10 SECRET Backstories You NEVER Noticed in BLUEY!

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my mom always says to me what goes around comes around what does that mean I don't know if there's one thing every Bluey fan knows is that the animated series is packed with Incredible little details and that episodes from later seasons are linked to much earlier episodes for example did you know that through Blue's background stories we can find out that winton's Dad had not one but two girlfriends after divorcing wion's little mate's mom or that Bandit Chile Bluey and bingo were involved in a traffic accident that left one of the family members hospitalized these are just a few of the bluey background stories we're going to show you now if you're curious and a fan of Bluey of course the Terrier's dad the first blue background story we're telling you today involves the father of some of Blue's classmates in Blue's class there are three twin puppies known as the Terriers and we always see them with their mom but we've never seen them with their dad the truth is this happens for a brutal reason the Terrier's dad lives on the streets in the quiet game episode when Bandit is walking with blue and bingo in the city center they live in in the background across the street we can see a dog sitting on the ground with a hat upside down in front of him as if he's begging for Change and we see none other than Cornelius winton's dad putting a note in the Hat which leaves the character quite surprised but what we want you to know is that he looks very much like the Terriers physically including his gray fur being very similar to the variations of the three pups indicating that there's a real chance he's the Unseen father of the characters and the fact that Cornelius puts money in his hat is extremely ironic and you'll understand why later on because now we're going to talk about cornelius's first girlfriend in the episode where blue plays helicopter with her mates winon says his dad and mom don't live in the same house meaning they're divorced and we can see that on his car in the family symbol the mom is completely crossed out and returning to the quiet game episode just before Cornelius puts the note in the Terrier's Dad's hat we see him with a woman and they're having ice cream as if on a date more than that they're holding hands in other words they're clearly a couple and the most interesting thing of all Cornelius and the lady are the first interracial couple we see in Bluey as we usually only see dogs of the same breed together in the series but hold on we're going to talk more about Cornelius because his love life is very very intense and you can only see these details in the background stories of Bluey cornelius's love life continuing with winton's Dad after separating from the little Bulldog's mom he's always been on the lookout for new love this is evident as just mentioned he was dating in season 2 episode 37 quiet game but two episodes before in cafeteria which is episode 35 of the same season we see Cornelius at a park table talking to a lightford dog quite different from the one he's having ice cream with in quiet game meaning this was likely a date before he started the relationship with that other person but it seems this romance didn't last long as in the first episode of season 3 Cornelius is seen alone and utterly desolate under a tree honestly it looks like someone who's just ended a relationship just as a tip we've heard that those who subscribe to this channel don't stay single for long so if I were you I'd hit the Subscribe button below indeed it seems Cornelius soon had someone new in mind leading us to cornelius's new girlfriend throughout the bluey series we only hear cornelius's voice in one episode which was when he convinced BL to buy a Sweet Apple you own the last toffee Apple I've got one toffee Apple left but that doesn't mean he doesn't talk much just with whom he wants when Cornelius goes to pick up winon from school we can see an exchange of glances between him and the Terrier's mom and in that same episode shortly after we see the two meet again inside the market security camera footage makes it clear that before talking to the mother of the triplets he checks his breath to be as pleasant as possible of course he wanted to make a great impression given this context we can probably say the Terrier's mom will be cornelius's next girlfriend as both are divorced and their kids all studied together that's what I call a well-written background story Blue's boyfriend since we're talking about relationships let's talk a bit about bl's future love life or even about what she thinks she already has every Bluey fan surely remembers the camping episode where she and John Luke meet and become friends and that ending is just heartwarming but funny enough Jean Luke left such a positive mark on bl's mind that we see she made a really cool drawing of her and Jean Luke almost holding hands we can see the drawing in the show episode and in the episode where Bingo was sad inside the closet and in the drawing they are very close which might mean that for Bluey they are kind of like sweethearts something I'd honestly love to see become a reality when they're teenagers of course car seat speaking of bingo we've noticed a very interesting detail about her car seat in the first season episode 35 we see that bl's little sister is using a two-point harness car seat just like BL who is 2 years older but when we jump to season 2 episode 46 we see that the little one's car seat has been upgraded to a three-point model which is the most recommended for younger children like the youngest healer the question is what happened that made Bandit and Chile make this change my guess would be that there might have been a traffic accident involving the healers nothing serious but it could have slightly injured Bingo this would explain why she was in the hospital for observation as we see in the baracus and bumpy episode and all the performance the family put on to cheer up the little red healer which would also justify the change of the car seat don't you agree and if you've met it this far you surely must love the animals that inhabit the bluey universe so in honor of them comment below # dogs the caterpillar and the butterfly in the slide episode we see Bingo and Lyla having a lot of fun on the water slide the slide that Bandit sets up in the garden and at that moment the two friends do everything to keep a little caterpillar alive in the episode we can see the enormous Saga of this little caterpillar to become a cocoon and finally a beautiful blue butterfly the detail is that this is the same butterfly which is only alive because of Bingo and lla and landed on the hands of the two friends at the end of the episode already appeared in another episode I mean it will appear we're talking about the last episode of Blue's fourth season which we've already seen the teaser for and it promises to be incredible and in one of the scenes we see Bluey and Chile chatting on a bench and in the background near the water fountain guess who's there the same little blue butterfly of course it could be another butterfly since there are thousands of them but as we know nothing in blue is by chance we're almost certain it's really the same butterfly from the slide episode which ends up connecting the two episodes in a simply incredible way the singer and the note now we have to talk once again about something involving Cornelius winton's dad remember he sold the Apple to Bluey and made her spend the $5 she had so as we see in the episode in an incredible way the note ends up back in Indian bl's hands as if it were a second chance for the friends to spend the money again and they end up choosing to give the note to the Busker Blue's musician dog so far so good but the detail is that in in the quiet game episode we see the Busker using that same note to buy apparently an ice cream and if we zoom in we can see it's exactly the same note because it has that sticker that Bluey put on it that's so cool magic note and the coolest part seems to be that this $5 note really is magical and passes at least twice through the hands of the same owner this is because at the end of the dance Mode episode we see the Busker once again making music but this time he uses a system of pipes and he's once again accepting contributions and it seems someone had already made one because there's a note inside his hat now if you look closely you'll see two simply incredible details the first is that the note there is the same one Bluey gave to the Busker in the market episode and he spent in the quiet game episode but now somehow magically just as it returned to Bluey in Market it returned to the Busker another detail also related to another backstory we talked about here is that the Hat where the $5 note is simply the same hat that the Terrier's dad was using to ask for donations this could mean that maybe he's found a job and is now making plans to return to his family and who knows disrupt cornelius's plan of dating his ex-wife who was exactly the person who helped him with a contribution in quiet game guys if this happens it would be simply a lot but a lot of irony don't you think but with Bluey we never doubt anything these are the 10 incredible background stories in Bluey that we've discovered and brought to you today and since we know you had fun watching this video we' picked out two more videos for you to continue having fun here with us I've heard that this one on the left is spectacular watch it and then let me know all right thanks
Channel: CineWave
Views: 140,015
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Id: CKMJfe700SY
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Length: 8min 37sec (517 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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