4-16-21 am Mark Forrest and Davy Shelton

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[Music] [Music] who can take a beggar in off the street to give him clean clothes and food to eat god can i know god can [Music] who can take a hard turn bitter and cold make it brand new so it shines like gold god can i know make again sunshine chase the rain to yesterday the day and forever the same all you gotta do is just call his name [Music] i know [Music] god god can take away all your pain make the sun chase the rain yesterday today and forever the same all you gotta do is just call his name god can take away all your pain make the sun chase the rain yesterday the day forever the [Music] [Music] hard to believe mikey will be 21 on monday my baby's growing up but you know what this morning i caught myself doing just like i had said before when he came in and he was just full of things to tell me i guess things he had thought about overnight things he loves i caught myself shushing him again y'all then i thought laura what i'm glad those things that matter to me this morning matter to him and he don't shush me life gets you down and you feel more broken and whole [Music] window wounds go deeper than words and you can't tell a soul [Music] i may not know what you're going through i may not can make that high mountain move but one thing i found i really want you to know if it matters to you it matters to the master he wants to share the burdens you pair whisper peace [Music] give it matters to you it matters to the master [Music] is far too busy to care about your trouble and strider that falls to the ground and he hears our tears [Music] matters to you it matters to the master he wants to share the burdens [Music] for you're really needing an answer if it matters to you it matters to the master if it's your greatest [Music] it doesn't only matter to you if it matters to you it matters to the master [Music] well [Music] it may not matter to the white house it may not matter to the congress it it but it matters to the master they may not care much about me but jesus does amen hallelujah i'm about to take five minutes and shout a while i'm a little jealous brother mark getting to preach i'm already preaching myself amen now amen i got to save my outlines i ain't got much for something i mean i got to hold on come on up here if you would i want to say a couple things and let's come up here and grab your seat in a minute brother martin i'll turn you loose here in a second uh i i told you last night i sincerely mean this what i'm saying that one of the things i miss throughout the year is a lot of your friends a lot of people you fellowship with a lot of people that you've done things with you know and and uh even some of our own church family you know that for a while it felt weird i mean one morning i got them just to step out of their car so i could see them you know it's just it's just felt weird uh like like preachers said preaching the bumpers and windshields you know but um i'm glad that god's allowed us to get back together i love brother mark i'll tell you kind of i preached at long hill baptist church now brother mark i know i'm trying to think probably 10 years for brother beaver and i would think and then you've been there all night so i've been preaching there 19 years 2004 and um and they they they've had i mean brother tony fenney they've had great men of god bro zorn a lot of great men god appreciated and uh but uh reason i say that is when brother beaver passed away he was one of the old school i'm gonna say it like this he was a happy or a rejoicing fundamentalist amen brother and i'm gonna tell everybody what i am i'm a rejoicing fundamentalist i'm not sad about a thing thank god for my heritage amen i didn't change this week i've been this way for a lot of years can i get a witness but anyway i was concerned when brother beaver was to leave i didn't know who they get because that church is old time old-fashioned probably one of the easiest churches to preach in that i've ever been in they will hurt you i mean but anyway they told me a fellow is going to take the church i didn't really know brother mark they said he was going to take the church he'd been over a few meetings and so i wonder what are they going to get you know what are they doing because you know how churches sometimes church can miss it and how it goes well the first sunday i was our first monday night i was out for a revival meeting i realized they hadn't missed it and this man that church is just unbelievable where they're at now and i you know brother mark is like me just a country boy that god let's do what we do but i'm going to tell you god's using him greatly spirit in that place picked up another level you say oh does it matter as i was with moses so shall i be with thee amen that's what he said joshua but is this an honor yes he's my friend but he's not preaching i don't get a guy preachers because he's my friend uh i've given preach because god puts him on my heart and i'm glad he's here preaching for us and well mark you know i love you miss angie you know we love you guys they got a brand new grand baby now got four right all all boys but uh anyway he's pastor long hill baptist church in troy north carolina and uh he's gonna preach here for us and uh you and joe and preacher thank you so much for coming amen i'll tell you what it's wonderful to gather in the house of god i appreciate brother chris and he is uh one of my dearest uh friends i actually my pastor brother beaver passed away uh the year that i took long hill baptist church is a pastor and he was still living and set upon the church pew and backed me uh when they called me to be their pastor and uh he passed away a few months after that his family is still in our church and his wife is still in our church and god has been so good to us and i that uh brother chris and i have become close friends and i consider him my pastor and i thank brother chris if i need something i call him and i appreciate him and i love him love miss wendy love this church this is a wonderful church love love to see folks gather in the house of god brother eric appreciate you and your family brother eric and i uh and his family we've had they were at our church on easter and we had an early sunrise service and we went right back into regular service two services back to back we ate a little bit in between now you know how it's bad to start we got to eat a little bit and uh but anyway appreciate brother eric they've been to our church many times we have them a permanent place for their bus there and uh they're welcome anytime i tell them anytime they're passing through stop in and see us we love this family and we appreciate what god's been doing amen the lord's been good brother chris uh i'm amazed at what god does and uh it's it's not anything brother davey that we can boast off because the word of god paul said that we boast only on the cross of jesus christ and without him we could do nothing and i thank god that he has chosen to bless as he has and uh i want to go back today and if you were here wednesday night i appreciate brother chris allowing me uh it is an honor and i'm gonna tell you as a pastor me and again here you know if you're a pastor um to open your pulpit up uh i'm very very careful of my pulpit in my church because i don't wanna have to step back in and try to undo and the damage control that somebody else has done and uh i don't get somebody to come unless god puts them on my heart and i know i can trust them in the pulpit and it is an honor to step inside of the pulpit at calvary baptist church i really mean that brother and i appreciate this last few days but if you were here wednesday night i preached on the church of antioch over in acts chapter number 11. and today i've i've tried my best to talk god in to just let me preach something we just shaft the house down but the lord continues to carry me back to this one particular place in the book of judges today we're going to be in chapter number two the book of judges chapter number two and i want to go back again and preach on the subject of the church brother chris if there's anything as a young boy i can remember growing up and my mom and dad were carried us to church my brother and i and kept us in church and kept us involved and the church became a a special place in my heart as a young man i remember i got saved at 10 years of age and the church just became something that i saw was special i love being around the house of god there's just something about the grounds and i know today this building this structure is not the church it's just a house and a place that god allows us to worship and come together as a corporate body but today the church is something special and if there's anything that my heart bleeds for is the church in this modern day because i believe over the last year to year and a half our churches have taken a great hit from many of the protocols of the government and things of that nature brother chris alluded to this where we were not able to gather and i'm telling you go back to that church of antioch it said they gathered together for a year there and the church in the church if it's not gathering and and when we're not able to gather it it is detrimental uh to all of us spiritually uh we went live feeds and uh i preached for my house for about a month and then we went back in out on our church grounds and started having services and uh you know i tell you that that could be it's good folks could hear but it just didn't church and and i thank god we could gather back in and i began to think today the of the church itself and i want to take this scripture in the book of judges and i'm going to move right along brother chris told me if i wasn't done in 30 minutes he was coming up here and grabbing me by my tie and jerking me down hey man so i don't want that to go out i think we're on the internet i don't want that to go out today so i'm gonna listen to him all right so y'all bear with us yeah miss angela told me that we get in the car many services after church and my wife says do you realize how long you preach today and uh believe it or not when i was a young boy i met my wife when uh i just graduated high school i was so shy i was so shy brother chris i i saw her when she come in i met her at her church and i saw her come in the door i thought wow why wouldn't he talk to her and and they'd set us up to be the gathering and a friend of mine had to set up on the next friday night as a double date and she almost didn't come because i wouldn't talk to her i was so shy and uh i finally that second night i opened up started talking man i tell you if i had to do a book report in school i was i was a basket case i could not stand it but when god called me to preach he changed that and now i can't quite quit amen that wonderful how god does that and uh so anyway you listen tonight today quickly and i'll try to preach quickly but i think this is very important as we look again at the subject of the church if you will stand with me in the in the reading word of god judges chapter number two we're going to read down through verse number 13 beginning in verse number one and i want to preach on this subject this morning what is killing the church what is killing the modern new testament fundamental church today in america and i believe we're going to look in this scripture of the old testament say preacher how in the world we will get the church out of judges chapter number two i believe there are four core things that happen to the children of israel and god's children that are a great a foreshadowing of what has happened to the new testament church and so you bear with us as we try to preach this this morning verse number one it says in the angel of the lord came unto the uh from came on from gilgal uh to boshim and said i made you to go up out of egypt and have brought you into the land which i swear unto your fathers and i said i will never break my covenant with you and ye shall make no league with the inhabitants of this land you shall throw down their altars but you have not obeyed my voice why have you done this wherefore i also said i will not drive them out from before you but they shall be as thorns in your sides as your god shall be a snare and there god shall be a snare unto you and it came to pass when the angel of the lord spake these words into all the children of israel that the people lifted up their voice and weigh up and they called the name of that place moshem and they sacrificed there unto the lord and when joshua had let the people go the children of israel went every man unto his inheritance to possess the land and the people served the lord all the days of joshua and all the days of the elders the outlet of joshua who had been who had seen all the great works of the lord that he did for israel and joshua the son of none the servant of the lord died being a hundred and ten years old they buried him in the border of his inheritance in timothy in the mount ephraim on the north side of the hill gaash and also all that generation were gathered unto their fathers and there arose another generation after them which knew not the lord nor yet the works which he had done for israel and the children of israel did evil in the sight of the lord and sir balaam and they forsook the lord god of their fathers which brought them out of the land of egypt and followed their gods of the gods of the people that were round about them and both about themselves unto them and provoke the lord to anger verse 13 and they forsook the lord and serve baal and ashraf father help us to preach today lord you give us something today god that we can grasp a hold of thank you lord for the church lord i'm glad i'm a part of the bloodball bloodball church lord the redeemed of god lord i thank you you saw fiat to save us so i'll wash us in your blood cleanse us of our sin lord and impute the righteousness of christ upon us and in us lord i'm glad today that when you see us you see the blood of christ lord we are so thankful and lord we are glad just to be born again lord help us this day bless all that in attendance every home and family god bless this dear church these dear preachers and pastors and evangelists who are here today bless these young kids these teenagers who are here today bless the mother and the father and lord draw us up close and we ask you in the glorious name of christ amen and amen you can be seated now today let me jump right in here we'd be a very very wise and a wise observance today that i've noticed as a preacher just a child of god is that on the average our churches across our land are on decline many are struggling to even survive and keep the doors open now in my area we're in a in a uh we're not in a large city uh troy's just got a few stop lights and even my hometown that i live in about 20 minutes away it's just very small and we're not very big we're a pretty rural area our church is just out in the middle of timberland and uh there's not a whole lot out there you know that's brother david has come some of these other preachers said and the closest good motel we have to put him up he is about 30 35 minutes away and so we're just out no but i'll tell you what i hear from folks around our area is churches are struggling in our area i know of many that are barely keeping the doors open i know many that can hardly even pay their bills and they listen they're struggling and it seems like they're just barely making it and i look across this and and i begin to wonder what in the world has happened in the days in our churches i can remember growing up as a young boy how god moved in many of our churches i've been in many many churches in my area as a young boy in our youth group in our youth choir and we'd go sing in those same churches now brother chris are barely barely hanging on it seems like they're just barely barely in existence and so i believe today i want to share with you here out of the book of of judges four core reasons that i believe we see the church today has been on a great decline and i believe these four things no doubt are killing the new testament church now today let me say this before we go any further we must mention in the scripture that god made a covenant with the nation of israel and god said i will never break that covenant now today let me just pause for a moment and remind you today that we serve a god who has never changed up and we serve a god who made a covenant hallelujah when jesus hung on the cross between the heavens and the earth and what was done there was between the god the father and god the son and god said i'll be faithful unto you and i will never break my covenant with you and i'm glad today we serve a god who is faithful and we should never question god's faithfulness hey he's been good to me i've there been times in my life i've not been faithful but god's always been faithful there have been times i've walked away but god has never walked away and he'll be faithful to you young person let me remind you today god will always be faithful in your life amen and he was to the children of israel it wasn't god's fault it's not god's fault the church seems to be dying many places but it is our own fault let's look quickly in four things and i'm going to move on quickly this morning so bear with me in verse number two i believe the number one reason we begin to see that the church today and this is what's killing the church is they failed to yield to god's way look in verse number two the lord told them what they were to do but he says in verse number two but ye have not obeyed my voice today what is killing the church is the church in our modern day has decided we'll do it our way and we'll not do it god's way and we've decided we're going to make up our own ways we're going to make up our own means we're going to do it our way forget what the word of god says forget what god tells us we're to do hey we've thrown out the book i'm telling i know churches everywhere they don't even listen to what this bible says they'll get a meeting and say what do y'all think we ought to do about this and they say well we ought to do this or we ought to do that and if you mention what there's the word of god say brother chris they say well that really doesn't matter i've heard that in my area and we wonder why our churches have been killed and the power of god has been drawn off and our churches are dying all around us friend today we better get back to doing it god's way hey we better stay in the book brother chris i'm telling you it might seem old-fashioned it might seem like man this side we moved on we live in a day when man has gotten so educated and man's gotten so full of technology and all of these things we have the best study helps you'll ever find i'm telling you i sit down i've always used concordance and those things and i found out i can go to my tablet punch in the word and it'll come up quicker and i can look it up in the book until we have so many study helps we know more than we've ever known but yet today we've decided i'm going to go god's way or go the other way instead of god's way and we wonder brother chris why our churches are dying off in our nation today i'm telling you man of god i want to encourage you this morning do it god's way it might not always be the popular way amen i'm telling you listen to me hey god oh don't always go with the majority if you notice something today in our society most of the time the majority is not right go god's way when i surrendered to preach and god put me in my first church i met with my pastor and he looked at me and he said brother never ever mistake the will of the majority for the will of god and that has always stuck with me i'm telling you friend you better preachers my listen you better do it god's way you'll keep the power of god on your church i'm telling listen the man the church down the road might talk about you the community might talk about you but glory to god hallelujah you got an audience still in heaven and that's all that really matters and so this morning on this very core issue oh glory to god freeing the people of israel and the children of israel the lord told them what they were supposed to do brother chris but they said no we're not going to do that and the lord said you have not obeyed my voice why have you done this let me remind you not only as the church but as an individual as a mother or a father inside of the home do it god's way we're in a generation today when they say let's chuck god's way and listen hey we know a better way to raise our children we know a better way to do our marriages we know a better way to do all of this and brother we've alienated god and today we better stay in the book we better do it god's way god's way yes sir the lord commanded them what they were to do i want you to look with me quickly i want to turn to one place of scripture in the book of exodus in chapter 34. look with me here i'm just going to read these when i get here in verse number 12. he said take heed to thyself that thou make a covenant that thou make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land whether thou goest lest it be for a snare in the midst of thee but ye shall destroy their altars break their images and cut down their groves for thou shalt worship no other god for the lord whose name is jealous he is a jealous god lest thou make a covenant with the inhabitants of the lamb and they go a whoring after the gods and do sacrifice unto their gods and one call thee and thou eat of his sacrifice and they'll take of their daughters unto thy sons and their daughters go a whoring after their gods and make the sons go a whoring after their gods the lord said when you go in there he said you cut down the groves he said you tear down their altars but you know what they did brother they did not do it hey they did not listen to the word of god well we've abandoned i've never seen a day in a time when we've abandoned this word of god we've abandoned what god tells us to do inside the new testament church we look over in the epistles where the new testament church gets the majority of its doctrine we have chunked much of that doctrine today and we're just doing it our way and we wonder why the church is powerless hey we wonder why things aren't happening in our country we wonder why in the world that our youth are not not consumed with the things of god friend the church is dying off because we're failing to do it god's way god's way i want you to look back with me in our text in judges chapter number two we also see something else in verse number two we find that they yoked up with unholy alliances they failed to yield god's way and now they yoked up says that he shall make no league with the inhabitants of this land you shall throw down their altars but you have not obeyed my voice brother chris i tell you what's killing our churches today we've failed to do it god's way and we've yoked up with some alliances we ought to not be yoked up oh my the alliances these folks in the word of god these if you go back to chapter number one you'll find verse after verse of incomplete victories because they didn't do what god said to do and they they yoked up with those that god told them not to get involved with and if there's ever a day when i look around in our churches and our nation i see churches yoking up with things that god said were unholy that god said was sin and god said you're not to have any part in and we've yoked up with those things this morning our alliances and today across our church realm and our religious realm will be our demise today the word is very clear in the book of sacred corinthians that tells us we're not to be yoked up with darkness hey we're not to be yoked up with unbelievable i know we use that when we talk to young folks about getting married or having a having a a a boyfriend or a girlfriend or someone they're dating don't you get yoked up with somebody that's not a believer and that is very important i've heard people say preacher i'll change them and it goes the other direction they pull you out of church they'll kill your spirituality and they'll do all of these things and you'll get pulled away from god there's very important that we don't yoke up with unholy alliances but today the church has yoked up with the lgbt community oh my friend you look across the landscape and you listen i thank god over in my community we're still old country folk and uh man we're just out in the out in the middle of nowhere but you get over into your cities you go over to charlotte drive down some of those roads over in charlotte you'll see the rainbow painted across the doors of the church you'll see signs on there welcome man let me say something today god said that mess is unholy hey god made a man and god made a woman god made a male and god made a female and i'm telling you brother chris young folks you need to listen to this and this stuff today you please listen to me well i don't care what the society says they can say i don't know what this this liberal crowd out here says now there's like what a seven sunder some genders i think they say let me say something the bible says over in genesis that god made a male and god made a female hey man it didn't make anything else amen and so don't believe that lie of the devil hey man that's all it is there's a lie hey god made you like you are be what you are going to god today that you were conceiving the womb god said you'd be a male or god said you'd be a female hey there ain't no changing it when you get down the road amen exactly right and yet today we're living in a time where the church is yoked up with such things hey we've we we've put we put unqualified men in the pool pizza hey we put women in the pulpits hey listen man we put homosexuals in the pulpits hey we put everything out there we put folks hey i had a lady one time tell me that they had a they were they helped in a bible college her and her husband and she said this she said that we had a group of about 32 kids young men that came in that said that they were wanting to be a youth pastor and they began to help teach them and she said the first day my husband asked them this question how many of you in here know that you're called by god to be a pastor she said four of them raising their hand and she asked the rest of them why are y'all doing this they say we want it as a career and brother we have filled our pool pets with unholy alliances we got men in the pulpit and they never had a call with god in their life hey man i'll tell you what brother chris we got men and we got folks in the pulpits they ain't got no business being in the pulpit preaching hey man i'm telling you they don't know what it is to get along with god amen they've never had a relationship with god i'm telling you that they've been mama called daddy called grandma called or somebody told them hey you'd be a good preacher and listen we have yoked up today in our churches with alliances pastors of men of god in here today i encourage you i found out something when i was in my first church and i also have faced it a little bit at long hill but some of the one of the hardest things i do as a pastor is to try to keep junk out that comes in the mail that they want to send to the youth pastor or they want to send to this group or that group and most of that stuff i look at it throw it in the trash it ain't nothing but garbage i'm telling you freedom we've yoked up with ungodly music hey we've yoked up with individuals today that will not be yoke enough with and let me tell you something young person be careful watch a yoke up with y'all got some i believe y'all pretty close here i hope you are this many of these came by me last night and were talking to me i appreciate these young folks good kids man you stay close together and you yoke up with one another boy the devil will slip somebody in your life if you're not careful he'll pass them by your way it'll mess you up and pull you out of church get rebellion sewn in your heart get away from mom and daddy get away from the man of god i've watched it i've seen young folks i've been pastoring long enough brother chris i've seen you young young folks come up and i've seen them when they're about this high and then the preachers everything and man they can't wait to come up after church and hug the preacher and that's one thing i've hated about coven these young kids that just love the preacher you know you you you don't want it mom and daddy so you come up kind of touch them on the shoulder or something or rub on the head a little bit but i've watched these young kids that brother clark they just love the church and love the preacher and they get to growing a little bit older and next thing you know they get buddied up with somebody they don't not be buddied up with and the first first sign that something's going on they'll quit even talking to me preacher have you ever experienced that they'll get alienated with you and i mean you walk by them in the vestibule or the hallway of the church and you go by and they'll turn to put their head down they won't even speak when they used to come up and hug your necks and preacher i love you and you know something's going on you know what's happened they've got an unholy alliance in their life and they've gotten yoked up with something they will not be yoked up with and it's pulling them away i tell you to push on the pleasures of the world it'll show them all the things out there that the devil will lie to you and he'll destroy your life with it and brother chris i'm amazed today how our churches and i know many churches who have seen their numbers decline and they say we've got to change something we've got to do something more modern we've got to do something to draw the youth here we've got to do all of these things and they yoke up with things that god said we shouldn't be dealing with we say this stay in the book stay in the book this morning they yoked up with unholy alliances she said thirdly i got to hurry on we find in verse number 10 and i'm going to jump all the way over here to verse number 10. i believe this is very very crucial and i want to preach right here for just a little while i don't have much time and i'll tell you what time flies when you preach and i'm telling you man all right brother verse number two and look what happens it said there wrote that generation together the fathers and their rose another generation after them which knew not the lord we find first of all that they failed the yield to god's way we find that they yoked up with unholy alliances and thirdly they neglected the youth they neglected the youth brother davey the generation that came up after these folks knew not god you want to know why they didn't know god because the previous generation didn't tell them about him they didn't teach about him and today one of the greatest failures i see in our churches is that and something that we will suffer the repercussions from for years and years to come is we neglect to teach the youth in our churches about god and we just listen today the church is so guilty of neglecting our kids and we fail to teach them and the children of god and what the lord has done and the important things that god has done and we come up and we want to bubble gum them we want to hot dog them and those things are okay and i'm not preaching against those things but if that's all we're giving them we have missed the bone hey the world will give them a hot dog too and i'm telling you you're the cow hallelujah god now i'm just a little old-fashioned i'm 51 years old but i'm old-fashioned some brother chris sometimes i i think i should have been born a long time ago i'm kind of old-fashioned i'm set in my ways and the older i get the more i get set there but i'm telling you what is wrong with bringing our children into the house of god and telling them about jesus you know what ours you know what these young folks need to see and what they need to hear they need to come to the house of god they need to hear some saints of god that's been alone with the lord and god has answered prayer and god has done some things and that person to stand up in the house of god is a preacher i'd like to testify of what god did in my life this week and then young folks sit there and hear hear a gray-haired saint or a gray-haired grandpa stand up say well i remember this week god worked in my life god moved and i didn't know a way out and god worked i'm telling you we're not teaching them the things of the lord the word of god says to train up a child and the way he should go now i'm not going to go into that in great detail but let me tell you that word train simply means brother that we are to take that child and train them much as an athlete would train himself for a particular event you take if you were gonna be in a professional athlete you make sure your diet's right you make sure your exercise is right your way i mean that is your total dedication that is all your song that's only in your minds on and you say this is all i'm training for that's the way we are to train our children brother david but we're just so lackadaisial about it they come to the house of god for an hour or two maybe three times a week and they come to church and the rest of the time hey they're sitting in front of some video game or they're sitting out in front of something they ought to not be a watching brother chris and we wonder why our young folks are dying and why the church is dying and while there's no youth in the house of god we are neglecting the youth in our churches i alluded to the fact the other night that we better teach our young kids something today will carry them through life because life can be cruel and it can leave you sitting on the side of the road sometimes and their life can just almost seem like the rug jerked out from under them but if you teach them about christ and you let them know about jesus i'm telling they'll have something to keep on when the storms of life come and when there's father when the lie seems to fall apart brother david i know of many churches in my area that have zero kids in the church and you say preacher what does that really matter you got zero kids another generation is gone i alluded to the fact the other night some of them some of the greatest godly men in my church have passed on and we've put them in the graveyard and i'll tell you those me and you what it was to serve god love god and pray and this young generation coming up boy we need some young kids to get in there and see some folks that love god and we need to tell them listen don't neglect the young folk mom and daddy don't neglect your child i mean if you've got a little one sitting in the house don't neglect them you make sure just don't assume that they're learning about the things of god you need to make sure you're teaching them daddy take the place of the spiritual leader in the home hey be that man that's how much and stealing my children the things of god so preacher said won't ever do everything right i'd love to go back and do some something make some me into some mistakes i made as a daddy but i tell you what brother david glory to god i'm glad by the grace of god my youngest turned out pretty good and i give god all the glory amen but today friend this listen we cannot neglect our youth is killing our churches fourthly and i'm done notice to me in verse number 11 through 13. i'm just going to read down verse 13 be done and they forsook the lord and serve baal in asheroth the last thing we see that's killing our churches is the children of israel they had no yearning to serve god brother chris they had no yearning to serve god boy they just said i tell you notice what it said there in verse 12 and they forsook the lord god of their fathers brother davey i believe we're in a generation today we're seeing so many forsake living for god and they are replacing it with the lake with the vacation home with the ball field with the ball field let me just run this trail for the brother i got i'm sorry brother what kills me is we have parents today they got good kids in the house of god and they'll take them down there and sign them up for travel ball yes sir yeah yeah yeah sure and for seven or eight weeks they'll be gone my brother my brothers goes to a church his father-in-law's the pastor and he was telling me the other just yesterday he said we had a family in my church said their oldest boy got saved the youngest boy was right on the birds and he was asking questions next thing you know the mom and dad signed them up for travel ball so they've been to church in almost seven weeks think about that so they ain't seen them come on and i'll tell you watch it over and over and over again let me just say this for a moment my kids play ball my daughter played softball my boy played baseball but i knew when that started up that wasn't gonna be their career right yeah man yeah i knew they weren't going to be signing a multi-million dollar contract with some pro league team right but i know this they weren't never going to be a ballplayer but i knew one day they'll meet jesus and that's a fact and so today we have to understand that we're teaching a generation and this kind of goes back to the last point that god's really not important but everything else is we ought to flip that thing around and say it ought to be god everything and nothing else and everything else will fall into place and yet today we're in an error brother where folks have just forsaken god and their replacement now the children of israel here forsook the lord with the prophets of baal and azeroth who were fertility gods and they began to worship those as pagan worship and they began to do that and today i pray that nobody here has some god like that but yet we take how many so many other things that we put before the lord and we forsake god listen church is an afterthought go in the house of god is another thing and say something else is more important than going down to god's house and not something's more important than being a child of god brother davey i'm glad today that as a young boy i said that night mom and daddy drug me to church going to god and it's still to me and i'm telling you church i i remember a day in my hometown we just got a little hometown but i can remember as a teenage boy every business closed at 12 o'clock on on wednesday it's so preacher why in the world to do that because churches have wednesday night service yes sir but now you drive through town and everything's open on wednesday and he's even open on sunday and you drive by those very same churches and they're not even having service anymore something's happened we forsook god we pursue god and there's very little yearning among god's people to serve the lord i encourage you this morning as i wrap this up young person have a yearning in your soul to serve god absolutely oh be the best i'll tell you i've never had anything in life that has been more satisfying than my relationship with jesus christ and to have that yearning to do something for god for the children of israel yes the lord said you've not done it yes today what's killing our churches pastor men of god in here today evangelists whatever you may be if you're just a member here at calvary i'll stay in this book do it god's way oh don't get yoked up with things you shouldn't be yoked up with listen today don't forsake these i appreciate brother chris and the youth he's got in this church they're not forsaking the youth here at calvary thanks be to god and whatever you do keep that yearning to serve the lord don't don't replace god with everything else in this world amen the lord bless you the lord will be kind amen god god has got to be listened he talked what did he tell simon said seek you first the kingdom of god and all these other things shall be added unto you and so brother we just seek him father thank you lord for this opportunity i pray that something said has been a help thank you for calvary baptist thank this for this dear man of god these folks who are here today i pray you bless them in jesus name [Music] amen [Music] the day was just an ordinary day i didn't know i needed jesus [Music] abundant life the joy forever [Music] [Music] before he touched me [Music] one who watches baby [Music] to think for me that he was waiting the day before he saved me [Music] i didn't know the joy [Music] i didn't know how much [Music] me [Music] so i've had sad days and i've had bad days [Music] of my good days outweigh those bad days he [Music] he is [Music] is [Music] and sometimes i question lord why so much pain but you know what's is can't complain you are so good to me you are so good to me your spirit came to me and gave to me so good to me thank you i don't serve notice god's been good to me you put it on scales brother eric and god's goodness on one side and the tough times on the other side them scales tilt a whole lot in my favor come back up here and send that second verse again payton the one out to smoke come back in here boy you smoking you i laugh brother peyton singing bass i think about playing he looks like he ought to sing bass brother james sing bass just don't look like you ought to sing bass i don't know brother david's been interested haven't it we got the gray hair we've been down the road a little bit brother douglas been down the road a little bit never seen it on this fashion well david i've never had to deal with some things i've had to deal with on this fashion but i look back on we went through here i lost my vision pretty much my right eye with a weird kind of stroke that i never even knew i had last year and you went through covet buried some of the best church members ever had prayer warriors couldn't even be there couldn't be by their bed hold their hand but you weigh it all out and look around you alive brother chisholm i got that precious little lady get to pastor this church and i'm just gonna be honest with you i outpunted my coverage when i got to be the pastor calvary some of the best people you could ever have talent [Music] get to work with the guys i do preachers on the staff of this church could probably pastor church all across this country the greatest janitorial vision in america to be honest one of the best preachers you'll ever hear i love his humility but he's full of bull he knows he can preach like he can i love brother charlie russell he makes my day sometime i just need to smile a little bit well there god's been good to me [Music] i've had to and i'm not trying to preach here but praise god i am the pastor i've had them days when i want to pull the coverage broke jared over my head just say forget it today i i've had them times mr happy when i'd say lord where are you at what are you doing but always somewhere standing in the shadows god hallelujah brother dixon god say i'm at the same place i thought about you last year that big easter thing y'all have reached all those kids from all around knoxville area how your heart always loves that getting to preach all them kids and families break your heart you can't do that in the magnus the scale you want it that just breaks you hard but then i look down here and see some of these kids on fire from god i have people coming up to me brother clark's had 25 people come up to him by getting their buses rolling again saying preacher we're ready to get out there god's been good is he being good to you brother aaron brother excellent they didn't have to do nothing last year he said man alive he takes care of his family and travels sing and he said preacher it's amazing if you look at it we don't know where in the world it came from but god met every need been good happy brother james helped you this last year brother james and i've always wanted brother james be here all the time well now he's his company's 37 20 15's that way if you drive like brad massey 10 seconds right up right up the road here right up there is brother james's company now right here at us he's my buddy i can't do that to you man i'm telling you fear of surrender is a mission field god just called me too i'm going with him amen but anyway i just want to sing that last verse again i'm going to preach up here brother david you know you're not restricted you preached are you done and uh i love you buddy i'll say no more about that but let's just let's just let her sing that last verse let's just like i preached our church today i preached on going down memory road [Music] let's look back just a little bit at some of the memories where god showed up right hallelujah sister rolling god showed up right on time right on time right on time take a little ride down memory lane while you're sitting here sometimes [Music] he's still on the throne so [Music] much [Music] i'll say thank you lord i can't [Music] is [Music] he is [Music] god is so good to me i can't complain it's you so david shelton and i have been friends for a good while and first time i met him was pleasant valley i guess baptist church up in the mountains you've got one of the best young preachers in america setting beside of if you have not heard this young man preach my wife last night made a comment she said i just love him talk about brother also she said he's just got a good spirit young preacher loves god don't have a little negative mean spirit about him just loves the lord and i know he loves brother satan but his pastor on brother dave his way i probably got two pastors right but brother david went through he went through some of his clouds hanging low and uh god's brought him through that he is my friend but he's god's man pastor gateway baptist church in bowling springs south carolina brother davey i want you to come boy what an honor to have him he's god's man i love him love his spirit he's the same every time i'm around him preach all look i love you preacher just praying amen i know you start a little slow but just get in there amen amen look in your bibles the book of genesis this morning genesis chapter 22 and it is a joy to be here amen appreciate the preaching already and how it helps our heart and the singing what a blessing that is and you pray for us this morning the lord touch us i realized a long time ago i cannot preach without the holy ghost and don't want to amen i'd rather be on the back side of the moon digging a ditch with a spoon and try to preach without the touch amen you just pray god to help us this morning genesis chapter 22 your will and able to stand genesis chapter 22 and i'll begin reading in verse number one genesis chapter 22 and beginning in verse 1. the bible says and it came to pass after these things that god did tipped abraham and said unto him abraham and he said behold here i am and he said take now thy son that only son isaac whom thou loveth and get thee into the land of my ride and offer him there for a burn off friend upon one of the mountains which i will tell thee up abraham rose up early in the morning and settled his ass and took two of his young men with him and isaac his son and claimed the word for the burnt alfred and rose up and went in the place which god had told him that on the third day abraham lifted up his eyes and saw the place of firearm and abraham said unto us young me and abide you here with the ass and the lad will go yonder and worship and come again to you abraham took the wood of the burnt offend and laid it upon isaac's side and he took the fire in his hand in the night and they went both of them together and isaac spake unto abraham his father and said my father and he said here am i at my side and he said behold the fire and the wood but where is the lamb forever and alfred abraham said my son god will provide himself a lamb forever now friend so they went both of them together skipped down to verse 19 verse 19 the bible said so abraham returned unto his young men and they rose up and went together to bear sheba and abraham dwelt at beer sheba let's pray together father i thank you lord today for your mercy and for your grace lord i stand here this morning in great need of the touch of the holy ghost i confess my inability i confess my need of you i pray for just a few minutes at the anointing of the holy ghost had rest upon us for this hour i pray you touch hearts and change lives save that soul nears hell and everything that you do we'll praise you and we'll thank you what's in jesus name we pray amen and amen you can be seated i read to you i know a very familiar passage of scripture here in genesis chapter and there's much preaching that can be done out of this text of scripture we could go to verse one where the bible said that god did tempt abraham and we know that word tempt means to test how to prove that and we could preach on times of testing and you listen to this old mountain preacher this morning there will be times of testing in your christian life we are in a school of faith that you got in it when you got born again and trials and troubles how they do come our way and uh well you might as well i get used to that life is a very great highs and very great lows and all in between but we can preach about those times of testing and let me throw this out and i'll move on i remember when i was in school how that times of testing our first subject would come and and there's times i studied and there's times that didn't and uh we'd get in there and wow have the teacher take roll and then she'd say clear your desk off get your paper get your pencil get your pen and she'd give us a test i learned something during that and think about it today the teacher was always silent while the test was going on how she didn't say anything and but yet if she saw you struggling how she might come by and give you a word she wouldn't give you the answer you get that too she doesn't give you the answer but she'd give you a word oh friend i'm glad in our times of testing well it seems like god's silent and it's not aware that he'll come by and give you a word that'll help you and face it have the troubles of this life oh there is times of testing we could also preach about a picture of calvary in this passage isaac's a beautiful picture of the lord jesus christ isaac is the only son of isaac as god says here thine only sack he's the son of promise and we find that he has to be the sacrifice we find the words laid upon isaac a picture of our sin being laid upon christ oh friend i'm glad he that knew no sin became sin for us amen i took your sin took my sin took the sin of the world and nailed it to his cross and painted in full we could preach about laying your isaacs down but a lot of preaching a lot of songs about that there's sometimes in isaac that you've got to lay down in your life we could also preach out of verse 5 on a worship boy there's something about worship i'll say this there's sacrifice involved in worship oh yeah you'll sacrifice your time you'll sacrifice your pride you'll sacrifice your plans if you worship and hear me well i worship is never accidental you won't come to yourself wow i've been worshipping oh no it's a conscious decision you either worship or you don't amen and we can talk about this word worship verse 5 is the first time the word worship's used in the bible amen but i'm interested in verse 3 and verse 5 and verse 19 today verse 3 says in abraham rose up early in the morning and saddled his ass and took two of his young men in verse 5 and abraham said unto this young men verse 19 so abraham returned and to this young men i'm interested in these two young men now quickly two things is introduction that i'll give you my title and the message notice with these two men first that their names are omitted you do not find their name mentioned anywhere in this text and i'm using the word omitted on purpose that means to leave out intentionally their name is not left out by scribal error how about sick and tired of this crap thinking they've got to prop up or correct the bible you don't need to correct nothing in the bible let the bible correct you their names are left out on purpose secondly have these men they are overlooked how many messages have you heard on these two young men the most i've ever heard is someone's preaching isaac and type of christ the number two being the number of witness or someone talked about the two the thieves he was crucified with but a young preacher was preaching a five-minute message in december and he mentioned that first thing i said about their name not being mentioned and it got a hold of me and sometimes people don't know your name sometimes you get overlooked amen but there's something for you and i'm interested in verse 5 look at this and the bible says and abraham said unto this young man abide you here with the ass and i and the land will go yonder and worship and come again to you i'm gonna preach just a minute this morning on this subject hold the mule till the lord returns hold the mule till the lord returns we find these two young servants have been given this meal and the master the lord abraham has given them this meal and there's three things in verse five that i want you to notice first of all they had to remain the bible said abraham said and his young men about ye here they had remained they didn't get to go up on the mountain right they didn't see what went on on the mountain when god has told abra take his son and use him as a burnt sacrifice he he don't see all this he don't see when the rams in the thicket these men don't but he said remain here abide ye here listen to me they didn't get to pick the place amen they the the lord the lord abraham said abide ye here not over there but here they didn't get to pick the place i've met a lot of christians in our day think they're going to tell god where they want to serve that's the funniest thing i've ever heard i just smile and laugh and say guess what's going to happen to you amen it'll be anywhere but that place amen you see the lord picks the place of our service oh yes now hear me now i've never picked anything i've done i didn't even pick to preach i wasn't interested in that but god called me and i pastored several churches and i didn't pick none of them that's right i never intended every pastor i've been an evangelist i didn't intend on that i got picked he said here's your place a bad ye here you better quit quit this trying to run business amen and i'm going to say this and hear me if you think god's going to come by every day and reassure you your word you're supposed to be forget it he is not going to come by and reassure you son you're right where i want you he don't do that if he told you to be somewhere he meant it and if he changes his mind he'll tell you amen and he ain't going to tell you anything different until he's ready feelings or no feelings shout or no shout crowd or no crowd and there's a place that you and i are called to serve and we need to remain in that place and be faithful in serving god the lord picked the place he also picked a period of time understand they have traveled three days and then the bible says abraham sees the place a far off brother jeremy we have no record in this text how much longer they were going to that spot or how long they were there anything we say is supposition that's right they're not told how long you remain in this place amen now some places are pretty good and you hope to stay there the rest of your life other places you hope is very short i preached a few meetings on monday but friday was looking good amen but i'm not in control of the time period it was done been said by someone this morning i i'm a mountain preacher i i'm a relic i'm a leather-loved sweating spitting very simple type preacher and my style ain't really up to date with what they do now i could say like a dying dinosaurs about what i am hey man i don't have fancy outlines i just give you what's on my heart i have a text and that's it and i've said often i should have been born in the 1930s 1940. i would have fit in real well but you know what the lord told me one day brother clark i wanted you in the 21st century if i want you in the beginning of 20th i put you there but i wanted a leather line mountain preacher in the 21st century amen somebody just get in there and go wild amen just get it why i don't know how much time i got i was preaching the other week and brother austin was in the meeting with me and i told him the young pastor i said boys you're going to be preaching to my grandchildren if the lord don't come i will not be preaching forever you say you're going to quit now i'm going to die amen gonna preach as long as it can but there's gonna come a day if jesus don't come my part will be over i said boys i want you to be faithful be what god's called you to be you've got a period of time you labor that period of time don't try to run from it don't try to stay out of it i just be faith remain where god puts you oh they had to remain number two they had responsibilities the bible said in verse five abraham said unto these young men abide ye here with the ass a meal going to stay right here with this mule now can you imagine this crowd today get the word you've got mule duty take care of this mew because jim they'd probably take a selfie with that mule what a great what a great ministry what a great what boy don't you feel the pride we're taking care of a mule huh boy a lot of folk they want this big stuff oh give you responsibility for the place he's put you you see they got to take care of this mule they got to provide for it make sure it's got some pasture land to eat and and some water to drink that's a responsibility everybody said take care of this mule right here don't be wandering off don't go playing stay right here make sure the mule is okay amen oh yeah i i thought about this i don't think y'all can i would tell you what we call them in the mountains but i don't think you'd handle a mule's name is in the mountains probably amen but you that know what i'm talking about that's what they got he ain't just an old meal amen and there they are got responsibility to take care of this one you understand something god's given us families he's given some of his churches the pastor he's given you an area where you can serve him and he said i want you to take care of that it is your response you understand god didn't take us to heaven when he saved us that would be great i would have shouted all the way through the trip never found god never come up short but ain't how god chose it he chose us to carry the gospel to this lost world we have got a responsibility to those who are lost without god in this present world and we need to tell them about jesus that he died and was buried and rose again that they could be saved amen they had a responsibility you've got responsibility oh yeah they had to remain they had responsibility number three they had to be ready the bible said in that verse and abraham said unto this young men abide she healed the ass and the light will go yonder and worship here it is and come again to you they had to be ready brother jeremy they didn't know when their lord was coming back amen he told them remain here you've got responsibilities but boys i won't be gone for good. i will come again to you oh that's a promise and he and it came to pass in verse 19. so abraham returned unto these young men just like he told him see jesus said i go away and if i go away i will come again he ascended back to the father them disciples are gazing up in heaven they don't know what to think and two angels and why come by why are you gazing into heaven this same jesus not another jesus but this same jesus is coming again oh hey church preacher hear me now he's been gone 2 000 years just about it but he said this i'm coming again we don't know when we just won't be ready i'm not talking about keeping yourself saved i'm talking about being ready to meet him or you're not ashamed as a believer you listen to me some are going to be ashamed when he comes back they they they have failed at their responsibilities amen and the lord's going to kind of they're going to hang their heads in shame i won't be ready well preacher how close is it it's close enough you'll walk on dirt one second and go to next next up riding down the road in the next moment riding in the air amen the lord is coming again oh friend they had to remain provide you here they had a responsibility budget here with their ass they had to be ready he said i'm coming again hear me i've said all this to get back to my title here's what we're supposed to do hold the mule till the lord returns we've been through a lot in this year we all everybody's talked about it it's on our minds there's a lot of things i've walked through of late i never thought i'd ever walk through some things the last two or three years but yet that's where i found myself but i know this i know this the lord's coming and i want to be found faithful when he returns amen if i can help somebody along the journey this morning and just remind you we just need to hold the mule don't give up don't throw in the towel don't try to find you a different feel remain keep your responsibilities and be ready for the lord to come again oh friend i'm glad these two young men who are unnamed and overlooked that they're really talked about in verse five if you just look at it and listen you may feel like the day nobody knows you it ain't important that they do you may feel like you're always overlooked maybe you don't get to preaching these kinds of meaning maybe you don't get to do this that maybe you don't get to sing be where you're supposed to be do what you're supposed to do be ready when jesus comes again father take the thought a very simple thought use it for your honor and for your glory and we'll praise you for it in jesus name amen amen let's stand together david i was needed i'm gonna tell you what i'm gonna tell you who it was native fours needed for the fellow to stand here looking at you that was needed amen well david's been a lot of people not remain we know that we've got responsibility we can't go nowhere we gotta do what god told us to do brother james gonna sing invitation for us so he sings invitation for us i'm just open the altar up and i'm going to say this to you you remain in it is important to somebody it was hugely important for abraham that those boys remained wasn't it it was hugely important for isaac those boys remained you know why you can't quit get out walk away because it's important that you stay where you need to be [Music] well james gonna sing maybe throughout this service god has touched your heart in some way might be through the psalm i've been through the first message made through this one it's always good to have a good place to pray in it talk to jesus brother james [Music] looking back through the years sent tears the lord has never once let me down though i don't understand still i'll trust in his plan for he said that his grace would abound and there's no need to doubt him now he'll make a way somehow safely this for jesus has brought me no need to doubt him child of god have no fear though your path seems unclear someday god's plan will unfold he has never never failed he will always prevail the lord is still in control and there's no need to doubt him now he'll make away somehow safely this for jesus has brought me [Music] heal now [Music] you
Channel: Calvary Baptist
Views: 75
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: calvary baptist church, gospel
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 19sec (5179 seconds)
Published: Mon May 17 2021
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