7 SHOCKING Things That Happened in Bluey and YOU DIDN'T NOTICE!

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hey Chile dog stri could it be true that Bandit and Wendy your neighbor might be attracted to each other or could it be that Chile is too close with stripe despite Bluey being one of the best shows in recent years some quite shocking things can be noticed in some of its episodes that's why we've compiled the seven most startling things we could see throughout the seasons of Bluey and we're going to tell you all about them and the first one is just downright scary Bandit and Wendy Wendy is one of the oldest neighbors of the healers and the two families have known each other in interacted for at least 6 years this is a fact as both Wendy and Chile were part of the same mother's group each with their baby bluee and Judo so we can conclude that theyve all known each other for quite some time nevertheless we noticed that apparently Wendy didn't like the Healer couple very much as it's possible to see in several moments both Chile and Bandit saying good morning to Wendy and she doesn't respond but from the episode where Bandit pretends to be a ragd doll it's clear that this changes completely as the neighbor helps blue and bingo go to the ice cream shop and in the process even manages to put bandit in the car and it's precisely at this moment that we notice a very suspicious attitude from bandit in particular we can see that he seems to be enjoying being where he is or at least he smelled something very good maybe judo's shampoo the fact is that is definitely very suspicious not to mention the fact that Wendy has already seen Bandits behind being rubbed live and in color on the window of her living room which is unsettling but it could also indicate that she saw something she shouldn't have and may have liked it oh of course all of this is just fan theories without any proof and has a 99% chance of being absolutely nothing but the facts show that there is indeed a chance that something very strange could be happening between Bandit and Wendy so let's keep an eye on the next episodes ready Wendy and look at those quads Judo being mean to bingo another really strange thing we find in bl's episodes involves exactly Wendy's daughter we see in the episode butterflies that the girl insists on treating little Bingo very badly even inducing blue to leave her sister behind in the middle of the game and while the two older pups move away Bingo remains alone in the game completely abandoned little kids take so long to do everything he's only got little [Music] legs when we look at the whole situation in a very rational way we can assert with all certainty that judo's attitude was extremely selfish and cruel moreover we see that she feels No Remorse until the moment when blue herself comments that what they did was wrong to bingo this demonstrates that Judo has a tendency to be unfair and cruel to younger children which is definitely very bad many theories exist about why this is such as the fact that she is an only child and therefore spoiled or the fact that she considers herself too old and mature for younger children but one that makes more sense is related to the fact that Wendy and judo's father are divorced and her father has another family and she has a little brother or sister Bingo's age for this reason she would feel anger and disdain towards younger pups since they all remind her of her sibling who lives with her father this kind of helps us understand why Judo acted so badly in this episode and why she urgently needs to improve her relationship with other children and if you like to act kindly here's a piece of advice subscribe to the channel where you'll only find really good things muffin is ill-mannered muffin is probably that character that you either love or you really don't like and it's easy to understand why since blue and Bingo's little cousin manages to be both funny and very annoying at the the same time we see not once but several times muffin being completely rude and demanding things like in the episode where she Bingo and bluee play at the library in that episode we even understand that it could be a misunderstanding because her father told her that she was the most special child in the world but it becomes clear later that she is actually like that spoiled and very demanding when all the cousins are at Nana's house and they are playing muffin demands to wear her ballerina outfit or when she doesn't hand over the phone to her father and starts a race around the house being completely disobedient which once again makes it clear that her profile is extremely authoritarian and many may say it's just a phase of life and this happens because she is younger than Bingo who is between four and 5 years old but the truth is we can say that both stripe and Trixie struggle to exert their Authority with their older daughter and even set limits which will definitely not do her any good as she grows up after all this may hinder her from making friends and being welcomed in groups we're rooting for muffin to stop being so demanding as soon as possible meanwhile let's talk a little about something involving her father kiss between stripe and Chile yeah while many believe in the possibility of Bandit and Wendy getting closer than they should especially considering the fact that Bandit is married we can't deny that there are also strong rumors regarding Chile's Behavior his wife it all started in season 2 episode 30 when we see the girls playing Library as soon as stripe and muffin arrive we see Chile greeting her brother-in-law with a kiss that's right she kissed another man I I mean dog who wasn't her husband and worst of all it's her brother-in-law what's more after muffin and the girls start playing we see the two adults heading to the kitchen where later we see them having coffee and talking about life so many speculations about their relationships started circulating on the internet but the fact is that it's actually all just a huge misunderstanding caused by the way the animators of the show staged the scene which ended up really making it seem like Chile and stripe kissed for real when in fact it was on the cheek which leads us to the conclusion that nothing out of the ordinary happen Happ s in this episode in reality it's all just silly theories nothing more than that Grandpa Bob got divorced from Grandma Nana undoubtedly the biggest mystery involving the bluey series is the whereabouts of Grandpa Bob whom we see in flashbacks from the past or in just one moment with Grandma Nana while they make a call to the granddaughters many people thought Grandpa Bob might have passed away but the series Creator Joe Brum said he's alive and well and will be appearing soon so what kind of thing could Grandpa Bob be doing that would make him not attend the family's chm Christmas gathering this question has few answers to tell the truth and the most likely one is not that he's ill because it wouldn't make much sense for the whole family to be gathered and happy while one of their relatives is hospitalized in poor conditions leaving only one not very pleasant alternative which would be the fact that Grandpa Bob and Grandma Chris got divorced and Grandpa spends the holidays with his new girlfriend or wife's family as harsh and sad as it may be of course all of this will be clarified very soon probably in the last 28-minute episode of season 3 which we even have a very cool video here on the channel about everything that will happen in it and taking advantage of this information if you like Bluey comment down below # Bob if you want to finally see the whereabouts of Bandit's dad adverse mental conditions another very important thing that we see which is a delicate subject addressed in the bluey series is the possibility of children going through some complex situations mentally speaking three of these situations are more evident in the series McKenzie's abandonment trauma when he was still a little pup and slid off the slide and found no one from his family another very delicate thing that the show addresses is the fact that the new student Jack has dyslexia which is the intense difficulty in being able to develop learning because there is difficulty in organizing letters and numbers in the mind and lastly there's the possibility that sock bl's female cousin may have some kind of autism to a lesser degree which would justify the fact that we see the little pup being the only one who truly behaves like a canine walking on all fours howling and biting this is because we see that for example BL never did that when she was a baby which leads to the real possibility of some kind of disorder on the part of the protagonist cousin all of these subjects are important and the sooner we understand them the better in this case blue deserves a round of applause Rusty's family is poor the last slightly strange thing we noticed in Bluey is the fact that it's clear that one of the bluey Playmates has a much lower Financial condition than all the others we're talking about Rusty the family consists of five people Rusty's brother and sister his mother and his father who serves in the Australian Army and a recent estimate showed that while the homes of some characters in the series like bl's parents Mackenzie and kloe's are valued between 600,000 And1 million it was noticed that Rusty's family home would be valued around $300 to $380,000 of course before the real estate boom that occurred in Australia this may indicate that Rusty's family does indeed have a much lower income than the other characters in the series which we cannot yet confirm with all certainty but it is a strong possibility so our hope is for Rusty to become a cricket super star and help his whole family those were the seven weirdest things in blue that we've separated today to tell you about in this video there are always many theories and intriguing facts involving blue and its characters and that's really cool as we know you like cool stuff we've separated these two videos for you to check out if you haven't already just choose and click thanks and enjoy the video
Channel: CineWave
Views: 294,643
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8ibMZdf56A0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 52sec (532 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2024
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