Trying Very Weird Shoes from WISH & AMAZON!!

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[Music] hey everybody it's funny and in today's video I'm gonna be talking about one of my favorite subject matters of all time and that is shoes for the past couple of months I've been seeing a lot of people make these videos where they buy like weird shoes from wish weird shoes from Amazon and usually it's just those two websites Amazon and wish over the past like six months I've seen some of the most ludicrous insane literally you look at these shoes and you're like but why were those made so I decided that I wanted to deep dive on the internet myself and see what weird horrific shoes that I could find and try here on my own channel from wish and Amazon that's what we're gonna be doing today and I'm very very excited and also a little bit afraid I think I literally might need Life Alert I'm probably gonna save the best for last the most horrifying pair that I have for last because I hope I'm not gonna break an ankle anyway uh very first I want to show you guys something incredibly disappointing for my life I don't just mean the fact that I chose to just have a green screen today that's my backdrop unless I'm figuring out how to do something really cool and editing right now if not just questioning my life choices uh but other than that let's pull out a big bag of disappointment from wish because you guys I was so excited for these shoes literally I was gonna start wearing them now because it is still summer here in Texas and their sandals oh look at this look at what this is fish sandals there's meat fish fishes like you just look like you just took a live fish grabbed it out of the water and shoved your foot in it which is honestly just a disgusting concept but look at what they sent me you guys won one fish shoe we're gonna do with one shoe wish wish calm I'm gonna try on the one shoe and just oh it feels they're a spongy so far but I but I thought I'd still try it on I mean they actually feel like shockingly spongy and comfortable I thought that they were gonna be like really hard plastic and they really are disgustingly horrifyingly amazingly realistic all right time to try on the trout you guys where where is your fishy buddy do you miss your other half they are so hideous and ridiculous that if I got a pair of them I would definitely wear them should I try and like order these again and get them in stock by the summer they definitely are a looser feeling shoe but how the tail is like curved back here I don't feel like it's immediately gonna fall off I mean it's comfortable enough to like run around town and do errands in I'm not sure like the camera payoff is that great down there I don't know if you really can tell that it's like a fish I feel like it's kind of only funny if you're like standing and looking down at your own foot and you're like there's a fish there too bad they only sent me one shoe or maybe they did send me two shoes but one got lost in the mail it's like what's in the center of a Tootsie Roll pop like we're never gonna know we're never gonna know what happened to that other fish other pair of shoes that I also got from which is another pair of sandals and they're another pair that looks like realistically like something it's supposed to be cabbages which oh my god the leaves look fresh from Subway this did you guys hear that subway bread is made out of yoga mats allegedly that's kind of horrifying I'm really concerned about my health since four years all I wanted to eat every single day was Subway moving along I've got lettuce shoes oh my god there's even like a hang tag you guys I feel like this is one of the wish experiences where sometimes you get something that's a very very obscure knockoff like the amount of knock off items I find on wish like just knocking off the most random of brands in the world is CAUTIs cautis are you a victim oh my god how are they conjoined oh there we go Oh Oh once separated they look twice as Letta see you also Lake very spongy they honestly like blend in with the backdrop what was I thinking these look so realistically like lettuce I'm sure you guys can see I almost described it as veiny lettuce and I'm really just disgusted with myself at that and it actually looks like slices of lettuce like on the soles it's once again surprisingly like flexible and foamy oh look at that yeah so yeah these feel really really soft I like them I think that these were like ten dollars if I can remember the price of anything you have to wait like half of your lifespan for items to come from wish so I literally don't remember any of the values of anything because I probably ordered it like three months ago all right time to slip my feet into these lettuce leaves and LU these are like the texture of the lettuce leaves it feels weird but they are like very soft and squishy you know probably not the best to be filmed in these with like a solid green backdrop but you get the picture hopefully you get the picture lettuce leaves I've got lettuce feet with my lettuce dreams I don't know what lettuce dreams would be a scale of wish shoes I am impressed feel like I'm gonna be able to wear these for as long as I want to wear lettuce leaves on might be they're pretty cute what can I say they're like 10 dollars all right up next we've got shoes from Amazon and oh my god what are these I'm just gonna take one for the team here and say i annoy on eclis love the look of Crocs like have you guys seen the croc high heels floating around I think it's like a mean I think it's meant to be like the ugliest shoe on the plant I seriously want them I would wear them happily I also have the croc bag of you guys in croc bag yes um I have goth Crocs guys haven't seen those yeah I've cropped platforms about regular Crocs and now I have croc claws so what these are literally called claws with a Z because they're very sassy so they're called claws shoes but I mean they are definitely like in the style of Crocs except for they are big giant claws now I have already tried these on and the one thing that I will say is I kind of wish that they were molded like a regular croc on the inside but then just had like this outside large claw shape if that makes any sense because since they are so much wider in the toe area than a regular croc like your foot just feels like it's dancing around in there so they are a little bit less comfortable than normal Crocs for that reason but they do still have like the soles and the support system of regular crops so I'm kind of torn you guys I think that like deep-seated within me I really wanted to be the school mascot when I was in school and a cheerleader and I wanted to do acting I just wanted to do a lot of stuff when I was younger so is this like do I get to be a mascot foot if I wear this does that sound creepy more I say that the less I like that time to step into the claw um yeah I literally I kind of don't know what to say about these like I said it's just like the Front's of the toes are so big and roomy that they feel like the type of shoe that would fall off your foot in any minute now since they do have the croc strap on the ankle I don't really think that they're gonna fall off but they just definitely feel like they're gonna fall off you know what I mean so I just don't feel like I would be able to get as much we're out of these as I do out of like a normal pair of Crocs where like I'll walk around the neighborhood walk around the park do some errands you know anything for which you can no longer elect to be barefoot is like where I can wear normal Crocs moving on that is it from this box goodbye box oh my god it almost took me out with it next I've got two shoes from Amazon and they're both from a brand called pleaser how fast can you say demonetised um yes sexier than ever now this brand on a hole just makes so many amazing shoes and it's like amazing in two different ways we're like wow that looks so cool and then you're like why why would you ever wear that is my angle gonna break it's kind of like you know 50/50 life experience but these actually are just strange but also wearable I don't remember what they're called but look at what's happening here it's like a boa feather but on your foot don't know why I like this so much but I do I just love so many like different textures what is going on here oh it's like rap oh my god I'm just now unwrapping it so it's like a clear PVC top of the shoe with a PVC strap honestly these I feel like are really easy like baby heels to wear I don't know maybe not they're kind of platforming normally I find shoes like this pretty easy to deal with look at that it's just so much fun to like do that to now I can see where these would not be practical if you live anywhere where it snows or rains or some other weather that's just not like hot Sun and dry because what happens like if you're out and it starts raining do you know what I mean then what what are you gonna do you're gonna have wet feathers all over your feet and there's something very sharp back here I don't know what but this shoe deep stab there's like a hidden needle back here I don't know and just put these on and I forgot to give you guys notes about how the foot felt gliding into the shoe for the first time oh my feet are flying they've got wings and also these shoes have many sharp things I know I said it before I'm gonna say it again I don't know what he's stabbing me inside of these shoes but it's kind of unpleasant on a scale of 1 to 10 okay let me watch me fall and needs you guys some of the famous can you see it um the plastic is like a little grabby on my foot you know what I mean like how plastic is so yeah just like I speculated these are pretty easy to walk in for me I'm not sure what the length of the heel is maybe five inches maybe six inches but you guys know me I've been walking in heels for a very long time so yeah I feel like on a scale of my personal life these are not hard to walk in they look kind of like weird I mean I like them from a distance I feel like they just look fuzzy but it looks you can see that feathers so yeah we do a couple more jogs in place I think these are cute I don't know oh my god nearly died almost died those are those all right before I show you guys the super frightening ones that I regret purchasing already I'm sneaking in one pair from dolls kill this is not sponsored I've been meaning to show these two guys for ever and I've still never tried them on like I just took them out of the box these are so bizarre and strange I just had to bring them here for this video it's a perfect fit they are cheeseburger shoes with all the toppings look at the cheese the cheese even feels like cheese and I love the detail of like the bun here having sesame seeds on top the lettuce is actually textured like I don't even know if you guys are gonna see that but it's like fuzzy oh my god now that I'm thinking about it though fuzzy lettuce would be very very disturbing also are these the most practical shoes I've shown you guys so far today somehow cheeseburger shoes alright um the burgers are on my feet doesn't that sound like a code phrase that you could have with your friends mom dad the burgers are on my feet um there is literally no way to capture like my face and my feet in the same frame oh my god I wish I was like a river dancer why do I just naturally like think I can like see stuff on TV and people doing stuff on TV and then I'm like you know what I can do that I'm sure they've just been practicing for like the past 35 years of their life but you know what there's like this is a bad camera angle I'm disappointed with the camera quality right now I'm not so disappointed with my river dancing okay coming through can you see feet have a moonwalk blowing it up in the cheeseburgers yes these are actually surprisingly comfortable and easy to walk in I mean they're like flat they're like tennis shoes - how could they not be the only weird thing about these is that they're cheeseburgers it's a burger oh are you guys ready to see possibly one of the stupidest purchases I've ever made in my life can we get a drum roll please that's drum roll that's a strange gallop so what these are once again from Amazon once again from the brand pleaser although I'm not sure I'm gonna be pleased by this life experience ah yes why do I keep doing that wish I could come up with a style name for these beyond you it just says beyond uh beyond my comprehension is what we should call them okay oh my god this is amazing this is the first so insane look at this look what is this what are those this do you know the phrase what are those this is the most what are those moment that I've ever seen in my life did think that they were meant to be walked in but I'm just now looking down in the box and this other one comes with a warning a big ol warning sign I think that this is the second time in my life now that I've had shoes come with a warning label if you guys remember it does this thing really work that I did like back in September I had these really insane shoes that looked like ice skates and those also came with a warning but I was able to put those on and kind of walk around in them a bit granted very shakily thought I was gonna die every moment of that day but these literally say warning due to extreme height 9 inch and 10 inch 10 inch 10 inch beyond shoe are strictly meant for show purposes these heels are intended to be used in a sitting or lying down position not for walking or dancing wearers / users assume all risks and full responsibility for any injury sustained from the utilization of these products why why wasn't this warning on Amazon maybe I should have gotten another pair okay so now I like I thought you guys might be mad at me if I chickened out and like didn't try and walk in these but as a frickin warning there's a warning that basically says if you walk in these you will break your ankle brink brink you'll brink your ink and then don't come knocking on our door about it that's amazing he literally just do that and then you just like have no liability anymore if you do that amazing oh my god I am really disappointed with my hair up here it looks like I have a frickin bad toupee that is not very sassy is it but this coffee is sippy sippy swamp BAM all right uh well you guys I don't know if I should try and walk and these should I try and walk in these even though the instructions very explicitly tell me not to I also have to say this kind of looks smaller than my foot is my foot this size that doesn't look real but you know what we're just gonna we're gonna give it a good college try that's a great it's a great camera angle look I bet I can stand in this huh I need to get another kick oh my god this is horrible I hate this why do I do the things I do let me do that again oh my god it feels like I don't have legs anymore oh there's paper in it I'm like why won't my book fit I should be showing you guys it feels like there's still paper or maybe like a small elf or something in this shoe doesn't doesn't feel like it's got foam okay this is not easy this is a growing at my knees this is how high my knees are now because my feet are ten more inches off the ground wait if you add ten inches to my height on five three somebody out there that does math the thinking against the warning that I was given I am still gonna try and do it just for a second because I've been saying I'm like kind of getting the hang of scooting around I feel like a crab the tallest shoe I think I ever have stood up in is an eight inch heel so this is two more than that whew oh my god can she do it she can do it yes now the one thing I'm not gonna do in these is jump because I do love my life look at that overconfident yes alright can I jump oh my God look at what I'm doing why am I like this why am I like this okay um I take your warning madam and I laugh at it ah yes I just jumped in them what can I say chaotic good it describes me sometimes just plain chaotic oh yeah see this is just look at that I keep hitting the table I keep forgetting that I have like a 10 inch extension on my foot yeah you guys I don't know what to say about these except for just maybe just say no they are fun they aren't shocking if you want to freak your friends and family out uh maybe buy them since they come with a warning I'm also just gonna warn you guys to not buy them unless you just are a person like me and you like to just see a lot of shoes as like interior decoration I think that these make a really awesome like crazy statement shoe as home decoration but probably don't stand or jump or walk or run in them big feet hahaha okay they actually feel like surprisingly study I almost feel as if I could like dance in them ohh oh my god when I'm not like clutching the table for dear life it's like taking off the training wheels it definitely gets a lot spookier let me tell you I feel a lot less steady oh god they're so heavy you two I'm gonna stop stomping around I feel like I got through this was like a challenge this was a challenge portion of the video I survived uh yeah oh my god I feel like that's like a weapon honestly here's Johnny um yeah don't buy him I don't know I like the look of him but I don't want the risk of him okay well that's all she wrote folks um I have come deeply undone during the process of this filming so be sure and let me know how much you hate me filming with a green screen background I'm never gonna do that again um anyway you guys let me know if you guys liked this video do you don't want me to keep scouring the internet for more weird pairs of shoes or maybe I should do it with like a different type of fashion accessory right I just feel like shoes are kind of like my specialty but let me know I hope you guys enjoyed watching this video as my I enjoyed filming it and I always loved doing the background research for videos like this like just digging through pages and pages and links and links on the internet to find all of these truly insane masterpieces we tried on today also you guys I do think I'm gonna come in if I if I fill them another one of these videos with a three camera angle I feel like we need to do like a Brady Bunch camera setup or something next time this room is like relatively clean right now so I thought we'd be able to get you know all the angles but I just think it's just it's just not big enough this entire room it's just not big enough for my head in my feet does that mean I have a big head or big feet you know what they say about that no I don't know why would I say that out loud anyway I love you guys thank y'all so much hanging out with me today and for watching if you're not already and you'd like to be hit the button down below subscribe become a member of the SWAT family and give it alligator its wings I love you guys so so much and I will see y'all again very very soon the horrifying okay bye [Music]
Channel: grav3yardgirl
Views: 730,915
Rating: 4.8866682 out of 5
Keywords: beauty, how to, makeup, style, fashion, new, clothes, clothing, shop, shopping, cosmetics, funny, eye, eyes, vlog, as seen on tv, infomercial, does it work, cheap makeup, makeup shopping, starbucks, jeffree star, jeffree star cosmetics, mystery box, makeup mystery box, 2019, supreme box, supreme, shane dawson, shane dawson palette, holiday mystery box, holiday mystery mini, photoshop in real life, lip plumping, easy lip plumping, tik tok, challenge, makeup challenge
Id: 7xvvH39lFn8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 55sec (1375 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 31 2019
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