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no way i think he's here so guys i just hired a magician his name is bud he's everyone's buddy hey what's up man how's it going feeling really good so i need you to prank my friends so i say i'm gonna go give them a brownie and i'm gonna be like hey guys if you can eat this brownie i'll give you 100 bucks oh okay but i want you to like turn that money into something else okay i could do that let's do it oh this is gonna be so good so guys i can go for it oh what's up all right so i got a little bit of a challenge for you guys it's my friend by the way his name's bud yeah what's up okay so here's the deal i got this brownie freshly out of the package right okay you take a piece you take a piece there's nothing wrong with it if you guys can eat that brownie in 60 seconds i'll give you this 100 build oh they're already eating them oh my gosh eight seconds well these are hard to swallow ten seconds oh come on dude yo we're good open them out i'm out thirty three there we go all right you guys did it so you win a hundred dollars just for doing that oh my friend bud here is going to make yours no here we go very special oh yeah yeah don't don't worry i'm not gonna do anything crazy or anything just you know like if you take the hundred right and what if i try to make it more would you guys like more yeah yeah yeah i mean let's give you guys more money turn into two or something right like what yeah we'll just snap right it's the coolest thing in the world because look what happens if you snap the crazy thing happens we have you guessed it more check it out just like that oh wait no take it back there you go here's one dollar all you have to do to the zeros i do i'm just going to take that from you thank you yeah you just went [Applause] you ever get a feeling that like sometimes your spoon is too small i feel like this is quite adequate i don't know like this is a good size but like i feel like i could fit a lot more you can fit my whole cereal bowl inside that one spoon you think so pour it in oh yep just switch with me oh i hate the spoon hang on do your thing how do i even what a beautiful morning nothing happening not getting pranked i guess what is my favorite cereal don't you wish music music [Applause] 11 o'clock do you know what that means i hired a barber shop quartet and they should be here by now i don't see any cars they're here perfect guys just stay right there keep singing supposed to go in my crotch there oh what was that i have no idea let's try a different door dude come on we need to get to the gym i know i'm running late but i can't run into random people that sing and make you dance that's a distraction it is what it is [Music] stop dancing stop stop it stop it it's just like it's like really good music let's try that door no no we're not gonna try a door we're gonna go through a window because i can't fit outside the door exactly or the other way around other way around [Music] so perfectly synth yo the harmony the frequencies let's try another door yeah this is so good we need a door maybe they're at a window there's some fresh air we're gonna make it to the car we gotta run gotta get it run run go go it's open time let's go i've never been so scared of my life okay but we finally made it i'm out of breath we made it in the car no people singing yo here let me put some music on wait i didn't click it yet do you hear that never do return they're behind us no way they're literally oh i see them no no nope we're going we're leaving they can't teleport wait maybe they can maybe they're like enderman they're not picking up any of my grass blocks not today yesterday boys we could have 100 i know i know we could have ripped it in half and had 50 bucks each i don't like this new guy no you turned 100 into one dollar and then nathan yo guys you guys honestly i feel really bad that i turned your hundred dollars into it doesn't work like that okay i'm gonna give this one dollar back to him and he's gonna turn it back into a hundred dollars okay is that cool yeah yeah yeah yeah i feel bad you know i really do yeah yeah feel a little bad too like you guys are expecting one thing you know you get another that's all kind of messed up and wrong thank you so no dude i'm you know totally i'm on your side here i want to help you out so check it out let's see this is a oh oh it doesn't say it doesn't look like it not at all hang on wait wait [Music] [Applause] again now we don't even have no money i just hired that mariachi band to guard the bridge and not let james and gabe get to the beach i rinsed them for a couple hours so i'm just gonna have him annoy james and gabe popping from random places it's gonna be a good time all right so what i'm thinking is we set up some targets we get like that baseball thing oh that could be fun a nerf gun yep and do some target practice we have to get a good one to see like that will be like our first video for our youtube channel just don't tell nathan we'll do swimming and catching fish with our hands that'll be really difficult like but who's done it before you know we could just [Music] confuse me or did you set this up i did not set this up i would not prank myself i don't know about that one we need to get to the beach bro there's a lot of them i don't think we can make it through with their instruments they might like hit us with them oh yeah no oh look at the violin the mini violin i don't want to get hit by this go on the kayak we'll go say hi to the ducks on the way how is that even possible wait what dude what been hit with this too many times today okay i guess we can go to the beach now dude they just appear right there let's just go to the beach okay just work with it whoa they're magic they're magical i'm gonna go inside and lock the door how is that even possible [Music] it's an illusion no that's real yeah that's right okay off we go i have a mental breakdown sitting here if they're up here we might be good really we might be okay [Applause] guys i just hired a super angry football coach to annoy james and gabriel hey what's up man hey nice to see you nice to meet you this is gonna be good we only have one brownie the last one that is the last one oh we're gonna have to split it all right open it up what are you doing oh no brownies you need to bulk up i need you to consume let's go let's go open those up where are the games [Applause] let's go oh let's go okay let's go back today yeah get those push ups [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh how much longer is this going to take it's been like five minutes hold on i'm trying to call his mom can you just hit the ball oh you guys playing i don't even know if oh back away from me oh no i ain't doing this right now no look look chill are you talking to me hope you don't like that phone oh it's still going wow why and it's gone look there's literally oh oh it was an iphone now it's a flower phone um can you can you take a shot now i don't even remember if i'm for his mother for me i just lost my i'm afraid i'm afraid i'm afraid my phone looks like you on the floor and into a flower snake it is such a beautiful day you want brownies it's not kind of windy and stuff but it's like the weather is nice it's not hot it's not raining it's a little cloudy you know but it's like bad leather whoa assad [Applause] yo am i dreaming right now i just see five different games can you slap me yo can you give me like a tickle yeah i think i'm burning the sun's hot today look at it i got to put it but it's cloudy bro oh not this again come on bro what does he do splash dance [Applause] i'm just gonna pretend i'm dreaming if this was reality we'd not be here can you teleport us like backslash we need the magician again i told you he was very helpful [Laughter] [Music] almost an hour yeah [Applause] yeah just give me one minute [Music] okay come on come on in so i hired an opera singer and she's just gonna be really loud and annoying all the time oh yeah okay come on let's go find him dude i just got water on myself yo i think we need security get the dogs yo what are you doing you don't see me you're not supposed to see me how many more times is this going to actually ridiculous bro you spit on me dude i said we have a booty i'm not the boude bro you keep spinning at me look at me spitting on me look at me i'm stupid y'all when you know you're so you were spitting on me hey james look i know i'm messing with you guys but this is something this is something that i i promise you're gonna win because there's no way you can win i would prove you guys that magicians are not as good as you think they are oh all right yeah let's see what happens i'm just trying to get you guys your money back oh actually oh that's fairway oh yeah yeah who gave us paper and then saying yeah i'm trying to make you money let's let's do this let's do this i'll make you guys a deal check that out in the fairness of like like poker these all came from these amazing casinos you know i mean in las vegas right look we've got everything sahara right treasure island right so you got some awesome ones here right here's what i'm gonna do right make this i'm like a bet matter of fact we're gonna make it worth your while okay so check it out i got this here we're gonna do four different cuts you guys are gonna choose it and we'll see what happens if you can choose any other cards besides what i'm after then you win the money is that fair a little suspicious we'll tell you what we'll show you what i mean little shuffle here all right that's what i want you to do we're gonna make four piles of this one deck all right okay so you gotta say stop and make sure it's like a small little patch it makes sense like a small one so that way you can use the rest right now you're right stop okay really put that there and we need some money you guys got money do you think i just got money floating around me oh yeah i mean we got somebody so that you guys can bet right now no no no no we're betting on this trust me the odds are definitely in your favor hold on dude we gotta be cool real quick let me make them disappear i can that just cost a whole lot more all right we got some money we have one nice all right we can do 300. i went to the dentist yesterday oh yeah take one of those fold it in half last time i saw grab a small amount of cards well that's the whole thing really really small amount and pop it on top there you go just like that here fold one pop it on top now you're back 200 i can deal with that yeah see that's that's not bad right your turn peel off something just pull like a banana yeah there you go pop it on nice you could cut anywhere right i like that you guys you guys are killing it we need a little bit more money though do you guys have at least one more all right do you like it yeah all right this is my last last one peel off anywhere you want pop it there put your money boom in poker the best thing you can get is a royal flush right but we only put four cards so the highest card would be what in poker just the highest part ever ace got it got it and if you had four of them four of a kind right yeah my bet is that you guys were able to pick the four aces go right down to the cards that you chose four cards this one here hundred bucks if it's not an ace you get it okay if it is nice i get it okay yeah so i mean there's possibly oh listen just because one but that doesn't mean that doesn't mean we're watching check it out ready another one here see how we do oh yeah that's yeah that's that's a shame but that's okay that's okay let's check this one try this one ready see what we did let's see what we did oh another ace and the last one last one here we go here we go oh guys i hate to tell you that's a shame i mean out of all the whole cards you chose four aces that's a yo what's in the rest of the deck yeah are they always oh yeah that's this fish is right there the way you pulled that out of that you guys think that this whole time i've just been having a whole deck of aces yeah you can't do that i actually know that's that's a fair that's fair i never showed you the cards before right so that's totally fair i gotta be real with you i did lie i cheated i did use uh i did use uh it is all the jacket diamonds don't give anyone your money thanks so much guys you guys are awesome handle oh my god oh this is for me appreciate it oh thank you it's my first flower emily's gonna love this when i go back home thank you for bringing me on to this [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] all right [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you enjoy your time yeah i appreciate it [Music] [Music] i can't believe hey there's ducks here sorry yeah yeah what the [ __ ] hey hey you think this is funny yeah this is funny he's made me drop my phone you owe me a new phone we got an android look now the ducks are gonna eat my phone hey can you guys get can you guys get my phone [Music] oh [Applause] okay you ready oh yeah okay you see this just a normal ripped up piece of paper nothing no strings attached all right yeah i'm with it okay and put it in here i'm going to do a thing and we're going to transfer it it's good you see that not bad well done it's a little painful but it's magic right oh yeah you know actually wait wait wait wait listen i i have been feeling kind of bad i mean this whole time like i'm you know getting your hopes up i've heard this before no but for real i do know that so listen this is our last thing i got you guys gotta go i got you guys a shake is that okay uh yeah yeah sorry i got your [ __ ] vanilla chocolate strawberry it's oreo you guys i mean oreo everybody everybody likes oreo right i mean that's normal right you're probably gonna need a straw though yeah yeah yeah i definitely need to show you guys that they always they always practice way down here hang on i got it i got it don't worry all right get you the straw don't worry i got you oh no stress don't worry it's hard i got you where was that don't worry we're doing this there you go dude here you go so uh that's for you there you go just good luck there you go good luck trying to use that yeah you hold my other hand yeah and actually you know what this you guys have all this hamster bro yeah let's write it right there let's do this look guys all right hold on just forget let's just get rid of some of this trash you guys got here all right watch this wave snap and it vanishes are you impressed yo is this dirt he's holding it upside down oh yeah i feel like you're holding it though yeah you think right here in the forget it no just do the trick you guys are like oh finish a bottle [Music] whatever whatever hey guys thanks so much yeah what bro wait did he just drop it on the floor right there is it wait no it's not here it's not here what what in the world i hired a real peanut butter man to prank james and gabe look at him are you ready i'm ready did you want any no i don't want any peanut butter no i'm good i'm good i want you to smear peanut butter all over them okay good okay i will you just said i'm messing with you man what did you bring back no i'm good oh that's enough for like a whole peanut butter and jelly you have any jelly in the corner high five where'd it go um i don't know here you can have a pet no no no no no it's okay we'll chase him down all right put him in the moat
Channel: Unspeakable
Views: 9,199,338
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unspeakable, vlog, vlogs, unspeakablegaming, prank, comedy, challenge, laugh, funny, moments, craziest, pranks, crazy, no cursing, no swearing, how to, parody, troll, video, react, family friendly, funniest, adventure, trolling, unspeakable vlogs, real life, life, unspeakable real life, unspeakableplays
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 45sec (1485 seconds)
Published: Sat May 22 2021
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