 was to get a bride and can i tell you the whole purpose of the son of god god the father in this hour is to get his son a bride he's been doing it all these years he's still doing it when he gets done doing it we'll be at the throne what do you do in the meantime hey fellas i know it i know my hair is white and there's a bubble in the middle it didn't used to be that way my hair used to be blonde i didn't have four chins and i could if we put a basketball goal in here i could have beat you amen amen i'm not talking about madden or nba i'm talking about with a real basketball that you bounce and i was still big enough when i was skinny to i could have pushed you around a little bit amen now i push you around a whole lot more i just can't do it as fast as i used to could it seems like i blinked that i've gone from being 18 to my youngest son graduating in about 30 days i didn't think at 18 that i would have this much of a mean time even at 18 years old i believe the lord was coming and i thought man it's the way brother edward preached it i thought it can't be long it can't be long i surrendered to preach at 19 so i've been preaching i've been preaching 28 years and i didn't think my mean time of preaching was going to be this long but it has and i'm looking for the return of christ more than i've ever been looking for it but the kicker is i'm trapped between what is and what will be you say how we're going to make it we're going to live by the position that's given to us by the father we're going to live by the prospects that we have for our future and we're going to live with the person who rescues us in our failures he has given us the spirit not the spirit of bondage but you are a child of god and there's some things that come with that your heart may be groaning tonight your heart may be groaning but just hold on you're just one grown closer to their never been another grown i tell you i can't wait to go to heaven some things not just what's going to be there but i'm happy about a whole lot of things that aren't going to be there i've been pastoring in november be my 20th anniversary i've made enough trips to the to the cemetery to last me a lifetime got a man that's visited our church for the last last on and off the last what brother matt two or three years sitting back with his wife 39 years old had bone marrow transplant not too long ago stayed in the hospital went all through that he works with a mark one brother mark was talking about the other day talking at work on the polo you remember he said he he got in there and talked to him and said i just thought i had problems he said i ain't got no problems last week they told him he probably had two weeks to live that his leukemia had come back and there was nothing they could do i'm ready for an hour that that phone call will never come i'm looking for an hour i saw your picture with your mom the other day y'all were having a birthday party weren't you did i see that got to walk in but you know what for nine months my mom went to heaven i never got to put my hands on her until she died i told him i said y'all call whoever you want to i said you can get whatever permission you need to i said but my mom's not gonna die alone she's not gonna die alone but i won't be taking no weak hand in my hand anymore she'll never look at me with a blank stare and not know what my name is oh no you know what i preached at her funeral the last thing that she could say in her in her alzheimer's i'd go in and say mom cheat all your breakfast i eat all of your lunch she'd say i'll go i'll go i'll go you know what i preached home when she went to heaven i preached home it's all gone i said it's all gone we're going to a land our growing is going to be gone but this is what we're going to do in the meantime we're going to live like we're a child of god amen amen we're going to reckon that these present struggles are not worthy to be compared to the glory he said look you put your debits over here and your credit's over here he said you put trials and afflictions over here and glory over here he said you might as well throw that off the page because it ain't even worthy to be on the same book you say how we gonna make it because you've got a helper here and a helper there i'm asking you this are you just waiting or are you looking are you looking come on brother clark where the brother pocket brother james come on sing let's stand our feet it'd be a good day you might want to come and say lord would you help me in the meantime would you help me he's been adopted just not transported james had a new family just not moved [Music] [Music] is [Music] in the meantime how about it tonight what a day that will be when my jesus i shall see and i look upon his face the one who saved me by his grace are you going to make it takes me by the hand and leads me through the promised land what a day glorious day that will be the second verse said there'll be no sorrow there'll be no sorrow there no more dance to bear no more sickness no more sickness no [Music] [Music] died is me what a day glorious oh james let's go back and get that second verse right there i want all my ladies to sing that second verse here we go they'll be known [Music] no pain no more part and forever that's right [Music] all right y'all got the idea right there on the last line so we're going to sing it again ladies here we go there'll be no scene now there'll be no sing it ladies sing [Music] no more [Music] no more party [Music] and forever we're going to make it in the meantime oh what a day [Music] sing it church what a day when my jesus i shall see and i look upon his face the one who saved me by his grace when he takes me by the hand and leads me through the promised land what a day glorious day that will be all god's people said amen
Channel: Calvary Baptist
Views: 514
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: calvary baptist church, gospel
Id: v7LPbSR-YS4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 11sec (4931 seconds)
Published: Mon May 17 2021
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