7 Secrets to Writing with ChatGPT (Better Results)

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jgbt is taking the World by storm figuring out the best techniques to use this technology is super important because it's changing every day so now get ready to learn these seven writing Secrets when using chat GPT in order to generate much better results now secret number one is to have concise inputs in order to have chat gbt generate you accurate answers you need to be concise with your words and your phrases for example if I had a prompt in chat gbt that said write a blog about why candy is bad for you then it might not generate the perfect blog you're looking for now there is a way to make this so much better and you don't only have to apply it to when you're making blog posts but you can apply it to all of your chat GPT prompts if you used a prompt setup like this instead your answers would be much more concise and they would also be a lot more descriptive when you use adjectives in these specific words describing what you want it can help chat GPT generate more of the style that you're looking for so let's fill out this template prompt in order to get a much better input for the blog post so for length here something we could do is put 500 Words especially if we're talking about a blog post next we have to describe what kind of blog do we want it to be let's say we want this to be a scary blog so now this is already sounding much better we have write a 500 word scary blog so it's describing how long we want the blog this will help Jazzy BT determine the length and then we give a descriptive word of how do we want this blog to be what's kind of the main theme of the blog well we want the blog to be scary now we need to give this a topic for the topic I chose why candy is bad for you so write a 500 word scary blog about why candy is bad for you in a what kind of tone do we want here so now we can replace this first tone with a certain tone we want throughout the blog let's say we want this to be in a professional tone so we can kind of be that scary professional scientist telling the audience why is candy bad for you so now I'm going to send it off so we can compare these two responses as you can see the first blog post is not that engaging and there isn't really a set style it's just kind of plain text that isn't that engaging to the viewer now the second blog post is much more fun to read it's descriptive it has a style throughout the entire blog this is just touching the surface of what you can do when you're more concise with your inputs chat GPT secret number two is to change your temperature settings now you might be asking yourself what do you mean temperature settings I thought we were talking about AI not thermostats what if I told you that you can change how creative the responses are with chat GPT let me show you what I'm talking about so at the beginning of my prompt it starts out as a normal prompt write two sentences about why Iron Man is superior to Captain America keep the tone fun and amusing but then at the end here we add with a temperature of 0.1 now with my knowledge on the temperature scale it goes from 0.1 to 0.99 now on the low end of the scale you know around 0.1 these answers will typically be a little bit more conservative well if you go up to a 0.9 chat GPT gets much more creative so anything in between that range adjusts how creative your responses will be with chat GPT and I'm going to show you an example of how this works in action so now we are going to send off the first prompt with a temperature of 0.1 and it reads Iron Man's got that Sleek suit with all the high-tech gadgets leaving Captain America feeling a bit red white and blue in the face plus Tony Stark's got the Charisma to charm a room while Cap's still working on his language and now we are going to copy and paste this exact same sentence except we are going to change the temperature to 0.9 and let's see the difference in responses we're going to send it off in this sentence reads Iron Man Rockets past Captain America fueled by a mind-blowing fusion of brain power and bling while Cap's Shield can only clang an admiration so already you can see that this is much more impactful this is much more creative than using a temperature of 0.1 compared to the temperature of 0.9 so what's awesome with these temperature settings because it's like you have your own little slider control of how creative do you want this prompt to be I've just recently found this out and I'm going to be using it a lot more to make my writing skills better with jet GPT right writing secret number three is to change your style chat GPT is pretty well versed when it comes to authors celebrities and artists so if you have a certain style of music or writing that you like then be sure to include that in your prompts let me show you a quick example so right here I've typed out the prompt write a 15 second rap song about brushing your teeth in the style of Drake I use Drake the rapper because I thought it was appropriate since my name is Drake and we are going to send this off and what it's going to do is write out a 15 second rap song about brushing your teeth in the style that Drake would use in his songs so they start off even by saying yo it's Drizzy tray can never relate to clean my plate then it continues twice a day brush away keep Decay at Bay I say so when looking at this prompt if you've ever heard Drake rap before try to listen to this in Drake's voice and it actually seems like something that he might sing in one of his songs and just to show you how changing the style Works what I'm going to do is copy and paste this prompt instead of Drake I'm going to put Eminem So Eminem is another rapper and what it's going to do is completely change the style because I've now included Eminem instead of Drake so I'm going to send it off and as you can see it even replaces this with yo it's Slim Shady another name of Eminem which is very cool now writing rap songs in the style of certain artists is just touching the surface of what you can do when you're changing the style let's say that you like poetry well then you can write a poem in the style of Shakespeare for example and it will change and adapt to that certain style that you add so any poet that's well known the chat GPT could discover well that's the style that it will change it to and this is very powerful if you like a certain style of writing secret number four is to explain this to a child are you ever struggling to read an article or you can't understand a complicated email from your boss well fear no longer because chat GPT can explain this to you as if you were a child I find this very helpful when I'm dealing with confusing text or I'm trying to understand a particular subject but I just can't get my head around it so let me show you an example of how I use this in action I got this paragraph from an article on Forbes in and if you aren't under the cryptocurrency space this could be a little bit difficult to understand or let's say you're new to cryptocurrency and you don't know what any of this means what you can do is at the beginning of any line of complicated text or any article of complicated text you can copy and paste that in the chat GPT and then click your cursor to the beginning of the prompt next type explain this to a child and then put a colon and hit space and now a chat gbt is going to do is it's going to take in all of this information and it's going to explain it as if it were talking to a child so it's going to make this verbiage very easy to understand I'm going to send it off and after it's done generating it explains this very well and it talks to you like you are a five-year-old so it starts off by saying okay kiddo you know what kind of adds that childish effect to the rest of this output and it explains this very well instead of using decentralized medium it says with cryptocurrencies there's no one big boss or building like a bank to control it and then it uses the word digital piggy bank so it kind of ties into that child theme this is one of my favorite writing techniques actually because it can quickly help me decipher information and gain knowledge on any subject very quickly secret number five is to be more human-like and I know that might come off as a little bit strange but you need to be more human-like in your inputs jet GPT has been trained on millions of human conversations so when you talk to this language model like you're talking to one of your friends that is what it's going to generate the best responses because that's what it's been trained on and you can see the fact that it's been trained on human conversations just by having a normal conversation like this hey there watch should I eat for dinner I'm struggling what types of food I want I'm going to send it off and it says hello I'd be happy to help you decide what to eat for dinner so it says first think about what type of Cuisine you want and then it says what are you in the mood for and it goes through this entire list of what I should eat for dinner and all I did was ask it a simple question like I was talking to a human secret number six is output formatting a lot of people get upset when chat gbt does not generate the right output in its responses for example many people use chat GPT in order to write their blogs then they find that it won't generate the headings subheadings bullet points numbered list Etc so this next writing secret is going to help you save a ton of time and make your content much better not only if you write content for a living but also when you're asking questions and want to get specific output formatting so I have this pretty boring message down here right a 250 word blog about why the sky is blue I'm going to send it off and now we're going to let this generate and after it's done generating it gives us this nice blog and it does give us a title but everything else is kind of just free floating information but what if we wanted headers and we wanted bullet points to describe useful and important information in this blog post well what we could do is a simple input in order to help this instead of just writing write a 250 word blog about why the sky is blue above that you could include guidelines for writing and within the guidelines for writing brackets what you can do is you can include all of the output formatting that you desire so instead of just this boring blog what I want included is bolded headings and subheadings and also bullet list to organize specific information what we're going to do now is send it off to see the comparisons between these two outputs as you can see now this is a very very beautiful blog post we have headers we have bullet points to separate the useful information and compared to this is just a lot more enjoyable to read just because we've added specific guidelines for writing in order to produce better and more efficient output formatting secret number seven is to generate image diagrams within chat gbt if you're struggling to understand a certain subject what you can do is use AI images powered by chat GPT in order to draft diagrams for you to better understand this so I have this huge prompt typed out here and I actually got this a link from somebody on Reddit so if you want this prompt to use on your own what you can do is go down to my link in the description and hit their Reddit post it will be linked I don't want to take credit for this because I did not find this out but I wanted to share it because I think it's very cool so since chat GPT is in markdown it has the ability to generate images and I was pretty amazed when I first saw this because I had no idea that chatgpt he could do this so down here I'm just going to type in my prompt on what I want images for so what I've typed in is generate a step-by-step list for opening a bank account with diagrams provided for each step and with the use of this wonderful input what I can do is I can send this off and chat GPT is going to completely generate images and a step-by-step list for how to open a bank account so these are completely AI generated images as well so they're not going to be spelled right of course but there are some instances where you could use this but you need pictured diagrams in order to just better understand it some people are visual Learners so when they see stuff like this it might help them a little bit now I don't think this would necessarily help you when it comes to speaking with a bank representative but if you were doing something like construction or if you're doing framing or something along those lines then having these useful images generating with a step-by-step list might be pretty helpful during that process now as you can see this just goes off it gives us a diagram using pollinations.ai and this is a wonderful way to generate pictures using chat GPT so now I've asked it a little bit different of a prompt I'm going to ask it to create a step-by-step guide for framing a 12 by 15 bedroom with diagrams for each step so let's see if these images are a little bit more useful than the bank account example if you want to send it off so already this is looking much better than the bank example it's giving me a supply list it's giving me kind of useful pictures and once this has the ability to actually understand and lay out overhead diagrams like this for a 12 by 15 room this is going to be absolutely insane it's not telling me to build the floor frame and it's generated this AI picture of a floor frame which is absolutely Wild next it tells me to build the wall frames and it has generated this completely from AI so this picture has never been seen before it's generated this for my specific situation and next it's telling me to raise the walls and position them on the floor frame so it's showing a picture of that so the last tip was kind of a neat workaround and I hope that you can use that in order to better your writing skills using it to explain things better for you if this tutorial has helped you please drop a like and hit that subscribe button if you want to see more videos like this also comment your feedback or if you have any other writing secrets that I didn't touch on on this list then I would love to learn from you as well alright we'll see you in the next one
Channel: AI Wealth
Views: 4,101
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt, chat gpt, gpt 4, chatgpt secrets, chat gpt secrets, how to use chatgpt, chatgpt tutorial, secret prompts chatgpt, chat gpt tutorial, open ai, chatgpt 4, ai, openai chatgpt, gpt 4 chatgpt, chatgpt writing, chat gpt writing, chatgpt better results, better results chatgpt, chat gpt better results, chatgpt loopholes, chatgpt tips, chatgpt plus, gpt 4 openai
Id: nGBouoI9KGI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 29sec (749 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 31 2023
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