7 Ways to Prank Boys in Minecraft!

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Main_Course_9736 📅︎︎ Dec 20 2020 🗫︎ replies
the one thing in Minecraft I've never done is pranking boys so today with your help audience I'm gonna see if I can pull off seven epic pranks on boys in Minecraft the first prank that we were gonna be initiating is the house swap we're going to try to change the entire house into pink from blue so the first ingredient we need to make these transformers that are going to transform the entire house are pink tulips to be very specific ladies and gentleman we are going to need eight of these bad boys okay so the next thing that we need at lavell I'm just taking all of the items from the boys house I would imagine if this house was in real life this would cost like millions of dollars oh wait hold on I think the iron ingots are inside of these chests yes I found the iron ingots oh and I remember in the kitchen the next thing we need we got to get redstone dust I saw these two pieces of redstone over here I'm just gonna borrow them okay I will replace them later now if I were the boys where would I hide my very prized inter pearls I believe they would be behind a painting somewhere dude there's always something hidden behind a painting in Minecraft literally every single time if you guys see a painting just go ahead and assume that something is behind there that you're not supposed to five now that we've got all the items we need we should be able to make every single transformer I do need to turn the pink tulips into pink dye where is the crafting table there reduce my brothers I am curious how many of you watching right now are a boy if you are a boy put a blue heart in the comments if you're a girl put a pink heart in the comments and no cheating so this is how you crap the Transformers ladies and gentlemen two pink dye over here on the right and we get four blocks transformers with these I cannot wait for you guys to see how this works it's actually incredibly epic so in order to make these work you need to place them at the four corners oh they are going to be so frustrated when they see this man and the fourth and final transformer pad we are only missing like one more item then we can execute this it's gonna be awesome oh here it is the trip wire to meet some string where is the string in this household look at a second oh there's string on top of the bookshelves wait this is perfect final moments of the prank are upon us we just need to break the carpet right over here put the two tripwire hooks down like this connect the string and now we get to see the prank in action we've got point one two three four what else he's looking at the house right I think he looks suspicious man I'm hungry those mobs were tough today I love how perfect everything just changed simultaneously this can't be happening it must be some sort of glitch in the game oh boy one two three four this is no glitch in Minecraft this was an intentional prank all my hard work destroyed okay your hard work is not technically destroyed it has just been girl defied it's really not that bad I mean everybody knows tough guys wear pink girls were being kitchen is that why okay we need to collect all the items for the second prank that we're gonna be doing in this video do you guys see this rainbow right here there are unicorns at the rainbow mixed in with the regular horses now unfortunately I would like to say there will be no harming of animals in this Minecraft world but unfortunately I do need a one cow because we need leather and then we have to collect string to make what is called an empty pouch and what are we gonna be using that empty pouch for today well of course we need to collect glitter from the unicorns I think my crafting table for some reason I don't know why I left it back here so this is an empty pouch now we don't actually have to harm the unicorns nobody wants to hurt unicorns they are majestic creatures created by God and we are not going to do any harm to them we just have to go up to them right click and then we fill up the entire glitter pouch although they they get a little mad when you do that I don't know if you guys saw the unicorns like kicking its feeders like hey don't take my glitter I need that now we got to get some gunpowder ok we are at a creeper village right now if you guys didn't know these do exist inside of some minecraft worlds I'm gonna take this bow and arrow because I really don't want to die right here uh there are way too many wait a second hold on guys whoa I thought that was a creeper okay was just a creeper head oh I'm actually okay half the time I'm not even shooting at the creepers I keep shooting at the creeper heads because it looks just like them we gotta be careful I don't have my headphones right now there could be creepers sneaking up behind me don't be sneekybeeky like creepers you know what this is creepy dude I don't like out there's so many creeper heads because half the time I feel like oh no no no I don't have any armor oh that was bad oh that was bad oh that's gonna be bad too okay you know what maybe there are just a little bit too many creepers here oh my goodness gracious no don't blow up the Gunpowder yeah don't blow up your gunpowder I need your gunpowder thank you eighteen gunpowder in the bank ladies and gentlemen oh dude wait this is perfect okay do you guys see this right here we needed a little bit of sand to make this prank of work and we just so happened to find it right next to the beautiful creeper village which we've might have uh done a little bit of damage to this is the fun part so now using the glitter that we collected from the unicorn ladies and gentlemen the news is good today we have a brand new cactus Jones plushie on pre-sale at Preston stiles calm check it out good news a glitter bomb made from glitter in Minecraft it shouldn't actually hurt anybody because a prank is not truly a prank if you hurt somebody it's only funny if it doesn't hurt somebody and it adds comedic value which hopefully this should do for us I'm going to test out the glitter bomb so you guys can see exactly what it does if my skin turns into a girl you guys have to do me a favor you have to take the device you're watching this video on turn it like this and make the red subscribe button gray and enable those Bell notifications so watch the magic happen ladies and gentlemen you put down the glitter bomb your right-click it and look at what happens wait why am I just a random girl skin it didn't turn me into like a girl Preston skin just a random girl how are we gonna pull this prank off you might be thinking well we are going to break this block beneath us I should have brought a pic because this is taking way too long so we're gonna place down the glitter bomb right over here then we're gonna cover it up with our carpet place a trap chest right over here in the moment they open this bad boy boy turned into a girl duel there he's coming oh please do not check the pawn yes well I wouldn't get a close-up of this yes come on open it what happened to my skin he's like I can't let my friends see me like this well ladies and gentlemen I think we could say prank number two was a success audience boy one two three four is behind us but he still has no idea we are the one who's been pranking his house turning him into a girl so what we're gonna do is we're gonna to have him play a game of football with us boy one two three four has these lucky shoes which helped him run for some reason incredibly fast what I have in my hand right here oh I got it I got to do this over here I don't want I don't want the boy one two three four to see this but what's in my hand right now is an unlucky potion and the reason he's able to run so fast is because of obviously his incredibly lucky shoes look at him look at how fast his yo throw the football with me homie if I do made him say him with the football he does great it's hard to hit him oh oh I got him oh I just need to I need him to take his shoes off take your shoes off man look at this guy oh you know what I'm taking a break Jill you're making me run too much all right I mean I'm fast but I'm not that fast fine I'm thirsty any boys who get thirsty after throwing the football seven times oh wait a second all on the old man is telling him no shoes allowed in the locker room we what locker room doesn't allow people to wear shoes this is why your shoes they're so fast they got a lightning bolt on and everybody knows if you got a lightning bolt on your shoes they're incredibly fast watch if I put these bad boys on look at how much faster we are so here's what we're gonna do take the shoes off put them in our crafting inventory and now we have unlucky shoes I just hope he doesn't notice that the name on them has changed I don't think he will but we need to replace them before he comes back from the locker room oh let's see how fast you are without your face the shoes will get out slow this guy here take the ball take the ball throw him wait saying if we punch him it looks like he fumbles the ball yo how about won't you come get it why you're so slow come on dude this guy's name is swinging at me oh look at this I'm not even sprinting I'm just walking backwards and I'm pretty sure at this point in time I am faster than the boy 1 2 3 4 wait a second can we kind him we can carry oh oh I got me you got me no no don't touch me so we should we want us to run this all the way to the end zone and we should get the didi baby let's go three two one oh that's a huge football toss I don't even know what that's gonna land oh all the way back near is in zone let's go baby come on come on maybe actually I maybe I should let him try to get as close to my goal as I can you know we got to bait him about a little bit whoa did I get struck by lightning what why did he just get struck by lightning was that the unlucky potion that might have been the unlucky potion you know what I'm totally taking advantage of this it's story my next point I'm sorry boy one two three four sometimes natural weather just so happens to happen in a football match there we go baby home zero away 21 the fourth prank involves us drinking an invisibility potion throw this on the ground because boy one two three four currently is inside of his house and check this out he actually finally managed to remove all the transformation plates we put on the ground his house is back to normal I saw construction workers up inside of the top of his house because look what he just had installed now I don't know the guys I've ever seen my video game setup but literally it looks exactly like this one although it's a little bit bigger in my desk is a different color but this is his new immersive VR gaming setup he's got going on so in order to prank this we have to go inside a virtual cyber space now there are two different type of gamers in this world there are gamers who are very competitive and like their games to be as difficult as possible or there are gamers who like to pubstomp and that's people who basically just like to take out easy players in the game I have a feeling boy one two three four is one of those easy pub stomping gamers look at his wave one sheep sheep don't even deal damage wave two pigs are you kidding me then he's got cows and then finally he doesn't even have mobs that deal damage so I may or may not have collected some additional spawn eggs or a place he's of women we're gonna leave the first dispenser the way it is but the second one we're gonna replace it yeah buddy I hope it doesn't have arachnophobia because he's about to get terrified then we'll place the cows with the zombies and then the fourth final wave we're gonna replace this with the giant zombie spawn egg he's gonna have no idea we replaced all of the waves inside of his video game this is probably one of the most creative pranks we've ever pulled off inside of Minecraft so now we are back in the real world we've got five minutes left on our invisibility potion yes and now he's coming upstairs I can't wait for him to log into his VR headset and just see the mess we made of his game yeah like him he's like gaming time get inside of your via put the VR headset on come on oh there he's inside wait I'm gonna follow him let's see how he does how is he gonna handle this this is not gonna be as easy as you think it's gonna be bother oh he put on dude this guy put on full diamond armor just to fight sheep how sweaty can you be this is like a new level I've never seen this level of sweat in my entire life oh wave one complete pain ready for a wave two we've got speed spiders now the spiders he's probably I could have a problem with he probably won't even have a problem with the zombies now the real problem is when he gets to the giant zombies cuz even in full diamond armor I believe giant zombie spawn eggs can probably one shot if not two shot you in full diamond gear finally he takes out all the spiders I thought he was never gonna do it in time oh he's got the zombies oh oh the zombies are in fire guys is it me or is he not waiting for his attack fatigue to reset like this isn't pvp in 1.8 bro this is 1.9 PvP you can't just spam left click oh wait the big zombies are coming get away oh just got one shot wait a second we could even collect all of his XP orbs you just got one shot by the giant zombie for the fifth prank guys I would like to welcome you all to the boys Boxing Club although this time we are using swords and medieval gear now this right here is the boys locker room and this is boy one two three fours precious gear for his boxing club but check out what we're about to do to it we've got a custom recipe for you guys this is called the Smasher four pieces of redstone four iron ingots with an anvil in the middle and you get the Smashing and with the Smasher check this thing out so I don't know if you guys could see this his gear is overpowered he's got to sharpen his five sword protection five everything if we throw all of this stuff into the Smasher watch what happens the smash sword has lost every single enchant it has now been given we're gonna throw the helmet in there the chest plates and the leggings oh and we got throw in the boots too because he's got protection five on those boots now everything has been removed from protection 5 - literally just basic diamond gear now that all of his gear has been pranked and turned into literally the worst gear ever we're gonna place it back exactly how we found it and if there's one thing that hurts a man's pride it's when he loses to his wife or girlfriend inside of Minecraft this potion is going to turn us into Breanna check this out even when I type it says TP in our life look at that eye flute not only is my name and change the TV and our wife of my entire skin is now Briana's he just put on all of his gear does he not realize he lost every single enchantment on of his on his gear pieces I've got a sharpness 5 sword with fire aspect this guy is going to probably get one tap just like he did with a giant zombie watch this I just killed him with three punches for the 6 prank we're going to be dumping him off of this rollercoaster into the void the first thing we're gonna do is make sure that nobody brings their pets on this rollercoaster because I do not want to be responsible for the pet going into the void are not allowed on this roller coaster rod thank you you gotta be polite okay even when you're pranking somebody you gotta throw it a little bit of politeness be nice to somebody every day show some love this right here ladies and gentlemen is the end of the roller coaster car late so what we are gonna do we're gonna place a few pieces of polished diorite around it now we've got to dig straight down that is right we have to break the number one rule in Minecraft which I don't know why experts say not to dig down it's not like you can dig down into bedrock unless you have the super pickaxe a pickaxe with extreme power which can instantly break bedrock which means we need to probably make sure we're not going down too deep I will oh there it is the bedrock look at how this pickaxe just breaks the bedrock in one punch oh there it is can you please sir put your pets away no pets are not allowed on the roller coaster you think I'm gonna be responsible for their deaths absolutely not right so what are you upset I'm gonna give him a little bit of a nudge come on give inside of the coaster body as if somebody would hop into a roller coaster by themselves with no employees working finally he's come around the corner does he notice the die right I don't think so there we go see you later tater dude should we follow him no no no we can't follow up wait he's about to disappear for my render distance I can barely see him I just see the top of his head look at him he's going all the way Jay always gone boy 1 2 3 4 heads fallen out of the world now you might be able to hear this to the left we have the boys locker room and to the right the girls locker room the first thing we needed crap is a blue spray-paint can if we can get the girls to agree to pull this prank off with us very simple you just need one piece of redstone and anvil seven pieces of blue wool and you get the spray paint can okay now this is this is the hard part trying to get the girls on our side excuse me ladies remember always be polite show love to everybody you're not supposed to be here I know Shelly but I just need your assistance I want to pull and Frank on the voice can you help me oh sure that sounds like a ton of fun Susie you aren't my girl Becky's in as well we got the whole squad fam ready to go big on this brain let me shut these doors I don't want the boys to hear this I'm gonna shut both of the double doors over here I'm going to spray paint the room of temporarily once he steps on the pressure plate it'll go back to normal hi it looks like they're all in favor so it's time to spray paint this entire place notice the satisfication of spray painting the entire girls locker and blur this looks so cool I want spray painting this entire room don't forget guys if you get to one of my brand-new videos in the first 60 minutes of it being uploaded you have a chance to have your comments read and featured right here on the screen so make sure you guys get here as quick as possible to a brand new video once it's uploaded and von Raab the entire girls room has now been boy a fight now okay so we're gonna put down the pressure plate right over here now I've gotta swap the rules above which indicate obviously the boy in the girl locker rooms I've got I've got to be very sneaky about this guy's there we go now is this going to work I don't know because I feel like it's pretty obvious to the left is the boys locker room and the right is the girls locker room but I'm hoping they just don't pay attention and just look at the color of the wool above the doors I see boy one two three four Oh what are you doing in here what he did what idiot boy what dude three four you just got print old what whatcha I just got kid what what what just happened wait a second wait he he got turned into a girl look he can't leave oh my gosh this is perfect oh I hope you all enjoyed if you did makes you leave a like down below have a wonderful safe blessed day thank you guys so much for watchin [Music]
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 10,900,540
Rating: 4.9182816 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, challenge, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Id: hnVF13mFMc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 24sec (1104 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 20 2020
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