TOP 7 Interview Questions and Answers (PASS GUARANTEED!)

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hi everyone my name's Richard McMunn from the Korea Gardens company how to become calm and ace presentation I'm going to give you the top 7 interview questions and answers okay so take notes I'm going to go through the top 7 questions I'm even gonna give you some tips on how to answer them positively and then I'm gonna give you sample responses to these questions that you can use during your interview so first and foremost a quick brief introduction to myself very warm welcome to this presentation as I said my name is Richard McMunn and prior experience have spent four years in the Royal Navy 17 years as a firefighter during that time and I spent much of my work in the recruitment department interviewing people like you for jobs and creating interview questions I then founded the award-winning career guidance website how to become calm and I'm an interview coach and a career guidance expert and I'm very passionate about helping people like you to achieve their potential and also hoping you get the job of your dreams so in this video I'm gonna go through these seven questions the questions you're likely to get asked to any kind of interview I'll give you some tips and answers so let's get straight into it question number one tell me about yourself it's generally an introductory interview question one that gives you the opportunity to warm up you can be prepared for it but here's a few tips before you answer this question concentrate on telling the interview panel about your work related skills as opposed to your home life they might appear to be interested but trust me they're not they're not interested in your home life they want to know to see whether you're gonna be a good fit to their team whether you've got the skills and attributes relevant to the to the role this is really important guys make sure you download a copy of the person specification for the job you're applying for if there is one and focus on telling the interview panel how your skills and attributes match the document or give you a sample response in a second this is another good thing throughout the whole interview use power words in your responses such as motivated I'm a motivated person I'm really enthusiastic I'm loyal I'm flexible I'm a committed person I'm an honor start working adaptable etc now these will resonate positively with the interview panel okay so they cook their powerful words their positive words that you and put you across in a good light and they will make the interview panel feel good about you because they want to employ people who are positive motivated flexible and committee trust me I'm an employer who interviews all the time and this is what I want to hear from people so I mentioned in the previous slide about the person specification the second one download a copy of the person specification so before I give you an answer to this question tell me about yourself let's have a look at a person specification quickly for the the job you can see across the top their customer care assistant let's say you're applying for a job in that role and you can see here the requirements so I've downloaded this and it says you've got to have a positive positive and customer focused approach you've got to work accurately you've got to be able to problem-solve you've got to be able to consult and negotiate so I would study this and then in my response to the question tell me about yourself I would say you know I'm a positive person I'm always focused on the customer and I'm renowned for working accurate so I have a good attention to detail because they're looking out for these things as well in the interview panel so if you start to mention them earlier on then you're going to gain high marks and that's what you want to do is you want to tick boxes but you also want to come across as if you are a positive person who can fit into their team let's have a look at a sample response or tell me about yourself okay first and foremost I am a hard-working loyal and enthusiastic person who understands how important work is to my overall happiness I take my work very seriously and I'm always looking to improve my skills and qualifications so I can work to the highest standards possible in my role I genuinely believe there are two types of employee the first is someone who turns up to work and does their job so they can just pay their bills and the second employee type is someone who puts their all into their job he's totally committed and does all they can to help their employer achieve their goals I am the second employee type and I believe my previous track record and strong appraisals demonstrate just that I have excellent communication skills and fully understand how important it is to deliver outstanding customer care after all without the customer there be no business and I would not have a job I also have very good organizational skills and always plan my weeks work in advance to make sure I perform to a high standard now having studied the person specification of this job in detail I strongly believe I can perform the role to a high standard and would very much appreciate the opportunity to work for your company if I am successful today I can assure you that I will bring a great deal of experience loyalty and positive qualities to your team so you can see that that response I've just given you is very much tailored around that person specification so have a look at the job even if there isn't a person specification because some companies don't give one out read the job advert and try and think about the qualities that that job adverb and that job would require and then tailor your response to that so don't forget what I said in the tips when responding to the question tell me about yourself focus on your work related skills and not you know all this is what I do at home this well do at weekends they're not interested okay question number two why do you want to work here or why'd you want to work for this employer here's some tips before you answer this question tell the interview panel about the preparation work you've done in the build-up to the interview focus again on the person specification the job description and information you have gleaned from the company's website and also the literature you have studied during your research so before you go along to the interview you should have looked on their website you should should have a look at the about Us and part because they could say to you what tell us about our company you know you should be able to answer that question so let's have a look at a sample response why do you want to work here having studied the person specification and the job description finish role I feel I have the skills qualities and attributes to carry out the job to a very high standard I also feel the role will give me a new fresh challenge something which I've been looking for for some time now having also studied your company in detail there seems to be a very positive approach to the work you carry out and I also very much like the way you strive to deliver a high standard of customer care fine levels of customer care are not common nowadays and I certainly want to work in a company that looks after its customers as I enjoy seeing positive customer interaction feedback and testimonials within my job also during my research I managed to speak to two employees who work for you and they had nothing but positive things to say about your company both of them have worked for you for quite a few years now and they appeared very happy in their work now if I am successful I plan to stay with you for a long time so it was good to see that you employ happy positive people within your team finally after reading the Job Description I understand there will be opportunities to both train develop and take on further qualifications within the company this is something that is very much appealing to me as I always like to grow and improve as an employee okay question number three what are your strengths this is a real common interview question let me give you some tips again focus on the person spec for the role you're applying for so if one of the requirements of the job is that you're an effective team worker then you should say I'm great at working with people you know I can get along with the majority of people say something different in your response that makes you stand out from other job applicants so you could give an example here of why you're better than the other applicants and try to make yourself relatable and real okay let's have a look at a sample response to the interview question what are your strengths I have many positive qualities and attributes to bring to this role but I believe my main key strengths are I have a hard-working nature I have an enthusiastic demeanor I am always looking for the positives in every situation I am a great team player I like to support and help develop other people I am dependable now one thing that I feel makes me stand out from the majority of employees is that I am always looking for ways to improve the way I perform at work for example following an appraisal last year my line manager identified that she wanted me to develop my negotiating skills as soon as the approach appraisal was complete I searched online for a distance-learning negotiating course and studied hard in this area to improve my skills once I had completed the course and I had the opportunity to put it into practice what I'd learned my line manager commented that she had noticed a significant improvement in this area and congratulated me for taking the positive approach to the feedback she gave me at the appraisal question number four where do you see yourself in five years time again this is a common interview question here's a few tips tell them you plan to have moved on from their company either internally or externally so what I mean by that is you want to see you don't want to say well I plan to be of you a couple of years but really my goal is to work for another company or do a different role and also you don't really say well as soon as I'm trying up I want to be going for a promotion yes it's important to sound enthusiastic but there is a better way of answering this question which I'll give you in a second now loyalty is really important to the vast majority of employers remember they've got to spend time money and resources training you up in the role so they want to see a return from their investment don't tell them you want to be sat where they are about this in interviews where I say to someone where do you see yourself in five years time and they go well I want to be sat where you are it's quite an arrogant response okay yes they might have aspirations to to get to a higher level but that's not the time to say of the interview okay question number four response where did you see yourself in five years time if I am successful today the first thing I plan to do is get competent in the role as soon as possible I have no idea how long this will take however based on my high levels of enthusiasm I aim to get trained up really quickly now once I am trained up in the role to a good standard I would like to consolidate my skills and become experienced within the team it is very important to me to be accepted and respected by my work colleagues and peers and I also want to do well in my appraisals so I guess the short answer to this question is that I want to become good at my job be accepted by my team and low managers and also enjoy my work as much as possible now if the opportunity presents itself for me to progress within the organization that would be amazing all in all I plan to stay with the company long term if I am successful at interview question number five what are your weaknesses this is obviously an opposite - what are your strengths here are some tips for this response anyone who tells the interview panel they have no weaknesses is telling porkies now we all have weaknesses and it's important to say I would not want to hear a response to this question well I've got no weaknesses I'm perfect really because not everybody is we all have weaknesses but don't give a weakness that is one of the key requirements of the role for example if punctuality and good time keeper which they are for the majority of jobs don't tell the panel you struggle getting out of bed in the morning and you can turn your weakness into a positive let's have a look at a sample response to the question what are your weaknesses okay I do have one weakness and that is I sometimes get slightly irritated when people don't carry out their work to a high standard because I set myself high standards I expect others to have them too and this is not always the case although it can irritate me at times I have learnt to just focus on my own job and do it to a consistent high standard but having said that I have recently been trying to turn this weakness into something positive by helping other people within the working environment to improve so if I notice a member of the team struggling or not performing to the required standard I will always offer to help them improve which I feel can only serve to have a positive impact on the organization and its goals overall question number six what makes a good team member a really common interview question here's some tips list the qualities I'm gonna give you in the sample answer that follows then backup your answer with a specific example of when you have worked as well as part of a team and make sure you use a star technique in your response now the star technique is when you describe your response or the situation using a structured format you explain what the situation was you then explain the tasks that you have to carry out you then explain the action that you undertook and then what was the result following your actions and if you follow that process you will hundred percent give a specific example employers are always looking for specific or behavioral responses to some of the interview questions okay sample response what makes a good team member effective teamwork is vital in any organization and I feel what makes a good team member is having a dedicated leader first of all an ability to focus on the end goal great communication amongst the team members and its leader a comprehensive initial brief so that every member of the team knows what they are going to to achieve and how they achieve the task being supportive of the other team members learning from any mistakes that were made you an ATAR so that things could improve for next time a team is only as as its weakest link and it is important that everyone within the team works together and helps each other out number seven can you give an example of when you have worked well under pressure another common interview question here are some tips before we get into the sample response try to give an example of when you've carried out a difficult pressurized task under strict time constraints give a specific example and don't forget to use a star technique in your response so again situation task action result and the next response the sample response will give you follows the star technique so here's my sample response - can you give an example of when you've worked well under pressure yes I can I am often required to carry out time-sensitive tasks under pressure but one particular incident springs to mind I work in a large retail shop just outside of town one Friday a few weeks ago my manager called a team meeting and he explained to all of us that a large delivery was due to arrive within a couple of hours time now unfortunately the dilaloo that delivery was a week early and he'd not had time to prepare we were understaffed at the time and it was already 4 p.m. on Friday so we only had one hour after the store had closed at 5:00 p.m. to get the stock take accepted loaded in-store and check for accuracy he asked all of us whether we would volunteer to help him out with the delivery I immediately put my hand up and volunteered to help I could see that he was slightly flustered and he clearly needed help from the team unfortunately only myself or one of a member of staff offered to help however we were both determined to do a good job for our manager we immediately started planning how we were going to get get the stock unloaded checked and placed in store within the 1 hour time slot allocated we decided to play to play to each other's strengths I would utilize my organizational inaccuracy skills to check the stock as it came off the lorry whilst my colleague would carry it all to the stockroom as he was physically strong and extremely fit as we progress with Attar's we communicated with each other to make sure we were working to the required standards and timeframe the end result was that we completed the task thoroughly with just 6 minutes to spare this gave us time to report back to our manager who thanked us for volunteering and were Oh God to achieve the goal okay so that's the sample response what I'd like you to do now guys is to click the link below this video and go direct to my website how to become Khan where you can get more of these answers to sort of giving you seven of the more common types of interview questions but if you click the link below the video you will get about 50 sample questions and answers to any kind of interview that you attend I hope you've enjoyed this video please do give it a thumbs up I would really appreciate that don't forget to subscribe to the channel because I'm making these videos every week and if you subscribe to the channel you'll get an email from me as soon as one is uploaded here to YouTube so don't forget to click the link as you can get more interview questions and answers thank you very much for watching guys and I wish you all our very best in your pursuit to passing your interview
Channel: CareerVidz
Views: 3,557,690
Rating: 4.89432 out of 5
Keywords: Interview Questions and Answers, TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF?, WHY DO YOU WANT TO WORK HERE?, WHAT ARE YOUR STRENGTHS?, WHERE DO YOU SEE YOURSELF IN 5 YEARS' TIME?, WHAT ARE YOUR WEAKNESSES?, WHEN HAVE YOU WORKED UNDER PRESSURE?, WHAT MAKES A GOOD TEAM MEMBER?, interview technique, interview tips, questions, answers, how to, how2become, careervidz, richard mcmunn
Id: umQKkcBPL08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 23sec (983 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 10 2018
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