10 INCREDIBLE Satisfactory UPDATE 7 "Quality of Life Mods" I [EN]

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hello everyone my name is julian and welcome to a new video on this channel it's been a while since i uploaded our last satisfactory video and today is a pretty special one we're gonna talk about 10 more incredible quality of life mods in this game so guys let's hop right in [Music] so we're gonna make our journey here through all the mods and starting off with the first one it's called difficult tuner and what this thing does basically is it allows you to adjust the difficulty of your game uh you can set it just like vanilla you can go for nightmare or like uh easy game mode and there's the the bar then we can go on tweets like what do we want to enable what do we want to disable uh all those little things and we can also adjust the extraction rates uh so it will be harder to get and or easier depending on what you want you can play around with it pretty nice the build gun range also is pretty nice thing just adds this thing uh and by default on your specialty things costs four iron plates so nothing special here uh let's hop right into the section the second mod is called glass foundation fix and what this means is as you can see here you have all those basic glass things and they look pretty yeah pretty dirty to me uh you can go into coupon shop or go to where is it architecture and you can buy these fixed glass foundation they cost zero so nothing special and you can see the difference it is enormous this looks so much nicer than this and it's also better for your rendering because this is less uh less ram and less graphics intensive than this one oh yeah glass foundation fixes coming in number three now guys the third mod is is probably one of my favorite mods no portable miners and what this means is not you can't craft portable miners which you obviously can't this means you don't need portable miners for your uh for your miners or stuff it just costs you more rods and more iron plates and why is this so big deal i don't know about you but i often had the problem where i just wanted to get uh to get one or two miners done and i was at the location i've got the miner so i had to set up this thing and so on and so on so i think this mod is really a game changer when it comes to quality of life mods uh yeah coming in number four now the fourth mod is called fixed desktop uh it's quite a different mod than the others uh you can go you can go here and craft yourself one of these fix it discs after that you take it i have one of your inventory you equip it in your body which is kind of strange and it looks so strange after that you press oh i don't know which button uh wait after that you have to press you can you can adjust it here basically uh i have it on let's see fix the desktop on k let's press k and we can craft without using a crafting bench without having to carry a crafting bench uh building one because we have to carry our homes which i think it looks hilarious uh this basically everything coming in number four now number five sorry now the fifth mod is one i personally like a lot and this is also a really really important mod for your quality and satisfactory it's called faster manual crafting uh what this does basically and let's grab ourselves a few bugs of iron uh you can see right away how fast this is going where do we have our weather we have our you can see right away how fast this speeds up it speeds up uh not linear uh but uh how do we call it exponentially sorry guys and you can see how fast we craft these thousand uh things through and i've put it on a very low uh end scale you could adjust it more but just going into your main menu uh go to mods and then search this mod you can adjust it you can uh do a few tweaks yeah nothing special here so the next mod the next mod is not only a quality of life mod it's called water pools it's a bit hilarious i think this small is so sweet so cute uh but also a bit cheating if you don't prefer it guys then of course you don't have to use it well what this thing adds are water pools and a rubber duck which is huge and these water pools can be used to use water extractors we have our normal water pool our small one which is already huge this thing looks like a pot of gold you can set oh no we don't know attacking it uh then we have the large one which is really insanely huge compared to everything in this map this thing blows your mind oh my god i love how big these things are wait why can't i just put my rubber duck oh there's toxic uh and we have our modular ones which can be like built in a rectangular square for better efficiency again if you don't like these ones you have we don't have to use it but i think these things look hilarious i mean look at this thing so coming in number seven guys the next mod is a mod we desperately need it and i tell you desperately needed it's called auto splitters continued it's from the original model splitters and what this thing adds is a new splitter called the auto split we have our smart splitter here where we can figure configure where we want to go uh with one item but not the rates we can't even uh set the rates at the program of the splitter which i think is pretty sad but this thing which is not yet cheap not another expensive but not that cheap we can enter how much or how much items we want to go in what direction we can split automatic we can target the input rate even so if we don't want to get all in we could input it like in the half or a third or something you have so many options here and this thing is a game changer for factories you don't have to use a continue you don't have to use those designs where you have to split like in three and four low balance everything you can just use one of these and i think this is just perfect this mod definitely a must-have for big factories i'll just continued now the next mod is called modular load balancers and this is basically a bit similar to this one but not that quite what this thing adds are four of these modular splitters you have the normal one you have the filtered one with the filter on it you have the overflowing one and you have the programmable one now the programmable one is just uh goes just right uh like the programmable splitter of course and the smart splitter the overflow one of course are in the name it uses the overflows so all the overflow things go out here and the program uh the the filtered one you can filter what you want to go out here well how do we use these well it's pretty simple you just have one you snap it on to the others you can also snap it here you can go sideways you can go in a rectangular shape however you want they just have to be connected and as soon as this is uh achieved you can use them just normally so as a short demonstration for you guys we're gonna grab ourselves a mark v belt here try to get over here now we're going to use ourselves a storage container uh hook these up real fast poke this real fast up here let's put something in here and you can see now they will split perfectly if we add one more and have to output this it will output in a third and so on and so on and so on now low balance load balance modular look down and so sorry guys it's perfect mod for your big factories and complicated things so second but last mod we have the artificial power shots uh i had one already in an earlier video uh where you guys thought well that's cheating because it's so cheap to get power shots and so on and so on well this thing is much more balanced than everything else because you have to make them in these particular accelerators and they are expensive i tell you you need three plutonium rods three nuclear pasta and nitrogen girls in order to craft one power shot which is insanely expensive but of course if you don't want to explore and if you're running out of power slugs this is your way when you want to balance your game out then when you want to just be bit small vanilla but have a nice solution for your plutonium waste for example yeah especially nothing special here guys again coming in now the last mod now guys the last one is called fix it cam and this is a quite special model quite unique mod and i won't show you or you how you to use it because there's a really great video i've put down in the description for you guys now guys if you liked this video and enjoyed it make sure to leave a like and subscribe it would really help me out a lot guys and i don't want to stretch this video too long so in all enough that we just say goodbye and have a great day oh do we make it yes well that's okay yeah have a great day guys and goodbye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: JPzoneTV
Views: 36,824
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: satisfactory tips, quality of life, satisfactory gameplay, coffee stain studios, quality of life mods minecraft, satisfactory, satisfactory lets game it out, satisfactory mods, satisfactory mods 2020, satisfactory mods 2021, satisfactory mods best, satisfactory mods creative mode, satisfactory mods epic games, satisfactory mods install, satisfactory mods kibitz, satisfactory mods multiplayer, satisfactory mods showcase, satisfactory update 4, Imkibitz, TotalXClipse
Id: X5utPBCz8cI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Sat May 07 2022
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