Easy, STRESS FREE way to BREAK 100 in golf!

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so you've clicked on this video because you want to break a hundred well i'm going to show you some simple tips that are guaranteed to help you [Music] so before i come on to the tips of how you're actually going to break 100 i want you to understand the concept behind it first a normal golf course that you play will be roughly around about past 72 so that means you're allowed to shoot 27 over power you're allowed nine double bogies and nine bogeys that's important for some topics i'll talk about later in this video it means as long as you play within yourself don't make any huge massive mistakes you should be on track for breaking a hundred now and again you might pick up some pars and who knows you might even pick up the odd birdie as long as you keep the big numbers off your card that is a way of guaranteeing shooting a lower score so tip number one saving shots around the green sometimes taking the safer shot rather than the sexy shot is a key to help you shoot a lower score now this is a great example for a shot where you can learn a lot from if you're trying to break under 100 trying to choose the correct option from here is really key now as a better player or you watch on tour you would see me very often a tour player a really good player grabbing loads of loft the 60 degree club and almost flicking it up in the sky landing on the front of the green and rolling it towards the flag that's ambitious because if that goes wrong it could be disastrous that shot if it not hit correctly you could thin it through the green or you could leave it a yard in front of you so i'm going to show you a shot that i really need you to learn and get good at because it will really help you i want to go with your pitching wedge and the reason for that is because it's going to give you a little bit of loft but the swing that you need for this type of shot isn't going to be a massive length swing a couple of good tips from here as well technique wise i'm going to get you to grip down on the golf club a little bit for a bit more control keep the stance narrow and all we're going to look for here is almost a putting stroke i'm not looking at using my wrist too much i'm very simply using my arms and the club as one unit i'm not trying to flick the ball up in the air skim the grass and use no wrists so that's technique now what we're looking for a shot here is let's just take the flag out of the equation our best result here is to get it on the green and give ourselves a decent chance for a putt but if not if we hit it on the green and two put that's okay the main objective is getting it on the green so when i'm looking for a shot here i'm not again i'm taking the flag out the equation i'm going to land the ball somewhere near the front of the green hopefully and if it runs too long that's okay it's not the end of the world what we don't want to see is a ball landing or finishing here or one going all the way through the green so putting stroke grip down with the pitching wedge pick a point at the front of the green and it doesn't matter if it rolls too far our objective is to keep it on the putting surface [Music] and you know what we take that that's okay and again it's not sexy would i be massively happy with that shot not hugely but that is on the green two foots from there we're walking off with our bogey or we're walking off with our double bogey really important [Applause] [Music] my next point is really important three putts are okay in certain situations for example here i'm on the green but i'm miles away from that flag in fact i'm over 60 feet away from that flag now obviously the best players in the world they want a two-putt from here but if you're trying to break a hundred three putting from here is not the worst case in the world it's better than a four put or a five put that's for sure so manage your limitations manage your expectations shall say from here if we get it rolling up from fairly close within 10-4 and knock it in from two from there happy days so just remember if you are a long way away three putting is okay now for a full round of golf 18 holes it wouldn't be a terrible idea as well just to track your putts as you play in ideally we want to be trying to get 36 puts for a full 18 holes or lower that'd be a good little almost side target to try to break 100 now one tip i will give you from here though something i see a lot of golfers make the mistake of if they do get the speed wrong is if not judged whether the foot is uphill or downhill they'll spend a lot of time working out whether it's right to left or left to right but then completely underestimate up and down this part is tremendously uphill so a little tip once you figure that out and you know it's uphill i have a couple of practice ports almost looking at the hole and trying to get that gauge of speed what sort of length stroke are you going to need to get it as close to that hole as possible one last look at the flag we know it's uphill and certainly on a pot like this you've got to give it a massive whack now that's not bad no guarantee for two foot there but it's not disastrous you're certainly not four putting from there so tip number two three putting is okay in certain situations [Music] my next point is how to play part threes better part three is the wonderful opportunity to get it close to the green maybe even on the green who knows you might make a par worst case a bogey the thing we don't want to do is make a big number on a par 3. so when you get to the team ground before you pull a club just have 10 seconds to figure out where you want to finish your golf shot where'd where's the best situation for example this hole all the trouble is at the front of the green i don't want to go there i don't want to go in those bunkers at the front there's no trouble beyond the green or past the flag so to the middle of the green here it's 155 yards but really i want to be hitting this about 165 yards be a very almost a careful caddy have that little insight to go i'm going to hit one extra club here because i know that if i hit it long and towards the back of the green i'm all right i'm safe there likewise if you're playing a part three where all the troubles at the back of the green and there was no trouble at the front maybe take a club less stay away from the trouble it's really key and another little tip part three is a great opportunity to give yourself a perfect lie when you tee the golf ball up tee up a little bit off the ground just a touch you don't want it sky high you just want it just peeping out the top of the grass picture a nice shot so i know here now i've got plenty of club i'm going to commit to this shot if i hit this full i know this is going to go more towards the back of the green and that's okay avoiding trouble is key i've hit that very nicely and that should be on the back of the green and i'll take that every day it has just run over the back but a little chip or maybe a port we are eliminating that big number it's really important certainly playing parties [Music] okay last point and i think it's a really important one and it's kind of a two-part point as well i'm here on the third hole and it's the hardest hole on this golf course stroke index one it's 401 yards and on the t box it says it's a par four now if you're trying to break a hundred we need to change our mindset a bit on this we need to turn this into a par six and if we can make a six on here a double bogey on the hardest hole in the golf course we are well on track of having a good result the reason why it's a two-part thing because it ties quite nicely into equipment as well i recommend every goal for being able to hit driver i really do i think driver is a club you need to have in the bag however it's not a club you need to have in your bag or hit great to try and break a hundred once you break 100 you want to get better to start breaking 90 80 and certainly towards 70 learn how to drive and learn how to hit it well really important but on a hole like this a big club a driver over three would actually get you in more trouble there's trees right there's hazards everywhere and if we hit a duff tee shot it's gonna really cost us so we're going to choose a club and plot our way down this hole if we've got past six in mind we can afford to hit every pretty much every full shot if we hit a full shot 130 yards we're almost getting on the green in three shots that means we can have a little chip onto the green and two putts you're making your six so choose a club you're comfortable with that hits roughly that distance whether it be a a seven iron or an eight iron whatever it may be and think you're going to plot your way down there if you played this hole 20 times and 10 times you went with hitting driver and 10 times you choose more of a lofty club and trying to position yourself down there i would almost guarantee this option then the thinking man's option is going to be a better result most of the time so pick your options pass six play it as that start off with your first shot hit 133 yards you might not hit the fairway that's okay you'll be close then your second shot down the middle of the fairway your third shot getting close to the green a chip on a couple of puts and hey presto you've gone through the hardest hole in the golf course with a very respectable score so all in all all those points we've talked about in this video is damage limitation doesn't have to be pretty golf to break 100 doesn't have to be sexy golf doesn't have to be perfect golf what we do have to avoid is those big numbers get out there enjoy it and i can't wait to hear when you start breaking 100. tag me in it on social media thanks for watching stay tuned lots more to come and enjoy starting shooting in the 90s
Channel: Rick Shiels Golf
Views: 1,164,878
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Keywords: Golf, Golf Tips, Golf Advice, How to play better golf, Rick Shiels PGA, Rick Shiels golf, review club lesson, Golf lessons, Manchester, Rick Shiels PGA Golf Coach, Online golf, facebook golf, twitter golf, rickshielspga, rickshielsgolf, tiger, woods, Rory Mcilroy, Stop slicing, stop hooking, how to play golf, improve ball striking, stop shanks, reduce handicap, become a better golfer, Golf balls, Titleist, Callaway, Taylor Made, Ping
Id: -6RyI0ac-F0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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