7 Weird Amazon PURSE Gadgets Tested!

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hey everybody its Bunny and I just spent 30 minutes wandering around my house looking for my cup of coffee you'll never guess where I found it on the fireplace nearly inside fireplace where everyone keeps their coffee right also if you guys want to know how I did my hair I didn't wash it for seven days or maybe today's the eighth day and my outfit you guys have been asking about my fashion a lot lately and it is literally all exclusively vintage Betsey Johnson Poshmark rule I just spat ball drops mark anyway you guys today is going to be a video unlike one we've made maybe all year maybe two years either way very excited today we're gonna be testing out purse gadgets to maybe make your life easier we'll see I'm like a muppet I wish I was a muppet that is honestly my life goal how do I make that happen first gadget what do I want to try there goes my hair dryer in my source of life thinking that I want to try first is an item I have been curious about for a really long time oh and all of these items are available on Amazon Prime if you're looking for like maybe like a last minute Christmas gift a holiday stocking stuffer well you have to have a pretty big ass stocking for this to fate in somebody stalking but you get what I'm trying to say technical name for it is actually bag avi I guess that's been like official brand but I've always known them to be called purse pillows so is this my backdrop kind of make everything look dark dark can't tell I like literally when I have fake eyelashes on like I cannot see nine-tenths of anything that is going on in the world but I'm just imagining good things are happening all around me it says Birkin 30s Perkins bag I have zero of those I don't know if a lot of you guys have this problem is it a problem what is this video I'm just like saying a statement and then immediately questioning the last thing that I just said it's something that happens to me quite frequently I will you know be not carrying a bag for a good long while and it will start to get like squished that's not very cute I'm sorry you're adorable but that's not very cute I think my phone's ringing I don't even know where my phone is allergic to life that is like one of life's least gratifying experiences is when you feel a sneeze locked and loaded in your nasal cavity and you're right on the cusp of sneezing and then it doesn't happen it is something that happens to me quite frequently grape becomes a raisin these things are like $40 a piece which is like expensive or something that sorta does nothing I bought it for this bag but it's clearly now receiving it it's too fluffy and stuffy it's not gonna shove you know what I mean that's not gonna happen um yeah so no show you guys how it's not gonna fit shoving shoving inside day to fit in my haunted mansion Dooney & Bourke bag and it is holding the shape quite nicely obviously the item does do what it's supposed to do but I do have to dock it a couple of points for just being so ghastly overpriced thank you next the next item is kind of a joke but also I could see as being somewhat useful in therapeutic this is called the no phone selfie I don't know if you guys have heard about this or not but cell phones and social media are dangerous and addictive sometimes I do feel like I'm on my phone too much to an unhealthy extent and it's like if I don't have something grasping my attention every second of consciousness I just pick up my phone and I start scrolling I am I that way like why am I not okay with just like listening to birds chirp watching the sunset or something I don't know like I Chi wonder what I did with my life before I had an iPhone before I had social media what was I doing what was life like do you remember do you remember what life was like in the Stone Age sometimes I do feel really relieved on the rare accidental occasion that I leave my phone at home and I just don't have it and I'm like I am experiencing all five senses but I have so this is basically a dummy phone a dummy phone that's also a mirror I think they do also make a model of this called no phone but I at least wanted to get the selfie version so that I could just say hey it's a mirror the Wall Street Journal says more than 10,000 of these have been sold is that true the no phone selfie acts as a surrogate to any smart mobile device enabling you to always have a rectangle of smooth cold plastic to Klutch never again experience the unsettling feeling of flesh on flesh when closing your hand this is so funny pick it up hold it can I tell you guys like a sad story sometimes I will be asleep do you know when you're like waking out of consciousness and you like sometimes become aware of like I don't know if you're fidgeting or like tossing and turning or moving or something I literally like will go like this like I'll wake up and feel my thumb gliding through a feed of nothing oh okay the mirror is like kind of weird it's like one of those like well I don't like I'm like look at yourself um that is literally how crazy I am like I literally think like you you watching this video right now I can just show you a reflection of yourself let me know if that works for me the mirror is a little wonky like if you hold it up close to your face it's almost a little bit of a magnifying mirror so it's actually good thing to probably junk in your purse because maybe you need to fix your eyelash like I do right now this one is leaving my face but like if you just go like this you're like oh my god I was like a tomato it has like a fake sort of camera dot on the back it's just hilarious I'm laughing are you laughing so what next gadget is actually some you could put in your purse in something that goes on your phone so it's kind of like a combination of the last couple of things I've shown you guys but it's also today's video sponsor which is case to Phi now you guys have probably seen me use their cases for years they are always coming out with some of the most adorable designs including one of their latest collab collections with Lisa Frank this holographic reflective case has a ton of like Lisa Frank stickers it literally looks like Lisa Frank stickers not only are their cases super adorable but also highly protective as well they offer two of times military grade of protection and they are some of the thinnest most protective cases on the market so you guys some of their other really cute designs here is another one of my favorite Lisa Frank ones it has the classic Lisa Frank unicorn I think that this guy's name is Mark II I think that's the character's name another one of my favorites is this neon one you can actually do a lot of customization on case defies website all kinds of things from like monogramming putting your name then they have some that you can like cover with pictures as well tons of different customization options and just in time for the holidays they come already like pre packaged in these cute little boxes so they come with like this little elastic ribbon thing but literally how easy to wrap is this or you can just shove it under the tree as is they've done tons of different drop tests with their cases you can check them out all on social media and I even saw one on YouTube where this guy actually tested in case if I case versus like the world's most powerful leaf blower so what they are definitely great for making your phone look really cool and giving you a lot of great protection to especially with the holiday season rolling around a lot of people are getting new phones and if you get a new phone you got to keep it protected be sure and check out my Instagram page I'm going to be doing a $500 cased if I give away so one lucky swamped family member is going to win $500 worth of case two five cases to spend however you want on their website and if you go to case to fight calm slash graveyard or you can just click through the first link in the info box you can get 20% off at cased by using my little custom affiliate link down there I have been using case to five cases for I don't even know how long now and I'm always so excited to see like what new designs they come out with like every couple of months they usually do like a new cute collab or something always always coming out with a cute and protective cases so thank you so much to KFI for sponsoring today's video and don't forget to check out the giveaway and the affiliate link down below next is the gadget that I'm probably most excited for this is a handbag light so I don't know if this is something that happens to you guys frequently like you're sitting in a dark parked car maybe you are in a movie theater I don't know I sit in the dark I want you know maybe if you to sit in the dark you will be just as excited about this item as I am they had a lot of different shapes of them on Amazon they had like circles squares and then this adorable little heart so this is the one that I went for they're all about $10 oh it's got a clip - okay so let's take the little thing out of there oh now I don't know how brightly this is gonna shine basically you can clip this in your bag I didn't even know it had a clip or you can attach it to your keys you can just drop it in the bottom of your bag loosely I don't know how you live your life I think when it detects like your bag opening or if you move this thing it starts illuminating see this thing on top is the sensor I think I'm gonna have to turn off all the super bright lights cuz this looks so not effective right now but when I'm like looking in my bag I feel like I can kinda see that something's happening it does really seem to be doing a good job of illuminating I still left like the basic room lights on because without it like the camera just would not focus at all on anything definitely if you just had this in your purse you can shine and like see all of the items in yeah the clip kind of like I don't know it doesn't want to open too easily I kind of don't want to like scratch my bag I personally would just rather like leave it dumped in the bottom of the bag because then I think it's a lot easier to just kind of like you know move it around in there if you're searching for a particular item it says that it automatically switches off after it's been on for 15 seconds and then it's supposed to automatically come on when you open the bag so the sensor is facing up but it did not automatically come on when I like lifted the flap but once I started like kind of jiggling the bag around it did automatically turn on that would be my only concern I guess for the downside that this item is like if your purse kind of jiggles around a lot and the sensor does turn on when it senses movements like is it kind of just gonna be shining in your bag all the time and just like prematurely run the battery down takes um like those little button cell batteries so there is like a battery cover behind the clip so you can replace the battery so actually I'm gonna get this little thing to thumbs-up automat I'm just like randomly inserting a rating system now on like the fourth or fifth item that we've tested next is another mirror I didn't realize I had like so many mirrored items to show you guys today but I'm actually really excited about this item I've said that for like every item this is called the mirror go-round for panel expandable mirror see yourself from a whole new angle so I think that this will be really what is this guy doing well kina himself talking on the phone ooh this comes in like a fancy drawstring bag with like one of those claws so you can use to wipe your face grease off of everything let's open this up okay this is actually like a little heavier than I was expecting and it says mere roar on it you guys see that what am I not do I really need instructions for how to open a mirror now I in a break glass right now cuz that's not the life experience that I want today literally doesn't say anything oh my god this is like just literally heart-attack inducing every time why does it make that noise is that really necessary okay huh whoo frickin angelic do you know what I mean like sometimes objects have more than one purpose like I feel like if you were standing outside trying to get like a bomb Instagram selfie you could like all capture the sun's rays or maybe you could like use it like to suntan your face or would that set your face on fire I don't know a lot of things oh my god this is so crazy I could see me I can see it Furby you guys can't see anything that's happening right now but I am really having a life experience how did I think I was going to show this to you guys you can see the side of my face talking to you right now a whole new oh my god I always have like a hidden chin hair down here and I feel like now that I can see my chin in four different angles I'm gonna be able to pluck that sucker and I'm really just very excited about that so if you ever put eyelash glue on your face you'll never get all of it off of your face I swear my face is like just oozing eyelash glue like out of my pores anyway um I actually really like this thing I know it might be a little bit gimmicky but if you're somebody that likes to I don't know do your hair all in public or something like you didn't see so many freaking angles and I think it was relatively inexpensive I think it was only like around ten dollars obviously this is only like really good if you have a larger size purse if you have like a smaller bag like this is gonna be 90% of the storage space in your purse the only downside is is it's like a little bit on the heavy side it feels kind of like a full-size makeup palette is about the weight you're dealing with two more objects ago and the next one is a mirror just look at the packaging it is meant to be a macbook air mirror so it's called mirror book air and they actually have them in a couple of different colors so that it will look like a mini replica of whatever colored laptop you have in your life they've got like a white one I got a silver one because that is the color of my real MacBook and they also have I think it's called rose gold like the pink one but this was eight dollars oh my gosh look there is even like a little Apple logo on there it is so cute and it actually has I never really know what all these tiny symbols are on the back of an actual laptop but I think it's just like describing the type of battery that's in there and then you open it up oh my god okay there's another plastic like protective thing oh okay I really like this mirror there's like no distortion and it's so crazy like I thought the little keyboard was just gonna be kind of like a cheapy sticker or something but it's actually like Keys doesn't really like stay closed is the only kind of like design flaw like I feel like it I feel like it would be a lot better if you could like actually like click it close but I guess that would kind of like take away from some of the realistic MacBook aesthetic so it even has like the little groove to open the laptop this is so cute I can really see this being like a super cute like you know if you do like little gift exchanges for your friends well gifts under $10 I feel like this would be such a cute gift to give like I would be so ecstatic if somebody gave me this for Christmas I love it on to the last item slash risky business because I think we're about to have to get into the shower to test this product out because it doesn't ever rain in Texas anymore like you were supposed to rain the other day and it didn't it's like literally been like 82 degrees here in the middle of December with no rain this is called the handbag raincoat I think it's supposed to be like pretty compact so that you can you know roll it up keep it in your purse maybe or like in your car this one is kind of like the first item I showed you the like the purse pillow because it does come in a range of different sizes so this is called the MIDI city-slicker and it is supposed to fit medium sized bags it looks like questionable I don't know why it's like this it looks like it's like oil but it's not like I don't know what's going on here it looks wet but I've never taken this out in my life and it's just been like sitting in my desk waiting for me to do this oh my god was this like one of those amazon return situations where like people get sent like a moldy item like somebody used it one time and didn't like it and sent it back because look at that why is this this way besides its grotesque appearance all on the top its velcro so I think you are meant to go like that and then seal the velcro like as tight as you can around the straps I think that's a pretty good fit for this bag this is the bag that I had in mind to like buy all of these gadgets for free to test it out like genuinely nervous to do this Brina stimulate rain since it no longer falls from the sky I'm trying to like that's not great that's a showers that rain a heavy rain why can't I make it rain is that rain could it be acceptable okay I don't like this that's on my brain okay well the handle obviously to get a little wet because I just sprayed water opening but now like moment of true to see it is like pretty wet all over I pass that to you and Wow it is completely dry if there's like one tiny speck of water that got on there but that was literally in the removal process and there are a couple drops on top there I don't even know if you guys are gonna build this yeah you can see it so there's like a couple of drops but definitely white the whole bag is dry and this strap is dry I'm gonna have to get this thing with two huge thumbs up because overall it did keep my bag safe and Tommy all right you guys that's it for today's video and I'm gonna have to say I was most impressed with the handbag raincoat that totally blew me away I also do really like this crazy foldable expandable mirror and I feel like the bag light is also very effective I'm now just naming off every single thing that I just tested let me know if you guys enjoyed today's video where I pick like a theme and then gather a bunch of gadgets around that theme and we test them out together let me know which item was your most favorite are you tempted to get any of these for yourself thank you guys so so much for hanging out today and for watching if you're not already and you'd like to be the button down below subscribe become a member of the swamp family and give an alligator its wings I love you guys so so much and a huge thing you once again to taste if I for sponsoring today's video don't forget to check the affiliate link in the info box down below I love you guys so so much and I will see you again very very soon bye
Channel: grav3yardgirl
Views: 282,655
Rating: 4.8958516 out of 5
Keywords: beauty, how to, makeup, style, fashion, new, clothes, clothing, shop, shopping, cosmetics, funny, eye, eyes, vlog, as seen on tv, infomercial, does it work, cheap makeup, makeup shopping, starbucks, jeffree star, jeffree star cosmetics, mystery box, makeup mystery box, 2019, supreme box, supreme, shane dawson, shane dawson palette, holiday mystery box, holiday mystery mini, photoshop in real life, lip plumping, easy lip plumping, tik tok, challenge, makeup challenge
Id: TNxz9rCACdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 8sec (1268 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 17 2019
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