5 FUNNY MINECRAFT PRANKS on GIRLS! (Husband vs Wife Minecraft House Troll)

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welcome everybody to the 5 funniest prints you can porn girls in Minecraft and today of course we're gonna be breaking none other than my wife and her big beautiful mansion wait what's that oh guys hold on I think is your brand I'm gonna go downstairs of my control room right now and then the pranking will begin I am so excited for what I am about to show you take a look at this amazing house it is probably my dream house I mean that's what I would say look how pretty it is it is pink it is beautiful I am I'm in love I mean what can I say I have did myself on this one look up a friend I don't remember putting that there that's kind of strange ok look up I just see this up something just popped up in front of that what just kill me you guys suddenly just killed me I was just looking into the Sun and then a big potion using magic just killed me in front of my house I don't feel safe anymore guys I think I just killed Brianna with a magic potion troll that was literally the world's silliest troll and I can't believe that she actually fell for it but don't worry the pranks only get better from here on out so this is my beautiful bedroom of course there's a flower and of course it's pink my signature color and we're gonna go out to the beautiful balcony to get some fresh air it's beautiful out here look at the beautiful wilderness there's mountains there's trees you can hear the fountain so I think right now brands on the balcony she has no idea we're about to spawn a massive gasp on the balcony she is going to freak out and whenever I press this sign it takes me to view the pranks so here we go gasps balcony troll let's go see what's gonna happen whoo oh there it is [Music] just blew brand up and now it just it's like see ya later tater okay probably one of my favorite pranks ever and that's not everything ladies and gentleman I've got even more pranks laid up here I've got optional items on how we can prank and all of these signs I'm able to actually click them and go back to my control room so what we're gonna do we're gonna click on this and go back to my control room and see what brand of thought of that break I'm starting to not feel safe in my own home I mean I just looked up at the Sun and then something leave me up and then I looked out in the balcony and I was blown up what did you think about that break branded you liked it no no no that wasn't me so that's what we call it malfunction I think that you had something wrong with your mailbox like you got to be really careful those mailbox installation men no no I saw you had a mailbox right here next to your garage which is very nice house by the way were you scold me earlier okay well we are married so we live together and so you told me that if you painted the house pink I could live in the house all right if you were at this you did not I I got I got places to be Briana okay I gotta go shop at Whole Foods but I'm saying is be careful your mailbox just kind of exploded on you and that's kind of your fault so I don't believe you this conversation is very fishy you ever do the grocery shopping okay you guys I am getting really hungry all of this harassing is making me very very starving so I keep my fancy raw beef in this chest here the furnace troll is amazing Brie and it's gonna put colon and beef obviously right cuz she wants to cook some beef she's getting little hungry little does she know when she puts it in and the beef is cooked it's gonna spit out a TNT block and explode I promise you're not gonna want to miss this one or any of the other pranks so you better watch this entire video all the way through Brianne is about to cook something in her furnace little bit she know the furnace toll is about to happen ladies and gentlemen we go light the furnace I think it goes in the bottom I think that's what I remember being told I'm gonna make some beef for some fancy Texas style steak and get some tea and tea wait for it guys wait for it that's why you referred to Whole Foods cuz he wanted me to make food and blow myself okay if that wasn't the best prank in the world guys I don't even know what to say speaking of the best pranks actually this has nothing to do with pranks but check out one of the brand new fire march pieces of presence alikom it's so soft it's like the best thing ever don't check it out link in the description ladies and gentlemen Oh Bree Oh see I told you you had to be really careful about Best Buy's installation service all furnaces and appliances okay told you you can't trust them they they they just say they mail function just like your mailbox your house is really not well built you might want to restructure kind of things that are going on Preston first of all you're the one who picked out the furnace from Best Buy no I did not I told you to go with the furnace 3000 and you picked out the furnace 1979 I told you cheaper isn't always better okay that's not true and you also referred to Whole Foods and made me very hungry so you definitely set me up to get okay that's not my fault I've got really hungry because I was spending so much time plugging my brand-new fire merchandise okay can you blame me if we now do not plug in your fire Murch it is a really good question all I'm saying is Bree you might want to be a little bit more careful this time with the appliances you pick out as well as the installation dude okay so uh you know what I actually could patch this up pretty well not like simply hood I can do a little bit of patching all right a little bit like that and then some like this but unfortunately Bree we might have to wait on Amazon to deliver that furnace cuz I you I can't really do much other than that for now so you're not gonna be able to cook any food you better prepare to go to chick-fil-a or something like that I'm sorry anyways no my uber zero I gotta go I oversee this max brink is the staircase troll what happens is I have a couple of beats as the stairs inside Brandis house when she walks up it they're gonna fall and she gonna be trapped it's a hilarious so get ready ladies and gentlemen here we go we're gonna watch her walk up the stairs I'm so tired of Preston pranking me I am going back upstairs I am so tired of this there should be no more pranks no more harassment I am so done [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh my gosh that Frank could not have worked any better tell me did you even see that coming I mean um um yeah Bri you got to be really careful about the contractors you hire to install your staircases I think you really like you I didn't install that staircase that was installed by one 800 staircase installers once again I think you're just kind of going a little bit cheap you should probably use like the yellow pages or the white pages maybe you should call some people next time before it's following some Sarah plank says okay now 1-800 staircase installers it's definitely not oh yeah yeah literally ladies and gentleman right now if you're watching this video go ahead and call them tell them press and since you I get a million dollars every referral okay anyways Brianna so a lift Drive is here so I gotta go so go ahead and get out of your date attack this next prank is a banger this is the bath troll I know Brianna whatever she's dad got him a long and stressful day which is partially my fault for pranking her she's probably gonna be in the bath so here we go after this long day of being harassed and pranked all I want to do is take a long and relaxing [Music] look at that nice view it's so pretty I love long bubble baths they really do make me feel a lot more relaxed oh wow yes see like that's way worse than a hot tub cuz a hot tub at least won't melt your skin off that's kind of a mean prank but I still think it's hilarious Bree I told you you gotta watch out for your contractors okay like why would they put in no no I'm just saying they accidentally seem like they put lava in your bath when they meant to put hot water so you really should starts no no no I definitely think it was them I'm telling you Bree you got to start paying more attention to people and the contractors in your house like they clearly don't know how to install a good bath you can't keep blaming others for when you are doing naughty thing I'm not doing any of the naughty things once again be kinda careful with the Walmart installation men all right okay little bit of lava here isn't so bad for this skin but a lot a bit of lava equals death well then what happened to you you just look like a big clump a lot thank you it's because I've been Sun Tanning all this winter I have nothing that's fine that's fine my taxis here so uh yeah I gotta go I gotta go you guys summer is almost here and it's time for a nice relaxing dip in the pool I mean there is no lava here there is yes there is a large fire pit over here that is the only law going to be near me now this next one is really good this is the pufferfish prank so we're gonna spectate Briana right now I bet you she's right she's trying to get a little bit of a swimming oh she's literally swimming right now what a pleb so now that she's swimming I think it's time for us to release the pufferfish we just have to go back to our control panel [Music] many Wow wow that looks like a little bit of a problem that's just a couple of puffer fish ladies and gentlemen Wow yeah oh my gosh they're like the cutest thing ever - I love these guys what's what's going on - Joe there is a Preston what's wrong let's let's look this way for a second why are we gonna walk this way why are we going this way what's up okay okay what's up all summer I've been like waiting for you to see my pool but apparently I need to call an exterminator because something happened like you gotta say that right yeah there's a lot of pufferfish but for some reason yeah they're really nice to me I don't know why they don't like you in there I don't know I think the pufferfish really really liked me like I'm swimming amongst them they are my friends we are one in the same oh I love pufferfish Briana if you didn't know they're they're technically a delicacy in some countries by kosher so I can't actually eat the pufferfish so I just gotta like them they're like really really good pets are you able to summit them cuz you're made out of lava well I probably think that would help because I've got kind of thick skin if you know what I'm saying Bri all I'm saying is that like whoever your pool guy is I got a better pool guy I could probably you know toss us connect information but once again you gotta be more careful with the people you have installing things in your house like they should not have put all these puffer fish in there it's kind of dangerous to regular humans especially two females with a fair complexion like you Bree I mean you get sunburned really easy and pufferfish gonna kill you pretty easy let's you know stop with the you know harassing and me say you are kale I said that your fair skinned to completely different things you know BRE I want you just stay where you are right now for just a little bit don't worry what I'm doing okay I'm just doing some some stuff right definitely worried I'm not allowing you to stay in my house don't be worried for you what I'm doing right now is genius it's genius okay it's free this is just an even more beautiful it's just I am definitely leaving guys I'll see you next time when we prank Brenda again but for now I gotta flee the country if you know what I'm sayin she's not pranking me again [Music]
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 7,708,000
Rating: 4.7658958 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, kids, prank, house, troll, boy, girl, wife, husband
Id: owx7SbzyLLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 48sec (828 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2019
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