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we created a whole shebang grab it i got it where are you finding these things oh perfect today i'm going to teach you guys seven ways to annoy your friends the first way to annoy your friends is pretty simple a nerf gun did you just try to get that line up your sights you get ready i think i won that was such a good game guys click that subscribe button let's go is it going to be like this today i'm going for that 42. 42. what's that three musket oh that way it's continuing oh so did it like sense it dude it had to because it stopped and it was like nah there's not enough room in this house for the three of us you're never gonna get it it's impossible you're not gonna get any of them it's impossible all right i get that one laying down huh the one laying down laying down that one right there you got like three in the claw maybe try the one that's like linked down laying down on its back just try and grab its head and grab that one wow dude we're just trying to win and plushies don't bother us all day you need more left i'll do what i want right i'm going with it now let's hope now that was pretty good i told you now you almost got it i know really dude really dude you got stuck all right james let's go let's get the fastest fast we've never fasted turbo i got the cover james i'm covered i think he's still there i'm picked but i don't want to get shot dead battery's getting low i gotta find another way to annoy these noobs i can't climb with one shoe i feel like the thing from pixar halloween's right around the corner gabe yeah i know are we gonna decorate the lego house well i think we broke this well i mean it's supposed to be there because we i mean we can take it out i mean i'll look at it but we should probably buy more you have my phone no i left mine in the kitchen is anything here i'm not sure nathan oh yeah he's here what's up oh are you there the whole town yeah i've been here the whole the whole time okay hey can i grab my phone upstairs you need your phone upstairs yeah please is your phone upstairs yeah it's on second level okay hold on let me grab some merch real quick yeah beautiful guys also check out these brand new hoodies that just came out okay oh oh yeah i'll throw the light bulb too but i don't know i'm waiting wow i wouldn't break that i got your phone oh yeah give it to me oh that's that bike dude is that what i think it is your phone yeah it's your yeah middle school film yeah no i said my phone where did you find this it was in the attic that's not that's not your phone that thing was born before google was let me have it look again it looks like it's missing it's front two boop hello is this james's phone no this is not james's phone this is not your phone this is not my phone dude those things existed when i was like in fourth grade let me try again no i think these were extinct by fourth grade is that your clothes and it's not my phone that's that's not your phone no that's the thing from toy story bro i thought that was your phone no okay face on it okay i definitely got your phone now don't you have an apple iphone i'm sorry james out of all the vlogs we've done you know i have an android right oh i got it i got it i got it yo that was a clever joke though yeah that was that was pretty good on my way what's your guess androids take like quality like this so i figured this was your phone right but like so much only the camera is that quality not the whole phone all right well if you go develop these pictures they'll probably look like your android phone so it's close enough it might be better quality actually i remember where your phone is hold on oh you do not i'm making waffles oh where's my phone we can call someone make waffles for us apple waffle that's hard out this is definitely james's phone i think this is definitely the one is this your phone where are you finding these things these are none of my you got a hotel in miami booked for next weekend yeah yeah dude was cool about it i ordered that okay cool just with my phone not a gnome i see i got kind of confused hold on that's pretty pretty princess pretty pretty princess pretty pretty princess this is your phone is this not it it's a dog no that's a whole doll this is not epic no cap okay okay get my phone i know where your phone is i put it in i mean by this time i could have grabbed my phone order pumpkins they could have got here already okay i found your phone yeah i'm just messing with you your phone's been like in the front yard the whole time yeah i feel so bad for you yo chill bro the next way to annoy your friends is to put fifty dollars on the line literally literally on the anyways i'm gonna dangle this fifty dollar bill and we're just gonna see what happens there's our fifty dollar bill right there go ahead and drop it down all right there it is there it is yo did you see that moon last night bro uh i saw pictures of it i didn't see it in person you only saw pictures of the moon yeah it was like red or something yo we broke the flower well how did they not see it yeah i got in our jenga block for you dangling 50 down right now it's about to land on the ground is that real don't ask me just throw a leg it's right there i got it i got it i have it do you guys want the money i have it right there money come grab it should we just go up there and grab him yeah why don't we just grab you let's just grab him oh you're just gonna come grab me yeah if i grab you i get the money what if i like take the money and take it off and then drop it but then can i get the money downstairs ready i'm gonna drop it all right go go it's gone it's on the ground it's on the ground first do you see it down there you think i'm a dog do you see the money i just saw it in your hand bro oh yeah it's right here three more bucks the next way to annoy your friends is loud noises we got these unspeakable kazoos right here let's grab three colors open these bad boys up these are brand new so they're gonna whistle or should i say cause perfect here we got our blue one that's very loud let's go annoy my friends too day we'll do this that was a really angry duck i don't think ducks make that noise [Music] stop it [Music] what is that this is a dartboard too bad we don't have darts though we're gonna stand are you farting no i wish i could fight that much if i could fart on demand like that i have a superpower okay i believe you that time that's that's that's where is it coming from that's too much it gets on the couch there's no way how long have you been under there 50 minutes put the cushion back on yeah you're standing i just got back from the unspeakable store and i need you guys to try on all this merch we need to see if it fits right you have the right size i think so that's a large we're going to do a test so we're just going to see how well it fits just keep getting deeper deeper that's the chair moving bro my butt is like hitting the floor dude how is this holding weight i'm not i'm on the ground oh you're holding our weight oh we broke the chair i told you i'm on the ground wait this is what you're wearing i know so why do i need to put it on i mean it fits well doesn't it so we can match oh you just want to me but does it fit you see what i'm saying wow magic it smells like fresh yeah brand new merch just came out of the package hey no no no no no put this one on let me take this off no no put this on why we're doing a stress test a stress yes does that even mean are you stuck in there yeah i just keep putting on merch just keep it i'm stuck in here i told you i i know but like i'm offering to help you now oh no i have a helping hand let me help you can we just like roll him over here it might be easier because since he's stuck it might be easier to just yeah i like that yeah hey that actually worked all right smart now that we don't need this anymore big brain bro oh you know i never did like that chair i'm glad you threw it the chair was on x game mode [Laughter] all right we got some other shirts over here just keep trying just keep throwing them on how many are we putting on all of them wait where's the new merch though pop you're a big individual [Music] you look nice i feel beautiful you do so two little unspeakable plushies right next to you got one two three four five six seven hats on why did we do this you got a plushie as well i have so many layers on right now why did we do this are you complaining well originally i wanted to like test the merch but i already know the merch is like the hottest in the game so like i just did it i have a hat so you guys could have fun i guess you guys isn't that the whole point of this video to annoy you guys yeah i don't want to i don't know i feel pretty beautiful but it is getting hot though yeah it's a little toasty because i have like three jackets on do i look good you look great you're ugly you're not as beautiful as i am with all this merch that's really really really really really really hot and i'm starting to sweat and i can feel sweat dripping down my back and it's sweat you wanna know why it's so hot cause it's the hottest you're missing something there needs to be a third is this a cape yeah now you have a family just rip that cake oh it's so cool wait turn around yo are you hot right now oh my gosh how many layers is under oh wait it's under that one why do you have so many shirts on bro don't do that i'm sweating should we go in the freezer in the freezer door to the front what are you doing oh you need another one all that worked just for that here i got another one in my kangaroo pouch which layers it on think it's this way bro i don't really know where to put this big family i think we need a better place for all that family to live you know that's beautiful that's nice i did it the next way to annoy your friends is to ruin their cooking right now james and gabe are making cookies let's make them a little healthy shall we [Music] welcome back to gabe and james's cooking show today we have gabe chocolate chips with chocolate chips and uh hershey's hershey's bar today we'll be making cookies we're gonna cook some cookies right now we have a good mixture some cookie dough you know what it needs you need some add some uh some chocolate chips you know wait hold on i put chips got case on first delicious coupon oh there's way too much but no that's perfect enough it's going to melt cookie dough there's broccoli yeah i'm okay with that i guess but here we like sorry we like too much broccoli oh my gosh that is bigger boom boom boom boom is this four good should i have more i think if it ever freezes over you want to re-freeze it in the microwave if you run out of supplies go back to the home depot buy some more cookie dough lemons this is ruined well i guess we could pick the lemons out dude this lemon's not coming off you want me to i gotta go we should work at uh dairy queen blizzard and if anything comes out of the bowl just scoop it right back in just add it more we should probably restart this whole thing are you done we got this far just we need to keep going just keep going we just need to get a good fine consistency no gradient of the earth core i was actually excited to eat these cookies always want to pre-heat your oven that's the freezer bro [Music] you want to keep the dale sauce nice and fine inside the cookie dough that's some salty cookies dude i got you that's not mayonnaise that's sunscreen now it's unedible now the oven's preheated you want to add your delicious dish and do not start that don't at all ever don't pretend it's cooking like every other cooking show does oven's done the oven has been collated the earth core has been rotated around the sun and as you can see we created a whole shebang way of ice freeze your i know i know how to do things sorry i'm just trying to help i don't know what you guys are making but it smells so terrible all right smells like i'm about to eat a steak medium rare cooked at a good 375 degrees on a grill with some ice cubes some broccoli put ice cubes on my grill oh and then you have to get the other ingredients take some whipped cream consistency of whipped cream in our cookie dough our cookie dough lemon and the sunscreen hold your pickles chocolate chips hershey's now that the dish is done and could never been finished this is our first and final episode welcome to the finale of cooking with james and gabe we'll see you back here never that's too much sauce bro the next way to annoy your friends is to hand cuff them together now this one's kind of difficult but i'm going to try to pull it off how many uh nerf foam things in here who cares about the nerf bullets i'm trying to eat these cheetos where's the expiration date crunchy what flavor crunchy nutmeg is cheetos crunchy cheesy crunchy no made with real cheese cheetos you're gonna read the entire package well i have to find the expiration date that it expired i'm back on task at hand which nerf gun are we getting i mean i mean i had the cheetos in my hand and yeah that was the wrong wrong thing to say yo i never noticed they put chest or cheetah on here oh this one's the most part a nerf gun oh here we go give me your hand stop you're under arrest what are you doing [Music] that's not cool bro get back here we're going to get that stopped in the claw machine wait wait hold on what'd you throw out the window nothing the key is right there good luck boys i'm going to go make a preview did you break the claw machine too do you not even give us a chance to try turn it off and turn it back on how do you even turn it off i don't know it's not working is it going to work now yeah yeah i fixed it always just turn it off ah stop it we should have www.speakwood.com when we had a chance you moved dude wait why do you get another turn yay i clicked the button how are we supposed to get this it's impossible should we just like break into it why is it rotate the wrong way every time it's the opposite of what we need that's a fire beat bro it's a fire what are the odds all because you made fun of it come on come on no all right i got it in the center now we're trying to get the keys who cares about the plushies one more try game one more try one more just one more i'm sweating good luck i'm not gonna get it i got it no i got it no you did it no i didn't hit thank you for me get the keys yo how are you supposed to use the bathroom yo hand me the toilet paper i can't i can't reach it no turn you're too far away guys that was seven ways to annoy your friends subscribe to see what we're going to upload next week i'm not getting on the floor there's poop on the floor all because you made me mad that's too much sauce bro pickles
Channel: Unspeakable
Views: 13,990,013
Rating: 4.8558221 out of 5
Keywords: unspeakable, vlog, vlogs, unspeakablegaming, prank, comedy, challenge, laugh, funny, moments, craziest, pranks, crazy, no cursing, no swearing, how to, parody, troll, video, react, family friendly, funniest, adventure, trolling, unspeakable vlogs, real life, life, unspeakable real life, unspeakableplays
Id: pd-fc60k2Dg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 46sec (1246 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 10 2020
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