7 People Who Claimed To Be Time Travellers

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[Music] so Alexander Smith is back in the news what do you mean who's that he's the entirely credible alleged time traveler who claims to have been sent to the air 21-18 on a secret mission for the CIA doesn't say well I mission was doesn't say how he got there but he's got a blurry photograph for us also yeah checks out now I know for a fact that time travel won't be possible in my lifetime because obviously I would already have come back to right now to make out with myself but there's just there's just so many people who claim to have done it that that yes I'm going to have to do a video on it I'm what cultures Adam Cleary and these are seven people who travelled through time allegedly number seven Chaplin's time traveler seven years ago a filmmaker from Northern Ireland by the name of George Clark claimed that he had discovered evidence for time travel in the DVD extras of the circus a Charlie Chaplin movie released in 1928 because where else the clip he uploaded to YouTube taken from a video of the film's premiere in Los Angeles purports to show a woman speaking into a small black device held up to the side of a head just like a mobile phone now that's a good 50 or so years before mobile phones were even first thought of and nearly 80 before your parents finally got one so yeah what the [ __ ] I mean it seems slightly odd that a time traveler who I'm sure would have been super careful not to have given themselves away on that trip would casually walk around flashing a bit of futuristic tech but what am I the time police number six the time-traveling hipster here's another idiot time traveler one who unlike the woman in the Charlie Chaplin video apparently didn't even bother to try and blend in with the contemporary culture by buying some clothes the very second he got there now I have seen Back to the Future and that is an absolute prerequisite according to some the above picture shows a man from our time or perhaps a little earlier casually standing amongst a group of onlookers from 1941 at the opening of the gold bridge in Canada and it's absolutely not untrue to say that he does look a little out of place he's got sunglasses on for one thing and he appears to be wearing a button-up shirt over a t-shirt like a massive massive square experts claim that although his getup was somewhat unusual for the era all the clothes in there were available to buy if he just you know looked in the right stores imagine being so trendy you kick off a conspiracy for you Bravo sir number 5 John Titor after capturing the attention of an internet forum at the turn of the millennium alleged military time traveler John Titor supported his claim that he had been sent to the air 2036 with a series of predictions about the near future now you might have expected these to be vague or bereft of detail in their traditional style of doomsday preachers who'll claim the end of the world is definitely maybe perhaps coming in the next more 10 to 200 years but tdawg claimed the Olympic Games would soon be discontinued that the United States would descend into civil war in the aftermath of the 2004 presidential election and the long-awaited sequel world war 3 would finally break out in 2015 now and I'll have to double-check this but I'm pretty sure none of those came true but that's alright though because Tito's fans let's call them Tito Luthor's claim as he simply witnessed a different timeline to our own so aren't ya I'm fine yeah I'm perfect number 4 ha Karen Ord fist the story of ha Connaught fist stands out from the list of time traveler tales insofar as he didn't claim to move through time deliberately rather he says he accidentally slipped the report all while attending to a pipe underneath his sink if I had a pound one proof well this Swede actually recorded a video on his mobile to document it it shows him bumping into a 17-year old version of himself and sharing a casual chat about the fact that they had matching tattoos on their lower arms to be fair the video definitely depicts a pair of bold Swedish blokes with the same body exist no arguing with that granted they could have just found two vaguely similar looking bald men and drawn fake tattoos on them but that seems to me like a lot of hassle no no for me this one is definitely legit it definitely wasn't just part of a viral marketing campaign designed to get people in Sweden thinking about the pension plans that would be rich Kilis number three andrew carlson a man by the name of Andrew Carlson was supposedly arrested by US authorities in 2003 after turning $800 into three hundred and fifty million dollars with a series of high-risk trades in the stock market leading to accusations of insider trading according to legend the man told police that the explanation for his improbable run of fortune was that he was actually a time traveler who had gone back in time with the express intention of making his fortune in stocks shares with the investigators quite understandably skeptical of his claims call us an offer to give them clues about things like the location of a sama bin Laden or the cure for AIDS in return for his release the story ends with him mysteriously granted bail and then abruptly disappearing without a trace it's this part of long with admittedly all of the other part that makes you doubt whether it wasn't all just some media hoax designed to sell a few extra papers but I mean really come on what's more likely a man breaking all the known laws of physics or the media being dishonest number two the Philadelphia Experiment in the list of things the US government claims doesn't exist the Philadelphia Experiment is right up there with Roswell and effective gun legislation thank God then for Internet conspiracy theorists and their low-grade camera equipment lookee here the military is claimed to have ended one of its ships temporarily invisible to enemies during a top-secret mission in October 1943 they achieve this so it said by traveling about ten minutes back in time going a few minutes into the past by messing around with electromagnetic and gravitational forces beneath the seabed is a lot more believable than the concept of a time machine in which you literally punch in your intended destination like a microwave but authorities have always denied that such an experiment took place at all because I mean obviously of course they would and the science behind it is at best sketchy number one Donald bloody Trump yep this this is the best one some experts act by that I mean 4chan have postured the theory the trumps improbable election success was actually the result of time travel let's unpack this in the 1940s John Trump big Donnie's uncle was tasked with investigating the work of Warren Nikola Tesla yes he of the mad scientist / mysterious genius Talia's appropriate fame the story goes that big hunky Trump claimed that there was nothing of value in Tesla's work but secretly stole his plans for a time machine fast forward nearly eighty years into the future and his nephew Donald was finally able to make the thing work how you ask by harnessing the lightning bolt that hit the Trump Tower the night of the GOP nomination with his new power he zipped around in time correcting any mistakes he made on a campaign trail and just about got himself into the White House now is that crazy I mean absolutely yes it is but no more crazy than the idea that he might have won the thing fair and square so yeah that's it mad wanna let us know what you think in the comments below and don't forget to Like share and subscribe until next time even if I know it's in the past or something - what culture is out I'm clearing and I'll see you soon
Channel: WhatCulture
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Id: ezJrzGajsNg
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Length: 7min 45sec (465 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 11 2018
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