223 Rem - Shooters World Match Rifle powder

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alright folks welcome back it's time for our next 223 video and today's video is all about a powder shooters world match rifle this is what we're going to be looking at today man people have been begging me to try shooters world powders for years if I had a nickel for every time somebody asked about him I would have a couple hundred nickels so I finally broke down and bought a couple of pounds a little while back I bought three today's powder is the match rifle like I mentioned I also bought long rifle and I bought their 300 blackout powder as well now assuming we have luck with these two there are a bunch more there's one called tactical rifle there's one called precision rifle there's one called SW 4350 that's supposed to be I guess kind of like IMR 4350 and H 4350 and accurate 4350 so it seems like no matter what you're wanting to do they've got a powder that should get the job done we're not gonna talk about long rifle here that's for another video this is a slower powder that's going to be better in 6.5 Creedmoor like it says up here at the top 260 Creedmoor light Magnum so this guy'll show up soon in some 6.5 Creedmoor videos but today for our 223 video we're sticking a match rifle now this you can see it right here on there it says it is a clean-burning accurate spherical propellant for use in semi-auto and bolt action match rifles they do have a little manual with some load data in that manual they compare this powder to CFE 223 accurate 25 20 reloader 15 and 2,000 mr so that would that should give you a general idea of about the applications this this powder is good for and that's a good thing man because those powders I just mentioned all of those are some of my favorites so this match rifle should not only cover pretty much the entire weight range of bullets for 223 but I'll be able to use it in 6.5 Grendel 2 to 4 Valkyrie 308 all sorts of crap so this seems like an extremely useful powder there's another one I mentioned tactical rifle that's a little bit faster burning more like a CH 335 sort of stuff just a little bit fast like tack TAC h3 35 it seems like tactical rifle will be a closer match to those and then these this is more like the accurate 25 20 now the plan for today's video is to shoot every single bullet they list in their load data that's basically what I decided to do if we look at their load data they've got six different bullets in two to three Remington and then down towards the bottom they've got a couple of them they've got some five five six data that's a little bit hotter as well but let's start up in the in the 223 Remington section the first bullet is the 40 grain v-max we are going to shoot the 40 grain v-max the next one just says 55 grain Full Metal Jacket we are going to shoot the 55 grain full-metal-jacket bow tell from Bob's bullets from two to three bullets comm so that'll be the Full Metal Jacket the next one the 60 grain Hornady v-max unfortunately I do not have the 60 grain Hornady v-max we're going to shoot the 60 grain Nosler ballistic tip varmint instead should be a very close match to that 60 grain v-max we're going to go ahead and just shoot the charge weights that they recommend for the v-max I think we'll be just fine the next entry is the 62-grain m855 slash ss109 now I have some of those m855 bullets the problem is they suck God the groups are awful I've never had found any combination any powder that will shoot a good group with those bullets so far so we're not going to waste our time with that bullet instead we're going to use the 62-grain Hornady boat tail hollow point that bullets a little bit of an oddball it's only available I think it's over at mid-south shooters supply but a viewer I believe was Dominic had sent me a bunch of them I've still got some left we're gonna shoot some here today with the shooters world match rifle next is the 69 grain sierra matchking that's one of my favorite bullets we've got some of them on hand so we'll shoot that guy and then the next is the 77 grained sierra matchking they show a recommended overall length of 2 point 2 4 5 we're going to need to tweak that just a little bit on a couple of these but this right here is basically the load data hopefully I can figure out some way to get all this crap on the screen we're going to shoot three different charge weights with each bullet we're going to jump in half grain increments so the top charge is going to be the max charge and then we're going to go down 1/2 grain and then half grain below that the only one that's different is the 77 grain sierra matchking for the 77 Graner we are going to use their 5 5 6 data instead of the 2 to 3 data it's a big change in max charge all the way up to 25 point 8 is what they show for max so with that guy I want to go ahead and shoot 5 groups and we'll do half grain increments still so that'll put us starting at twenty three point eight now that twenty three point eight grain charge is already above the two to three maximum it's kind of crazy so that five five six data is a whole lot hotter by over two grains from the 223 data now four of these six bullets have got Cain lures so I'm gonna tweak the overall length a little bit to line up the case mouth with the can lure so what you see on the screen right now for for overall lengths is what I ended up going with later on in the video so hopefully what you see here should be accurate most of them will be shooting at full magazine length two point two six zero we are shooting at an ar-15 we're using Magpul magazines so we're gonna stick to two point two six zero one notable exception is the 40 grain v-max I was testing it in my gun and that was gonna be right on the lands so I want to back off the lands a little bit go to at least two point two five zero with that forty Graner but I think all of the others will probably end up being two point two six zero so we've got a whole bunch of range time today right that ends up being a hundred rounds so we're not really going to talk about the reloading side of things very much oh one thing I forgot to mention we are shooting CCI forty-one primers and for brass for brass we're using the same batch of Lake City 2014 head stamps that we've been shooting for a while these guys are fully prepped sized trimmed D Burdon chamfered the case mouth and primed them so I'm ready to start weighing out powder which is going to be pretty boring now this is a spherical powder it should run really honestly through a powder measure so that's what I'm going to use I'll be throwing charges and then trickling them up to their final weight so if I have any metering problems I will certainly let you know you get my trickler filled up but I'll just catch up with you guys over at the bullet sitting die all right so it just dawned on me how ridiculous it is to do a video about a powder but not show any of it being measured so I at least want to show you guys how that how well this stuff is metering from my RCBS Uniflow I was measuring out the 28.0 grain row for the 40 grain v-max and I've got the powder measure throwing 27.9 grains so here here's what we get every single time it says 27.9 grains see if see if we can find one here to make a liar out of me I don't want to brag but I do have some pretty good powder measure technique and this stuff is coming up perfectly dead right on the money every single time Oh almost there we go now it's reading 28 see I'm not as good as I thought I was all right one more and we're done so there it is 27.9 so this stuff meter is like pretty much any other similar spherical powder alright folks I got 100 charges weighed out so it's time to start seating some bullets we're starting with the 40 grain v-max 2.25 0 is my preliminary target here using a Hornady custom grade die with their micro just seeding stem here so let me back that guy out a good bit and let the seeding begin doesn't feel like we're touching knew not even close there we go let's see what that gets us that's two point three one five so let's go down sixty five thousandths there we are okay this first guys at two point two five one go ahead and seat a couple more of them all right so we've got a two point two five to a two point two five one and A two point two five two I'm gonna go ahead and go down to more thousandths probably be just fine right there but why not get them right on the money all right these are right on the money now and these 40-grain v maxes are showing really consistent overall lengths here from cartridge base to the tip of the bullet with these first five there's only one or two thousandths of variation between them so good deal so this is not going to be the least bit interesting all of these bullets are boat tails I've been trying to decide whether or not to go ahead and crimp them especially the ones with a Cana lure I was thinking about maybe firing up the old Lee factory crimp die but I'm feeling a little bit lazy so I think we'll just skip it we'll go with no crimp today all right so this next bullet is the Bob's 55 grain Full Metal Jacket boat tail and this guy does have a candle lure so as I'm setting up my die here initially I'll just go by the candle lure more than anything okay that should be just about right yeah and I may have gone just a smidgen too far but not really I'm right at the very top of the candle or you can just barely see a couple ridges from the candle or so let's see what that overall length is yeah I went shorter than I really wanted to 2.25 see what the next guy gives us here 2.2 to 7 yeah we're just gonna roll with this that's just about perfect candle - replacement gap the next guys 2.2 to 5 so that's what we'll call this one we'll call this 2.2 to 5 I should write that down alright folks I think we'll call that done if anything exciting comes up if any of these bullets present some challenge to me that I can share with you I'll be sure and turn the cameras back on but if everything goes smooth I will just see you guys out on the range all right folks it's time to get started I've got a target at 100 yards the dots are one inch in diameter this gun has got an 18 inch wide oak armament spr barrel with a 1 and 8 twist and a mid-length gas system I am going to be shooting suppressed with my sound surco Omega on there and we've got a Magneto speed chronograph hanging off the end of that so we're starting with the 40-grain v-max and I haven't warmed this gun up at all I forgot to bring out some cider ammo and I'm too lazy to go get it so let's just shoot it cold the gun was sited in for the last video with a 62-grain gold dot so r0 should be pretty close so let's get started 40 grain V max first up is 27.5 grains all right where's that bullet hole yeah close enough good deal that first shot was thirty two hundred and twelve feet per second so let's see if they'll group Oliver Hyde I like that start our velocity was 3219 and standard deviation twenty three point four that's pretty gross and an extreme spread of 65 hopefully those numbers get a little bit better so I chased down our brass and it all looks good so we're moving on twenty eight point zero grains is next holy crap folks are they all in there man that is a nice group so our brass still looks great so we're moving on to the final charge here of 28.5 grains so far with gas everything seems really good this gun does have an adjustable gas block on it but the guns running well it's ejecting to about four o'clock so this powder at least seems to be functioning just fine on my normal gas block setting all right 28.5 let's shoot another good group I like that all right so we got some weird velocity readings there the first shot we're at 30 452 feet per second and then all of the rest were between 33 30 and 30 375 so we basically had one shot that was a hundred feet per second faster than the rest so I don't know if that was a loading mistake but it definitely screwed up our our velocity numbers there but the brass all looked fine so I don't know kind of a weird situation all right so that's it for the v-max very very good start if you ask me next up is the 55 grain Full Metal Jacket boattail from two to three bulk Bullock's comm the Bob's bulk bullet let's see if they'll shoot [Music] [Music] all right so that is a very good start with the Bob's bulk bullets these generally shoot around an inch with a good powder it's a very good start next up 26.5 alright so that group got a little bit uglier but brass still looks okay let's move on 27.0 is last alright so we made it up to thirty eighty-six with the bob's bullet not exactly the best performance we've ever seen with that bullet but not that far from the average so next up is the sixty green nozzle or ballistic tip our first charge weight is twenty five point two grains let's see if they'll shoot [Music] okay off to a mediocre start the brass looked fine though moving on twenty-five point seven [Music] man that second shot the one that went left was not a good shot so that should have been a better group so the brass still looks fine so let's go ahead and shoot a better group 26.2 grains is last [Music] man those last two groups look almost identical but that last group there that felt like five good shots I don't have any shot to call on that one so a little bit disappointed here with the 60 grain dollar ballistic tip I haven't shot that bullet much if any I'm trying to remember if I ever have shot it in 223 we've shot it in 224 Valkyrie quite a bit and it's a little bit disappointing over in that cartridge so maybe my expectations were too high I don't know we're moving on next up is the 62-grain Hornady boat tail hollow point these ought to be capable of some good groups first up is 25.1 grains all right that's not a terrible start the brass looks fine next up 25.6 okay moving right along 26.1 okay so nothing to really get excited about there with the 62-grain Hornady so time to move on alright so we're moving on to the sierra matchking portion of today's program I have a feeling the groups are going to tighten back up hopefully this is the 69 grain sierra matchking first up is twenty four point three grains not a terrible start the brass looks good moving on twenty four point eight twenty five point three [Music] okay so more mediocre performance there with the 69 Green match King that kind of sucks but the good news is we're 75 shots into this and haven't seen any pressure signs whatsoever on the brass so I feel pretty confident going into this next test with the 77 grain sierra matchking where we're really gonna be pushing this guy pretty hard now I've got a mark 262 cloning series where we shoot this 77 grain sierra matchking with lots of different powders and push it really hard our velocity target over in that video series is twenty seven hundred and fifty feet per second and most powders don't make it I think this one will though the burn rate seems just about right this seems very similar to accurate twenty five twenty so first up is twenty three point eight grains [Music] [Music] all right so that's a pretty good start 26:26 for velocity is about right like I mentioned I don't think what to worry about pressure until we get up past 2700 so moving right along 24.3 grains is next okay 24.8 all right so we still have no scary signs of pressure so next up 25.3 [Music] all right so we reached that magical twenty-seven hundred and fifty feet per second mark so this powder is doing really well with this bullet that last group I started seeing a few shiny spots on some cases you know just a little bit of an ejector swipe and I have a feeling that this load 25.8 grains is gonna be a little bit overpressure I don't know we'll see we're gonna go ahead and shoot it anyway it should be almost 2,800 feet per second let's see if it'll group all right 27 98 and one of our best standard deviation or deviation number of the day extreme spread of 12 good stuff all right I tell you what let's go back to bench see what we can make of all this alright folks we got ourselves a good-looking box of brass here the only thing I really want to show you was on the very last group our 25.8 grain charge with the 77 grain sierra matchking you'll see a couple shiny spots here we didn't really raise up any big burrs or do any serious brass damage just some shiny spots and we had seen the same thing on the charge before that yeah here's a couple pieces from the 25.3 grain charge same way I think that guys a little shiny over there there's that guy just a little ejector smear but nothing serious but that's a pretty reliable first sign of pressure in my gun so 25.8 grains was definitely a good place to stop there with a 77 grain or you might go just a little bit hotter and get away with it but not much alright folks so we don't really have a good reason to go back through and review every group I showed you the group sizes as we went along but I guess we can look at the highlights the first of which is the 40 grain VMAX the three groups that we shot first that was our best shooting of the day that second group the point three six nine inch group that is a really good group for this gun an excellent group for this gun and after that 40 grain v-max we didn't really have much luck until the very end with the 77 grain sierra matchking a couple of those groups weren't too bad but otherwise a whole lot of mediocre performance they're in the middle so this powder is extremely close to accurate 25 2004 in that mark 262 series of videos that I keep referencing where we shoot the 77 grain sierra matchking are are 20 750 feet per second load with this powder is 25 point 2 grains so we look at today's target with the 77 grain sierra matchking and 25.3 grains got us there so it's pretty much exactly the same especially when you think about the fact that you know these double-bass spherical powders are all temperature sensitive to one degree or another they just are so we'd have to test both powders on the same day in the same conditions and all that crap to be a little more confident about this conclusion but at least from today's test this certainly seems to be the closest match and performance wise it's similar right like i cured 2520 does a great job but we often see inconsistent accuracy with it we often see really crappy standard deviation numbers and another powder we could put right in the same group CFE Hoschton CF e 223 same thing applies and i guess we could go ahead and squeeze in alliant power pro mm mr so I think power per mm NMR would be a little bit slower burning I'll tell you what let me look up its mark 262 charge right here yeah with power Pro we shot twenty six point seven so a little bit higher charge weights with power Pro 2003 pretty close to one another CF v 223 was twenty five point four grains so I don't know if I'm making any sense here guess we could take 2000 mr back out of the picture and say yeah these three right here very very similar they all usually shoot well but occasionally don't they all struggle sometimes with high standard deviation numbers they all meter really really well through powder measures and they're all extremely useful powders so that's why I'm not too bummed that yeah we kind of shot a few crappy groups today but all in all we got pretty vocal performance for these sorts of powders now to give you some idea just how long I've been working on this stupid video I mentioned this back at the beginning SW 4350 I wouldn't hadn't ordered a pound so this is another one we'll be testing in 6.5 Creedmoor and maybe some 2:24 Valkyrie because the Valkyrie really likes H 4350 so I think that's where we'll wrap this up folks pretty happy with the shooter's world match rifle I'll be trying it again in definitely the Grendel because accurate 2520 is one of my favorite 6.5 Grendel powders and maybe we will try it in 308 eventually it should be a great 308 powder so this definitely isn't the last you'll see of it alright folks that's it I appreciate you joining me today I will see you next time
Channel: Johnny's Reloading Bench
Views: 68,533
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: CSlATMatVxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 59sec (1799 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 12 2018
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