7 Stages of Falling in Love

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hey psyched go family thanks so much for all the love and support that you continued to give us psyched goes mission is to make psychology more accessible to everyone so let's begin how do two people fall in love love is complicated and challenging it grows through hardship and blossoms in the most unlikely places but we all want love in our lives so how do you develop a lasting love with your partner in this video we'll be talking about the seven stages of falling in love one curiosity long before you fall in love you and your partner meet for the very first time in the earliest stages of love partners experience the fluttering feeling of curiosity in your first moments together you hear your partner's voice you see their smile and you get butterflies in your stomach early on you don't know how you feel about each other yet all you know is that this person feels special to attraction in stage 2 curiosity blooms into attraction you and your partner go on dates you make each other laugh you enjoy each other's company physically and emotionally in a 2016 study Langa's leg explained that romantic feelings are most prevalent in this early stage of love you fall head over heels and your partner seems absolutely flawless you talk about this person all the time you feel nervous whenever they're around but you want to be around them constantly according to a 2016 study by Seshadri the second stage is amplified by euphoric hormones in your brain it's these hormones that blind you with desire and push you closer to your partner 3 coupling as you and your partner spend more time together your hormones begin to settle you start to really enjoy each other's company until finally you become a couple in this stage your pace begins to slow down you feel warm and cuddly around each other you become more involved in each other's lives you meet your partner's family and friends you expose insecurities and you start to feel safe stage-three might not be as wild as stage two but it's one of the happiest stages for many couples of course stage 3 doesn't last forever for discomfort eventually your partnership will face a major hurdle your visions of the future may not line up one partner may experience sudden trauma and your relationship will face its largest obstacle yet for many couples stage 4 is the end of the road this obstacle can feel insurmountable and the relationship may crumble you begin fighting often you feel angry resentful or hurt happiness gives way to ambivalence and dissatisfaction for some couples these feelings are too strong so they go their separate ways five vulnerability many couples persevere through these hardships they survive the rough patch and confront that intimidating obstacle as difficult as it sounds that perseverance will make your relationship stronger than ever in Stage five you and your partner get to the root of the problem you search for the reasons why you're struggling and you resolve that pain together this intense vulnerability bonds you even closer and you instill in each other the kind of trust that lasts a lifetime six creative intimacy by stage six you and your partner have opened up to each other you've shown each other your true selves all your walls have come crumbling down now it's time to rebuild the relationship in stage six you learn to love each other for who you are you figure out how you and your partner can live a life that makes both of you happy because mutual happiness is essential to any successful relationship and seven stable love now that you've overcome challenges and expressed your deepest fears your love becomes comfortable again you settle into your lives as you learn to live with around and beside each other many couples rest in this final stage for years others move back and forth between stages your partnership may have high high and low lows but remember that love never comes quickly or easily love requires happiness and hardship conflict and vulnerability honesty and trust even after you've reached stage seven the relationship still requires work in the same 2016 study Langa's leg explains how important it is to keep that spark alive try new and exciting activities together stay vulnerable and honest with each other you may find yourselves revisiting earlier stages but that's okay people grow and change over the years so allow your love to grow and change alongside you have you ever experienced these seven stages which of these stages stands out in your relationship tell us about your experiences in the comments section below don't forget to click the like button and subscribe to psych to go for more psychology content and as always thanks so much for watching see you next time [Music]
Channel: Psych2Go
Views: 164,363
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Keywords: stages of falling in love, stages of love, stages of relationship, stages of dating, relationship, relationships, dating, love, relationship stages, stages of a relationship, stages of a relationship dating, long term relationship stages, dating stages, attraction, dating sites, bumble, free dating sites, online dating, dating advice, relationship advice, dating tips, advice, couple, psych2go, psych2go relationship, psych2go love, relationship problems, love problems, fall in love
Id: l8tEpRDsRw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 28sec (328 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 21 2020
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