9 Things People Do When They Are Highly Attracted To You

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[Upbeat Music] Hi Psych2Goers! Welcome back to   another video! Thank you so much for all the  love and support you’ve given us, which has   enabled us to make yet another exploration  into everyday psychology! So, let’s begin! They’re into me. They’re into me not. They’re  into me. They’re into me not. They’re – Are   they into me? You meet someone at work or school.  And they catch your eye. Oh boy! After talking to   them and getting to know them better, you find  that you’ve become attracted to them. Great! Now comes the million dollar question. Do they like you back? Figuring out whether or  not someone is interested in you can be difficult   and confusing. With so many signals flying around  it’s hard to be sure if it is purely platonic or   something more. Here are a few subtle hints  that let you know that the feeling is mutual. One, Mirroring Have you ever observed friends or couples  interacting? If you have, you might have noticed   that sometimes they mimic each other. Mirroring  or embodied cognition is an effective way to tell   if someone is interested in you.Someone who is  interested in you adopts your mannerisms. They   begin to imitate you (and vice versa). The  most common form is walking in lock-step–   almost as if they were in a marching band. But,  don’t be alarmed! Mirroring is not mocking. It   is an unconscious act that occurs when someone  is trying to establish a rapport and genuinely   understand you. It tells you that the other person  is willing to understand and connect with you! Two, Dilated Pupil Did you lose yourself as you  stared deep into their eyes?   Did the phrase “Eyes as deep as oceans”  come to mind? Now look again. It might be   something about their pupils. Are they as big  as saucers? Within the context of attraction   dilated pupils signify that the other person is  interested. During the early stages of attraction,   the brain sends out dopamine and oxytocin  that induces the dilation of the pupils. Three, Mutual Eye Contact Do you often have an eye-to-eye with them?  They just can't seem to get their eyes off you,   can they? The love hormone oxytocin is  responsible for increased eye contact.   When someone is interested in you, they try  to establish intimacy with you by holding   eye contact. It also means that they are paying  attention to every word you say. A study published   in PubMed found that mutual eye contact increases  attraction between partners and feelings of love. Four, Leaning In Do you often find them standing nearer to  you than others? Do they shift a step closer   when conversing with you? A person’s availability  makes them more attractive. When you like someone   you wish them to be available for you, physically  as well as emotionally. Similarly, our body gives   out physical cues of how receptive that person  is towards you. If a person is interested in you,   they may lean or tilt towards you. This  naturally happens as compatibility increases. Five, Feet pointing Have you noticed something strange in their  stance? Do they seem to be standing differently   than usual when around you? According  to Judy Dutton author of How We Do It:   How the Science of Sex Can Make you a Better  Lover if a person stands “pigeon-toed,” they   are trying to convey that they like you a lot. The  feet point towards where a person’s attention is,   so if their feet are pointed towards  you it means that they are interested.   Someone’s foot placement can give you  a clue as to how they feel. Who knew! Six, Fidgeting Do they play with their hair or pick  at with their clothes around you?   Are they extra fidgety around you?People adopt  certain ticks when they are nervous, and also   when they are interested in someone. This is  most likely used as an anxiety coping mechanism,   but it is also present during the early  stages of attraction. Fidgeting on the   first date is quite normal because it means that  the person is interested, excited, or nervous. Seven, Light Touch Do they have a habit of touching your  arm lightly whenever you converse?   Do they often reach across the table to you?  People use touch to connect with others and this   is the reason that drives someone who is attracted  to you to behave as such. Regardless of the way it   is performed, a person engages in physical touch  to establish a level of intimacy and closeness.   Touching and reaction serves as an indicator  as to how you might feel around that person. Eight, Blushing Have you noticed their cheeks change color when  caught in your attention? If they are prone to   blushing whenever you are around, it is a surefire  sign they like you. The butterflies that stir   whenever you see someone you love or are attracted  to cause a light blush to paint the cheeks.   This is caused by the rush of adrenaline which  also causes the facial capillaries to open up.   The sympathetic nervous system dilates the small  blood vessels in your face, causing you to blush. Nine, Glowing When someone is attracted to you and  possibly starting to fall in love,   It begins to show on their  face too! They begin to glow.   No, not the bioluminescent type of glow neither  do they light up like a lightbulb. Mind you!   But it's a very subtle change in their appearance.  They may seem even prettier and their skin will   look healthier. This is caused by the release  of oxytocin. Oxytocin decreases cortisol levels   throughout your body. Increased oxytocin begets  less inflammation and a high immune system. Gauging whether someone is interested  in you may be difficult, but hopefully,   these hints can help you find  the right answer have helped. Thanks for watching! Video by Psych2go.
Channel: Psych2Go
Views: 2,029,379
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Keywords: attraction, how to be attractive, how to be more attractive, do they like me, does he like me, does she like me, is he attracted to me, is she attracted to me, dating, relationships, dating advice, psychology, signs someone likes you, how to look more attractive, attractive, psychology of attraction, signs of attraction, love advice, relationship advice, body language attraction, how to attract women, dating advice for women, psych2go, psych 2 go, psychtogo, psych to go
Id: FlmLxaLgbPM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 56sec (356 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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