EXTREME Keep, Drop, or Drown Challenge!

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what up mr unspeakable do you know what's happening right now do you see all these nintendo switches guys we are doing a merch giveaway and it's live right now we are giving away 25 nintendo switches and 25 playstation 4s all you have to do to be entered into the giveaway is buy some merchandise you can buy a hat you can buy a shirt you can buy a plushy toy you can buy a hoodie you can buy a squishy toy whenever you go to my website www.speakable.com when you purchase something you will get a code take that code check out the link in the description enter that code and you're in the giveaway the giveaway starts today and it is going to last 35 days that's five weeks so every week we're gonna have 10 winners all the way up to the point where we give away 50 of these in total 25 nintendo switches and 25 playstations go to the link in the description and get yourself some merchandise i almost dropped that that would have been bad i am super excited for today's video we're playing this game called keep drop or drown the challenge is super simple if you land on keith then you get to keep the item i got nintendo switch and unfortunate news if you land on drop you do have to drop the item oh whoa actually not that much damage it still turns on oh yeah and unfortunately if you land on drown then you have to drown the item [Music] please subscribe are you ready to get your feet sweeped off of the floor james is being our first contestant here are you ready what is it you got lucky a fancy toaster 3000 yeah oh it is fancy here we have it the 300 toaster with a touchscreen on it wow they made such green toast now james here's the deal are you gonna get to keep this toaster drop the toaster or drown this toaster let's find out i didn't know that was part of the game well we'll see what happens [Music] yo it might survive though it might survive uh i don't know about that no i don't need this negative vibes bro i don't know about that let's go find out click that subscribe button if you think the toaster will survive the poor 300 dollar touchscreen toaster 300 toaster that's your heat who spends 300 on a toaster me for your entertainment click that subscribe button this toaster was 300 that was yes now we're gonna chunk it off about you think it has better quality than android photos yes definitely yeah touch screen i saw i saw the pictures thanks guys thanks for the moral support look man when you choose how cooked you want your bagel i want you to [Music] honestly i think it would work but it's definitely deformed nice we got bread baby come on i don't know if i want to try right now i might explode all right let's go back and spin that wheel who's going to be missing fortunately spin my wheel are you ready i'm ready are you ready i'm ready okay let's spin this wheel [Music] oh you got a uh we call this the giant spider down from under drowning australia drowning yeah i don't even have to spin the wheel to make that drowning oh it moves here's your presence sir i tried it i'm about to burn that let's find out let's find out what you gotta do to it let's hopefully say that you can keep this yeah did we just flip a spider and land it upright can you walk it i'm trying to oh it's not going yeah i think i saw both wheels fall off when i kicked it it also might be because it's in water you know yo spiders kept floating yeah look look it's it's a water bottle that thing looks so creepy on the water you imagine if we're tubing and you get like knocked off the tube and you just see this coming at you [Music] i would do what i just did nope nope nope all right it is now your turn what are you hoping for uh honestly i want the epic gaming gamer gaming channel epic gamer gaming chairs [Music] giant bag of bouncy balls i mean you can sit on them like they're a chair i mean no boxing balls like a giant bag oh giant is giant i don't know you just gotta use your let's see what you have to do i would like to keep my giant like the roof or something that might be cool maybe okay i just i'm gonna lose it like parachute i'm gonna jump out of the airplane and like it's not quite a bag but that's a lot of bouncers yo that one looks like a cow hey don't touch my basketball oh why did i have to carry your thing up the stairs for you yeah why did he have to do that i don't know man i really don't know all right here goes all my wonderful bouncy balls that are probably going to get lost but this is also going to be really cool i'm kind of excited no cap this is going to be the coolest thing epic three randall two one that was awesome there's still an explosion oh they went everywhere yo one is already in the water on the other side i see it oh my gosh that was awesome yo can you throw me a ball throw it at the ground as hard as you can oh whoa giant cheese wheel that doesn't sound nice at all what do you mean for the rest of your life you got yourself a giant cheese wheel show that boy off let it smell what kind of cheese is that james do you know take a bite i'm good all right did you cut the cheese i'm in the real world is hold on hold on yo [Applause] [Music] next we got the cheese wheel i'm sorry i almost broke it yeah we should get that fixed are you ready i'm gonna try to give it like a twirl it's really working tomorrow i'll give you some spacey waisty oh oh no oh oh is it oh it's rolling in the water no no no no it didn't even doesn't sink does it float oh it's definitely sinking that cheese wheel is gone dude wait do fish eat cheese i don't know but they might now they're excellent let's go spin this so perfect [Music] a giant spider wait didn't show it again [Applause] [Music] yes i hope i get to keep this thing this thing's awesome what's it pointing at it's going tonight because i'm the best all right [Music] all right let's see what his fate is going to be he'll be together you know yeah watch him get drowned you're gonna have to kill him why'd you say it i hope you smile you're gonna drop him right on his hat or like a torpedo he's aerodynamic all right gabe here is your uh gnome are we dropping him head first yeah head first so he's aerodynamic poor thing all right here we go oh i thought you were tossing around i was like you're not even going to give it up dude he's fine he's a champ throw him back up here i kind of wanted to put him in the garden did you get through it here just you got this oh it's so close oh oh taking more damage listen listen throw it to james that was close that was close oh he's just getting more beat up oh man his hat his hat is destroyed okay well his uh his hat is a little uh messed up what's his name wait shouldn't gabe throw oh yeah here you go bro that's gg wait wait what's under captain lieutenant gnome give him another throw yeah he's pretty destructible what if he landed i thought yo wait can we like hit a bomb flip are you really about to bottle flip and know about yeah dude you mean lieutenant gnome hit me with that bottle flip and it was gonna land it i i believe in him oh it was close you need a little bit more rotation yeah yo his toes he woes he's gone his whole foot he's got a shot no broken hat broken i'm still putting him in the garden i don't care if he's in 20 pieces let's go spend that week where'd he go i don't know are you ready yeah yeah yeah always ready small propane grill small propane grill no that's not right no it's grill propane small it's kind of big yeah i just got a whole grill it's a whole brand new grill oh wait you can make grilled cheeses now with the instruction manual that is a nice grill 800 degrees here on the part 800 degrees you can cook some cheese all right let's decide the grill's fit wait wait i want to keep it well that's for the wheel to decide well i keep thinking i don't know what did you drop yes no no we could have made some good dinner tonight i think it will make it sorry buddy come on you can do it i got it it's only a grill faster cook wait you're going to light the house on fire oh well it's nice knowing your grill you never cooked anything but uh you could have cooked something well you look great and you're gonna look even greater when you're being great on the other side of the balcony okay yo you didn't even open its shelf bro oh it has a shelf you're messing with me pull it out oh you got this all right no it's fine yeah oh actually no it's not honestly repaired the wheel real quick and i think it's good it just can't stand anymore you don't even know we can cook it upside down it'll be good huh yeah i don't like this house why he's always beating me with the broom i think we don't [Music] that's the wrong wheel spinning the wheel but you know what we got a special for this one i don't like this one baller shoes like basketball shoes oh wow oh those led shoes yo those are yo now these shoes might be cool they might be nice and they might be baller but are you gonna get too much why are you hitting me with that thing why are you gonna drop or drown these baller shoes i'm gonna keep these bad boys that's on drown you gotta throw them in the moat i could drown them in my love oh [Music] you see we're not going to drown these shoes we're going to cover them with chocolate milk same thing though i'm not supposed to go back to kansas without my shoes yo you didn't even turn them on yeah oh oh it's leaking out the front oh wow let me just keep getting more in there oh hey they're waterproof then oh look at it that's actually like crazy dude that was so satisfying what my shoes should we leave them outside for a week and come back yo we should put them in rice you should wear them stay tuned to find out what we're going to do next it's my turn oh what's up here we got any sauce on this wheel spin i think he's gonna land on baller shoes due to technical difficulties we have to erase some of these because we keep landing on them and we don't have doubles oh oh five gallon bucket yeah you got the best one how is that good this is the best one on the board that i have seen backstage i'm gonna go get it hold on here you go let's figure out how you're gonna break your most expensive prizes now i can take a nap see you later youtube be sure to click that subscribe button i'm here but it's not your turn i'm here it's nathan's i'm here where's nathan oh [Applause] a massaging option there's almost it's electronic there's a remote somewhere it's not nice but it plugs into the wall please keep keep keep please how do you feel about that i don't want to be an epic gamer anymore you want to go with the chair no okay let me get one more good relaxation in it okay oh it turns it oscillates is that as far back as it goes it's kind of nice this is actually really nice and you have a little pillow right here bro all right all right throw it in help me pick it up what is that the instructions are right here dude yeah i put in there all right leave the instructions right there it's gonna go with it all right pick it up wait are we going on three or like what yeah right you might give it like a oh like a friendly swing we'll say epic gamers gaming and then on gaming we'll throw okay ready epic gamers gaming [Applause] big boy thanks i appreciate it you want to share this dinner with me now if you can will you keep this five-star dinner drop it dude that's a big steak i mean we could eat it before it like the wheel spins you got keep congratulations push me up real quick hey the stick's still like on a table technically oh you landed nice man you lit you landed on keep not dropped it's wrong we got two items left so we're not gonna use a board we're gonna use the old-fashioned rules you want heads or do you want tails with their sweaters shut up you won't tell she got heads okay tails is the arcade machine heads is a giant ac unit that cools antarctica during the summer hey siri how's your day going i'm happy to be here great she's happy to be here okay ask her flip a coin and you flip a coin any coin it doesn't really matter if it's like gold it just also hurts copper it just has to have heads or tails sorry i couldn't quite hear you flip a coin seriously it's sales okay oh i i forgot i'm old yeah you said tails was arcade you said tails was right yeah and what'd you pick tails you picked tails or single player game boy it's not turning off it's not plugged in oh it's not battery powered just leave ah we're gonna find out if you're gonna keep it dropping around and we're spinning again drown oh man what is the fishies complaining i read that as drone what is my ac unit gonna do okay let's get this what we land on [Music] i don't want it to go boys it didn't even get a chance to cool me off i'm not a fan of this [Laughter] this is not cool okay i'm done that's all i have cool let's get it over with that wheel there's a rope in the way [Applause] all right we figured it would be good to uh send off the basketball game on the unspeakable basketball court yeah i don't even like baseball do that all right yeah i think you need to pick it up and throw it more okay there's water coming out of the buttons it's broken it doesn't work yeah it's got too much water to really throw through it but nice yep it'll float away now oh it's slowly slowly slowly slowly sinking just go in after see i'm like dry right now if i go in after it i'll be wet you got a rock i can chunk a rock at it put a hole in the top so it sinks faster take that nba nobody's apples yeah nba nobody's apples
Channel: Unspeakable
Views: 12,474,203
Rating: 4.9183717 out of 5
Keywords: unspeakable, vlog, vlogs, unspeakablegaming, prank, comedy, challenge, laugh, funny, moments, craziest, pranks, crazy, no cursing, no swearing, how to, parody, troll, video, react, family friendly, funniest, adventure, trolling, unspeakable vlogs, real life, life, unspeakable real life, unspeakableplays
Id: g-3DYTXdQJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 16sec (1336 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 29 2020
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