75gr Speer Gold Dot in 223 Remington

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alright folks welcome back it's time for our next 223 video and the bullet we're going to look at today is the 75 grain spear gold dot we've already tested the 62-grain gold dot in 223 and it was a great shooting bullet I've also tested six point five millimeter versions of these in 6.5 Creedmoor and 6.5 Grindal and we shot a few of the 165 grain 30 Cal version in 300 Winchester Magnum they've all been shooting really well now it's not just the accuracy that's making me love these bullets so far it's the way they expand we've shot quite a few of them into ballistic gel and this is what they come out looking like awesome expansion pretty much a hundred percent weight retention just really really impressive performance so I've got high hopes for today 75 grain version in 223 now bonded bullets that shoot really well you would expect them to be extremely expensive but they're not these 75 grain errs are about 19 or 20 cents apiece the only comparable bullet that I know of is the 75 grain Swift Sirocco 2 and those guys are 50 cents apiece so there's just there's a huge lack of heavy expanding bullets in 22 caliber so I'm really happy these have hit the market the designs pretty wild they've got this kind of rebated boat tail and they're a soft point the length on them is great they easily fit in an ar-15 magazine and Spears load data actually shoots them at two point two six zero which is our AR magazine like speaking of that spear has load data and they've not only got 223 load data they've also got five five six load data one curious thing is on the 223 side they shoot two point two three zero inches of overall length and then shoot two point two six zero on the five five six side that's a little bit weird but we're going to stick to two point two six zero today for all of our testing the powders I want to test with our Alliant power Pro mm mr you might be sick of seeing this powder like I'm using it a whole lot lately and the reason is it just gets more velocity than any other powder heavy bullets in 223 I don't know if any other powder that can get us the numbers that mm mr can get and a bullet like this where we're wanting to kick some butt we're wanting good expansion we're wanting the most energy downrange we can get it's hard to pass up on mm mr now it's spiracle powder probably not the most temperature stable powder out there the accuracy is pretty good sometimes but a lot of times it's kind of mediocre so it falls short in other areas but the velocity is just incredible so we're gonna shoot 2,000 mr we're gonna use the load data from the five five six data and they show a max charge of twenty seven point one grains the second powder i want to test with is a lion tree loader 15 now this guy i want to shoot from the 223 datasheet which is a max charge of twenty three point six grains over on the five five six sheet they go up to twenty four point eight but we're just going on we're just going to stick to the two twenty three data so twenty three point six will be our max charge there the brass we're gonna be using is lake city the same batch of lake city brass that we've been using for the last six months or so i've got a couple hundred pieces that we just kind of rotate through I think we're at four or five firing something like that it's still in real good shape the primer is gonna be the CCI number forty one joallyn does a nice job for us and I think that's pretty much it we're gonna be on the range almost immediately here today because I've already got these completely prepped and I've actually weighed out our powder charges so we're ready for bullet seeding so let's just get to it so I already loaded up a couple of these a little bit ago that I'm gonna use to shoot into the ballistic gel and that was with our Max charge of power pro two thousand mr which is a compressed charge so I backed out our adjustment here with the Hornady micro just seeding stem thingy so we need to dial it back in now the two point two six zero inch overall length ends up being a one point nine inch cartridge based ogive number when we measure it with the Hornady bullet comparator so right now this guy is measuring one point nine one five so let's go ahead and come down fifteen okay see what that gets us pretty close yeah one point eight nine nine maybe if we wiggle it a little bit we can get a one point nine zero zero close enough and the overall length on this guy is two point two five seven so three thousandths or two-and-a-half thousand short of our two point two six zero target these bullets are soft points but they're reasonably consistent generally get overall length numbers within just you know two three four thousandths of one another so that's what she looks like looking like a Buttkicker to me alright here's the next guy one point nine inch cartridge-based ogive 2.25 three overall length so it looks like I might have been able to go a couple thousands longer but that nice one point nine zero zero inch cartridge-based ogive numbers a whole lot easier to remember so it's close enough for me next guy here is one point eight nine nine so that's really it folks these are these are easy seat and bullets they've been easy to work with across all the different calibers we've tried haven't had any problems whatsoever so let's call this good enough and go ahead and get out to the range alright folks it's time to get started our done here has got an 18 inch wide oak armament SP our barrel and it's a good shooting gun we've come to expect point 5 to point 7 inch groups out of it whenever we land on a good bullet and powder combination so that's what we'll be hoping for today I am shooting through my silencer Co Omega suppressor got a magneto speed chronograph on there the scope is a 4 to 24 power vortex strike eagle I did a video on this guy recently I really like this scope the trigger in this guy is a LaRue MBT and we're shooting off a front rest today I can't remember the last time I shot this guy off a rest I normally shoot it off of a bipod but I was shooting the 300 Win Mag with the rest and I decided to just go ahead and shoot this guy with it as well we're starting out with power Pro mm mr our first charge weight is twenty five point nine grains the targets aren't 100 yards the dots are one inch in diameter let's see how they do [Music] alright that looks like a pretty good start velocities pretty low at 2609 I thought we'd be starting out a little bit higher than that I'm hoping we get in that 27:52 2800 range like we do with sierra matchking the 77 grains here match king we've hit 2,800 feet per second with this powder and that bullet so we'll see where we get I guess so the brass looks great from that group but I would expect no less at 2,600 feet per second we shouldn't have to worry about that well to be honest we shouldn't have to worry about that at all with 2000m our but I'll keep my eye on things all right next up 26.2 grains well there's last couple drop and lows weird pretty big jump in velocity they're 70 feet per second alright 26.5 [Music] [Music] [Music] I can't believe how quickly this velocity came up since we're shooting three tenths of a grain increments we're on track to hit 2,800 feet per second so next up 26.8 grains are our brass is still looking good we're rattling off some decent groups down there I'll freaking love these bullets man all right last up here 27.1 grains let's see if we hit 2,800 [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah it looks like we kind of hit a velocity plateau there right we only went up to 27 59 so that actually might be a good thing maybe you'd like 27.0 grains would be a good a good load that kind of sits in a spot where velocities not changing a bunch I don't know we'll need to test some more pretty good showing by mm anymore now those standard deviation numbers are awful they always are like mm em are rarely shoots good tight velocity numbers it's just it is what it is but it gets them going fast and it generally shoots okay so I'm gonna take a little break it's pretty cold today I think it's about 35 degrees out here the barrels not terribly warm but my eyes need a little bit of a rest all right folks time to switch over to reloader 15 now we're gonna be a little bit lower on velocity here I expect but hopefully the standard deviation numbers are going to tighten up and maybe the groups are going to tighten up there's only one way to find out let's shoot him we're starting to 22.4 grains ooh wasn't the heck that felt like a good shot [Music] all right I did not see that coming velocity 2327 that's extremely slow maybe that's what's going on hopefully things will tighten as we go along let's find out okay it's trying to start grouping four out of five is a good start I guess so next is 23.0 grains okay next is 23.3 [Music] all right things are slowly getting better it seems like those last couple groups have been halfway decent all right one more group to go here 23.6 screams alright so that's a pretty crappy finish to this little range trip I'll tell you what now let's set up the ballistic gel and see if we can capture some of these guys see how they're going to expand all right folks so I loaded up five of these so we've got plenty of opportunities here to capture some in the gel my gel is badly in need of being melted down and cleaned up but hopefully it'll be good enough here we go [Music] okay velocity on that one was twenty seven twenty eight let's see if it's in here somewhere I'm pretty sure it is there's a dark spot just into the second block but I'm not 100% sure let's go ahead and just shoot some more in there [Music] [Music] all right so this is the second block the bullets were coming this way we've got a whole group of them right in this area and that's been these are 16 inch blocks so that's I don't know 20 inches or so and that's where all of these have been landing all the way from the Grindle to the 62-grain 223 all the way up to 300 Winchester Magnum with 168 greater the first half of the second block is about how much they penetrate in this synthetic gel from clear ballistics all right let's get back to bench so I was able to recover all 5 shots from the gel and it was like I said while we were out there they were all in that you know 1 to 4 inches into the second block range and these guys really expanded nicely let's look a little closer at a couple of them you can see how that led being bonded to the jacket keeps that lead stuck all the way out to the end of the expanded pedals it's really pretty cool stuff this one's pretty gnarly looking here on the back side all the ones we've tested have expanded into this distinct you know five petal sort of expansion shape like let me show you one of the 62-grain errs that we had fired very similar sort of thing yep there's that 62 Greiner but these 75 s did pretty good as well if anything they expanded a little bit more aggressively than the 62 the 62 we fired it at about 3,100 feet per second so we had these moving pretty quick and the velocity on these was between 27 28 was the slowest and 2,800 exactly was the fastest but this is what I really like to see out of my hunting bullets will weigh these guys here in just one second but I'll show you some other examples this was a hundred and forty grain six point five millimeter version that we shot in 6.5 Creedmoor see similar thing peels back into the five petals there's very little separation of the lead from the jacket really good stuff this is the worst we've seen out of this line of bullets and this was with 6.5 Grindle the velocities were pretty low I'm going to test this same bullet in the Creedmoor with a little bit more velocity later but maybe this gives us an idea of what sort of performance we would get you know out at range after we've lost a couple hundred feet per second still pretty darn good let's weigh these guys all right here's the first one 62.5 so it lost 12 and a half grains there's a sixty two point six a seventy point seven a sixty seven point seven and sixty two point three now if we go back to the 62-grain version that we shot previously there's one that's fifty nine point three here's one that's fifty nine point one one thing about these is I got a little bit of gel stuck in some of these but the ones from today I actually put them in some hot water and melted it out so yeah these might be a little bit lighter than the scale just said but still across the board like I'm very happy with this sort of weight retention I guess they shed between five and fifteen grains and to accomplish that while at the same time getting such aggressive expansion is pretty impressive if you ask me all right so here's a look at our fired brass it all looks fantastic I have nothing at all to show you here's the max charge with power Pro mm mm are looking really good and the same deal here with reloader 15 no visible signs of pressure here today okay let's have a closer look at these groups and we'll start on the top with mm mr this was good stuff with the exception of there's two shots on the second group that dropped low I mean all of the rest 23 shots probably went into about an inch and a quarter group so very happy with the actor seed the best group was the fourth one point six 74 and there's really nothing to complain about here the velocity was great the standard deviations were crappy but at least in my case here you know in my gun with that extremely stable point of impact all the way across does it really matter if maybe the you know the powders temperature sensitive and there's a fifty or seventy-five feet per second swing from summer to winter it all hits at the same spot now if you're trying to pick off coyotes at 600 or 700 yards or something like that sure it might matter but if most of your shootings you know 100 to 300 yards or something I think this would do a fine job so now let's move down to reloader 15 and I don't know what the hell is going on here the middle three groups those were tighter than I thought they were I guess they just look bigger you know since they're away from the bullseye and the dots just you know make the group seem a little bit tighter when you're close but those three were under an inch the first group in the last group especially that last shot that went like two minutes high I have no explanation these velocities were even lower than I thought they would be we really probably should have gone with the five five six data because really this was just a waste of 25 bullets right the velocities weren't high enough to be interesting the groups weren't good enough to be enticing and even our standard deviations were crap I've started to wonder whether my can of real odor 15 might be going bad or something this I think I've had this five pounder open for probably four or five maybe six years it still smells good like he doesn't have any funny smell or anything like that but our last couple of outings with real odor 15 have just been disappointing and I know real odor 15 is a good powder I should be having better luck but we're just not so I think that is pretty much it folks you're going to see more of this bullet I bought two boxes of them I had such high confidence that they were going to be good shooters that I went ahead and bought two boxes we've only shot 55 of them so we had 145 more to play with we're gonna try some different powders we're gonna try and tighten up those groups we've got a lot of preliminary data to work from with these 75s because I've got a whole series of videos where we shoot the 77 grain sierra matchking so I feel like we've got a good handle on which powders give us the best performance so I've already got several other ideas about powders I want to test with these guys maybe we can get close to the velocities we got with Power Pro mm mr but maybe in something that will give us a little bit better standard deviation numbers and perhaps be a little less temperature sensitive you know we're allowed to deer hunt with 22 caliber here in Kentucky and I gotta say I would absolutely deer hunt with these I think they get the job done great especially with you know good shot placement and all that stuff a couple of my nephews have actually killed deer with the 65 grain Sierra game King so 223 might not be the ideal cartridge for the job but you pair it up with a good capable bullet and these certainly belong in that category it can get the job done so there's one more 22 caliber offering I've tried the 62 in the 75 there is also a 55 Greiner I'm not gonna be shooting that guy but those of you who maybe have slower twist barrels or something or just prefer a 55 grain weight they're out there and I've got high confidence that you know they would be good shooters as well so that's where we'll leave this one folks appreciate you joining me I'll see you next time
Channel: Johnny's Reloading Bench
Views: 40,738
Rating: 4.9359097 out of 5
Id: 4ggpOwqVDF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 24sec (1224 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 30 2018
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