12 Weird Ways To SNEAK Candy Into The Movie Theater!

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movie theaters make you buy candy and their candy is so overpriced seventeen thousand dollars for a coke fifty dollars for m ms you've gotta be kidding me this is 12 ways to sneak candy into a movie theater this video was absolutely hilarious click that red subscribe button if we should do more videos like this on the channel and also this video was made just for entertainment please do not try to run into a movie theater like thomas the train don't try this at your local movie theater roll the video how are we going to sneak all this candy in the theater bro i don't know i'm just intrigued on how the colors are separated it is kind of amazing it's a good day to be a ticket man take a corner a ticket course home collector organizationer i have an idea but what if we just eat all the candy store it in your mouth like a chipmunk and then walk in yes that's a perfect idea let's do it let's do it i don't see how that could go wrong at all [Music] [Applause] [Music] notice that this isn't jean phillip this is josh phillip i'm his brother josh phillip here ready for business and here's our first customer have a good one your seat will be on the left how you doing today oh good your seat will be right on the left man has some weird saliva it works now we can enjoy our candy you want some mm-hmm [Music] okay now we got an even better idea of how to sneak candy into a movie what if we just wear it all like it's fashion bro this is gucci you'll never know those uh necklaces look at all this drip oh i gotta get like seven of those oh yeah it's a little small are these bracelets it's a little pike yeah it's a little tight oh you're going three at once you look beautiful we got some candy oh oh it broke we got some candy bracelets that are extremely small are they that small oh yeah i got a dissociation to put that one and can't forget the ring pops oh yeah [Music] bro i just love breaking it don't i do i look ready let's walk in like we own the place all right hey what's up josh that's a good name i got my ticket too you wanna remember starts in five minutes bro you wanna you guys gotta be joking what what what what is on your neck it's the drips bro what is on your fingers these just came out from blue oh that's that new louie yep tastes like louie you know you're good gotta make sure you didn't have any candy on you i got the limited edition of what rose rose what is that like a new company or like what's the color rose of what linciaga ah i can't believe that worked you licked your candy you just licked it bro which one did he taste no i can't was that one there's the gucci one were you just trying to take my seat fine bro i'm taking this seat i just don't really like the outside seats you know like the movie's about to start everything okay in there yeah everything's uh uh great there's this uh introduction scene it was really loud the base is just pumping on the yeah we good how are we gonna do this bro dude i don't know this is a ton of candy we can't just stuff that in our pocket but we need this candy for the movie wait a second what do you see this chocolate coin it's a gold coin oh you see where i'm going with this oh you want to give them gold coins so we can get in with the candy pam yeah yeah okay oh oh that one that one's kind of um oh i found more well should i like try and hide it behind do you even have your ticket no do you have your ticket we don't need a ticket or whatever you go first hey what's up man ticket i don't have a ticket but i'm here to watch a movie we're just trying to see the movie because like we're really interested in it and we're um well if you don't have the tickets i can't let you in movie crate crickets um so we crickets critics oh yeah yeah we we review and things can i see your id oh i don't have um how long have you been working here it's been a good year and a half started with my brother have you ever had someone pay you some gold well it's my first time on the job so no here's the deal i'll give you these gold coins if you let us watch that movie and bring our candy in that's simple that's it it's a lot of gold you know what to make your decision a little a little easier double it i'm gonna give him all of our gold you know what just so you don't have to double think triple it we're gonna have to go find you guys are some pretty good movie critic crickets hollywood doesn't mess around with us i guess i can let you guys in this time i'm going to have to take a nerd's rope oh my favorite please don't fire me jean phillip dude i can't believe that worked up in here yeah of course i got the smarties dude i haven't had smarties in so long yo i just got an iq boost like a good 30. can we go play a manga this is chocolate i want a higher iq oh this is chocolate oh no okay it's fake get on my move yo where are you are we going to watch this movie we're going to be late say hi 42 42 hey what are you gonna do just run in there what up sir oh man how are you doing are you nate and panties oh yeah you want a picture yeah yeah sure all right thanks man i'm gonna tell everyone about this i don't really have a ticket i just wonder if i could get in i'll give you my ticket if you need it are you so famous and everything dude yeah it'd be an honor are you sure bro i'm sure you didn't want to see the movie i met you my my day's complete i couldn't have a better day you're lucky you had a generous person behind you yeah thanks bro i remember that yeah thanks bro so awesome whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa you can't you're gonna ruin my dreams like that you know i've always wanted to watch a movie with nate and panning i've always dreamed of that i've always dreamed to collect two tickets every movie close your eyes why just do it okay open them i found a ticket oh hey cool all right enjoy the movie thanks bro thanks bro oh my goodness next way we're going to sneak into the movie theater is our costumes it's about halloween time yeah you look like a chocolate bar and i look like a nerd i have some nerds you want to tape these nerds on okay so if we tape all the nerds to you he's gonna think it's part of your costume and then we could just take the nerds off the costume and eat them during the movie only problem is is i'm a hershey bar and we don't have any hershey chocolate that is a big issue we only have swedish fish so i'm the closest i'm going to get them to my back maybe he won't see him yeah i think that might work oh yeah yeah that's perfect it fits in there yeah we're going to miss the movie bro shut up honestly nothing happens in the first five minutes of the movie 10 minutes of ads 30 minutes of like people talking you look like a nerd i am a nerd last one ready [Music] now help me out put these on my back hurry bro we're gonna miss the movie okay mr 30 minute we're ready trick or treat halloween please not be done i'm a big nerdy girl i don't like good grades so yeah thanks man enjoy uh halloween thank you good sir there you go what are you what is i'm a chocolate bar what you mean oh what the nerd's cooler yeah it's hershey's nowadays yo 23-19 [Applause] you got candy candy i know how i can get away with bringing candy into the movie theater a doctor's note you can get away with everything having a doctor's note what trying to create a force field get out oh hi um i have a doctor's note saying that i'm allowed to bring candy into the movie theater i'm sick can you tell me what your doctor's name is um it's dr jerry merry christmas that's my doctor this man needs candy what's the best candy for me right now your temperature is a little low i think the um i think the sour patch kids will do sour patch kid yep so i have to let him into my movie theater with candy because you prescribed him a note saying he needs candy yeah he needs candy is this vital yeah this is uh emergency doctor md that that's me doctor you said it was dr jerry i already feel better where's your ticket um where's your ticket all right well uh i'm gonna go back to work i got a patient to see so see you guys that is my two kids your prescription note is a ticket yeah that ain't gonna work i don't hear this one oh dude why didn't you just say that go ahead you feel so much better [Applause] dr jerry how did you get in here before me yo what up how did you get in here before me you were just behind me over there you don't speak of this there's two my mom picked the best magic doctor you're dr jerry's oh so like twins yeah i have a twin your twin likes that candy can't take my eyes off the movie it's so good okay so i got 30 pounds of candy right now yeah and there is no way i'm shoving this in my pocket so what i need you to do is distract him get him to like look at something else and i'll just run past him that and i also didn't buy a movie ticket yeah i don't have a ticket i have an idea i have an idea are you gonna put my money on candy and not the ticket what yeah yeah i'm ready you go yeah distract okay when you see the chance you run oh hi sir um what movie theater is this i don't have my contacts in so i couldn't read the sign out front oh this is a slippery sheep slippery sheep okay well i was in the bathroom i found this candy it's not mine i'm not trying to sneak it in but i found this candy and i just wanted to give it to you because i know you guys don't allow out outside candy okay i appreciate oopsies oh my gosh oops okay all right i'm stay right there i'm gonna pick this up where would i go i'm a little confused somewhere i go oh man man it's loud so you know i'm glad you brought this candy to my attention but like i can't do anything well like there's nothing in my pockets so that was all the candy here's my ticket what movie is this watching i'll just read the ticket okay oh yeah we're gonna want to see that movie watch out for that rope yeah it's a little messy here oh that worked really well i know i have no idea how that worked i do so dumb he should be called jerry 15 pounds of peachos there you go yo trollies make sour bright eggs what the heck how do you open these [Music] do you want the trolls [Music] what just happened i don't know but i just got a banana it's probably a little healthier than candy what huh that was that the person that rips the tickets was that banana man did we just see the banana oh my gosh banana man i think we can get in here for free yeah hold up bro we don't even need a ticket oh the banana the banana banana republic must have called him you trying to dial a a number on a banana is it working i'm just gonna go ahead yeah no one's answering um okay cool well um free movie yeah don't mind me oh you always got snacks yeah yo yeah i'm just gonna take some sour patch kids okay so here's the deal i got a vitamin bottle we put all the vitamins in here and we say that we got to take our medicine during the movie yeah what take our vitamins take our bite bites yes yes totally totally vitamins they're totally not smarties no no why would they ever be smarties but this is definitely enough candy to get us through the vitamins the first five minutes you think maybe just the ads at least the action scene you know right when the movie opens up i mixed why are you mixing with my candy bro yes this is so much candy this is this is the best idea this is so smart it's perfect look at that close the lid looks just like vitamin c man i've been wanting to watch this movie for so long oh hang on i'm so excited to see this movie yeah how did you make that noise huh what was that what's this oh it's my vitamins and my vitamins i know this is going to take like 30 a day it's ridiculous three vitamins what flintstone chewables uh these are chewable these are not these you have to swallow and these you have to put in water like i say three every hour of each every out yeah it's kind of ridiculous i am so sorry for you here you go okay take your vitamins back yeah thank you so much enjoy your movie yeah thank you i think it's actually my hourly i have my ticket too my hour is actually up i got to take my one oh sorry oh yeah no those are my buddies nothing wrong with you no kind of lame sometimes enjoy your movie i guess sorry i'm not as special that works i can't believe that worked hold on your hands are gonna give you some candy that was all that candy i know hold it i guess it's still enough that worked too well we can do it tomorrow again we can do it every day daily vitamins okay so the next way we're going to sneak candy in is through pumpkins the whole thing looks like a pumpkin pokemon ball pumpkin latte this is awesome this is still gonna work it's just my pumpkin's a little broken yeah i think you over stuffed it with candy yeah i did you got a little greedy i did i stuffed it a little too much but i think this will work all right let's go yeah okay okay it's okay i love october huh what why do you guys have pumpkins this is halloween october did you just walk around with pumpkin yeah yeah we're cool why would you not it's are you a new like purse you know it's like most people carry dogs so not like a fanny pack you got a pumpkin pack no it's not a pack it's just a pumpkin exactly well it's not an egg hey egg huh it's a pumpkin well here's your ticket thanks man have fun watching uh james and jaren peach thank you man here's my ticket well why didn't you give it to me got my pumpkin god he makes everything so weird surprised that worked yeah yeah me too are you pumpkin smashing right now did you just completely fill yours with foam no it was just that one piece of candy a little over something i'm more civilized but i do have less candy yeah this will probably get me through like one second one piece of gum two pieces of bubble gum i have four bubble gums and three now and later what do you have one twizzler i'm gonna save it for later i know i'm gonna save it for later the movie hasn't even started yet fair enough yeah i'll start off with oh hi hi um josh let me find my ticket here yeah you better have one what is that what is that i'm serious turn around turn around i've been working this movie theater for a whole day it's it's almost touching you it's right there there's nothing there i'm serious look at me in my eyes i'm serious i am i've been looking at you in your eyes i touched you i know you feel it i don't want to turn around now i don't know what that thing is well i still have a ticket for next time i guess it's displaying i thought it was you after you just took them out it was way way too easy you know i usually get paid to do stuff like that but easier than buying a ticket honestly honestly yeah i still have my ticket maybe i'll return it got some cat hair in my mouth i wonder why anyways [Music] hey what up ticketmaster oh hey what's up man what's up got my ticket here oh cool you ready to see the movie oh are you ready to see the movie you just bought yourself the best ticket you could ever see i never even purchased a ticket let me unleash the train that was nice that was the strangest method ever but it worked yeah it did did you get the candy oh no no you didn't put the candy in there no i got too excited that was the whole point of the costume let's do it again come on okay all right round two different movie theater yeah yeah different movie okay okay
Channel: Unspeakable
Views: 7,141,021
Rating: 4.8867311 out of 5
Keywords: unspeakable, vlog, vlogs, unspeakablegaming, prank, comedy, challenge, laugh, funny, moments, craziest, pranks, crazy, no cursing, no swearing, how to, parody, troll, video, react, family friendly, funniest, adventure, trolling, unspeakable vlogs, real life, life, unspeakable real life, unspeakableplays
Id: LfIh_7wRCu0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 36sec (1176 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 07 2020
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