7 Most Annoying Boss Fights We Will Curse With Our Dying Breath

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not all boss fights are created equal some are magnificent furious contests of strength against a seemingly impossible foe and then some are mysterio from spider-man 2. really we're ragging on mysterio again okay roll clip whoa that was sick dude but then there's the third kind of boss fight the one that lives in your memory not because it was too hard or too easy but whose defining quality is that it was just totally unrelentingly annoying an irritating frustrating boss fight that left you feeling as empty and broken as the helmet of stupid spider-man villain mysterio okay seriously did mysterio like wrong us in some way it doesn't matter look we've all had boss fights we've hated and the outside xbox and outside extra teams are no different here are our picks of bosses so annoying we will curse them with our dying breath we're spoilers for the following games [Music] damn it how do we stop these things well the big one is way over there however these guys are right here final fantasy vii remake appeared and as someone who had never played the original game i thought let's jump in on this i'm a big kingdom hearts fan as well i know nomura had done a lot of yeah i've done a little bit of work on this one yeah i thought you know what i'm going to give it a go a lot of the reviews were like it's amazing they've done really well for most of the game i really really enjoyed the kind of like fast-paced nature of the combat compared to previous final fantasies that i'd like dabbled in i'm not huge on turn-based battle systems and for most of it i kind of liked it but i i quickly realized that i didn't like it when i got to the final boss i kind of early doors thought hmm this is a little bit relentless the combat doesn't give you any breathing room really you're organizing your team you're mainly playing as cloud but you can also switch between the other characters on your team there's a lot of wood they suck i'm sorry tifa with the fists when she really goes at it it's great you're not as good as cloud yeah as good as clouds okay all right yeah well i like to i try to like change it up and it is also useful for game play if we need it for lists and such so it's not just cloud it really culminated for me realizing how much i kind of didn't gel with the combat sorry everyone who liked it was when i got to the final boss so i got three hours in chapter 18. and then you've got this whisper harbinger or harbinger i don't know exactly how you're supposed to say it because nomura wanted to like change the story big spoilers for the end of the game aerith doesn't die and so like this creature comes in to try and fix the timeline okay this is where the kingdom hearts comes in everyone buckle up in the beginning ah maura had a had a little bit of influence get in there the final final boss is sephiroth or as final yeah but i never got sephiroth because i was fighting this whisper javier of whatever and the problem with this battle is it's a multi-stage thing so you're not really kind of fighting the monster directly for the majority of this fight you're fighting like little tiny versions of itself that it sends at you there's like a cold one and a hot one and another one i can't remember it but all i remember is really annoying you're on like a highway but it's been like ripped up and it's like breaking apart it's very kingdom hearts you're thrown into separate battles again and again there's no way that you can just like i need to top up like get some manner or whatever back give me that i need to just breathe nope nothing you've got barrow and uh the the sabre cat i can never remember the name of yeah red 30 who's got like the deep voice like that um red wolf yeah right okay cool called fur patch yeah but you go through this whole fight with high-level creatures that are just really difficult to juggle between and so you go through all that most of the time it's just i need to build up some things so i can cure my friends and heal them and oh my god i was then thrown as cloud into a different battle this time with tifa and aerith and i was just there's there's no room to breathe there's no room to breathe they could do is give us a little breather and then when i finally got knocked down and then it was like hey you want to start from the checkpoint or do you want to start from you don't want to start the battle again and i accidentally clicked start the battle again and it threw me right out to the start at which point i was like i just again need to step away from this game just calm down i i was blaming myself i was like oh helen why did you do this then i looked it up right it taken me like 27 minutes to get to this point before dying and then i looked up like well what where's the checkpoint what how you know how did i shoot myself in the foot not at all you have to go right back into the beginning this multi-stage boss flight all over again and i'm gonna say i chose return to checkpoint when i died and i had to do the whole 45 minutes there's no point there is apparently a checkpoint after this before sephiroth so you get a checkpoint before to suffer off but who cares by that i didn't know who i was going to be with next so i'm sure like if i'd gone yeah i'll sacrifice another half an hour 45 minutes of my life to actually beat this boss i would have been a bit more prepared but throwing you into a long hard boss battle and not letting you know like not really knowing who you would have to look after like what was the point like wasted heat precious healing on barrett when he would been fine and i needed to save that fatifah in the next one so yeah i think it's mean i don't like it and it's tiring and that's why i rage quit final fantasy remake yay i think they heard what you said about turn-based battles and they were like alright then you want to do something active yeah i think it's very reasonable to expect more than two checkpoints in an hour yes it's quality of life things it's you know sitting down and being like oh my goodness i've got to dedicate maybe an hour to part of a boss fight don't make a boss difficult arbitrarily difficult by just making it a really long boss fight because it just turns it from a challenge into a slog at which point i was just like no no i like i i'd already at this point decided that you know final fantasy remake bosses for me were a little bit too grindy and once i got to the end of a boss fight i wasn't like yeah i beat it i was more like finally you know this was just the epitome of that but i didn't go finally i went by all yeah exactly counterpoint isn't everyone so beautiful and handsome i just you know i was playing that boss fight and i was like why can i i just yeah i just want to be back in the town and getting clouds in a dress and doing a little dance again that was my favorite bit i know it's a contentious one amongst fans but i love it absolutely love that bit [Applause] i never saw sephiroth i saw him in cutscenes never got to fight [Music] i see you have come to meet your fate it might not sound particularly plausible but one of my favorite games on the original playstation was tenchu stealth assassins um not my usual poison i would say but it's a really good game you remember when sakiro was uh announced everyone was like it's a new ten two game and it wasn't but it's a very similar sort of vibe you're running around being a sort of stealthy type with a grappling hook and a big sword and stabbing people up who deserve it mostly people who deserve it i assume you're supposed to be a good ninja but it was it was great it was a sort of each level was an open sandbox and you'd sort of grapple around onto the rooftops and run around do your little ninja run [Music] you'd be sort of stabbing up baddies and things like that [Music] that's all fine and i actually could get on board with the stealth because it was pretty easy stealth you know as long as you didn't get spotted you kind of ends to kill pretty much everything [Music] you're describing every stills yeah i suppose yeah yeah that's not the problem the problem was that at certain points in the game at the end of each level usually you'd have to fight a boss right and the boss would always know where you are it's that classic stealth game thing right where you're like you spend all your time sneaking around you put all your points into stealth or whatever and then and then you have to fight a boss who knows where you are at all times which is infuriating in any game deus ex skyrim skyrim all the time all the bloody time in skyrim all the time and also in this game but what i came up with was a what i thought was a foolproof solution to this which was just to use the grenades that were in the game to kill every pretty much every single boss ninja weapon yeah the grenade super effective in this game actually really very very good are you sure on my copy with my marker pen it certainly was i mean this was a fine and effective technique that carried me through most of the game but uh there is a character you run into a few times called onikage which stands for like demon's shadow or something he's like a demonic evil ninja and they've got a couple of problems with onikage three problems actually probably the first one is that he is one of those bosses who you meet early on and you beat but then they come back later on and they go well i wasn't trying who can't beat me when i try i wasn't trying last time so now i'm gonna try and now i'm gonna remove my limits yeah exactly and i'm gonna i'm gonna kick your ass the second problem i have is that he literally kicks your ass so i'm there with my swords presumably quite an effective weapon in feudal japan i'm given to believe these things are quite useful onikage doesn't have a sword at all he just sort of kicks you he does roundhouse kicks he does sort of sliding scissor kicks it's the disdain i have a problem with it's the disdain for me as a noble honorable ninja ignore the grenades uh and the fact that he doesn't even think it's worth but you know pulling out a sword he just boots me around the place disrespecting you right to your face exactly right yeah across the face with a roundhouse kick and occasionally like in the chest so i beat him the first time fine um second time he comes back much harder and i i remember playing this and having three grenades in my inventory and i hit him with all three grenades and it wasn't enough what now yeah what am i supposed to do now engage with the combat mechanics i don't think so must be a bug yeah and so yeah i never beat this guy never beat him never beat him he was much harder he was disdainful he absorbed grenades like they weren't even there the only thing to do was engage with the combat i think there was a block button but i can't remember i can't remember if i ever pressed it so yeah i kind of fell out of love with the game at that point um but you know i told myself he was the final boss right except he wasn't because again i wasn't really concentrating on the story and actually it was uh it was lord mae ho or something like that was the actual boss and you had to go to hell afterwards so never saw that bit of the game i've only found out about it later in life but yeah there you go i mean like only car gay he's a horrible like greasy looking dude as well he's got like horrible lank long hair he looks like a demonic ninja might look basically my three problems with him are disdain uh showing up twice and kicking me in the face multiple times and grenade absorption as well grenade absorption was a big problem for me and he's back in the sequel as well because they made it a prequel so he you know even though i didn't kill him yeah exactly yeah but yeah i would happily i would happily have them bring back tenshu just not him please or give you four grenades or give or just give me four grenades what is there a grenade shortage in feudal japan [Music] i've argued on many occasions sometimes successfully at panels okay the breath of the wild is the best game ever made and yet i'm pretty convinced that when nintendo finished it and shipped the game they basically all went on holiday and left like one one dude behind to do all the dlc and like all the updates because things get a bit shaky things get a bit weird it's all good stuff but you want to be on my panel no i don't want to be on that panel i want to be on my phone my views will be unopposed no actually subsequent dlc introduced two things uh one is master mode which is a version of the game that is much harder and another one is some dlc called the champions ballad which is a lovely series of quests that is absolutely worth doing because when you finish it you get a motorbike which is cool uh and it definitely supports my theory that nintendo will like we're done buried under rewards and money like i don't know what do you want a motorbike to get the motorbike you have to defeat a boss called mazcosa uh who is a a tricky sort of dried out yoda that you fight on top of a big pole or whatever and it's tricky there are a few a few phases to the mass because you fight one where you fight mascotia two where you do that same thing again but now there are a bunch of them there are clones you know the trope you've seen it in games like now fight a million of me and only one of them has a health bar and all the others just disappear when you um when you strike them then mass goes all big and you have to use various techniques you've learned throughout the game to overcome naz and claim your your sweet motorbike that's fine the problem and where it all went wrong for me was when you do the same fight in master mode now what master mode does somewhat clumsily i think is make the game harder by making every enemy you meet the harder version of that enemy so it scales every enemy up by one and enemies have a regenerating health bar if they're if they're left alone for too long uh then their health kind of starts starts to climb back up and this has been kind of blanket applied to the whole game in a way that uh unfortunately makes the maz kosher fight almost unplayably broken because of that second phase where you have to fight all of the clones now normally it's fine because you you know you're surviving you're fighting you're you're whittling away the clones you hit one it goes into cloud i wasn't that one i will stay on my guard keep fighting keep healing keep changing weapons and eventually you find the real mass and you can do a bit of damage uh and then you know the process begins anew unfortunately in master mode uh the amount of time it takes to find the real mass is uh about the amount of time it takes for mass's health bar to regenerate all the way back up to the to the uh three quarters of the way that it is uh that it's kind of locked at once you're into this phase so basically you can do this boss fight forever uh like and it just won't stop the only thing that will change as you keep fighting this phase over and over and over is that very very gradually all your weapons will break and you will eventually run out of healing items so in a very very long and protracted and exceptionally annoying way you will slowly slowly by degrees lose the boss fight and have to try again i made the mistake of doing this on live stream actually which was possibly compounded the frustration it took me a full hour oh my god he's back so he's got more health now than he than he had when we went into this phase we're so we're close now come on yes oh no no no no no we can't take damage like that we can't it's not sustainable we're gonna imladradee says there is no way a motorcycle is worth this well the chat got more and more frustrated tried to tell me to do a thing where you put bananas on the floor and then i did the thing where you put bananas on the floor and guess what the advantage was basically negligible so i was having a bad time the viewers were having a bad time um that's the outside extra that's the outside extra guarantee but i was watching you were good and i had a lot of respect for that i knew like the amount of frustration you were feeling and it's a lot when that stuff is happening on a livestream so i think you did very well i was watching and it was bad and i had no respect [Laughter] it was it's very very annoying doing this fight in master mode because of this fact that the health regenerates basically as fast you can fight um the way i eventually did it was just keeping the fight going long enough that my that the cooldown elapsed on my big electrical area of effect power um which i ended up needing in several stages of the fight but but even that um you have to get lucky because you get three shots at that and then there's a long cooldown and if you you can do that to quickly identify the correct mass and do some damage but if you don't do a third of that damage in the allotted time before you go back on cooldown the hell's just going to go all the way back up so it was frustrating and irritating to do but the real bad taste in my mouth was just that it's like the best game of all time uh and it's just broken and it's so it's like it's it's supposed to be a hard fight because it's the end of the dlc and it's like when you combine master mode and when you combine this dlc you basically just get a kind of bad venn diagram of like slightly you know not as polished game design as the main game and like right in the middle of that is the mass kosher fight which is just kind of broken and so yeah so that that's why that annoyed me because i got the motorbike worth it was the motorbike worth it yes it doesn't actually go as fast as i think it should if you're gonna give link a motorbike give him one that is so fast that you ramp through the sky box and like glitch into the end credits or something we have been inexorably pushed to this final confrontation reven i see now that this can only be settled when one of us destroys the other once again we shall face each other in single combats and the victor will decide the fate of the galaxy [Music] when and if i die many many many years from now have you got planned douglas on that day i will curse malak who is the bad guy from off of the box you might recognize uh from knights of the old republic it's a star wars game a star wars rpg when you are a remaster believe it's coming at some point there will be a remaster and you too will get to meet malak who i fought a very very very long time ago when i didn't really know how to play rpgs i mean i modestly do know how to play rpgs now but at the time i just picked whatever damn force powers i thought were cool and good and not how you're supposed to play that game apparently not mike because it did me fine through the game and then there i was at the end of the game final boss fight it's malik obviously the bad guy off of the box classic looking star wars villain and you battle him in a sort of classic boss fight arena and there's a sort of gantry there are these like jedi's that have been kind of taken captive and they're in these pods and the idea is that the boss can kind of heal himself by draining the life force from these captured jedi in these pods while you're trying to kill him so immediately it's a boss who can heal himself which is a bad sign already for annoying boss battles [Music] you cannot beat me reverend me not having optimized my character not have not having chosen anything especially like suitable for this scenario was not in any way prepared and it was really really really really hard because i wasn't prepared for it and also i don't think i had the wherewithal really at that point to like look up a text based game fax walkthrough so i just sort of sort of had to like die over and over and over and over again sort of brute forcing a solution and my solution in this scenario was like the most ignoble kind of victory which is kiting the boss around this gantry just kind of like running away from him and in my memory it took like a good half an hour to do this boss fight that's probably meant to take four minutes of like elite play and so it was like run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run from darth malak who is monstrous just dreadful and um occasionally like toss a grenade over my shoulder while crying and i remember him healing and thinking if only i were darkseid then i could probably just kill those imprisoned jedi and i just looked up a walkthrough that was like kill him if you like you don't get any dark side points so every day's a school day i should have just killed the imprisoned jedi and made myself made my life a lot lot easier i've also looked it up and apparently what i also should have been doing is just like laying 50 minds before the boss start fights apparently you can just like lay a mine on top of a mine on top of a mine on top of a mine on top of a mine and then later during the boss fight darth malak will just step on your collection of mines and blow up and explode and die and then well done you've completed the game but i didn't know it at the time so what it was was just running crying and afraid like not a very good jedi so it really put paid to my fantasy of being a cool star wars hero because uh that was how that was the climactic battle of star wars knights of the old republic for me and it was it was truly truly annoying not very heroic or star wars-y at all and i found it more annoying now that you know there are multiple ways you could have made it easier for yourself i'm sort of in a in a twisted not very cool way sort of proud of having like found my own way to be a star wars hero which is running and throwing grenades over my shoulder and yeah i don't remember using force i probably use some force powers but um it would have grenades fourth grade it would it would all have been range stuff i think that was the disappointing bit that i couldn't stand up to darth malak in an iconic lightsaber battle because my puny character was sub-optimal and darth malak was like just an absolute brute so so yeah that's that's the one that's the that's the one i'll remember on my deathbed if and when it comes together quite powerful but i have faced them once before [Music] you may think you know these creatures let me show you their true nature so keena bridge of spirits is a lovely puzzle platformer game on the playstation 5 which is weirdly peppered with boss fights more difficult than anything i have ever encountered in dark souls and the worst one of all is the very final boss fight so it's big spoilers for the end of keener but at least like the it's fine yeah yeah throughout the game you're picking up these little creatures called the rot and they're really cute if you've ever seen doctor who they look like the little ad well they by when the end of the game you go oh that's why they record that basically they help you solve puzzles so they can move things around for you they help you in battle is the most important thing so you can kind of command them to pin down an enemy or you can use them to empower shots from your bow they're used to kind of like cleanse the corruption that you find around this village and the surrounding areas that you've you've come as keener to be the bridge for spirits to pass from this world into the next and so the final boss fight is of course uh the big bad takes the rot and turns them into an enemy that fights you and you don't have the rot until you kind of like whittle down its health that's not the issue at hand even though it is a little bit played out it's kind of a bit tropy but done done before slightly what is annoying is that again like my final fantasy choice it is a multi-stage boss fight with zero checkpoints and you have to start from the beginning you're fighting this huge beast it's got like kind of pustules on it of various points and you have to shoot them enough times and then damage enough of them then it then pulls you into a different part of the world where other enemies spawn and you're just kind of fighting different waves of generic enemies clear them door opens go back fight the rot again and then you go okay do a little bit more damage and then you're cut back into it and it's just that one of the things though when you do enough damage and it pulls you in again to the other world is you suddenly have like a platforming bit as well fortunately the thing is fortunately i i was on the the first time i got to the platforming event i think it was i fell off one of the platforms and i said don't tell me it doesn't take you back to start the boss fight that's the one time that they went checkpoints might be good here because it's a little bit trial and error the first time you get here there was this one enemy that i had a lot of problem with in the game and it's this big thing with a huge part of a tree trunk as a club throws it look at you like a boomerang it really hits in it's got like glowy bits that you have to hit one on the front and one's like on the elbow ones on its back which are really really difficult to get to in this fight because they're just looking at you the whole time so often i just get my health bar whittled down by this one thing that was a boss fight at one point but now it's just a regular enemy and then i get back to this huge monster and be like [Music] the other thing is in healing you need to use the rot so for the very first part of the battle you cannot heal at all because you don't have the rot second part of the battle you can because you've claimed some rock back and then the third again you cannot heal unless you've built up enough power to use a rot point so a bit like if anyone has played ghosts of sushima you build up resolve you use resolve to heal it's the same thing in quina however the additional thing is in order to use that to heal you need to find a blue flower around you in which i think in the second round with the big monster there's only like two of them maybe three and the same again so you are limited to six heals which you have to earn it's not nunny or estus you don't get to just chug an estus and save up you have to bash this thing try and get enough points and then heal up finally the very final after you've done the platforming bit the final fight i was stuck on this for ages because it's just there and it brings waves and waves and waves of energy and then does this huge area of effect attack every once in a while i was like shooting attacks at this monster i was like i can't why not i'm not doing anything you couldn't do any damage to it whatsoever and you're just being piled on by all these things so i just kept getting to that point being like oh i'm so nearly there but not knowing what the heck i'm supposed to do it got to the point where i was just like i i've died too many times what do i actually have to do to do damage see what i didn't realize is that i had to use the rot on spears in the creatures back to pull it out so i had to aim my rot power like sounds very complicated yeah at this at one of the i think there's like three spikes in its back and then you aim yeah the little rock the symbol comes up and it goes out and then it pulls the thing out and it does a whole load of damage three of those and then it dies and then it's all right it falls and then you can cleanse it with the power of the rod multi-stage boss fight no checkpoints limited healing final round no clue what i was supposed to do i had to google it because it was just not obvious however however it wasn't as hideously long as the final fantasy one so i did actually manage to finish it uh so yeah exactly look on the bright side ellen you can finally discuss the ending of kena with all the other person who played it my favorite thing about it as well is i finished it let the credits but i was like like did the thing watch the end credit scene everything happy ending yay whatever and then at the end it goes back to the the menu screen and it's like you have unlocked master difficulty at which point i was like no turn off my playstation 5. yeah yeah exactly just that not doing that sorry keana you're fun but no too hard too hard [Music] all right spoilers in this bit for elden ring if you haven't finished it because i am going to talk about the final boss of elton ring all right mike's off sound ring obviously is a game very heavily based around fighting bosses that's the main thing you do in elden ring and there are some really good bosses in elven ring you've got starship radan uh you've got a fight where you fight yourself that's pretty good all those like beautiful haunting ethereal skeletal deer who could forget melania so yeah you you think by the time you get to the end of the game the final boss must be the best one right and you get to the end to the end of the game you get to the elden throne and it's like now just go up these stairs where the final boss is hanging out the velvet rope is there you just thought they let you in and they're like can you come you all you need to do now is yeah no off off with that no stupid hats take that take that stone face off they usher you in and you're like right now the final boss is here and you're like great okay exciting and outsteps uh radagon of the golden order who is actually a really good boss it's the guy who shattered the elden ring he's wielding the hammer he used to do it he's all shirtless and glorious in the first e3 trailer yeah the the music is the music from the title screen it's like this glorious orchestral swelling music from the title screen you're like oh it's all come full circle and you know i wasn't entirely sure what was happening in the story of elven ring if i'm honest but i did know i did know that radigan of the golden order was an important character and here i am fighting them i'm like great fighting radigan the one who smashed the olden ring kill radigan i become the old lord brilliant so you know this epic fight with radigan and we're going back and forth and it's a matching of wits and finally i defeat radicand of the golden order and i'm like yes i've beaten the final boss of elden ring and they're there with the ring went no no no no no no no no okay he yeah he's dead now but look what about this can i interest you in this and then out comes what looks like an mri of the loch ness monster and this huge weird like flipper seal and sort of just like that's like wheeling around the level and i'm like what the hell is that and they're like yeah the elden beast weren't expecting the elden beast to wear you and i'm like no okay no i wasn't because you've never mentioned that there is an elden beast or even what it is in the item description of the trousers of america probably is that's probably where all the elden beast law is contained so you're in this huge arena you're like ankle deep in water for some reason uh and the elden beast is just you know half a mile away going and you go all right let me just go over to the old beast because i've got a sword i want to go and hit him with the sword and he spends 20 minutes walking over there and then the old bees go and then and then teleports to the other side of the arena and you're like but i just i just walked all the way over here and it's like and then it's and then it starts shooting like concentric circles of golden light at you that wreck you up and you're like ah no all my health let me let me pound a couple of of these flasks of crimson tears so i'm better again like great okay now oh half a mile away that way then it like creates an orb that shoots lasers that's unavoidable and kills you instantly and that the worst thing is that if you die fighting the elden beast and you probably will because it's a cheap mf that has bs tactics uh you die and then you're like all right fine i'll go back and fight the elden beast again and then out steps radigan and it's like oh come to tangle with radigan hast yi i'm like i already beat radigan and then i thought the on beast is like no it's a two-stage boss fight and you have to do it again every single time you come through here and so you die again and again on elden beast and the great epic radigan boss fight that feels like important and like it has relevance to the story by the end of it you're like yeah yeah yeah right again just get out of the way radigan i can't lose any health to you because i need all of this for the elden beast whatever that is and so radicand is like hath destroyed the light i don't care i don't care i need i need all this health get out of the way radigan so it completely undermines the radigan fight and then you get onto the absolute bs fight with the stupid flailing flipper monster have you considered that the elder beast is good no i haven't because it isn't why do you love the elden beast i just it's it's slow it's majestic it's cool it's oh yeah it's got a sword did i mention for selling one of its flippers it's just got a big sword for some reason without an opposable thumb ah it's got a hand but yeah it's it's really stupid and like in the end the only way i could beat it was so when you start the elden beast boss fight there's like four seconds where it stands still and you can run around the back of it and stab it in the butt and i'm like this doesn't feel like this should be the climax of my olden ring journey you know it's like oh brave radicand you have laid down your life for now i am the elden lord and it's like no actually it's me just like frantically shanking the loch ness monster in the butt and hoping it dies before he can do anything to me the most authentic eldering experience possible it should end as it began with you hiding behind an enemy stabbing stabbing it hiding about doing horfrost stomp over and over again i dismissed my summon so i could make the elden beast like last longer i was having a good time i don't know what is wrong with you elden beast is the worst boss in the whole game but i am wearing a loch ness monsters here there he is he loves it really i think it's sullying the legacy of the loch ness monster you know that's a monster who worked hard to establish their legacy didn't just turn up at the end of scotland [Laughter] and say oh no one's mentioned me but i'm in charge you've defeated the final boss of scotland billy got billy conley and then who's this yeah anyway this is a boss and it basically ruined eldon ring so you were never one of but a us a false idol my eyes have been open i don't know how uh plugged in you are to the doom fan community how plugged in are you to the doom fan community all right well um well well let me tell you that there are some people who will be part of the doom fan community and they've already seen that i'm going to talk about the marauder and let me tell you it's contentious uh if you do a little bit of reading around you can find that this enemy splits the doom fan base right down the middle between literally yeah yeah well well i mean where do i begin with a kind of wave attack that sort of happens in one frame it can smash you with its axe if you get too close uh it can also summon a deadly ghost dog and the deadly ghost dog bites you and the bite marks appear on the screen yeah yeah like exactly as you're supposed to imagine your eyeballs have been bitten off or something yeah this is the thing uh all right context the marauder is like all doom enemies a horrible demon um but you encounter the marauder halfway through the campaign for the first time that's where you sort of do the do this boss encounter and the marauder is very different from most doom enemies because you can only beat it a very specific way if you're too far from it it will attack you invulnerably if you're too close to it it will attack you invulnerably you have to be in the middle of the of the close and far and when you are sometimes it will do a thing where it attacks you and briefly its eyes flash green and if you shoot it well while its eyes flash green it will be briefly staggered and then you can do some damage to it if you're quick it's very hard enemy to fight but my complaint isn't that it was hard no one should have to to prove that or validate that but i would hope that i have over the last few years earned my chops in putting up with games that are basically so hard that they're unplayably unfair and if you and if you do some reading around this like people are like oh man i hate the marauder i didn't really like it a lot of the responses are like the marauder can be easily dealt with if you if you do quick weapon switching and doing this and it's like yeah i did beat the marauder after you fight the marauder the game continues and the marauder becomes like a regular enemy but every time the marauder would appear as a regular enemy my heart would just sink and i'm like i don't wanna i just don't wanna do this and the reason is because it's completely different to every other type of enemy in do maternal obviously what they were trying to do is to mix up the combat and give you a new challenge when the marauder appears but up until that point do maternal was like so chill like it's so like like there's a word i would just i know no like it totally is like like if you're having a hard time in doom eternal the the solution is almost always just to just be like okay what do i need it's all about resource management do maternal it's like you've got to keep your health up and your shield up and your ammo up and to get your ammo up you have to use your chainsaw and to get your shield up you have to use your flamethrower to get your health up you have to do glory kills or a blood punch and there's a lot of there's a lot to no and it kind of but it starts to like gel into this really pleasant kind of web in your mind and you're like ah there's the roboty spider i know what he needs he needs the sniper rifle to shoot off his little nubbin and there's the kako demon the caco demon just needs a little grenade in his little mouth and it's almost like a kind of bob ross painting like i think the way the game is at its best when you just can be completely calm and you just move around like a sort of tornado of death just like a calm tornado of death just ballet like a ballet just efficiently dispatching this is why doom is so enjoyable it's not like one of these kind of like sweaty like i'm kind of wrestling with the controllers like trying to stay alive it's like you have you just slow down the old heart rate and you just move in a kind of zen-like way but the marauder completely changes that because the dynamic of fighting it is much more claustrophobic and it completely breaks the flow of the game having this enemy that has to be killed with a with with timing rather than with resource management if if that makes sense uh and every time you encounter marauder after that again the flow of the game completely breaks some people really like that and they're like oh good they mixed up the challenge and it gets a bit spicy and it gets a bit interesting and i have to master a new skill i personally felt that it that it kind of dismantled everything that was making do maternal fun up to that point and i didn't really get on board with it and yeah the marauder with his ghost dogs and his bad vibes he harshed my mellow i was having a mellow time and the marauder hashed it unforgivable so those are some of the bosses that we just found really annoying just just wish i could change them or remove them completely and make the game a lot better do you have any that you really just cannot stand let us know in the comments down below if you enjoyed it please do give us a thumbs up and uh subscribe if you haven't already because do loads more videos like this and if you would like to support us on patreon please do click the linky link and also over here are some videos of more things like this uh in the meantime we promise we won't make you do a big bottle battle to go and watch
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 1,035,719
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra, video games, gaming
Id: vrgJzq6s7A0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 35sec (2675 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 28 2022
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