10 Ways to Prank My Wife's House!

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welcome to my wife's house ladies and gentlemen I'm gonna be showing you guys ten pranks you can do while in quarantine we have a hundred pounds of dry ice go go go the first prank is nasty we have collected dirty ball pit ball dirty ball pit ball pool places dirty ball pit balls over the last year and a half and we have so many left over we're gonna stuff these everywhere I really hope Bri does not turn the oven off duty ball how about this guys can we get a like for all the balls that are in this video oh that's what get it okay that's pretty good I love this job if you guys have a wife one of their favorite things to do by far is to take a nice relaxing bath Breanna's gonna kill me there is dirt everywhere the one thing Breanna hates the most is probably uncleanliness telling BRE that you did this now we move on to the next break there's something wrong with the oven right now it's out of order but you're the one who's good at tech stuff first of all this is not your hand right this has never been you I can typically not read at your notes that is so rude dirty and this is where it's all oven no I am NOT gonna be the one who makes all this up are you bored because it's quarantine right now wait you haven't checked your bathtub yet my bathtub your sanctuary you might want to go check that right now what are you doing it's some nice upgrades for there are leaves and you want to go ahead yeah you go ahead all right I already got it once it's actually really comfortable look break you're a beautiful you guys know like Animal Crossing came out of a Nintendo switch she's been playing non-stop so what happens if we take away only one of the controllers and attach it to three or four balloons we are four balloons on the switch controller and it's still as it lifted off and then we have this very awkward either instant I don't know them it's a dog treat or if it's a heart Nate you guys in the comment to tell me what the heck this is okay we're not kidding but we now have I think seven balloons attached we're still look at this it's still not getting lift off watch like this how heavy is a Nintendo switch controller 21 22 23 24 balloons ladies and gentlemen and it still is only going to barely take off are you ready for this this is the moment we spent 30 minutes blowing up balloons for is gonna get that goodbye car keys this is probably my favorite prank and we haven't even gotten to the dry ice yet which is going to be absolutely crazy hey those are my switches switches doing what my switches are you been oh is that like half of your Nintendo switch controller that you used to play Animal Crossing I wanted to play that like right after I talked to you is that your card I would change your cat to the ceiling so how are we gonna get that down : I have an idea oh great Brees got an idea this is bad I did not think about how to get those down while I put them up but there's two options you can either take them down now if you really Animal Crossing or hurt you can wait for the helium to run out you might think about how to take them I promise probably a couple hours I come with me to the bedroom audience look at the photo just for a second do you guys see anything out of the ordinary on this photo make sure you take a very close look maybe I might Briana has this wedding engagement photo we've had up here for a very very long time this is like from one of our engagement photos of 2017 I don't even spent a long time guys okay so we're just gonna replace this one I really want to leave this one for like two weeks do me a favor if you want to keep seeing epic pranks like this if you're watching this on a device try to like this make the red subscribe button gray and able the Bell notifications so you guys never miss out on the video and let's roll on to prank number four debris they pay enough attention to the bedroom but something is out of order in there other than bells oh my goes everywhere there's legs there are bricks everywhere no not the bridge there's something else there's something else other than this the dress message just just just take a look at some of the art I'm gonna be honest with you you breathe you don't notice what it is you're kind of a bad wife and I felt really uncomfortable I haven't gotten read Nathan you're great it's not you it it's me it's supposed to be yeah time for the hundred pounds of dry ice which by the way only cost like $100 good news quit it so I can feel the call of it from here lawn dragging it never touch dry ice without the right safety equipment because this stuff literally like it can it can burn your hand off oh you guys can already see it it's starting to smoke a little bit but block this is probably only like five pounds of dry ice oh man some heavy blocks I can feel the cold through my gloves I've got frost on the tips it's getting really cold this is like built-in air conditioner so let me explain you guys how this ring is gonna work first you throw away the trash we have Breanna's laptop using coach heat the party 15 you get 15% off any pizza buyer merchandise go to press this fast calm - check it out good news over so we boil the water and now we pour it directly on top we've got everything hopefully this is gonna act as a buffer that's that's our goal go go go go turn the light off that was way more setup than wanted where is the other half of your Nintendo console where I last put my Nintendo I didn't expect I will give you an it might be in the guest bathroom oh it better not be in the toilet I do I promise it's not in the toilet although maybe club its mookee I promise nobody's in every you can go in it's cold just go inside reach inside of there that is full dry wait listen listen that's my Nintendo dying I am NOT your laptop's in there - somewhere are you kidding me no if I said yes or deed rub me more no wait there's a chunk of dry ice on the edge and the lens of my camera are you okay ladies gentlemen we are not done yes or not we're not done we have a giant tub of mega bricks basically a grown adults dream play toy so when brie opens the pantry the garage door and a couple of other doors in the house we're gonna do a giant Lego wall so it comes tumbling down and freaks her out when I come home from work if I even just say hi Brie she freaks out if she just nudges the door open barely I need it to be enough pressure to knock it over so it crashes I'm right now an architect pretty sure these are made for three-year-olds if you guys make it to one of my new videos in the first 60 minutes of the being posted you have a chance to have your comments read and featured right here on the screen so please make sure you guys get here early to the video if you want to have a chance to have your comments read and featured oh dude I just realize it's gonna be really hard to get out of here I am no longer about to see it yeah okay I think we now have erected a perfect brick wall okay now we got to shimmy this thing okay how you doing there mark this is one of the things you don't think about when you make it break videos guys how you gonna pull up the prank perfectly sometimes it just happens in the movement but we realize there's no other way to get out of the pantry so we have to make it extremely close to us cuz we gotta do it when she opened this bump oh just in case Breanna doesn't decide to open up the pantry we have another one set up right here at the garage door get this one into position okay that looks good look I know I broke one of them but we still have another one in the bedroom okay we're good I thought it would like super-close we've got one in the bedroom one at the pantry cos I broke the one in the garage entry so that's okay we still have two more and brand has got to go either into the pantry or the bedroom dude just remind me not to open the pantry door I'm gonna have to be done I'm the worst you gotta be hungry after all this pranking right I'm kind of just upset well maybe I'm upset actually so yeah yeah why did you go get some snacks okay I guess Tripoli no guess go get a snack in the pantry what did you put in the pantry I didn't put anything in the pantry I don't know if I if I put something in the pantry I don't remember pounding on the door it's somebody's in there open it just open the door doesn't really have to kick the door why did you kick the door open like a SWAT team I had to be careful I didn't know what shenanigans I'm here and I took care business it gets very hot here during the summer and we're just about to hit it so what is the thing that you want the most you want like a nice glass of cold water maybe a glass of cold soda and that's why we're gonna replace it with expired top so check this out you just take the top off like this I gotta find a place in the pantry no you put that back on remind me never to open the register I would never check in there for the ice thing this is my first time doing this by the way but I think if we poured it directly into the ice chute it should work did you imagine you're like a nice glass of water you go for your eyes and you just get expired coffee beans well they smell it they still smell good first we get our water and now the ice it's like a movie commercial for the coffee birds peace dude I'm selling this for 2 grand if anybody's interested I'm like that was like what half a second in every single bean disappeared okay I should probably turn the ice maker off now he will not break I can't wait to see Brees reaction to this one you gotta be kind of thirsty now you went in the pantry no snacks hold on let me just give me a moment you're correct so I'm just gonna what are you doing no Bree I know his dog yeah is that funny to you go get me some ice [Music] what are you gonna do all those beans and speech what's wrong with you breathe there's such a mess up somebody's here Zanna bean bean hairs oh if there's one thing Brandon loves her parents bought her this very fancy but very pink backpack as you guys know summers just about to be your as we were mentioning in the previous prank oh my god anyways wait can we just it's only a prank if it doesn't hurt the person if it hurts the person then it's cruel if that sinks to the bottom I'm gonna be dead I'm gonna be a dead fish is this a shoe tree put that in the bucket or systems okay but with longer nice ones why is it outside in the first place we had a brilliant idea what if we use some of the extra ball pit balls cover up the backpack so she has a no idea oh these are dirty what in God's green earth go vault be free I can barely see the person side of there now that it'd be free I haven't seen my cat and well okay I promise I did not touch your cat but I might have touched a gift your parents got you for Christmas our Bible no not our Bible Bri I like I'm not gonna I'm not a savage I'm not gonna mess with a Bible I don't God to smite me just cause I asked for Christmas something is in the pool don't tell me my cat is in here I would not put your cat in the pool really that's why your onyx in this bag really yeah what's inside a key open it for me I don't even know what's in there what's in there I'm not gonna show you so you're not get open you're trying to make me feel bad your guilt tripping me that there's electronics in there you won't even show us the proof of electronic showroom it show us the proof you'll brink it just walk away Bree she always does this when she gets mad I know what happens when you pour rubber ducks into a toilet Melissa trouble these sound like baby ducklings okay this is until we bought this house I didn't know but this is called the powder bath this is where people do their make guys where you do your makeup spoiler nobody's ever done makeup in here what kind of damage will you receive when flushing down 20 Robert ducklings in the toilet what happens it can't be good I can't believe this here hopefully Breanna does not flush the toilet and wreck the plumbing in our house oh you're not gonna follow me in the bathroom there is no brick wall behind that door I promise don't be scared just go in there what is it is there a toilet snake [Applause] in the toilet no I promise it up Oh toilet hope it all looks broken you're like a little baby ducklings that looks so disturbing you don't like it you didn't party on them did you I almost did I'm not gonna lie like I almost hit but I remember there were baby ducklings in there this is Briana's closet which she just spent eight hours on Sunday cleaning and now we're gonna stuff for shoes and of course we have to stuff the favorite shoes with marshmallows when people did this prank I don't know if they use jumbo marshmallows or regular sized but we got the Jumbo here on the preston channel naívi says oh i'm not eating one of those could you imagine just like I did not realize how many jumbo marshmallows shoes could fit until this moment some things in life you've never really truly experienced until you become a youtuber never my life a night they get be stuffing my wife's shoes with marshmallows I don't even think I'd have a wife what do I put the extra in my mouth you want these we're never getting those forbidden marshmallow why do you want from me you check your shoes you see what so you're looking you're looking at your shoes and you don't see anything out of the ordinary you are a monster breed that is so disgusting yeah you literally just ate the marshmallow out of the shoe these are pretty nice okay okay that's like one of the only friends I've ever had backfire on me am i dying for you that is disgusting those are tainted why are you eating all thing stop stop you are being a gross you guys might be wondering why are we getting into the car I want you guys to just look at the rear view mirror in Briana's car right now we're gonna pop this bad boy open we're gonna back up the car oh my gosh it's following us look first thing you do either you check your mirror or do you check your reverse camera and that's the first thing she's gonna see what y'all for the car like I'm gonna show you guys how its tape on the back cameras right there above the license plate and then you've just cut them doll way it makes sounds I have your spare key I know one of them still on the balloon it's but I've got a spare hey I'm now in the garage I'd go inside the driver seat there better not be a clown in my car there's no clown in your car don't make it weird why don't you do us a favor just back up there's a clown in my car there's no cloud in your car to start backing up if you guys will watch any more epic prank videos clicking no on these videos YouTube is recommending to you thank you guys so much for watching I have a great day and I'll see you guys in the doghouse [Music]
Channel: Preston
Views: 8,071,356
Rating: 4.894702 out of 5
Keywords: funny, challenge, family, comedy, preston, brianna
Id: htInmSGJYzo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 22 2020
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