223 Rem - 62gr Hornady BTHP with H4895 & AR-Comp

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alright folks welcome back today is a video that is way long overdue way long overdue I want to shoot the Hornady 62-grain boat tail hollow point you might be saying to yourself I didn't even know that Hornady made a 62-grain boat tail hollow point that would not be a huge surprise to me these are only available at one place that I know of in its mid-south shooter supply seems to be some sort of exclusive arrangement between those guys and Hornady to make these bullets available so these bullets are not in hornaday's reloading manual I don't know of any official load data that's out there for them but they are a very intriguing option because they're cheap they are ten eleven twelve cents apiece you can buy them in huge bulk so we need to shoot them to find out but I have a good feeling that these are going to be extremely accurate I don't really know much about bullets or bullet design but I think there's a reason why all of your match bullets are a boat tail hollow point type of design I think there's something in the manufacturing process of the way these guys are put together that it's easier to make consistent and accurate bullets better hollow points rather than full metal jackets I don't know maybe I'm an idiot I'd like I say I don't know a lot about it but this seems like the right sort of design for some excellent accuracy and we're gonna find out so these were sent to me by a big supporter Dominic now he is he is oh gee patreon he he was one of the that first batch of folks like once I started begging for money on patreon he was one of the first in that first group to sign up and that was such a huge deal in the direction of this channel because at that time I didn't know what sort of community support was out there and he's kind of part of that group that just totally kind of blew my mind I didn't expect that many people to jump on board and he was part of that group and it really made me start taking this whole thing more seriously trying to get out more regular content and trying to build the channel so I'm very thankful for Dominic and the rest of that group so what have I done to repay him he sent me these bullets in November and I'm just now getting around to make a video in February I don't even have a good excuse for it we've been so tied up with a 77 grain bullets and the 55 grain bullets and I just never stopped and said ok hey man let's let's let's go ahead and make a video or two on these 62-grain errs I definitely apologize to him for that and this is certainly not it's not like it's a bullet I'm not interested in I think these are going to be great shooting bullets I really do so I can't wait to see how they're gonna perform today like I mentioned there's no load data now if we look in the Hornady manual Hornady doesn't really have any options in the 62-grain range but they do have 68 and they've got a 60 grain v-max well one of the powers I want to shoot today is a or comp Dominic had sent me a list of the powders he had on hand and I definitely wanted to pick from that list this is one of the one he's got it's a powder that's always shot well for me so AR comp is going to be one of our test powders today and Hornady does have load data for the 60 the 68 grain and the 60 so they show a max charge of 24.6 with the 60 grain and 23.5 with a 68 grain I also looked in a couple other sources the Alliant website and a few other what I settled on is 24.0 that's still you know that that kind of falls between horn ADIZ max charge for the 60 and the 68 and looking at Alliance charges for other bullets it just it seems like that's probably about where our max should fall with this powder so that's what I want to shoot up to and I want to do three tenths of a grain increments which puts us starting at twenty two point eight grains hopefully we don't get ourselves in trouble I'm always wary of AR comp because there was one video I think I was 6.5 Grindle I chose way wrong with AR comp and hit some crazy pressures it was awful so this is one powder I'm always like a little bit wary of but I think I've taken in enough sources of data to where hopefully this 24 grain max and a twenty-two point eight green starting charge isn't going to get us into too much trouble on the H 4895 side of things they do have data for the 64 the 68 grain but they show a max charge of twenty four point three and whatever I went over to the Hodgdon website and looked at their data I think corn ADIZ number was a little bit conservative Hodgdon has the 60 grain Hornady v-max and they show a max charge of twenty six point zero they've got a sixty three grain Sierra that they show a max charge of twenty five point five the sixty nine grain sierra matchking they show a max charge of twenty six point zero so the numbers over there were just a little bit you know consistently higher than the Hornady book so what I what I ended up deciding is let's go up to twenty five point five I'm basically copying the data from the sixty-three grain Sierra that keeps us under the max charge for the the sixty grain Hornady V Max and the 69 grain match king so we're definitely in that right neighborhood so same deal three tenths of a grain increments that puts us starting out at twenty four point three grains and we'll just keep an eye on things right we'll just try to pay attention to our brass see what it tells us and hopefully not get ourselves in trouble now this bullet does have a candle lure so for overall length what I ended up going with is two point two five zero it's still a little bit long like there's a little more of the can lure sticking up above the case mouth then I might like to see but it's not bad and also two point two five zero is that's the overall link that Hornady uses for just about everything in there low data so I figured sticking with that number would be as good a place as any to start we're using the same batch of brass I've used in the last couple videos this is Lake City brass I prepped a big old batch of these guys so they are clean and they're sized and they're trimmed and the military crimps were removed and I've actually already primed these guys with some CCI 41 primers they are 100% ready to rock and all I need to do is weigh powder and seat bullets so let's get to that so I'm gonna start with H 4895 white powder is awfully boring so we'll skip it in this video and I'll see you guys over at the bullets eating die alright let's see how these guys seat back out our seeding stem a little bit it's always easy to get close with a bullet that has a candle or you can use it as a visual help to get close with your die no not quite almost two point two five zero is our number right two point two six seven all right so I'm at two point two five four so let me go ahead and seat a couple we'll see how consistent these guys are these guys are like the other Hornady hollow points they have very consistent me Platts like when compared to Sierras or nozzle errs where the hollow point is sometimes a little bit jagged and crooked hornaday's are not quite perfect but they're a little bit more consistent two point two five two two point two five two two point two five three okay so another little tweak okay there's the first five let's see I may have gone just to touch too far on that die to point two five zero two point two four nine two point two five zero two point two five one and two point two five two so these guys are very close so I'll tell you what let's go ahead and use the Hornady bullet comparator to get a reading from cartridge base to ogive one point eight six eight one point eight six eight one point eight six nine one point eight six nine and one point eight six nine good very consistent over all links both to the ogive and to the tip of the bullet and i'll tell you what these do have a candle or so let's go ahead and put a little light crimp on these guys I think my dice set pretty light right now yeah let's go just a touch heavier than that yeah that might be just a touch on the heavy side but whatever we'll just we'll go with it yeah it doesn't feel bad at all we'll call that a medium crimp so this is what we're left with like I said could have gone a little bit deeper with our seating depth to get a little bit more of that candle or down below the case mouth but doesn't look bad makes for a pretty good looking round I just have a feeling these guys are going to shoot really well tell you what I'll jump to the max charge of H 4895 which was our highest case Phil I don't think this guy's compressed yeah then again I'm not feeling any powder moving and the lighter rounds definitely do so it looks like with H 4895 we're right at 100% Caseville yeah I am getting just a little bit of crunch not enough to you know freaked out about or anything and not enough to affect our overall length 2.2 4 9 2.25 three still still looking just fine with overall length and the max charge they are comp lighter charges less case Phil we don't have to worry about it at all with with a are calm so I think that's pretty much it that's about all the reloading we're going to cover so let's go ahead and head out to the range all right folks this is the very first short sleeve day of the year it must be 70 degrees out here today just beautiful so we're shooting at 100 yards the dots down there are one inch in diameter this gun is a Palmetto state armory upper this was one of their cheap I think freedom uppers that I just replaced the barrel in this is an 18 inch wide okar moment barrel and it has a one in eight twist so we're going to kick things off with a CH 4895 24.3 grains is our first charge weight okay that's not a not a terrible group to start out with I guess hopefully things will get better twenty four point six grains is next the brass looked fine all right there we go that's a little bit better group I had a little bit of horizontal stringing there so the actual measurement on that group might not be a whole lot tighter but just by the eyeball test it's a whole lot better group no doubt about it brass still looks good moving on twenty-four point nine twenty five point two so that group I had a couple pieces of brass with a little bit of an ejector mark I'm not gonna freak out about it I'm gonna go ahead and shoot twenty five point five grains but I think we're getting up there as far as pressure goes [Music] all right moving on to AR comp first up is 22.8 grains all right that's more like it so no pressure signs on the brass and the velocities down there good bit lower than we started with H 4895 which is good like I feel more comfortable starting down here around 2,800 feet per second with H 4895 I was getting a little nervous as those velocities were climbing so it's all good so far here with AR comp let's move on 23.1 grains [Applause] all right so our group opened up a little bit those all felt like good shots I was hoping we'd have another super tight group to follow up that first one the brass looks good we're moving on twenty three point four twenty three point seven so this is kind of weird kind of got a good group bad group good group bad group thing going on here but if the trend continues our last group here 24 points here our grains will be a good group so let's shoot a good group all right that's not a terrible showing for the 62-grain Hornady boat tail hollow point so let's get back to the bench talk it all out alright folks let's have a look at the brass now our fourth and fifth charges of H 4895 this is where we started seeing here just a little bit of ejector marks so I'll tell you what I'll grab all five of the pieces from the twenty five point five grain row and let's see what we can see here yeah the piece in the middle you see nice injector marked there and if I get the light just write a little bit on that guy is that a little bit on that guy it's always hard for me to see through the viewfinder of the camera but you get the point I think with H 4895 we just went a little bit too far now it's not bad primer still look pretty rounded this isn't anything you wouldn't expect to see out of some 556 factory ammo or something or some you know some hot loaded factory ammo so I don't think it's like we were on the edge of blowing her face off however if we had stuck with maybe a twenty five point zero grain max we probably probably would have been in better shape so that's that's H 4895 now here's a few from the max charge of AR comp and with AR comp we chose a whole lot better we were lagging behind age forty eight ninety five about a hundred feet per second but our brass looks better for it I think no real problems that I've been able to detect with with AR comp so I think we're good there okay let's look at some groups and one thing I didn't really cover out on the range was this one crazy flyer we had way up high we get these every once in a while it's been quite a while since we've had one here on the channel but every once in a while you just get a bullet man that just it's got its own it's on its own program and goes flying out there like crazy so I think it was probably an anomaly but you know there it is it screwed up that fourth group made it a 1.88 three-inch group and our last group one point one three nine inches wasn't the greatest group either but like I just said during the brass inspection we probably would have been better served at a twenty five point zero grain max rather than going up to twenty five point five so the top two groups were kind of crap we were kind to see you starting to see a little bit of pressure so might as well just keep it down at 25 and below you know we made it up to three hundred to three thousand feet per second at twenty four point nine feet per second so that's not bad and the groups were just tighter down there so our best group their twenty four point nine point seven zero eight inches and the one right below it was a point eight six three those aren't bad at all those are respectable groups like I mentioned velocities look pretty good to me standard deviations were a little bit crappy but if you if you're following along here on the channel man we've just we've have been having some standard deviation problems lately not sure if it's primer related or maybe my cronograph is starting to lose its mind or something weird is going on but yeah it just kind of is what it is so let's move on to the AR comp groups once again these groups weren't bad our Louis charged there that's a point four six eight inch group right at 2,800 feet per second our guy in the middle there was a point seven zero four inch group at twenty nine hundred feet per second this is good stuff and I think this bullet clearly has potential for some good accuracy this seems like it would be a really fun bullet to play around with like it's not so awesome that it's boring like let's be honest some of the bullets that just shoot so well that no matter what you load them they all shoot great they all shoot the same it's all kind of boring this isn't that like we kind of we had a few crappy groups we had a few stellar groups we had some mediocre groups so this bullet might might make for a really nice you know reloading project of really working in a consistent performing excellent group or load you know finally finding yourself a good consistent performing load with a bullet that's really reasonably priced so also here with AR comp we almost made it to 3,000 feet per second at twenty four point zero grains we didn't see any pressure science this it looked like we were we're right about in that right area of velocity and pressure and stuff here with a our comp you could push it a little bit further I'm sure but then again you know why push it this is this is a pretty decent range so we did shoot a few big groups but we shot a few small ones I'm overall pretty pleased we've still got quite a few of these Dominic sent me I mean we've probably got a hundred left or plenty pretty close to it so we might do some follow-up videos with this guy if you've shot the 62-grain err let me know what favorite powder is what's been working for you or what other powders would you like to see with this bullet because I think it's a good one we've got some left I can order more it seems like the sort of bullet that might be you know worthy of a little bit of our time to nail down some good combos with it I just wish was available everywhere it seems like a bullet that would sell well for Hornady I don't know why they wouldn't you know bring this guy into mass production I don't know man so I think that's about it for today I'm going to be gone for a couple days I need to work on some 2-24 valkyrie videos plus i've got rain coming in so over the next couple days I'm gonna be working on 2-24 Valkyrie and dodging the rain I'm hoping to I'm hoping maybe Friday night I can put up some videos or May it might be Sunday I don't know yet I'll have to see how it goes but I'm hoping to drop to 224 valkyrie videos at the same time there will be one video that covers some reloading stuff and then there will be another video that's really focused on that wide okar Merman barrel I want the barrel video to maybe be a little shorter be a little more to the point you know the folks who aren't interested in reloading maybe they can still come to it and learn about the white oak garment barrel and its performance with some factory ammo and a few hand loads but then at the same time I want to talk everything out and cover everything over in a reloading video and I really need to shoot them both like simultaneously I'm already underway I've got some rounds through the upper getting it broke in you know trying to get some empty brass so we cannot can play around with reloading so that's that's ongoing it's continuing it's gonna take me a couple days to finish those videos get them edited and get them ready to put up so that'll be that'll be the next videos but I don't want to rush them thank you so very much to Dominic for sending in these bullets and thanks to all of the other patreon supporters from back in July in August right I was supposed to go back to work in October but the you know the response from you guys in July and August really just kind of it changed everything and now here we are in February the funding still isn't quite where I need it to be but the channels growing so fast I think we're going to be there pretty soon I'm really hoping that I can just keep this going indefinitely and I never would have dreamed that that would even be possible in such a small community like reloading so thank you guys thank all of the additional patreon supporters that have followed up since your initial surge all of the paypal donations all of these super chat donations all of you guys using my affiliate links in the description of my videos the support is just amazing on every front and I man I appreciate you guys so much so I'll see you next time it'll be a couple days but it'll be 224 Valkyrie so hopefully it'll be work too late I'll see you next time
Channel: Johnny's Reloading Bench
Views: 62,872
Rating: 4.9437551 out of 5
Id: 27alEA7f5C4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 53sec (1493 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2018
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