Is Brandy the REAL MOTHER of Bingo?

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[Music] what if I told you that the theory claiming that Bingo is actually bry's daughter not Chili's has some truth to it would you believe it we've thoroughly investigated all the details and evidence that make some people believe that the biggest plot twist in cartoon history might be about to be revealed in the upcoming seasons of Bluey and surprisingly enough it makes a lot of sense to understand this better just stick with us for the next few minutes Bingo's dream let's cut to the Chase and get straight to what really matters the incredible evidence of a connection between Brandy and bingo now I need you to pay close attention to understand the logic behind this somewhat Eerie theory in the ninth episode of the second season titled bedtime one of the best of Bluey we see incredible animation and simply perfect background music the episode shows Bingo going to sleep and dreaming that she's inside a small planet her own world this demonstrates that the little puppy was going through the process of separating from her favorite toy floppy which we'll talk more about as it's also an important piece in this puzzle bedtime shows that something very important is happening inside Bingo's mind as if she's going through a stage of maturing leaving her toy behind and finally being able to sleep without it this may indicate that all the strongest memories connected to the toy might be fading for the puppy as it's indeed very difficult for anyone to remember anything before the age of four and in this case Bingo was separating from floppy but that moment could symbolize that she's also leaving behind all the memories she's had before that night and among them her origin and her early years of life that's because Brandy Chile's sister is only introduced to us into to Bingo and Bluey more than 70 episodes later which is quite a lot Brandy vanished for 4 years scientific studies claim that a large part of memories before the age of three remain dormant in our minds as we grow older in other words most of anyone's emotional memories during this phase of Life are stored away so speaking of memory Before we or you forget click Down Below on the Subscribe button if you're not subscribed yet okay returning to the theory it states that Brandy is Bingo's mother and claims that it was precisely for this reason that Chile's sister spent four years without meeting the healers because she would still have one more year of guarantee regarding the possibility of bingo remembering that she was actually her biological mother it's interesting to note that when Chile introduces the girls to Brandy she emphasizes Bingo to her sister saying that the little one looks a lot like brandy and at that moment Brandy makes a rather enigmatic expression which leaves room for interpretation many beli that her face expressed a deeper feeling than just surprise but perhaps it was a feeling of longing for someone she already knew very well and not someone she was meeting at that moment as the episode suggests in other words we can say that bry's visit was actually premeditated and made by a mother who might be seeing her little daughter again whom she had left in the care of her beloved sister but she also never intended to separate the little puppy from her current family since everyone feels like Bingo is already part of the family and the little one is also absolutely sure that that this is her home and always has been and you might be thinking that all of this may not make sense but there's a small object that could be considered the perfect link that connects these two hypotheses as well as being totally related to Bingo's dream in the episode bedtime that we mentioned at the beginning of the video we're talking about floppy you might not always remember but floppy is simply Bingo's favorite toy but as we see in bedtime it's much more than that in fact the little rabbit plush is a link that connects Bingo's memories of her childhood past with her present the proof of this is that the youngest healer up to this episode could only sleep accompanied by floppy [Music] oo and she knows that the moment to say goodbye to her friend was approaching so much so that she tells Chile herself that she wants to sleep like a big girl throughout the episode we see that at a certain moment Bingo and floppy go to a planet where there are thousands of rabbit plush toys just like hers and at that moment we see the two saying goodbye which symbolizes that from from that moment on Bingo won't need the presence of the plush to be able to sleep according to the theory that Bingo is actually bry's daughter and not Chili's floppy would be the purest representation of memories that were still alive within her mind of her true mother and you might be wondering what could prove this the first argument supporting this possibility is the only photo that exists at least so far of bingo as a baby we can see two frames one with a photo of bluee and another with a photo of bingo both apparently newborns but there's a difference between the two images in Bingo's frame floppy was already there indicating that the rabbit plush has always been present by Bingo Side but where could floppy have come from there are some possibilities but before we talk about that if you're a fan of Bluey show and you like Bingo comment down below # floppy in reference to the younger sister's favorite toy returning to the possibilities the first one would be that floppy is even older and that it could originally belonged to Chile who might have had the toy as a child and it held sentimental value so she gave it to her youngest when Bingo was born but if that were the case wouldn't it be natural for chile to give floppy to her first daughter since she didn't even know she would have a second one right so a second possibility arises that Bingo might have inherited the plush from her older sister Bluey however if that were the case and considering how detailed blue script in creation team is wouldn't we have seen floppy at some point with bluee or even somewhere in the house in the baby race episode now on to the third chance that someone might have given floppy as a gift especially to Bingo but which family member of Bandits and chilies would care so much about Bingo to gift her and not give anything to bluee when she was born this person could perfectly be Brandy who might have done it for various reasons like remembering her late mother or maybe herself or according to our somewhat crazy Theory because a little puppy might have a memory of her mother this would justify the fact that floppy has been with Bingo since she was little being her companion and at the same same time a memory and bond with her biological mother which brings us exactly to another thing that might also be associated with this issue that we'll talk about now Brandy desolate when Brandy first appears in the series in the onesies episode we see that practically all the time she interacts with Bingo this aspect raises even more the theory that there's something stronger connecting Chile sister to the little youngest healer like for example when Bingo pretends to be a fierce animal and attacks Brandy we see that famous scene where Brandy sees little Bingo running and leaving her arms we can see that bry's demeanor becomes very desolate of course we all know that the show implies and this scene is the cue that Brandy cannot have children hence the expression of great sadness and deep thoughts but what many wonder is is it just that first it can be considered that the fact that Brandy cannot have children today doesn't necessarily mean that she couldn't have children in the past she might have even had one as would be the case with Bingo herself at least according to the theory second according to the same Theory Brandy would have left her little daughter in the care of Chile and Bandit who had a 2-year-old daughter and therefore had all the structure and items necessary to raise a second baby whereas Brandy might need to invest money that she didn't have to do the same still according to this possibility Brandy after leaving her daughter in safety would have left at some point she might have developed the same disease that left Chile and Brandy orphaned which many believed to be uterine cancer in such situations surgery is often necessary to completely remove the uterus to prevent cancer from spreading to other parts of the body this action saves the patient's life but at the same time prevents her from having another baby in the future since the uterus is essential for that according to the theory this would be the reason why even though she is Bingo's biological mother Brandy cannot have more children today which honestly would be a very Holly Woody in hypothesis because of how complex it is but as we've been saying from the beginning all of this is just hypotheses being 100% honest the truth is that the theory about Bingo being bry's daughter may make sense in some points but in others it's completely discarded like for example when we see grownup Bingo graduating alongside her friend Leela we see that the fur on her belly turns yellow just like Bandits besides even though she resembles Brandy Bingo also resembles Chile a lot so the resemblance between aunt and niece doesn't prove anything so it's really just a very fun Theory and it was worth explaining here to you because talking about anything related to Bluey and her family is always a lot of fun and since we know you always like to have fun we've picked out two incredible videos for you to watch and keep having fun I heard the one on the left is sensational
Channel: CineWave
Views: 136,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 8min 36sec (516 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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