7 Twitch Streamers Who Caught Ghosts On Live Stream!

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what's up guys and welcome back to the channel we hope you're having a wonderful time so far but if not hopefully we'll be able to fix that since today we're gonna be talking about seven twitch streamers who caught ghosts on stream before we get into that though if you're a fan of ghosts and all things spooky then let us know by hitting that like button down below also please remember to subscribe and hit the bell notification icon so that you can be notified whenever we release our daily videos last but not least if you are a new subscriber please let us know in the comment section below so that we can feature you in a video shout out at the end of the month with all that said let's go ahead and get right into these seven twitch streamers who caught ghosts on stream number one sir Gary tube late at night sir Gary tube decided to play some Pokemon wall playing Pokemon he didn't realize that his door was closing by itself in his bedroom once he heard the door shut he turned around and was incredibly confused he asked the viewers if they saw a door close he then gets up and goes to check on the door to see if anyone else was actually home at the time when he's roaming around home on his stream you can see that the door closes by itself again with no one around once he comes back he decides to just keep the door shut while he continued streaming again since obviously there are some powers-that-be that want to have it shut and how he is he gonna actually fight against that ultimately deciding that it's best to just let things be as they are keeping the door shut was probably the best option so as not to have any scary movie type scenarios happen to you number two manga my n manga my n is a youtuber that makes videos about manga and TV shows while recording a video manga my Anna was interrupted by something that he saw through his camera a sphere that kind of looked like a rain droplet had fallen onto the camera lens and appeared there a second later though it seems to have actually disappeared causing some obvious confusion manga my Anne asked if anyone saw that and was spooked out by it he then thinks that he could have had a technical error with the camera but he says that the object that appeared on camera was actually very scary to him he says that he does believe that it was an error but he could not ignore it and decides that the best thing he could do is just move on instead of dwelling on some of the more supernatural explanations got beat up once or twice brother than that even yo tells a yo what the [ __ ] is that number 3 say wha TV say wha TV was just setting up his stream he was preparing to be spooked out by playing some five nights at Freddy's joy of creation he already knew that he was in for a good scare from the game but he didn't expect getting an actual scare from a ghost throughout the beginning of the stream se Hwa has been looking down at his feet often he then says that he can see his shoes on the floor but they seem to be moving in a jerking motion he just keeps playing his game ignoring his shoe he would often see his screen flicker but he thought that it was just part of the game something to add atmosphere to the spooky environment then suddenly his stream went down and the games tied to the crash his monitor turned black and nothing could be seen he continues recording himself in the dark while being incredibly confused about what had just happened he decides to just tonight and stop trying to scream after being you know freaked out by everything else going on in the house not just the game the folk that life's just run out my stream stopped okay [Music] nope number four ripped Robbie ripped Robbie was trying to start his stream on YouTube he and his friends were talking to each other through a call you can see ripped Robbie constantly looking side to side and behind him while his friend talks away Robbie then says that he swears that his house is haunted because he's been feeling very uneasy lately he tells the audience that they should have heard an unknown noise in the background through the stream but nothing could be heard after a few moments with Robbie saying that you can hear a loud thump in the background Robbie responded to the thump by saying dude you need to stop and repeated stop over and over again his friend jokingly suggests to check out the closet and see if he might die on stream then Robbie sees that his dog has come running and hides in his room Robbie tries to tell his friend about it but Skype keeps disconnecting with all of this mysterious activity he seems unable to connect with his xbox again Robbie is so shaken by this that even a simple donation notification starts to freak him out before ending his stream the ghost that apparently was haunting him the whole time decides to knock all of his equipment over almost having his mic and camera falling off of their racks this destruction of equipment really isn't that good and it makes for a very inconsiderate ghost but at the same time it definitely shows that sometimes there are supernatural things that we just can't explain yes what God my house is on it I could you guys had to heard that I'll [ __ ] scream dude number five rub Z rub Z decided to go and stream at his friend's house for the night I'm guessing his friend had better internet well rub Z is talking about someone he knows to the viewers you can see a closed door behind him start opening up the door then suddenly slams shut on its own rub Z jumps and turns around quickly to see where the noise was coming from all his headphones fall off he quickly turns around rub Z looks back for a while and slowly turns his face to the camera right when he turned around a light switch can be heard turning the light in the hallway on in the back rub Z goes to investigate and turns off the light again once rub Z goes back to the couch the light turns on again seemingly on its own rub Z starts reading the comments and he was told that the light turned back on he turns around and sees that the light is indeed on again he goes to turn off the light again and then when walking back he sees the door on the other side open before his eyes he looks down the dark hall and then the door slams shut once again he goes back and talks to his friends on the stream and then a box on the table in the background seems to go flying he looks down at the dark hall and the door slams shut again he goes back and talks to his friends on stream and then a box on the table in the background starts to fly again I guess the ghost really doesn't like being ignored rub Z points out that the cat and the apartment is hiding and runs away to the corner whenever something spooky happens in the end he decided that the best thing to do was leave the home and go back to his own place would you suffer through a ghost in order to get better internet yeah that was the tragic story of my by bringing down in my my my dearest Lydia oh sweet sweet Lydia [ __ ] was that number six the fam the fam are a couple that explores and goes exploring into abandoned places they one day go exploring in an abandoned house that they found around town while looking inside the house they decide to go room to room essentially sweeping it the house itself is structurally damaged and quite worn down the windows are all broken and many of the blinds are torn off or otherwise broken when the person with the camera peers out the window they start to pan out to the scenery it was dark outside and you can see trees all around if you look closely though it seems like you can see a couple of red glowing eyes off in the corner people think that it's fake but it was all streamed live and everyone was inside no one was around outside and the eyes didn't really look like they were animals eyes so it's not really easy to say exactly what was happening but it does seem like there's a chance that something spooky was going on some spooky scary skeletons were sending shivers of their spine you know that was probably a horrible joke just maybe watch this video again on Halloween and see if it's funny then if it's not then go ahead and slay me in the comment section number seven Ashley M is for mommy people were trying to use their Kinect camera during this stream they've been having problems trying to get the Kinect to work since it seems to keep shutting off they were trying to set it up and we're changing the features on the Kinect they tried switching the camera into thermal mode but every time they kept switching the modes back and forth it seems that something keeps moving on the corner of the screen it looks as if something is peeking out the screen every once in a while they tried to keep to Kate with whatever it might be but didn't seem to actually have any luck with it maybe they should have tried a Ouija board don't you like to play Luigi board it could have been a camera malfunction but the figure that peers at them seems a lot like a person leaning over so yeah maybe they needed to use a Ouija board maybe not a Luigi board though since that's Nintendo and I don't know if any type of Microsoft Kinect ghosts would enjoy one of their competitors being brought into the limelight but maybe that's just another horrible joke that I needn't ever speak ever again but with all that said we hope you enjoyed the video which one of these did you find to be the most spooky please let us know in the comment section below if you enjoyed the video please leave a like down below and share it with your friends as it really does help out the channel also please remember to subscribe and hit the bell notification icon so that you can be notified whenever we release our daily videos last but not least if you are a new subscriber please let us know in the comments section below so that you can be featured in a video shout out at the end of the month with all that said we hope you've enjoyed the video and we will see you in the next one
Channel: Grapple
Views: 339,312
Rating: 4.1596279 out of 5
Keywords: twitch livestream, twitch fails, stream fails, twitch streamers who caught ghosts on stream, top 10 twitch streamers, top 10 twitch moments, live stream, stream moments, entertainment, education, gaming, gamers, livestream fails, funny twitch moments, twitch streamer, live
Id: -6Jf6p6HdnY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2019
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