7 Signs Your Breakup Is Temporary

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one question I'm asked constantly by viewers like you and by my coaching clients is how can I tell if my breakup is only temporary and that folks is what we'll be discussing right here in this brand-new video I'm Brad browning the number one breakup coach on YouTube and for the past 12 years I've been helping people from around the world to get over a tough breakup and start over with an ex to get my personal help with your situation just visit breakupbrad.com/coaching and learn how you can work with me one-on-one to get a second chance with your ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend now how do you tell if your breakup is not going to last how do you know if your ex is going to take you back well here are the top seven signs sign number one your ex is sending mixed messages so if your ex has been giving you the the hot and cold treatment since breaking up that's actually often a strong indication that he or she is internally conflicted about the decision to breakup and may soon give in to their feelings and decide to take you back now what do I mean by mixed messages well for example if your ex sends you a late-night text saying I miss you one day and then the next day they completely ignore you or tell them that you tell you that you never want to talk to you again that's a mixed message now again these types of back and forth signals that your ex is sending are almost always an indication that your ex is having second thoughts about breaking up now it can be because they initially thought that that going your separate ways was the right thing to do but now they're struggling emotionally with the breakup and fighting an internal battle with themselves trying to decide if they made a mistake breaking up with you now I've actually made another previous video on this exact topic which you can watch by clicking the pop-up banner here in the corner or by clicking the link that I'll put in the description below and sign number two is your ex is contacting you frequently now this is another strong indication that your ex isn't fully committed to the breakup at least they're not a hundred percent confident that they're ready to let you walk out of their life now if they're reaching out to you on their own frequently especially if it's not for any reason other than to just you know catch up or see how you're doing then clearly they still need and want you in their life sign number three your ex gets emotional now just think about it for a second you know if you had broken up with someone and you were totally confident it was the right decision if you were truly over them and ready to move on without looking back would you still be emotional when thinking about that person would you break into tears when you saw that person or tell him or her about how much heartache the break-up is causing you probably not so for that reason your ex becoming emotional around you have breaking up or even just showing any kind of pain and loneliness in general is a strong indicator of someone who hasn't moved on and might be so emotionally affected by the break-up that they break down and beg for you to come back and sign number four your ex is still angry at you now this is a weird one and a lot of people are skeptical when I tell them that an angry ex is often actually a good thing if you want to get back together in my many years of experience as a breakup coach however it's become clear to me that this is often a very positive sign why well honestly it's pretty simple if your ex is still angry at you they're still emotionally invested in you and your time spent together now of course there are some exceptions to this if you did something truly terrible to your ex you know whether you cheated on them or said some really horrible things to your ex then their anger probably isn't a good thing but if there wasn't anything bad that led to your breakup and yet your ex continues to hang on to little arguments and disagreements long after breaking up that's usually an indication that they're still thinking about you regularly and emotionally invested in you and your past relationship and sign number five you scored 75 or higher on my free quiz now if you have watched any of my other videos here on YouTube then you've probably already taken my free quiz to find out whether you still have a chance to get back with your ex and if you did indeed take that quiz and your score was 75 or higher that's a very good sign that he or she is also interested in getting back together or at the very least thinking about it now if you haven't already taken the quiz just go to breakupbrad.com a slash quiz and take it right now for free um it only takes less than 5 minutes and you'll see a detailed results report as well as your score out of a hundred now the quiz results will give you a very good indication of whether your ex is interested in taking you back a score above 70 or so is definitely cause for optimism and anything above 75 suggests that your ex is probably missing you and possibly wanting you back again you can take that quiz for yourself at breakupbrad.com it's now sign number six your ex is asking mutual friends about you and what you've been up to since the break-up now honestly you'd be surprised about how often this actually happens to my coaching clients so you might be in the same boat if you've heard from mutual friends that your ex is asking about you and curious about how you been doing since breaking up now if this is the case for you then that's another very positive sign if he or she was done with you and had fully moved on chances are they're not gonna care very much what you're up to right now and finally sign number seven your ex gets jealous when they find that you're dating again or you're seeing someone new alright folks this may be the final sign but it's also one of the most telling if your ex you know gets it all jealous when they learn that you've been dating again or that you're already with somebody new then that's a surefire sign that they're not over you even people with an incredibly jealous personality in general will stop caring about this kind of thing when they fully moved on so if your ex is getting jealous for any reason after your breakup that's a very clear indication that they still care about you and they aren't ready to watch you walk out of their life and into someone else's arms so if this does describe your situation then you have plenty of reason to be optimistic about your chances of getting back together now if you're sitting here watching this video and you haven't seen any of these seven signs from your ex don't start panicking yet or lose all hope you may still have a chance so start by taking my free quiz at breakupbrad.com slash quiz to see where you stand right now with your ex if you get a really low score then it may be time to move on if your score is above 60 65 ish then you may still have a good chance at getting them back alright and thanks for watching don't forget to leave your comments and questions below the video I always look forward to chatting with you guys in the comments and good luck out there and I'll see you in my next video you
Channel: Brad Browning
Views: 136,189
Rating: 4.9019294 out of 5
Keywords: brad browning, break up, breakup advice, breakup brad, breakupbrad, delete breakup, ex back, ex boyfriend, ex girlfriend, get back together, get ex back, get your ex back, getting back together, hot and cold, hot and cold treatment, is my breakup temporary, love advice, no contact, reverse breakup, temporary breakup, undo breakup
Id: xbDPq23YaNE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 44sec (344 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 21 2020
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