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all right guys in today's video we're gonna try a do not laugh challenge all day basically we're just gonna try to make each other laugh and whoever laughs the most loses i'm gonna start off with this beautiful cat costume i'm going to go try to make james and gabe laugh and this video is going to get absolutely crazy so i need you to leave like click the subscribe button i got like a lump on my leg yeah it's probably your bone oh no it's too early for this just look you know exactly what it is you know this this explains the cameras this is how it's gonna be today you gotta put your nose in the bowl to eat you had your like forehead on the bowl i will say i've never seen a cat do that before i don't think i've ever seen a cat vision big don't you do it good kitty no not the oreos thank you i think the cat wants you to pet it it wants attention meows and you're giving it a taste those are some pretty good meows there yeah i fixed your hat appreciate it yeah oh cat and a hat that's nice don't mess with gabe oh you always pick on me oh no oh man we like just woke up and this is how the day starts let me straighten out your whiskers it's not even even you're going to make the cat mad it was almost a laugh there [Music] all right i'm going to put you think he's gonna make him laugh no it'll make us laugh but isn't like today like we're not supposed to laugh i still want to do it all right what are we painting our nails give it a little stretch there we go that's nice that's looking like the avatar now oh oh don't step on that all right good all right you ready i'm gonna call them oh you want me to smack you yo nathan we need your signature for a package you need my what good i'm good bro what up can you sign this do you have a sharpie you'll get goofy kick good get good gg i think the better part was the setup because look at all the whipped cream on the floor on this oh it's on the wall [Music] since when do you drink diet coke all right boys i can't believe i'm doing this if anything is going to make james and gabe laugh it's me shaving my head but we're not going to shave it in a normal way i'm just going to go right down the middle dude i'm kind of [Music] nervous bro all right guys we're not done but i'm just saying we do crazy stuff for you guys so please click that subscribe button right now click it i'm watching you i don't know if you guys knew this but 70 of the people that watch our videos are not subscribed i'm doing this for your entertainment i'm so sorry all right i think i'm just going to go walk up to them and sit down and act like nothing happened ready okay let's go find james and gable what up boys what are we doing today i don't know you said wait dude you did i know i'm trying to figure out what like we're filming for this next scene i don't know i can sit and brainstorm with you guys if you want so i'm thinking should we go too i know what we can do we should do something on the water what do you think soon so tubing yeah do you think we could uh tow a mattress behind a jet ski a mattress yeah there's nothing wrong with them if anything that bulb on the chandelier is out yeah that current like that's a really good resemblance yeah it's kind of bold yo turn around i don't get it why'd you do something okay well you're jumping out yeah so believe it or not i'm not the only one that is going to shave my head we're all going to do it so if you want to see us all shave our heads go to my second channel unspeakable 2.0 we do crazy stuff on that link is in the description watch all of us get our head but you'll do it if i say so steph curry with the free throw running things like rico say he don't wanna fight me you scared you know it wasn't very funny that nathan did it because he's kind of already bald but me i have a lot of hair so we're just gonna change that there goes nothing why are we doing this here you want to help me out yeah i got you yeah my head feels so free you're a terrible barber you know what i'm not even going to pay you for this on the house oh i messed yeah that's all my hair bro i need to take a shower oh i have your hair on me oh what's up boys [Music] yeah i'm not you you're not i'm not doing it you're next guys go to unspeakable 2.0 if you want to see james shave his hand we're going to get him to do it wait like wait hold on sweep that way sweep that way and now turn around sweep the other way hey guys let's go find a tree and protect my acorns not strong enough new trees this is such a beautiful oh a turtle yeah oh there's a turtle over there oh we just scared them hey you want a squirrel i got all right you got me just in the water you got me to be in a tree bro what as a score where did you even get a squirrel costume i mean why do you sound like batman that was batman squirrel is that what squirrels oh i haven't drank any water lately you're dehydrated yeah okay have a good one wait come back here i'm gonna chase you so for some reason when me and james stare at each other one of us tends to laugh eventually so we're going to see who can laugh first and lose this we need you to take off the blanket no i'm a loser you just said you're going to lose we haven't even started [Music] [Applause] [Music] jokes on you i trained for this moment [Music] [Music] i can't even see your face [Music] don't do it [Music] [Laughter] do not laugh [Music] [Laughter] look at him look at this what's up boys anyone want some cake let's dig in oh this is bushing [Laughter] you said this cake what i said it's um am i evening it out you got hair again bro wow yeah you got hair again get some more on there you're missing the back side yeah there you go there we go i feel like that is good yeah that's good yeah actually covered up now you don't have to wear sunscreen i'm just going to sit here and watch you eat this this is really entertaining okay [Laughter] i got icing in my nose dude it looks like a play-doh dispenser you flick it down and it comes on his nose i don't know drama so james is going to try to make me laugh he told me to stand here on the stairs and stare at that banana and i've been doing that for about three minutes and i haven't laughed yet because it is banana and it's not alive so i'm just gonna wait and see what happens to this mysterious banana banana oh you know i've been having a bad day i just feel like everything's just going downhill are you puking in that basket no i got my ping pong ball collection oh it's like really bad bro oh oh my ping pong balls nathan i see why you wanted me to look at the banana because you were gonna slip on it yeah oh and you oh you just fell down the stairs oh yeah you got it i get it i get it again that's pretty good thanks i got him again all i gotta do is look at him and he laughs oh this weather is finger looking good hey girl looking good [Music] it's my favorite chicken it's a good boy good boy oh no calm down calm down calm down you know what i'll do with you if you don't calm down okay we go back to playing pool finger looking good really out here vibing enjoying the nature you're filming me because they're probably gonna try to make me laugh but i wish them luck i got these headphones on can't hear nothing ain't gonna make me laugh you know what i'm changing my name from unspeakable to unlaughable yo look there's a turtle such beautiful creatures i can't believe i just saw a turtle there's a couple turtles in here nathan listen watch out they're snapping turtles in these waters where are they right there there's one no not funny snapping turtles because he's snapping and he's just like a turtle i told you bro i'm not speaking anymore i'm unlockable that's such a terrible joke but that was good i liked the creativity it was very solid and it really fits because i actually just saw turtle in the water so i like five with like the turtles now honestly have you guys even subscribed yet if you don't subscribe you're a turtle without a shot so i got some coke this one is unfizzed i'm gonna give this one to james and tell him to open it be a little suspicious about it this one has 12 mentos inside of it this thing is rock solid i'm gonna open it in my face in front of him and make him laugh let's go hold up can you open this yeah oh dude don't slam it like that it's going to explode oh sorry oh that worked why did you bring us diet coke oh i don't know what's wrong with that oh yeah i'm not cleaning that up it's feeling good yeah i see that clean it up bro before all the bees come back do you want some diet coke no i'm good hey but you laugh though do i need to put this on yeah gold now you get it you laughed are you sure about that you laughed are you sure oh it stinks it stings yeah oh i'm getting too close oh what up boys hey stop right now she's grabbing some lunch just trying to get a bottle flipping just put a burrito and soup i just wanted to try this new sauce but it only came in like a big bottle you've never had barbecue sauce you want to flip bro you know i think this needs some sauce right are you gonna use the barbecue why would you do that [Music] oh yeah that's so gross i'm gonna pass it looks like a ravioli type of thing i think it needs more stuff it's in my eye my eyes i made them laugh though yeah because you can't see anything you got hot sauce in your eyes you got sweet and spicy barbecue sauce hot sauce and pepper grounds on your ammo he's dead it was worth it hey gabe he's about to do something i don't know what he's about to do but yeah i bought something why are you all suspicious i bought some uh smelly stuff yesterday no no stop i don't want anything i got like smell your shoulder smell good not right here i'm gonna put some more on broadway can someone turn on the light switch so i know this works yeah turn on that light switch i got you you got me i laughed you're so funny oh no oh that's too much i'm gonna be outside getting fresh it's not why so stop spraying it so much oh man this house is gonna smell like that for a week yeah thanks hopefully i mean probably not if you do it again [Applause] here comes the flip i told you you can't do it again oh you're lying yeah i'm gonna laugh for you okay hey james come do it again i bet you can't flip another bottle that's under that blanket bro come flip the bottle you ready so we have these pillows we have these pillows we have these pillows let me show you why we have these pillows because they're funny oh yours is creepy yeah i know i'm gonna try to make nature laugh what are you doing i just found this glove and it's kind of cool you want a pillow yeah i guess i could use one of them kind of random that you could we'll show my pillows yeah let's let's do it yeah you want these pillows you want these pillows fellas do you want these pillows who is that i don't know wait you don't know i got no idea you just bought something why do you sound like batman i was joking on acorn earlier i haven't drank any water lately you dehydrated yeah
Channel: Unspeakable
Views: 6,500,968
Rating: 4.928473 out of 5
Keywords: unspeakable, vlog, vlogs, unspeakablegaming, prank, comedy, challenge, laugh, funny, moments, craziest, pranks, crazy, no cursing, no swearing, how to, parody, troll, video, react, family friendly, funniest, adventure, trolling, unspeakable vlogs, real life, life, unspeakable real life, unspeakableplays
Id: lglSgoGdDUo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 22sec (1042 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 10 2021
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