7 Things I've Stopped Doing in Satisfactory Update 6

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update six is out on experimental and i'll be streaming a brand new save but there are several things that i'm not going to be doing with it which i recommend you don't do either but before i mention that i'm actually going to be setting up a new vod channel on for my twitch live streams which you can find on youtube so if you do want to watch the live streams while i'm not online then i will put a link to that channel below now you're also probably wondering why i'm starting over as well the first reason and there's a few is that i'm moving abroad for the next six months and will be using a less powerful pc so i doubt that my save will be able to run on my travel pc and yes i can use one of my dedicated servers for it and it will run perfectly fine because we all know that the dedicated servers actually allow us to have more fps in game however i won't be able to add manual saves which makes it difficult for doing a let's play so seeing as i can't use a dedicated server for that i'm going to have to rely on my new pc i've also found that my build styles have greatly changed since update 4 which is when we started the previous let's play so this is actually the perfect opportunity to play around with newer build styles across a whole map and i also want to start a new let's play as i've just mentioned the previous let's play was fun but at what 50 episodes now or it will be 50 episodes i've felt that a lot of the middle episodes have just been quite slow and in each episode i'd really like to complete a different project and keep the pace up with that i've learned a lot this was my first ever let's play series and so i'd like to bring you something a little bit more reinvigorate new and uh upbeat so don't expect let's play every week but there will be a new series coming and finally there's a lot of new people who have joined our channel so this is actually the perfect opportunity for them to watch a series from the start and then join me in stream without missing the first half of the series but without further ado what are the five things that i'm not going to be doing in update 6. well firstly don't expect me to be using vehicles despite their changes in update 5 i still find them buggy so i'm going to be avoiding them where possible at least until update well until the full release 1.0 i'll still be using trains and possibly drones but early game will solely be done by conveyor which means whilst i place endless lines of conveyors i'm going to be listening to my favorite songs that i produced over on spotify or youtube music and it's freely available to all of you and it's copyright free and a great way to support the channel so should you wish to listen to it or use it yourselves the link is in the description below now my second change is that i won't be focusing on a single massive mega factory as i mentioned in a recent video i say recent a month ago two months ago there are some big problems with mega factories versus a modular approach to multiple factories now you can find the video in the cards above but basically i want to make this save available to my patrons and as such i'm more focused on maintaining a higher amount of fps throughout the save so that people on less powerful pcs which is me for now will be able to play the game thirdly and on the subject of multiple buildings i'm going to try and build less weird shapes the clipping used to make them can sometimes flicker and look ugly but often i find that complex shapes can make the build feel chawsome or difficult to complete and that can lead to me feeling uninspired or worn out when it comes to doing these builds uh such as for example the central storage um system that we have here the central area looks great and i love it but outside of there within the building it's just unfinished and i've lacked that motivation to to return to it and it's also slightly inefficient because i mixed up two inputs from the outputs from the station with one input to the storage so it's all throttles and bottlenecking so i need to kind of tear that down i just don't have the inspiration for it at the moment uh and really i want the next series of let's plays to have each of their sections finished so by taking a much more standard approach to the builds though they'll look cool they won't be such weird shapes i say that we will probably do some weird shapes but i'm gonna try my best not to and when it comes to cable management the fourth thing is i hate having cables strung crisscrossing along some of my factories so i'm going to make an effort to get rid of them and create cavity walls which will cover the cable management for the whole factory that way each factory is going to look much cleaner and my fifth change isn't really something that i'm not doing but it's something that i'm going to be doing instead which is adding smart splitters at the start of every manifold to ensure only the right resources enter onto my lines and everything will then be immediately sent to storage or the sink this is partly about putting fail safes into the safes and ensuring that everything runs at 100 power consumption constantly but it's also to save me from becoming lazy as only half of the resources that i'm currently producing are actually going to the storage because as i mentioned earlier i need to fix storage so this kind of will help me keep on track and focus and speaking of focused the the sixth thing which i haven't placed down is planning out the factories more so in advance i want to work out what it is that i'm going to be producing so that i know exactly what i need in each factory and we'll probably try and get one or two of each item produced um with the exception of you know nuclear waste so that we have something to work to for the end goal of the game i'm also going to make an effort to stop using the regular areas for factories such as the rocky desert or the cliffs by the spire coast and the grassy plains for things like the mega factories the reason for this is it's something that you've all seen after three years of the game and i need a bit of spice in my life i need to swap it out a little bit more and though i can't deny we will use some of those spots but the focus of this build is going to be more about using less used areas obviously we're going to be featuring the spire coast for a few builds there's also the swamp uh which we're going to do in this build and i already have a pretty cool idea as to what i want to do with it but we'll also try to use other less used areas as well such as the pink forest and blue crater just expect me to have nuke nobleisk ready for when i go into the areas because i can't stand spiders so there you are guys that's everything that i've planned to not do or to add in to my update 6 playthrough i hope you did enjoy this video if you're looking forward to my new let's play make sure to drop the thumbs up and obviously if you haven't make sure to subscribe and why not let me know what you're choosing not to do or to do for your next save but we are going to leave it there thank you so much to our amazing supporters most notably our solo clips patrons the calamity cerebral tag james irwin and fireflex as well as our lunas dixie chris lord of july and ben and our blood winner of the day which today is chick norris until next time as always ciao for now
Channel: TotalXclipse
Views: 192,513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 7 Things I've Stopped Doing in Satisfactory Update 6, TotalXclipse, Satisfactory Game, Satisfactory Update 6, Satisfactory Update 6 release, Satisfactory U6, Satisfactory, Satisfactory gameplay, satisfactory guide, what not to do in Satisfactory, Satisfactory Update 6 gameplay, Satisfactory Update 6 lets play, satisfactory U6, Satisfactory guide, Satisfactory News, Satisfactory Official news, What not to do in Satisfactory, Satisfactory tips, Satisfactory Update 6 beginner tips
Id: aEWkpIF8RTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 14 2022
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